
Long-term Perspective Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"Always thinking about that big picture... realize that the market's not going anywhere. There's going to be money to make tomorrow, the next day, the next day after that."
"Once you understand it's digital money, then you realize that the strategy is you just buy it and keep buying it, and don't sell it until you have to pay a medical bill or until it's an urgent life-or-death matter."
"NVIDIA is looking strong right now... for me, NVIDIA is a great long-term hold."
"With investing, especially in the markets, it's up and down; you can't just look at one year to measure your success."
"We don't sacrifice relationships for a quick buck. We take the long view on relationships."
"Society tends to move forward; we will probably see, over a very long period of time, the stock market is likely to go up."
"Great business is not about overnight success; it's about indefinite success."
"Understand the nature of the asset and think with a very long-term perspective."
"I like taxes, you know. There's a cultural change that I think is long term and will actually work in the long term."
"We're buying businesses to own for 20 or 30 years. We buy them in whole, we buy them in part, they're called stocks when we buy them in part, and we think the 20 and 30-year outlook has not changed by the coronavirus."
"We are playing a long game here and that change is hard and change is slow and it never happens all at once, but eventually we get there. We always do."
"You shouldn't let the short-term fluctuations dictate what you believe an investment is fundamentally worth."
"Trust science, but remember, trust in the process over very short time scales is bound to be dangerous; trust in that process over the long term is the best hope we've got."
"These players, only you can believe it or not, you can think our fans don't know what they're on about. But the only people who actually will be here in ten years, twenty years, are fans of this club."
"I buy on the assumption that the stock market could close tomorrow and not reopen for another five years."
"This is a marathon, not a sprint. It's not about making fifty thousand dollars by the end of next week; it's about developing a set of skills that can last for a lifetime."
"So when I invest in bitcoin, I don't care about the ups and downs of the market in the short term. As Michael Saylor said, when it comes to bitcoin, any time horizon less than four years is just noise."
"Are you a long-term investor? Then these dips are your friend."
"We need to be reminded that in total and over a significant period of time, these seemingly small things bring to pass great things."
"Investors who use ESG ratings to supplement financial analysis can gain a broader view of a company's long-term potential."
"30% of investors have no regrets because they understand long-term investing."
"I do not believe the evil will succeed they may gain ground they may gain control for some time but in the long run I think we're going to be okay."
"If you just have a long time Horizon you're going to be a winner."
"The value of any investment is the cash that investment will produce for its owners of the lifetime of the asset."
"Deploying capital into these long-term 5 7 10-year projects in this bear market so kind of that contrain you know type of perspective."
"There is time to live your life a little bit in college. Try to enjoy it while you can because there are so many decades of life ahead of you after college."
"500 million dollars for reference, someone could hand you a 100 bill every hour even when you're sleeping which might get weird and it would take you 571 years to make that much money."
"If you treat your investments like private equity style and nothing's changed with the core thesis, then there's no reason to sell it."
"You didn't lose that game. It's a long season, brother."
"We can't look at two decades and say, 'Oh yeah, we still did nothing about that.'"
"Liberation is not something happening every year, it's something in five generations."
"Economic growth is the idea of GDP going up in the long run."
"Ultimately, success comes from taking a decade-long view."
"It's a marathon, not a race. Like your store, yeah, you're gonna have good weeks, bad weeks, you know that 100%, and it's a marathon, not a race, 100%."
"You're not retiring for a year or three years, you're retiring hopefully for 20, 30, 40 years."
"This could just be the beginning of an epic journey that's going to last a long time."
"Long-term investors are looking beyond the short-term volatility for long-term returns."
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but rather by the seeds you plant."
"You wait for opportunity to buy the dip and dollar cost average and you simply hold. That is simply it. That's how you win the crypto game especially for a long haul."
"Even if the market does crash unless you're within a few years of retirement chances are that's just a good time to keep buying even more."
"This is the loss of a battle but it is not necessarily the loss of the war."
"The best passive investment I think is a good business."
"Tesla is a long-term stock, not a day trade stock."
"I didn't think that what's happening, the sort of tidal current away from a patriotic view of our nations, is something that can be defeated overnight."
"Long-term investing is all about setting aside money you don't need for 10 years and investing it in companies that you think will be worth more in 10 years."
"Investing in the long term is generally considered better."
"We're long-term investors as opposed to short-term gamblers."
"Cycles are a function of the space; if you're in this for the long run, accept them."
"If you wouldn't hold something for 10 years you probably shouldn't hold it for 10 minutes."
"Try to get 5 to 10 x in the next few years rather than few basis points in a short-term trade."
"You just buy what's on sale and sell what is too expensive and don't worry about it because the thing is this sorts itself out in the long run."
"I am long on America. I think the American success story will continue."
"In the long term, [productivity] is almost everything."
"I don't think that would be a counter argument to whether bitcoin itself is a good thing or not longer term."
"My favorite holding period is forever, buying a company because you want to own it, not because you want the stock to go up."
"A revolution might not happen in our lifetime."
"Those who have the kind of longest term horizon tend to get the best rewards."
"I still believe that the U.S economy is going to come out strong."
"I don't wanna go pursue something that we might win 51-49. That's technically you win but you're losing the war."
"Investors should think about allocating an amount of their portfolio they are willing to lose, and keep it in for three, four or five years."
"The afterlife of bodybuilding is so much more than just, 'Hey, I finished competing.'"
"If you're an investor you shouldn't even be thinking about when do I sell, the question should be when do I get an opportunity to buy more at a better price?"
"Long-term bullishness is the sentiment here."
"I think in the long term we're going to see wages increase."
"Bitcoin is just fine. Realize that this is temporary. It's going to be a drop in the bucket versus where things will be in the future."
"It's very easy to be right in a long term view, it's hard to hold on to the trade in the middle."
"Long term it's not bad... actually looks quite good."
"If you own stocks right now and you don't plan to do anything with them for another decade or two, then why would another 20% drop even matter?"
"Decency will prevail; in the long run, democracy endures."
"This is a marathon not a sprint, dude. I got another 60, 70 years, last days, you know?"
"He's coming back soon. If that is 100 years fine, I want to be ready for Jesus whenever he comes."
"When the market's down, you got to buy, you got to think long term."
"He's not thinking of right now, he's thinking of the future."
"We see now as a good time to invest for the long term."
"Imagine buying something for around fifty-eight hundred dollars and in five years you have 1.2 million."
"Understanding that this volatility is part of the magic that if you can step back and zoom out you understand this."
"In 2030 no one's going to remember what Tesla's margins were for one or two quarters back in 2023."
"Being patient and playing the long game is essential for success."
"Every dollar you put into trying to build something, no matter what it is, like if you're buying Rolexes instead of crypto long term, man, you're going to feel bad."
"Total control over my content and be a platform for other creators."
"Not bad for something that we shake, stomp, and hide underground."
"China is going to be in Australia's future for a long time."
"Longevity is key in this market if you're looking to make a million dollars in 12 months."
"It's a marathon, not a sprint; that's the best-of-five mentality."
"There are bigger things out there, ignore short-term pricing."
"The hardest part about content creation is reminding myself that in the end it is a marathon not a sprint..."
"If you're a long-term investor, these are bumps in the road, and you don't need to worry about it."
"I think in the long term, we will get a nice balance, actually, between using it too much and not using it enough."
"Let the money work for you. If you own the LA Lakers right now... would you own it for one day and trade it or hold it for 10 years?"
"There's something about the way that some people have approached the law of attraction that's kind of instant gratification, and I like the fact that Swedenborg's message is more about the long game."
"History will look back and say the Civil War started a long time ago."
"But for the people in Charlotte who voted for new leadership it could be a long road to the change they want to see."
"You've accomplished so much already... and you will continue to be this way for a very long time."
"There's many of us... trying to warn people for a very long time."
"Is this a big deal in the long term? Probably not. In the short term, expect a little volatility."
"Successful traders are not just lucky people. There are lots of ways that you can seem to be successful as an options trader short term and then turn out to be disastrous long term."
"Is the thing that I'm ready to fight over now, will it matter in five years from now?"
"Welcome to the stock market, and I hope you have a great several decades."
"If you take that long game and you do the right thing, that stuff will come back to you."
"Since before the construction of the pyramids."
"It's like saying you're top of the league after two, three games. It matters if you're there after 38."
"You basically have to gauge how important something's gonna be five or ten years from now."
"Linux will outlast centralized systems like Microsoft and Apple."
"You won't really notice how all of your efforts... work until you can see it."
"Holding bitcoin for the long term is the highest upside, lowest risk strategy we can pursue." - Michael Saylor
"Take these red days as an opportunity to add on if you're long-term."
"View it as parking your money in an asset that is pretty much guaranteed to grow in the long term."
"The only way you truly win in this game is by holding long term."
"We're in the first inning of a nine-inning game."
"In the short run, a market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it's a weighing machine."
"Trading is a long-term business... you need to have that longer-term mentality."
"I won't care if I'm in the red for a while. I'll buy more baby, that's the beauty of long-term investing."
"The larger the correction, the more you should be thinking longer term."
"So in my experience when investing in something like bitcoin it's just best to buy it, hold on to it and just check it once a year especially if you believe in it long term."
"So I feel like it's over time, the next two years, the next five years, there's always going to be a place I feel like for Dogecoin."
"Starting late is not a liability if you hold it for a long period of time not starting is the biggest travesty."
"I do tend to have a bullish outlook on real estate long term."
"It's gonna be so crazy to see this slow-motion train track go on for the rest of this decade."
"I have no idea where the stock market is going to go in the short term in the long long term I know it'll be more valuable."
"I am far more interested in the long-term weighing machine of the stock market than the short-term noise that everyone plays up and down."
"It's not about how it looks this month or this quarter. I have down quarters."
"The conversation now is about not the one year of your popularity or popularity contest, it's how can you govern?"
"Long-term investors do not need your scenario to come through."
"Everyone in the market is losing their gains right now but you have to focus on the long term and buying fundamentally strong companies when their valuations get cheap and the risk is taken out of them."
"All of this is just one journey... it's not a make it or break it situation because the market will always be there tomorrow."
"Buy into what is right. If you pursue the truth, it might make you unpopular at any particular moment, but you're going to be in a much better position in the long run."
"A decade of five six percent inflation would do wonders."
"Time in the market matters more than market timing."
"Long term, Bitcoin is bullish... there's always opportunity, it's just a matter of being realistic."
"It's a marathon not a sprint... recognizing that it is a marathon, like anything worth doing you're not necessarily going to have success right away."
"Valuations matter. Maybe not in the next quarter, but in the long term."
"I would enjoy my life for fifty trillion years."
"The fundamentals always win in the long term."
"It's about longevity... We're gonna be those Jack granddad's."
"Trust, I say it will all come together in the end."
"Sacrifices for your family aren't sacrifices in the long term."
"It's all about the investments, playing the long game."
"Florida in the long term is a good place to own potentially over 10 years."
"This might be a small victory in a long War."
"You generally don't want to trade too much, you just want to hold it there for long term."
"If you invest for 30 years on average you're probably going to see nine bear markets in your time with a whole host of five and ten percent declines along the way."
"The reason why you hold an asset for a long time is because you love the long-term future."
"Growth is something you have to measure over the long term."
"It may take many years for the economy to recover fully, but I think what's most important to people's lives and the health of the nation... health must be the priority."
"You're not some bad luck charm. Markets go up, markets go down. Overall, long term, take a look."
"The other silver lining for me and why I'm here long term is because of genuine adoption. It's very different to short-term movements."
"Bitcoin showed me new paths and taught me to value truth, see the long view."
"You need to have at least 10-15 years of history on the leader."
"Would you rather have a penny a day now or would you rather have thirty thousand dollars seven thousand years from now? Cheers to that!"
"Share price appreciation over time, stocks probably going back to 200 long term."
"Profits aren't made by individual wins but a long string of them over a very long amount of time."
"I want to go home... If America is still great and prosperous and strong, then that's an indication to me that we're still going to be down here for a very long time."
"Half a billion years from now, and the moon is so far from earth that eclipses are a thing of the past."
"This is the second inning of a nine-inning game, and the fireworks don't really happen in like seventh or eighth inning, you know?"
"We're probably in the fourth inning of an eleven inning game."
"I wouldn't tell people to go all in or invest, but I just think long term it could be a good hold."
"You're not just cooking for a quick lunch, you're cooking a real meal. This is about seeing long-term."
"Anytime you invest, have a long-term outlook."
"When you see the stock market going down like this, buy great companies you love for the long term."
"Buy the dip, dollar-cost average, and believe in the long-term potential of Bitcoin."
"Compatibility is not everything but I think a big element of it is is this somebody that's worth being with in the Long Haul and that should be the focus when you're considering dating options."
"If you hold a long-term investment you'll eventually get it back and make more money again right."
"I think we're going to be in a decade of roller coasters."
"If you're an investor, you're buying with a 10-year horizon."
"Remember this is the end game there's no race there's no rush relax."
"You're going to end up spending a lot of time with this person, they may end up being a spouse."
"If you have a long-term perspective and you're like a gold-only person, and you want to buy gold cheap, put your money into silver and wait."
"My focus has never been on the battlefield successes and failures but really to look and understand how this conflict came about and what is likely to resolve it in the long run to lead to what I call social harmony."
"Long term wise, that might be the best thing to happen."
"Supporting Rumble means supporting the fight against censorship and coercion."
"Long-term investing: the longer you hold, the less risky it becomes."
"Hold long term. Fundamentals. So get the long-term fundamental hat on."
"Crypto's volatile. If you believe crypto is going to be around for a couple of years, that's all you need to ask yourself."
"The battle is not going to be won instantly. This is a battle that's going to be won in increments and degrees and we need to stay on the line and look to the horizon."
"I think the long-term outlook for gold is very good."
"Stick to long-term investing, look for the big picture in the next five to ten years."
"I like them over the long term... I think the legalization of daily fantasy and overall sports betting is going to be good for DraftKings over the long term."
"Even if he starts the season and he has a bad first five, six months, maybe even a bad first season, he will—he's not a flop."
"I'm a big fan of crypto, I think it's a great long-term investment."
"Remember this is not going to end just this month or next month."
"Longer time frames lead to better risk management and returns."
"The path of somebody who polarizes institutions is not necessarily fun hour to hour but viewed on a long time scale it does, it's very clarifying."
"Long-term holders are still holding throughout all these dips and they're basically really holding up this market."
"It's a marathon, look at everything like that, it's not gonna happen overnight."
"You don't want to catch a falling knife, but if you're holding for the long term, who cares?"
"The long-term fundamentals are the things that matter."
"Bitcoin doesn't need Elon; Elon Musk doesn't impact bitcoin over the long term."
"Don't lose too much too quickly...this is a marathon, not Usain Bolt sprinting." - Coach Craig
"Don't rush investments that are supposed to take time."
"My favorite kind of investor is a long-term retail investor who builds their wealth over time."
"Investing is easy, man. If you hold for the long term and stop deviating for the next decade."
"I think it's proven now long enough we've seen all the threats over the years."
"Profit-taking is important, having some on the side, but if you're playing Bitcoin and crypto for the long term... then there's no reason to sell everything."
"When in doubt, zoom out... Don't let fear ruin what's going on."
"That's the only real game you want to win right? Well, that's the big game. It is one of the few advantages that we as individual investors have if we're able to take that timeframe approach." - Chris L
"You cannot try and time a bitcoin market, you have to ladder in and huddle" - Advising against market timing and promoting a long-term investment approach.
"Short-term gain actually leads to long-term pain."
"Don't let short-term volatility dictate long-term prosperity."
"It's about the marathon, not the short race."
"XRP ain't going anywhere. I know times are scary out there in markets for typical retail speculators... but this has nothing to do with long-term viability, has nothing to do with fundamentals."