
Environment Influence Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Whatever environment you have around you, that's what's going to influence your decisions and that's what's going to influence your emotions."
"Surround yourself with a prosperity atmosphere... you will build into your environment, into your life, whatever dwells in your mind."
"Your environment is an extension of your mind, and if you truly change your mind, there should be evidence in your life."
"We’re all products of our environment, our upbringing, and the concentric circles of our confirmed biases."
"I always said I didn't want to become a product of my environment but I want my environment to become a product of who I am."
"Surround yourself with greatness, with positivity, with learners, with people who are growing."
"Human beings, for us to push beyond our limits, for us to push beyond how we see ourselves, our homeostasis, it's very helpful to surround yourself at the right environment, the right group, with like-minded people."
"People who make implementation intentions follow through on their intentions because the cue for the behavior is in the environment, not you."
"We can only grow into the size of the physical or emotional and psychological environment that we put ourselves in."
"You are a product of your environment, so wherever you can, try to have conversations that spark you to think bigger than what you can do."
"It's not the seed that decides, it's the soil that decides."
"Normal people are capable of doing terrible things if they are provided with the right environment." - Stanford Prison Experiment
"You can either be someone that allows the environment to dictate how you feel or what you do or you make your own [ __ ] way."
"Change your environment. The flower doesn't blossom, we don't blame them."
"You can't block prosperity if you're surrounded by negativity. Remove yourself."
"You worked this hard to stay the same, so I had to separate myself."
"The atmosphere can make people behave better."
"Surround yourself with what you want to become."
"Changing your environment can change addiction."
"It's so important to work on yourself instead of everybody around you. Your environment builds you as a person."
"Your surroundings and circumstances do dictate your career."
"Take inspiration from the things around you."
"You're someone who's trying, you're really trying. And you're learning in this period of your life that you aren't a product of your environment."
"Great players will develop anywhere, great players will develop in the backyard."
"It's about being the one that can actually take control and not care what his surroundings are."
"Your environment is either something that builds you up, that lifts your spirits, that helps you go chase your dreams. Or it's something that squashes you down."
"Surrounding yourself with people... you'll hit your genetic potential, man."
"You are a product of your environment. If your standards are low, it's usually because you haven't put yourself in a digital, physical, or mental environment that would program you to increase your standards."
"It's their environment that teaches them and then their own mentality that changes them who they are."
"How are you supposed to soar like an eagle when surrounded by turkeys?"
"It's not that you are cursed or plagued with bad luck... it is your surroundings."
"One of the fastest ways to change your habits and your physique is to change your environment. This is why creating your own space."
"We are too often subject to the environment that is given to us."
"Just because you are surrounded by clowns doesn't mean you should start a circus."
"You gotta surround yourself with what you want to become."
"Surround yourself with healthy food, and that's what you'll eat."
"To truly change is to think greater than your environment."
"Make that your place, and this does amazing things for your brain."
"The miracle is the word. If I told you you can do it, everything in your atmosphere would obey you."
"If you want to be the best, you got to get around the best. Plain and simple. Here to elevate my mindset, my physical ability, and my business. Get with the program."
"he's played in everything but he told us in the cold his mind doesn't slow down"
"...some of these men this place has made more vicious and violent."
"She is not gonna get tired, not in this environment."
"Your surroundings are more important to success than you may think."
"We're all shaped by our environment, we're shaped by our experiences... we're not our worst moments, we can all move forward and progress further."
"Everything about this place inspires me to cook."
"As I get older, I'm really starting to feel like my space really affects my mood a lot."
"Is it your environment that you're in that dictates who you become or is it your genetic makeup that makes you become who you are?"
"You cannot change your personality, but you can change your environment."
"You're a product of your environment, right where you grow up, where you live and breathe."
"Your environment has a lot to do with what you become."
"You will eventually become what you surround yourself with."
"It's more of a cautionary tale, I'd say, as to how someone's environment, how the people around a person, can cause them to grow up."
"We're products of our environment, right? Everybody is."
"You could grow up in the hood, but don't let the hood become you."