
Morning Routine Quotes

There are 2456 quotes

"The first thing I should do as part of my daily routine when waking up is to thank God for a new day, for his mercy, and the gift of life."
"If you want to make the most out of your time, you really have to be very thoughtful about the things you do the first couple of hours after waking up."
"How we spend our mornings can often tell you what kind of day you're going to have."
"I found that when you do this as part of your morning routine, you almost set your body and brain up for the day with those emotions and feelings that you want."
"Your morning routine needs four aspects: Thankfulness, Insight, Meditation, and Exercise."
"Start your day reciting a positive affirmation to yourself... It really sets the tone for the rest of your day."
"Your morning routine is one of the single best predictors of your health, your wealth, and the quality of your relationships."
"Your dreams deserve to have 10 lousy minutes in the morning before you let the world in."
"The undeniable connection between your happiness, your productivity, your sense of control, the mindset and mood that you have all day long, and how you wake up."
"If you want to have a positive mindset this year, and you deserve to, then you also have to get very deliberate about your habits and about your morning routine in particular."
"When you start to own your morning... it will change your life."
"How you wake up matters. How you wake up determines your mood, which impacts your productivity and how you feel about your life."
"You deserve to have a positive mindset this year, and to achieve that, you have to be very deliberate about your habits, especially your morning routine."
"When you start to own your morning and when you start to take your morning routine seriously as a habit that you develop that contributes to your mindset and your happiness and your sense of control, it will change your life."
"Based on science, how you wake up not when but how you wake up and the first few things that you do in the morning will dictate your mood for the rest of the day."
"I'm on a mission to get every human being in the world to add one simple thing to their morning routine...the high five habit."
"Sun Salutations are a great way to start your day; they utilize your entire body from toe tip to fingertip, so you're increasing circulation, you're amping up the cardiovascular benefit of your yoga."
"Hydration first thing in the morning can be super helpful."
"Getting ready in the morning feels really good."
"The most important thing to do first thing in the morning is get yourself in a powerful state."
"Good work, good morning, it is about 7:30, and I'm just getting ready to leave for Canton, Ohio."
"The moment your alarm goes off and you want to hit the snooze button, use the rule 5-4-3-2-1, activate your prefrontal cortex, and get up."
"Who needs alarm clocks in the Addams Family home when a living tree can literally grab you by the legs and yank you out of bed?"
"Create some sacred time in the morning... just create 10 minutes of stillness and silence somehow."
"If you want to wake up early, you have to get into the habit of doing it."
"What I recommend is this: do something in English early in the morning."
"Mornings are a very personal thing... We are essentially rebooting the brain OS when we wake up in the morning."
"This challenge... taught me what I want for myself in the morning but what I don't want for myself in the morning, which is equally as important."
"I woke up early, had a big morning ahead of me."
"Identifying and writing down your top three priorities for the day can be a really powerful element of your morning routine."
"The secret to crafting a perfect morning routine isn't about copying someone else's exactly but about crafting a morning routine that's centered on what's important to you."
"If you have trouble waking up in the morning, the solution is to not sleep in but actually try to wake up earlier."
"My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up."
"Imagine the first thing you saw in the morning was something inspiring. How much would your day change?"
"There's nothing like waking up to a nice clean house in the morning."
"It's surprisingly helpful to do it first thing in the morning."
"When you command your morning, you're actually giving yourself the opportunity to pronounce a blessing on your day."
"Coffee's brewing, the toast is toasting, the butter is buttering, I'm here, you're here, an incredible day."
"The greatest gift that you can give yourself is to start off the day the right way."
"Let's hit the hay. In the morning, we're making waffles."
"I choose instead to start my day with some quiet time so that I can control how my day begins."
"I love to wash my face with cold water; it's so refreshing."
"The most important metric is when you wake up in the morning your body doesn't hurt and you feel full of energy."
"Your morning routine can introduce you to the process of romanticizing your life."
"I woke up before the alarm on day two of orientation... just refreshed and ready to go."
"It's much more helpful to just laugh in the morning than write a huge gratitude journal because studies show that just laughing and physically doing things as though you are happy will make you a lot happier in the long run."
"That will set the tone for the entire rest of the day, and you will never regret doing that."
"I start the day honestly with cuddles with both my kiddos. I start with coffee."
"You don't get to decide it's not your choice. You know, this notion of these go-getter type A's who say everyone has to be awake at five in the morning."
"There's no way I'm gonna normally wake up at six or seven every morning. I can't rewire that, but maybe I get up at 8:00 AM every morning."
"It's entertaining to read genuinely...makes for an easy start to the day."
"I wanted something so that when my alarm clock went off in the morning and I put my feet on the ground, I felt good."
"I've gotten two good and needed business phone calls done this morning after breakfast."
"Going to the gym would Lally just like really make me a morning person."
"You program your mind... especially if you do it early in the morning."
"First thing in the morning, what I want to do."
"The key to my life is that in the morning, I just take 20 minutes and I access it and I get quiet and empty my mind and I access the universe."
"My first sip of coffee in the morning, I just feel like a whole new woman."
"Mornings are a great time to learn because it's quiet, relaxed, and you're energized."
"Get the hell out of bed in the morning... discipline yourself."
"As the bacon sizzles and the birds chirp, you see the world become bathed in light and tinged once again with a hope for tomorrow."
"Working out in the morning always just feels so good."
"The best part of waking up is running through an animatronic Pizzeria."
"I'm not a morning person, okay listen, I like to start my morning slow."
"The first 20 or 30 minutes of your day is such a profound effect on your whole entire day."
"Deciding to own only one really does make getting ready in the morning a whole lot easier."
"I have been loving my morning walks... definitely good change it up."
"It's high-fiving yourself every morning in the mirror as part of your morning routine. That's it."
"I guarantee this is how Michael Hearn wakes up every morning: he just looks in the mirror, 'Who's the man?' Oh, I'm the [ __ ] man!"
"I wake up in the mornings, first thing I do is piss excellence."
"Within 10 minutes of our child waking up, we're going to dump it on them."
"You know these things if you're a person who gets out the shower in the morning, you actually look in the mirror at yourself. You know who you are, right? You talk to yourself in the mirror like I do."
"Every morning you're giving yourself that physical gesture that means it."
"Routinely use early mornings to strengthen your mind, your body, and your spirit."
"The first minute I think, first five minutes of your morning are the most important of your day."
"I wake up feeling so well rested and refreshed every morning."
"I wake up, the kids come to the bed, we watch cartoons, I excuse myself, I make a brown, and then before I can [ __ ] think about it, I put on the workout clothes."
"A morning routine has become the foundation of any health and wellness routine."
"Waking up in the morning, running, and then getting ready... helps me feel super productive and motivated."
"Just how many martinis have you been drinking this morning, ma'am? Stop."
"Good morning, hope you got your coffee, eating your turkey bacon, turkey sausage, eggs, and cheese."
"Once you win that battle in the morning, then once you go out, now you've won something."
"Even if you went to bed sober, you wake up with halitosis."
"My morning coffee has nothing to do with caffeine, nothing, zero."
"If I don't drink my morning coffee, it's over. The whole day is ruined."
"Waking up early is about living an intentional life where you're in control."
"By having just a little window of calm each morning, you can shift from reactive to proactive mode."
"You start the day feeling that you're in charge of your life."
"Having an intentional morning routine can help stop burnout in its tracks."
"There's nothing worse than starting your day and you still haven't... it ruins the entire day."
"We all deserve easy mornings let Daily Harvest give you one less thing to worry about."
"This is the best surge of motivation you can have every single morning."
"The most important thing you can do is win the morning."
"Having a good morning routine is like the key to a good day."
"Making your bed in the morning I feel like it's just the best thing in the whole entire world."
"Just getting into a good healthy morning routine is something that I really think makes a difference in my life."
"Breakfast rarely is everyone just wants, until you've had your first coffee in the morning, you just want your breakfast. Leave me alone."
"It's an amazing thing to get up in the morning time and before you can open your mouth and say good morning Holy Spirit, he's already talking to you. It's a real relationship."
"The body truly does have this clever way of showing you your internal issues externally."
"Hopefully I wake up a bit earlier than normal and I can hit the phones in the car on the way into work."
"I think the way that you start your day is one of the most important things for guaranteeing that you're going to be successful."
"It's good for you, it's good for you in the morning feeling pretty good, right?"
"I wake up in the morning, I start with prayers and meditation."
"There's no better way to start your morning than with a fresh hot Mickey waffle."
"Nothing like a little sacrilege in the morning, guys."
"Take five or ten minutes first thing in the morning to plan out your day and get your blocks set up will make all the difference in the world."
"You need to wake up early and establish that morning routine."
"What better way to start off the day... by playing some Dead by Daylight?"
"Your skin actually feels plump and super hydrated in the morning."
"By not checking my phone first thing in the morning, it allowed me to be more intentional about my morning routine."
"Perform your morning prayers...or freeing yourself from The Whispers And Temptations of shaitan."
"Waking up and reading the Quran will make you feel at peace like nothing else."
"Working out in the morning... setting up a positive tone for the rest of your day."
"Starting your day with a conversation with your loved ones... feeds your soul."
"Don't be a tool—commit to not touching your phone the first hour of the day."
"Good morning guys, welcome to my morning routine!"
"Begin the day with a friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive, plays that song so elusive, and the magic music makes your morning moves so true."
"It's just that starting your day with positive momentum and just starting your day laser-focused."
"You look like you're about to just make like 12 over easy eggs in open hand slapping your wife this morning."
"Maximize your morning routines; it sets you up for so much success and productivity."
"The toast is toasting, the butter is buttering, I'm here, you're here, the coffee's brewing."
"Doing your most difficult tasks in the morning will allow you to be the most successful at whatever work that you want to do."
"I wake every morning, excited and happy, grateful to God that we are here."
"The first feeling of breaking dirt in the morning, it's a good one. It's a real good one."
"Starting my morning in the greenhouse, it just feels like a great way to start the day."
"I felt so much better that entire week I was waking up at five in the morning I felt like I was really taking time for myself."
"The taste of freedom I get every morning with my black rifle coffee."
"In addition, former Google Design Ethicist Tristan Harris points out that immediately looking at a notification-filled screen frames your experience of waking up in terms of everything you’ve missed since yesterday."
"Good morning YouTube and yes it is actually morning if you guys watch my vlogs last week you know that this week is operation and get my life together."
"I get the opportunity every morning and it just gets better every morning to say your guys's beautiful name."
"I really hope to see you all there. Thank you for starting your morning with me."
"I wake up in the morning and they're just like, 'The sun says hello,' something positive."
"First thing in the morning, starchy complex carbohydrates."
"Starting my day off with a good, solid morning routine has really helped shift my mental health."
"Get your morning routine down pat, get your nighttime routine down or not, and you're gonna set yourself up for a great life."
"It's a perfect morning if you can get your favorite coffee without moving from your bed."
"Someone who desperately needs caffeine in the morning because I'm barely coping and really, really need just that kick in the ass to function? Yes, that's me. That is me."
"Good morning, I love you. I just love self-love, it's like the best thing."
"Why is waking up in the morning always so hard?"
"It's a new day and I'm not gonna go get coffee this morning."
"It's time to ditch the drive-thru, toss The French Press, and say yes to better mornings fuel with better coffee."
"The best part of waking up is starting Cooper Kupp."
"Imagine a world where every Dawn brings not only light to the sky but also light to our souls."
"Each morning with God is an opportunity to reset and recharge filled with hope and anticipation."
"Fresh coffee and bagels too, a new day is waiting for us."
"Woke up bright and early at 7:45. Got a good night's rest feeling pretty good."
"Having a morning routine gives you so much clarity."
"Pay attention to what is on your mind every single morning."
"So good morning, I have my coffee to hopefully help keep me warm."
"Let's make a coffee and I got my little Loko rolly rolly."
"Waking up early is so important... you get on a better sleeping and eating schedule."
"Go outside within half an hour of waking up. Sunlight is crucial for setting your circadian rhythms."
"Text your girl good morning, because the first and last thing are the most important."
"The solution to almost all the problems in your life is your morning routine."
"Grab your coffee, sit down, have your breakfast, relax, because we are going into a deep into this affidavit."
"I got a real good feeling. Are you ready? I'm ready. Are you sure you got your coffee?"
"I start every morning with a nice slow pour of that delicious brown juice."
"Starting your day with gratitude and reflection sets the tone for success."
"Delight, such an energizing way to start the day."
"Start each morning by focusing on what you have in life rather than what you lack."
"Guarantee you 100% you will see the difference when you wake up in the morning."
"I'm a morning guy so I love come here when it's dark outside it's the best part part of the day."
"So good, so refreshing, exactly what I need this morning."
"I prioritize trying to win the battle in the morning."
"You want it high and to peak in the morning because it wakes your body up and gets your system going." - Andrew Huberman
"Wake up to mornings on GB news, the people's Channel."
"When you wake up, you should get up. The second you wake up, get your feet hit the floor, move into action."
"It's a really good way to start my day off not being on a screen, just by reading and eating breakfast."
"The key is to focus on you first thing in the morning."
"Are you ever just in the shower in the morning going like what was that detail again oh it doesn't matter."
"The second you look at your phone, the second you turn the TV on, you're in a battle... I want to win the war in the morning."
"Real me this: who has two thumbs and has had his morning coffee? Yes, Edward Nigma, The Riddler, and more importantly, your intellectual Superior."
"Waking up to alarm clocks is such a deathly sound, just aggravating."
"That was such a perfect way to start the day."
"It's a nice morning guys, the Sun did go away which kind of sucks."
"The earlier I get up, the more productive my day."
"Putting away the dishes... it's another one of those things like making the bed, just putting the dishes away first, not first thing, but one of the first things in the morning is everything."
"You start talking stupid when you wake up and drink diet coke in the morning."
"The morning was so chilled, not once did I feel flustered."
"The early bird gets the worm, guys. That's why I trade 99% of my stocks in the morning."
"The hardest part of my day is now over at 7:30 a.m."
"Being mindful about what I spend my first minute doing upon waking up has made all the difference."
"Every day when Sean wakes up he can look out the window and he's someone who does wake up quite early."
"The first 10 to 30 minutes are for you, are for you."
"Literally, if she doesn't have her coffee, like don't talk to me at all all day."
"Just a super fun way to get you out of bed and get you excited to start the day."
"I literally just woke up and I'm going to show you how I do it, man."
"Reprogram your morning thoughts with positive affirmations."
"Nice crisp refreshing taste of apple in the morning. Beautiful."
"Best part of my day is waking up next to my wife, what I text in the morning."
"I don't wear highlight a lot on the skin but in the mornings, these have been a new favorite."
"Positive attitudes towards morning productivity are deeply ingrained in our society."
"Starting their day with positive affirmations sets the tone for positivity and success."
"Good morning, fish! Good morning, koi! Look at them, they're so cute!"
"I struggle a lot with waking up in the morning with just a lot of random anxiety that doesn't really have a purpose or meaning."
"Do the things that are important first thing in the morning."
"He felt unusually tired but shrugged it off as he prepared his coffee."
"Spend 10 minutes in the morning really thinking about everything in your life that you are grateful for."
"The first thing you do is text the other person 'I love you'... it changes my whole energy in the morning."
"Wake up in the morning and just enjoy being His."