
Loss Management Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Losing is in how you deal with losing. It's extremely important in trading because winning is easy; it takes care of itself. The key to trading is learning and figuring out how to take a loss."
"A losing trade is nothing but a tax on success."
"Your willingness to cut losses at validation is what will determine whether or not your losers eat you alive."
"No matter what you trade or how you trade, you will lose trades, and sometimes those losers will come in a large number."
"The thing that separates a professional trader from someone that tries this trading strategy a few times is that the winning trader knows how to handle losses."
"Too many people just end up holding bags and not cutting losses."
"No matter what we lose, we must be sure that we don't lose the only thing that is really important and that this is our humanity."
"I know a lot of people like get the heebie-jeebies at the word loss but do not fear loss."
"We took our losses, we readjusted our financial structure."
"If you're continuously losing money, it's time to cut your losses."
"The winning strategy may be to be prepared to lose money... your goal is just to lose a lot less than everybody else."
"Trading is like 70 to 80 losing, you're losing so much right? The key is managing those losses, knowing when to cut them, having rules in place, having a plan to follow."
"Sell the stuff that's not working. It's okay. It doesn't mean you're a loser, it just means you bought something wrong and it didn't work out. So you sell it, move on."
"Losing is natural and you have to understand how to unwind this natural tendency."
"Making money and losing it is actually worse than not making money at all."
"Although we have lost 1 400 you got to look at the other side of that now this is a business it costs money to run."
"If you don't cut your losses, you're gonna end up holding and hoping for a very long time."
"Don't let the loss sway your emotions there. Don't be negative because of the loss."
"Don't be afraid of what is to come and don't grieve over that which you have lost."
"Cut your losses if your plan goes out the door."
"The losses are just the cost of doing business."
"I've always noticed that a lot of times the biggest mistakes come from just not cutting your losses."
"There's wins and there's losses, and this is a situation where cutting my losses is the right thing to do."
"Sell it as soon as you made the mistake... it's okay to lose money on a mistake."
"The hardest part about trading is learning to lose."
"We might lose money on this, but just to get it done easy."
"It's dominating because it took a loss for the first five years, practically gave the comp away for free."
"Let's talk about the stock market losses and what we can learn from them."
"View your losses as investments in future wins."
"You can't regain your profits once they're already lost."
"It's a short-term loss for long-term good compounding."
"Loss integrates into the broader narrative of our ultimate good."
"If you lose 70%, your gain is going to have to be 140% to break even."
"Goal with investing is to ride the trend and have parameters for selling with the stops but you also need to have a max loss stop point of the max that you're willing to lose which is eight percent."
"Know when to cut losses—there comes a point when it's smarter to walk away than to keep throwing good money after bad."
"The best loser wins in trading. I can show you how to win, but the problem is you don't know how to lose."
"Focus on winning trades rather than worrying about recovering losses."
"Turn every loss that you have into a lesson... that's how you get to the promised land."
"Every loss needs to become a lesson... that's how you win in the stock market."
"You have to get comfortable with fear you have to get comfortable with losses you have to leave your ego aside and know when you're wrong and cut losses short."
"You have to be able to take losses and still move forward."
"Staying in your lane, going back to basics, trading your A-plus setups - that's how you deal with losses."
"Managing loss is about facing it head-on, admitting more."
"Why would I keep a loss? ... It's a matchup guide."
"Not every session can be a huge winner but if you minimize your losses... your win rate will skyrocket."
"The ones who are the most successful are the ones who are the best at losing."
"Sometimes it's best to learn how to just cut your losses and move on to the next trade."
"You have to learn how to minimize and control your losses."
"It's not about your losers, we all take losses, it's about how do you effectively manage your winning trades."
"The only thing you actually have control over in trading is how much you're going to lose."
"The money is made from riding the winners for the long haul and cutting those losses very quickly."
"Sometimes you just got to cut your losses and move on."
"I am very disciplined about cutting losses."
"You don't realize your losses, you don't really lose."
"How you handle your losing trades is one of the keys to success as a trader."
"You gotta know when to cut your losses."
"What trading is, is continuing to execute your system perfectly even if you're going through lost phases."
"That means basically winning more than you lose when you actively trade."
"You want to break that emotional connection between taking a loss and being a loser."
"Remember that no trader is perfect. You must follow rule number one and cut losses quickly."
"It's not about the losses, but how you respond to them."
"Aim for three to six percent losses, as tight as you can without choking off the trade."
"I'm pleased as punch because your losing trades should be boring."
"I moved decisively because this was the best way to cut my losses."
"There is such thing as a good loss and there is such thing as a bad win, and I need to understand that difference."
"Losses are more important than wins in trading, and it's how you actually manage these losses that will actually make your wins more efficient."
"I've been learning to sell some of my losers... I did a tax harvest loss, got rid of it, and used some of that capital into a better performing company."
"What separates the greatest from those that are not so great is your ability to deal with loss, your ability to deal with failure."
"Even if seven of your trades are all losers, you might still end up as a winner."
"It doesn't bother me because as a trader, you're gonna lose, you're gonna have losses, and I think losses are part of trading."
"Cut your losses, cut your losses, and cut your losses."
"Remember to size down on the day today and do not try to make back your losses."
"It's really all about tackling losses and being okay with the losses."
"Sometimes it's better to cut your losses."
"We planted probably twice as many as we needed; we lost probably half of them, but the ones that made it did really, really well."
"You should know how to cut your losses short."
"Losing is a part of our process as traders, you better be really really good at it mentally and not let it affect you."
"That's how you take losses properly."
"Embrace the losers and learn from them."
"Limit your risk, cut your business size in half each time you take a loss."
"I need to be better with what I have left than what I have lost."
"It's just a game of managing loss, right? That's why I'm here. I can't go home till I fix it."
"The secret is to make your losses so small that to recover those losses, it only takes a couple of good moves."
"Knowing when to cut your losses can many times be a much more important skill than any investment strategy or education that you may have."