
Confidence Quotes

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"We show up differently when we have that level of confidence. When you can walk into a room, meet 20 strangers, and leave saying goodbye to every single one of them by name, you show up differently."
"Know your game, play within yourself... Believe in yourself."
"You're always in control, so whatever decisions you make, make them confidently."
"I don't think about my body in the best way. I love my body. I just feel so truly comfortable in my skin more than I ever have in my whole life."
"Confidence comes from surviving failure, from knowing that you're actually alive at the end of the day."
"Embracing failure looks like choosing the things that are going to make you feel like an idiot. That's how you build confidence."
"Confidence isn't guaranteeing a result; if you're confident in something, you're willing to do something with uncertainty."
"Failure leads to confidence, and confidence leads to success. So, in a way, failure really leads to success."
"If you're confident in yourself and you believe that you bring value to the world, it's easier to get motivated."
"It is better to make a conventionally wrong decision confidently than to have a wishy-washy right decision."
"When I started working out and started to build my body, I started to develop confidence and all these other positive things."
"You can use this as a way of increasing your stress threshold... and getting more confident."
"Being confident... just knowing their opinion does not matter. What matters is my opinion of myself."
"Charge forward confidently; the situation, seen or unseen, is in your favor."
"I'm all about people completing things and feeling confident."
"A sense of internal confidence that doesn't necessarily come from success."
"Real confidence comes from the ability to adjust in real time."
"Don't be in awe of Cambridge, let Cambridge be in awe of you."
"You will get the nice confident body language when the rest of your life has resulted in that."
"Confidence is the key to your success. The only thing that's going to get in your way is you doubting yourself."
"Believe in yourself. Confidence is the key to your success."
"Be brave, be confident, work on yourself first. You are a great catch."
"Own your power. You are more powerful than you think."
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself I have lived through this horror, I can take the next thing that comes along."
"Have confidence to dream boldly because you're capable of achieving whatever it is you set out to do."
"Our skin has a huge effect on our confidence."
"Being around confident people who've got their act together... they'll infect you with their positive energy."
"Confidence is very attractive and usually with confidence comes success in life."
"Shout out to the confident, intelligent, and assertive men out there with CIA; one love to the feminine, beautiful, inspirational ladies, the FBI."
"If you're doing your thing, if you're doing your job, feel me? As an actor, do you approach the set confident, or do you approach the set like nervous? Have some confidence."
"I am enough. I am dope. I am cool. I've done cool shit. I am awesome."
"Pick up the boxing gloves to find that confidence, find that purpose but also to fight back against bullying, and more so, specifically cyberbullying."
"When you embrace your weirdness and embrace who you are with confidence... you're entitled to everything in the world, not because of the qualities you have, but because of the equalness of all things."
"Can you handle this? I don't think they can handle this!"
"You define the dress, the dress doesn't define you."
"Confidence takes you from 6/10 to a 10/10, man."
"Once you know who you are as a person, nobody can take that away from you. When you believe in yourself and you know you're that girl or that dude, nobody can say [__] to you."
"I don’t need a crown to know that I’m a queen."
"You are stepping into so much more confidence than you've ever had before."
"All y'all haters, all your trolls, close your eyes and picture me rolling."
"The biggest turn on is confidence. When do you find yourself most drawn to your partner? Every description has to do with when they're in their element."
"Put that sh*t on like you're about to see your ex."
"I'm like the Tupac of this sh*t, baby. You can't stop me."
"I'm here to spread positivity and be a role model for people who are exactly like me, who look like me, talk like me, sound like me, helping them be confident in their own body."
"It will have a material impact on your ability to achieve your dreams, make you more confident, and happier."
"Confidence never accusing. The only time I see any lack of confidence is a lip withdrawal."
"The most non-reactive person is the most confident."
"This is where I teach you how to reset your mind to become a more positive, more confident, more amazing version of yourself."
"You've got to always have prospects. This is what gives you that confident arrogance swag."
"Confidence is forged in fire. It's something that's within you."
"Feeling confident is more attractive than any item of clothing or any outfit."
"The higher the heels, the more confidence it gives you."
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere."
"You feel confident that things will work out for you. - Middle agree."
"She's walking into it with this like prowess of like I'm confident but yet she's not egotistical."
"If you inspire someone, you make them want to do something, you make them feel confident and excited to try something."
"To empower someone is to give them the strength and the confidence or the authority to do something."
"The mind is a competitive advantage. You can train optimism, calm, confidence. Where does confidence come from? What you say to yourself, that's it."
"He is very confident with himself and I love that."
"I think if you've got it, flaunt it. It looks really good. Who doesn't want to be Queen Bey?"
"Confidence doesn't come from shouting affirmations in the mirror but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."
"I'm about body positivity; be confident, do what makes you feel good."
"Great leaders are confident but humble; that's the balance of the dichotomy of leadership."
"Whether you back it up with your fist or you back it up with your mouth, you want to tune in."
"I stayed confident because I'm really handsome and I'm pretty good at chess."
"Knowing I'm close with these people who are the best in the world is a nice little confidence booster."
"God did not give you the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind."
"Confidence is everything, opportunity is everything."
"You have to be your authentic self. Authenticity radiates such a confidence level that's on a whole other level."
"Here's the thing, you are a performer. You've been performing for years, so you have a natural comfort up there that most people who are new wouldn't have."
"Confidence is a skill that you build through action."
"Confidence is the willingness to try. That's it."
"You were born with natural intelligence and confidence."
"The moral of the story, the secret to confidence, is being comfortable in your own skin."
"What confidence is, is a set of nonverbal communication characteristics that charismatic people have."
"Confidence they tend to go off the rails, so it's good to know what you don't know."
"You guys are entering a new profound sense of self-worth, sense of security, sense of confidence."
"I was shocked at the reaction of everyone after game two because I told y'all what I was going to do."
"Your Surety in life is going to come solely from yourself."
"The best thing is how confident she is feeling, and I preach this. I agree with that 100%."
"I feel like you're ready to step into more of a spotlight position where you're gonna I feel like just stop caring so much about what other people think about you, what other people say about you."
"Stand up for yourself, say what you truly mean, and don't fear what others might think."
"Learn how to love yourself enough so that you feel right to shine and take up space."
"Once you've won something, it adds something to your makeup. You want to come back and play, you learn from that experience, and if they win, all of a sudden confidence grows within the camp."
"He's so confident in those moments, those millisecond timings where it's make it or break it, and that's why he is a champion."
"Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's abilities or qualities."
"Be as smart as you are, be as brave as you are, be as tough as you are, and if somebody has a problem with that, it's their problem. Don't ever let it be your problem."
"It's the most secure and transparent, confident I've ever felt in any relationship."
"I trust myself, I trust my life, I trust my expertise."
"Be confident. Just trust that's because you've earned it. You've worked really, really hard."
"You might be where you want to be or you feel good and comfortable in yourself. You have a lot to offer."
"Don't put all of your self-worth into the opinions of others."
"His self discovery is very much through the lens of this boy, Alberto, who is more confident than him. He's really cool. He's really like knowledgeable. And Luca has a crush, basically."
"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
"I actually think it is the best strategy for me."
"The only constant of life is change, and to be confident is to move forward, even when it seems pointless because the movement is the point."
"A lot of training can help you with confidence in your abilities."
"Confidence is to feel beautiful without needing anybody to tell you so."
"The magic of just being sure of what you bring to the table."
"Through my clear pursuit of my interest and my individuality, consequently, I met a lot of people who were similarly interested in pursuing their own individuality and were confident in their interests."
"You can trust yourself to make good decisions."
"Remember, you are gorgeous and sexy, with long hair, short hair, bald, balding, whatever it is, you are what is attractive."
"You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Outwork your self-doubt."
"Confidence is not only the key that reveals who a man really is, it's the key to helping a man to step into his masculine power."
"Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance that arises from a person's appreciation of their own abilities and qualities."
"Confidence really is almost like waiting to meet you at the place where you conquer your fear."
"There's so much more solidity. You are so much more solid, and your intuition is very strong."
"I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and myself. I am confident, I am serene, I am sure."
"When you are ready and when you feel confident, select your group and join me in your reading."
"If you know your own worth and you spend time with yourself, you're going to be so confident and you won't be relying on validation from anyone."
"A perfect mind doesn't need constant affirmation; it just is itself."
"You could be as bad as you want. We're gonna go out here and shine."
"I feel very confident in the decision I've made... I've had a really good run."
"I'm the greatest, best Liu Kang ever to touch the game."
"My new form is just impeccable, bro. I'm sorry, I don't know what you want me to tell you."
"You're stepping back into your power, getting your confidence back up, and taking a seat back on your throne."
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy, and I win. We're the champions."
"Courage is a result of confidence. You have never seen a courageous person that didn't have confidence."
"I'm starting to get into a groove where I can just throw laser after laser."
"The biggest thing in the league is just trusting yourself."
"Confidence, if there's one thing you can bottle up in football, it's confidence."
"You have to become super confident to speak things into existence."
"Be confident about speaking what you want into existence."
"There's no need for facades, no need to worry about muting, changing, or dimming your message, light, or purpose."
"I'd like to take this chance to apologize to absolutely nobody."
"Trust yourself and not be swayed by anybody else."
"Be more confident in yourself, be more nurturing to yourself."
"Inaction breeds fear and doubt, taking action breeds confidence and courage."
"It's very easy for a native speaker who's never learned another language to say 'just do it' or 'just be confident.'"
"You can see the delight, and it's getting better and better, it's growing with confidence when you get into these positions."
"The key to attainment is desire, confidence, and will."
"Strong desire, confident expectation, courage in action—these things bring to you your own."
"Knowing your worth, knowing you're the prize."
"They are not on my level anymore. I will win the Champions League once again and remain with my title as the best."
"Be positive, be confident, know how to pitch. It's a talent that can be learned, it is not something you're born with."
"Confidence in yourself, you ain't got it, you're playing the wrong sport."
"You cannot play this game if you don't have confidence."
"I mean let's be honest though, this looks pretty tight."
"Let's not get overconfident; let's stay cool, calm, collected, and composed."
"Sexual wellness is about being confident in the bedroom and beyond."
"The more action you take, you just build this reps of confidence."
"When I started to teach, I got a big confidence boost."
"When I'm in Nando's, I'm going to eat how I eat usually. I couldn't care less who's in front of me."
"If someone says they're world-class, there's no debate."
"Confidence is not 'They will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'"
"With your confidence and courage, you can fulfill your desire, achieving any goal."
"Having high self-esteem or high self-confidence is the single most important quality that a person can have."
"Confidence cannot grow if we are never willing to be without it."
"In the symphony of life, high self-esteem orchestrates a melody of confidence and resilience."
"My constant presence and charm inspire others to greater self-confidence and personal power."
"It isn't about being confident or feeling confident or any of that, it's about knowing bloody well how to negotiate. Start with small things."
"Your level of self-esteem, which translates into your level of self-confidence, is the starting point of success."
"Standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident, can affect our chances for success."
"Fake it till you become it is expand, allow yourself to feel powerful enough to really understand who you are."
"You find Courage by acting courageously, and then suddenly you say, 'I have it'. You find confidence by acting confidently."
"I've gotten to the point in my life where I'm just like f it, I'm just gonna talk about what I want to talk about, and if you don't like it, that is your problem, not mine."
"Confidence builds confidence and success builds success."
"You don't need to feel confident or courageous in order to get started. You just have to start."
"Confidence comes when you have a purpose and you're accomplishing that purpose."
"No matter what's going on...get up, clean yourself up, put some lipstick on, and step out into the world."
"I have never felt more confident than I have this year. It just feels like there's this deep reservoir of self-belief in who I am and what I'm doing and what I'm after."
"I'm just gonna be me, and I don't care if people don't like it. I'm just gonna do what I want."
"We should be way more inclusive of not just pretty makeup looks but for simple things too like covering up blemishes, fixing up their hairlines, and just experimenting and feeling confident in themselves."
"The secret to being confident is to believe that you have things to say that other people want to hear and simultaneously to recognize that sometimes, if or when people don't want to hear it, that's fine."
"Confidence is not having your self-esteem destroyed anytime somebody acts disinterested with you."
"Confidence is the ability to weather social storms because you are concerned first and foremost with you."
"At the end of the day, it's not about being able to get more people to like you, it's about recognizing that every single human being, confident or not, is going to be habitually presented with situations where they are the malign social party."
"The transition from faking confidence to being confident is seamless if you do it right."
"The point of confidence isn't to get the girl or get the friend; the point of confidence is to be able to survive not getting the friend and not getting the girl."
"Confidence and arrogance, there's a fine line between them."
"There's nothing that makes you more formidable than verbal competence."
"Confidence is everything, right? It doesn't matter who you are; full of confidence, it doesn't matter."
"Jurgen's really impressive... He's very self-confident and that came across to the players straight away."
"It will lead you to a new mode of self-expression, a new way of enjoying life, a new way of having fun, a new wave of confidence."
"There's a lot of research on overconfidence versus confidence, and confidence allows room to be wrong."
"Confidence plus curiosity allows you to be willing to have a beginner's mind."
"Little victories add up, and that is what gives you then ultimately confidence."
"Confidence in your choices is a reflection of your intuition affirming that you are on the right path."
"I think you should lie to yourself. Lie to your mind, cheat fear, and steal back the confidence you were born with."
"I think you should lie, cheat, and steal every day of your life: lie to your mind, cheat fear, and steal back the confidence you were born with."
"Confidence is really sexy. A sense of who you are is very sexy for men and women."
"Confidence is not a personality trait, it's actually a skill that you build through action."
"Being comfortable in your own skin is the secret to confidence."
"It feels like you can almost see and kind of feel the swelling up, the surge of confidence that's coming in Jordan Love and these young Packers."
"YouTube was like a vehicle towards confidence... At school, I had very little reassurance in myself."
"You are enough, and then some; you're more than good enough."
"Confidence isn't something that you are born with; it's a skill set."
"Confidence isn't walking into a room thinking you're better than anyone; it's walking in knowing you don't have to compare yourself to anyone."
"Daniel Boone was famous for saying that he'd never been lost; he'd been turned around a time or two but he'd never been lost."
"Confidence is a skill. Confidence is the willingness to try."
"Confidence is the willingness to try, knowing that you may succeed or survive, but you'll still try."
"Vulnerability is sexy. Own your weirdness. And your confidence is contagious."
"Confidence does not come from an expectation of success, it comes from a comfort with failure."
"Confidence doesn't come from mapping everything out ahead of time and knowing exactly what's going to happen. That's closer to cheating. Confidence comes from playing the map blind."
"Manifestation is the fruition of confidence and belief."
"We are ready, and we don't care what anybody thinks anymore. We're upleveling our confidence."
"Confidence is the willingness to try. That's all that it is, knowing that you may succeed or survive, but you'll still try."
"Accept yourself and believe in yourself. Look the world in the eye and say, 'I am what I am.'"
"There's no easy answer to it if you want to call it faith in the sense of confidence. I have monumental confidence that the scientific methods...have consistently led us to the best understanding."
"Radical confidence is being afraid and doing it anyway."