
Networking Quotes

There are 8722 quotes

"We show up differently when we have that level of confidence. When you can walk into a room, meet 20 strangers, and leave saying goodbye to every single one of them by name, you show up differently."
"The number one business etiquette networking skill is just to remember someone's name because how are you going to show someone you're going to care for their health, their wealth, their finances, their family, if you don't care enough just to remember them?"
"Surround yourself with five successful people, you're going to become the sixth."
"It's not about what you know, it's about who you know, but it's not about who you know, it's about who knows you."
"You never know who you might meet and be rude to in life that later on down the road, they might be the bridge to somebody else."
"It's about connecting and putting yourself out there, saying yes to opportunity."
"The more you put people together who can benefit each other, whether it be as friends or in business or career, you're adding value to all other people in multiple ways."
"What we're doing when we make online political content is networking for political consciousness."
"The reason he was indispensable was because he knew how to network, he knew how to make connections."
"If you could walk into a room of strangers and leave saying goodbye to 20 strangers by name, who are they all going to remember? That's a standout skill."
"Nearly 6,000 of you have joined our insiders club; it's an amazing network fellowship of patriots all over the world."
"Social skills to learn networking and how to entertain an audience and a massive amount of good luck doesn't hurt either."
"A lot of this business is built on connections and sometimes those connections mean more than a check."
"Know your neighbors, build a community, have a network of people that you can rely on."
"If you can build that kind of network, I think that maximizes your potential for survivability."
"If you want to be an entrepreneur, you want to make friends with people who want to be entrepreneurs or are entrepreneurs and surround yourself with that."
"There will be a rise in income, resources gained to your name and fame, and possible friends provide you benefits."
"Your name is your credit; so basically, your name in the room stays in the room long before you leave."
"Through communication, you will end up developing a network which will give you a paramount amount of opportunities."
"You will be enjoying recognition, appreciation, name, fame, establishment, and may benefit from professional networking."
"Business will be very productive; association with professional people will be very profitable."
"They can't take away my ability to learn and to grow and to network and to figure things out."
"Being very authentic with people helps you find out that having a network where you can share your struggles is very cathartic."
"If you focus on building relationships, there's only wins."
"Your goal is to both be known by the right people, and to be known for the right things."
"You guys have really learned how to communicate and network with people in a way. A lot of people talk very positive things about you."
"It's not about what you know, it's about who you know."
"You never know the toes you step on today might be connected to the leg that leads to the butt you have to kiss tomorrow."
"Good things happen when you're around the right people."
"In real estate, your network is your net worth. Teach others, and deals will come to you."
"Finance is fundamentally about moving money and risk through a network."
"If you want to be successful at something, you need to surround yourself with people who are trying to achieve the same goals."
"Life is all about networking. If you make friends with important people from the beginning of your life, that's going to be massively advantageous to you."
"Professional life is an intricate web of shared interests, goals, and needs that are always interacting."
"It's like we're getting connected to the right people, to the right paths."
"There's more wealth behind ten strong connections than there are a thousand weak ones."
"The number one most important thing in your life is your friends and your network and your Brotherhood."
"Not only will getting an international business degree help you solve complex problems, but you're also going to be networking with people who are owners of other businesses."
"Your reputation is everything in the business world. It's not just who you are, it's who you know."
"It's important to express these things right because if you do it publicly, you are building a network in which you can judge the world better."
"Networking isn't about trying to take other people's time, it's about being a nice person."
"It makes things so much simpler when you know how the networking works."
"They wanted to connect 3000 universities, so what they were going to do was build a multi-network system or something called an internet backbone."
"You're interested in machine learning? You want to do some networking? Try to combine the two. Just figure out how it works, figure out what the limitations are so you will be able to trip every vendor sales engineer with a PowerPoint deck, and you're good to go."
"If you know networking, that's gonna make you better. It's gonna make you awesome. So don't skip this, honestly, it's kind of a superpower."
"When I left that and got into this, I realized the importance of networking and meeting people and social media."
"Software Defined Networking or SDN is just absolutely amazing, and right now, we are at the cutting edge of it."
"I got my CCNA and went almost straight into a networking job and thought, man, this is great."
"The internet allows us to network enclaves, putting another way, a cloud community need not acquire all its territory in one place at one time."
"Build those relationships not with people who you think will be powerful but people you think are interesting because they'll do interesting things."
"It's a lot easier to find work through your social connections than through applications online."
"Contacts...There's a one-to-one relationship between the number of people you know and the number of people who know you in a positive way and how fast you move through the line of life."
"We doing some business, and Stat got stat.com, you know what I'm saying? We market over here."
"You're forced to go out and have new conversations with people and meet new people, and that's a really valuable skill."
"Wealth building is really not just about the physical things as far as money... it's about your core, it's about your mindset, it's about your network."
"Networking isn't just about being liked; it's about finding people who you like and who like you in return."
"I love to introduce the right people to the right people, assemble the smartest people I can think of or reach out to."
"How you treat others and engage with others and build relationships is really important."
"Service discovery is the process of automatically detecting devices and services on a network."
"Engaging with other people is fundamentally the best way to find direction, it's the best way to find opportunity."
"Game jam is when a bunch of developers, coders, artists, and musicians get together...in a fun, creative, relaxed space...great for networking, socialization...always big on diversity...all genders, all races."
"Country clubs and private groups serve as a private networking setting for the rich."
"It's important to stay positive and in touch with positive people."
"Consistent small steps in the direction making sure that you're meeting with people and you're going to conferences and you're talking to people they're smarter or better than you in different areas so you can learn from them."
"You never know who you're gonna encounter; you never know what that relationship can do."
"It's not always what you know, it's who you know."
"Invest in yourself. Grow, learn, read, share your experiences, talk to people."
"Even though talking to strangers is a bad thing, it is necessary if you ever want to meet new people because everyone is a stranger until you meet them."
"If you want to stand out from the competition or you want to build connections in your industry and establish yourself as an expert, building a website for yourself is a great first step."
"Getting a degree from here is like complete package of network as well as net worth."
"Make genuine connections. Don't expect anything out of it, help each other get to where you guys want to be."
"One big mistake parents do, I wish they would understand that the fact that she was so outgoing and a great networker, it actually led to her big success later in life."
"The power of networking, the power of relationships is something that has changed my life for sure."
"I've met amazing people through YouTube. I've been places that I would have never even dreamt of going."
"People care about working with you personally and knowing you personally."
"Maintain your relationships and foster them. They're... when I look at successful people, they're reliable... they're generous."
"Spend 33 percent of your time around people with less accomplishment than you, 33 percent of your time around people who are on your level, and the last 33 percent is what's missing in education and society, where you spend 33 percent of your time around people twenty years ahead of you, shadowing them."
"It is somewhat important when you are doing business to be able to hand someone your business card."
"Ask people, 'Here's my portfolio. Would you be willing to take a look? What improvements do you think I can make to make myself more marketable for my first job?'"
"Collaborate. A lot of the biggest bumps I've ever gotten are from collaborations with people."
"What I am really good at is bringing like-minded people together and sharing their wealth of knowledge with people who want to learn."
"You're one contact away from your life changing."
"It's really fun building the community and meeting new people."
"It's more about who knows you, not who you know."
"Most business deals are not done in the conference room; they're done in the dugout, on the yacht, they're done in the stadium."
"You want to follow up with them and develop that relationship."
"The idea of a Serendipity Vehicle...opening yourself up to connections and opportunities from all around the world."
"I never pictured it to happen this way, just kind of a blessing. I fell into the right lane, met the right people, be genuine with genuine people, and they'll open up doors for you that you'll never have imagined."
"Networking with music videos, as with most video, who you know is just as important as what you know."
"Try not to go to 'What do you do?' when you first meet someone."
"In any organization, any institution, there really are two maps: there's the org chart which tells you who you report to and who reports to you, and then there's the network, which is the real map."
"He knew branding, networking. He knew everything before everybody."
"Probably the best investment advice that I never received but that I've lived my whole life around is surround yourself with really good people."
"It's a reciprocity ring around Silicon Valley. So if you help someone get into a round of a hot company now, it's going to come back to you later."
"Get around people who are successful... Success wants other success."
"Networking is really important...LinkedIn is really important, Twitter has a fantastic developer community."
"The best way to get clients is inbound and referrals."
"In a world that offers rapidly growing opportunities to create networks of interpersonal connection, this core system of quick assessment and categorization of individuals can be incredibly helpful."
"If you're the smartest person in the room, you've got to find a different room."
"You got to build a community. You got to get to the people that you do have with you, have them spread the word. Word of mouth is the best way to get people over to your channel right now."
"It's not about how much money you make, it's about the hands you shake."
"I'm never intimidated by a person that's smarter or better. I like to be in those circles where they're smarter and better."
"You can get bad cards, but if you play the game right, if you know people, you can figure it out."
"You are going to be surrounded by a lot of people who are going to help you build your finances."
"I'm happy to say I'm in the best shape of my life. I became a millionaire, and my global network is only increasing."
"I really like personal negotiation and talking to people, networking with people."
"Of the two methods, we recommend going with a sniper approach because shotgunning emails to anyone and everyone is a surefire way to burn bridges."
"Have a solid process and reach out to those in your industry that are doing really well."
"Networking is just asking directions. You know, you're lost in town."
"It took me like two weeks to find a job, and it was really interesting because I got more calls and offers in one week after I put that portfolio in my resume than the whole four months before that."
"It's more better to have people you form relations with on LinkedIn or Twitter where you have a community rather than just applying to jobs that are available because most of the times you might get an opportunity that you didn't know you wouldn't."
"Take leaps of faith and risk new connections."
"I love where you're going with your business since the last time you and I spoke."
"Aviation is full of unsung heroes who deserve a lot more recognition than we give them."
"Your network is your net worth. Remember that. No one's gonna do it for you. You gotta have a solid network. Time to level up."
"The universe is supporting you. Network, meet, socialize. Eventually, everything connects."
"Life lesson hashtag aviator life lesson here: smooch your boss, Britney, invite him over, kind of, you know, you say you're the greatest ever, and he'll give you a raise."
"Blockchain: building a secure open network for various industries."
"If you want opportunities, embrace the business owners when they're there."
"That for me was enough when I kind of closed the door and then he called me after it on his wife's phone, and then he offered me that part. So, wow."
"It's all about who you know. Are you a good person? Are you easy to work with? Are you smart enough to know what's going on?"
"Look for people outside of your network that have common interests and alignment."
"You have to have a network to be successful."
"Twitter is the single best platform to make friends if you are a creator."
"Building the world's best and biggest web 3 community."
"You need to get in proximity, put yourself in the right rooms. You're the average of the five people that you surround yourself with."
"The aura ring, I met the inventors of the aura ring at a conference and loved the science that they put into this ring."
"Invest in yourself, surround yourself with those who've achieved results, and keep doing."
"Surround yourself with people like Robert Kiyosaki, like Ken McElroy."
"Start with a network, refine it down to a community, refine that community down to a tribe."
"You're really the average of the five people that you surround yourself by."
"I only surround myself with people smarter than me."
"Networking of people you know can really come in handy when it comes time to go into an interview."
"Make sure you know and keep up with where people happen to be in the industry so this could take months or even years."
"To build a very good network of people you also have to be very careful not to abuse this relationship that you have with someone."
"Keith Ferrazzi has a book that says never eat alone he says if you're going out to lunch you should always hit your Rolodex."
"So no matter where you go to college if you go at all I would say that my biggest piece of advice if you care is to put yourself out there and make those genuine connections."
"Had I not started YouTube, I wouldn't have met some of the most amazing people that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."
"You're gonna be like a rising star in this space and we need allies wherever they are."
"Build a community of people that have that same problem preemptively."
"Being around like-minded people is everything."
"Who you surround yourself with matters profoundly. Ideas seep into your consciousness, values seep in."
"Life is about people. If you help people get what they want, they will help you get what you want and more."
"Send me a link to your work, video of your work. That's your resume."
"Good things happen when you attach to the right people."
"Collabing with big people always seen as beneficial."
"Jordan Peele introduced me to these two great child actors and gave Lupita the opportunity to do that."
"I see myself as a scout who hunts down the imaginal cells of a more beautiful world and leads them to platforms that amplify their signal."
"Opening up to new connections and reconnecting with people."
"That's what happens when you have friends in serious places."
"Network is net worth. Everyone understands this."
"Build your personal brand and your network so that you're in those deals ahead of time, positioning yourself for success."
"The water isn't that cold... you might find that actually you'll find new allies and new friends..."
"You want to associate with people that are better than you are."
"Social media connects and leads to positive anything. Like, met a guy, bought a Pokémon card from him, brought two people together who would have never met."
"This is the proper way to assign a port to your node applications."
"We need to build new networks from scratch... eventually you'll get banned."
"I just got off FaceTime with this guy awesome awesome awesome guy."
"You have got to surround yourself with gallon-sized people who can hang in the same company with you." - Oprah Winfrey
"You have the ability and the connections to go out and achieve anything you"
"Stay away from these people, whatever network is you, you try."
"No oil, no fish, fowl, meat, or dairy. The key would be the initial meeting with the patient and the spouse." - Dr. Esselstyn
"Visibility is a resource in and of itself, and I can offer that."
"A hidden ability can be just knowing the right people."
"People are gonna hate you. But you can control how you interact with them."
"You cannot just mass you know just throw enough mud against the wall to see if something sticks you've got to find that singular connective spot with someone that knows someone that knows someone inside."
"People surrounding yourself with positive people is everything if you're trying to be the best in the world at something."
"Raising money is a bit like dating. You want to date and meet everyone and then you kind of see like who do you like, who do you enjoy spending time with."
"Thank you, Tim, for coming in, a pleasure for recommending you share this with us."
"I love networks that can build on top of each other...and that's what Polygon has been doing."
"Focus on making friendships. That is how you actually end up meeting people."
"But I remember my favorite proof point of that network effect."
"TCP view shows you all the network connections that your computer is currently maintaining."
"You're getting booked up just off of like previous clients and stuff."
"Get out there, get strategic. I will meet you in Switzerland. We'll see you later, shalligators!"
"Just because you talk to the first person and you don't get anything out of it doesn't mean there's not going to be a ton more people who actually have a problem."
"Ultimately, this thought gave me the idea to reach out to celebrities and see if they would reply. We are actually on a level playing field here."
"Just connect with a great community of people and just kind of get taken by the hand really and just enjoy the whole process throughout."
"Find and associate with positive high achieving peers."
"I moved to Los Angeles to pursue music... I got super super into production and I was making connections through doing studio work."
"Connection, connection, connection. Why does it matter? If you can master people, you will master everything."
"Networking doesn't have to mean trying to make small talk with random people at job fairs. It can mean also just reaching out to your network."
"Diversifying your social networking presence gives you a better opportunity to grow your audience."
"Association with professional friends will bring you dignified opportunities."
"It's been a whirlwind of finding the right people, finding the right opportunities."
"You're not necessarily paying for the education, but for the opportunities and the connections."
"But yeah, he had DM me and then um, Young LA flew me out for a shoot in October and Levi was like, 'Yo, are you in Atlanta?' I was like, 'Yeah,' and he was like, 'Come through, like, we'll do a pod,' which was [ __ ] sick."
"LinkedIn is the most important social media platform for professional networking."
"A pillow that is so good the president of the United States became a friend with a guy who makes them."
"Business cards are essential for entrepreneurs and really all creative professionals alike."
"Introduce ourselves and our dreams to others with the hopes of creating lasting impressions and opening doors to new opportunities."
"I feel like if you're going into business, college almost isn't worth it. It's about who you know and what you know."
"Diversify your presence. It's not about us, it's about creating a network of networks."
"He said I needed to start investing in my personal development and surrounding myself with people who were better than me."
"This model is often referred to as the collapsed core model."
"Focus on others, connect, help, and grow your influence."
"Thank you for being here, where can they find you?"
"I didn't think that they even knew that I existed and I did not know that they would want to sponsor the show but we approached them anyway and the answer came back and yes."
"Surround yourself with a challenge network, not just a support network."
"Our goal with this showing company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams."