
Overcoming Fear Quotes

There are 3036 quotes

"The more I did it, the more routine it became, and the less I was scared to do it. You just have to do it."
"What are the don'ts of jazz and rock? What are the don'ts and any domain of life? The don'ts is just to please leave your fear at the door."
"I used to have a really big fear of death. I feel like but I think I overcame that."
"Punch fear in the face, punch perfectionism in the face, and press record."
"The ultimate solution to fear is to be willing to live through the thing you fear most, and if you can do that, you'll become invincible."
"Fear is overcome with love. You're going to have to love your idea for your business so much... that you believe in, and the only reason you can motivate yourself like that is because you have to really genuinely love the world."
"A reminder that even in the darkest of times, humanity has always found ways to confront and conquer its fears."
"Confidence really is almost like waiting to meet you at the place where you conquer your fear."
"Everything you've ever wanted lies on the other side of your fears."
"As soon as you let go of the fear of not having stability and you follow your dreams, I see so much material success coming your way."
"Do it afraid. The best way to deal with doubt... is to do it afraid."
"True strength is not about how much you can lift or how fast you can swing a sword. It's about facing the fears we never thought we could overcome."
"Say what you need to say and do what you need to do. Spirit is encouraging you to make sure this is an evolving situation that it doesn't stay stuck and stagnant because you cannot overcome your own temporary fear."
"Start before you're ready. You gotta punch fear in the face, punch perfectionism in the face, and press record."
"Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death."
"The only way to overcome fear is instead of focusing on the worst possible outcome, to focus on the best possible outcome."
"Rule number 26: Push yourself through the fear."
"You never feel fear when the mission to serve is clear."
"The discipline of taking rapid action on an idea...will train your ability to trust yourself and act in spite of doubt, fear, and hesitation."
"The best way you can conquer fear and doubt is through optimism, love, and faith."
"Don't worry about what others think. Your biggest challenge this month is learning how to handle your natural fearful state and not allow it to inhibit you in becoming fearlessly yourself."
"I conquered my fear by eating these Hot Topic bugs."
"The issue is how. How do you make yourself take actions when you're afraid, when you're scared, when you're overwhelmed?"
"The more that you give, the more that you get; you've eliminated the spirit of fear that comes along with poverty."
"The reality of bravery lies in the choice to protect, despite fear."
"The secret to unlocking incredible growth and financial abundance is going all in on your fear until the fear disappears."
"If you feel like something is calling you to create something more, but there's a fear blocking you, then that's the time to address the fear."
"By stepping into the fear, I literally felt the ball of pain in my chest unlock and disintegrate throughout my whole body."
"The only thing I did right in my life is walk through a little fear."
"You don't have to hold on to those fears, you just take one step at a time."
"The joy and the peace surpassed any trepidation that I had."
"Work through your fears. You are going to have a lot of new energy around you come new moon time."
"There's also a way of living life beyond fear."
"This is a year of breaking old paradigms and embracing growth, transforming inherited fears into strengths."
"Overcoming fear is the best feeling when you realize it was all just a bunch of nonsense in your head."
"Courage, you are safe, fears are an illusion, set strong boundaries."
"A month after that my son's fiance doesn't have a father and she asked him if I'd walk her down the aisle at my son's wedding, and I'm going, 'Well if I'm like the last guy, I ain't gonna make it.' So hell yeah, I got scared, but I ain't afraid anymore. Hell yeah."
"Have you ever experienced a situation where you wanted to do something, then you were anxious, scared, but you still did it and experienced one of two things: either it was not as scary as you thought, or you did it over and over again and at one point you weren't nervous at all anymore?"
"The best way to overcome the habit of fear is to assume the mental attitude of courage."
"Jump into the fear, lean into it, and use rejection to learn about yourself."
"The key to overcoming fear, then, is total and complete trust in God."
"I've always been a perfectionist, and that froze me. I was afraid to do things many times, but once I did them, it was this amount of energy."
"It helped me believe in overcoming fear and becoming that man that you know no one thinks that you're going to be able to become."
"Face your fear, major spiritual changes are unfolding. This is your chance to soar."
"Faith is the only thing I know of that's stronger than fear."
"The only way that I know how to overcome fear is to say God is with me, He's going to help me, and however this turns out, God is in control."
"If I have all these fears and I don't do anything about it, I'm gonna live my life in fear."
"Shaolin masters are taught from a young age to overcome fear and how not to let it hold you back."
"The early church went forth to preach Christ fearlessly because where the Holy Spirit is, where God is, where love is, fear is cast out."
"The things I was most afraid of, I coward from. I had to start facing these things and becoming an expert at the things I feared the most."
"Your success is on the other side of your fears."
"Hey, don't be scared. This is your moment to shine. Keep going, don't let your fear own you."
"Fear knocked, faith answered, no one was there."
"You're overcoming any fears, and your visualizations are starting to become your reality."
"Most people tend to major in minor things and they're just simply not willing to pay the price and to do the work because they allow their fears, their irrational fears, to overwhelm them."
"The secret to life is knowing how. How do you make yourself take action when you're scared?"
"I'm using the grief to build a belief that I'm a winner every day, so I don't fear anymore."
"Once you really start making those shifts by taking new actions and shifting how you see yourself, your shyness and your social anxiety will be a thing of the past."
"You're letting go of any false truths or any narratives that you've even told within yourself where you felt fear and you couldn't do it."
"In order to overcome fear, we first must understand what causes it."
"I declare that I will not be crushed by fear and anxiety. Let that spirit fall away from me."
"You have to learn to act despite your fear, because too many of us allow our fear to hold us back from living our best, our most authentic life."
"Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action."
"It's really helpful to have some sort of spiritual something...to just go, 'I'm going to be taken care of. It's going to be okay. I don't have to be living in this fear.'"
"His desire to learn was bigger than his fear of looking stupid, and he leapt headlong into learning."
"Facing fears is one of the greatest highs because you showed up for yourself in a way maybe you didn't know you could."
"Overcoming fear is ingrained in us. We want to grow, we want to evolve, we need more."
"Through the fear and through the discomfort came freedom."
"You've got to stop letting fear rule your life."
"It's Luigi who overcomes his terror to win the day. Who's the real hero?"
"There is no need for fear. We have plenty of resources available to help our communities get through this."
"Stop being living in fear and start doing what you need to do to get where you want to be."
"Fear not, it's going to be alright because the message of Christmas is He has not given you the spirit of fear."
"No more fear in your life, no more lack in your life, no more sleepless nights in your life, no more depression in your life."
"You've got to stop with this fear. You have got to stop operating out of fear of the unknown."
"Be cautious and careful, know that it takes a community of love and trust to beat the fear."
"I always remember this one game I when I was nervous, and I just couldn't perform. I couldn't play my game. I wasn't happy on the pitch. So, I had a conversation with my brother after that game, and we just agreed: don't be afraid to do things ever again in your career."
"Trust, take a chance, take a risk, and lose the fear of disappointment or failure."
"Embrace fear, embrace struggles... turn it, you know, and does it build you."
"No matter how awkward, scary, or embarrassing something might seem, once you face your fear and get through it, you'll come out a lot stronger, a lot braver, and in my case, you become a Harlem Globetrotter."
"The answer to fear is love... because fear is the absence of the energy of the universe."
"I'm not going to let the lion in the street stop me from chasing my dream. I'm going to run to the roar."
"Hopefully, you've got a zest for life now. You can't be afraid of death, you've already conquered it."
"Lily's evolution from fearing Pokémon to embracing them is truly heartwarming."
"It's not inevitable, but it's something we should be ready for because it's already happening."
"Radical confidence is being afraid and unsure and having a toolkit that allows you to still make massive progress."
"Everything I want to do is on the other side of fear."
"Courage is always stronger than fear, and when you are fighting for common values, you shouldn't be afraid of the enemy, because the enemy retreats when he fears force."
"Don't let your fears stop you. Start learning now."
"Don't let the prospect of hate keep you from doing something you want to do."
"As far as washing Roman I was real surprised he took right to it his anxiety towards water has really improved and now I feel confident that you know I can absolutely bathe him."
"Whatever you want to do, just start. We let overthinking get to us, we let fear doubt. Just start that idea that you got."
"Wow, I'm not going to lie I was a little scared for this one but good I went in looking back good stuff."
"They could come at you, but they can't jump on you, they could do all kind of stuff to me, bring fear so you could succumb to it, but they can't touch you as long as you follow the law the day."
"Don't let fear and doubt hold you back from God's best."
"Let go of the fearful stories you are telling yourself, stay in the moment, focus on solutions, and celebrate every baby step forward."
"You must act, use that fear, use that emotion as a catalyst to act, do not become paralyzed and do not cower."
"Everyone has innate creativity. They often just don't know how to tap it or they have a fear to tap it."
"Being a Green Lantern isn't about not being afraid, but it's overcoming that fear."
"Whatever is yelling at you right now is scared of you."
"Happiness is on the other side of fear. Deliciousness is on the other side of a snail."
"We're tired of being scared in this country. It's time for us to come together as a people."
"Don't let fear hold you back; conquer it one step at a time."
"Do it. Just do it. Eventually, you're gonna have to get over this fear of pleasing other people."
"You're stronger than the fear; you're capable of doing this."
"Just jump off the damn diving board and go in the water."
"I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it."
"Faith isn't the absence of fear, but the presence of Christ."
"In the end, faith and hope don't succumb to fear, worry, and doubt."
"The tower is always a blessing in disguise, breaking down things that kept you imprisoned in fear."
"Ghosty realized she would have to face her fears to help her new friends."
"The best things in life are like on the other side of fear."
"The water isn't that cold... you might find that actually you'll find new allies and new friends..."
"To go to the next level, you must boldly and aggressively attack the things that scare you."
"When you feel that fear, that is exactly when you need to persevere."
"We can start with fear, but end as overcomers through faith."
"Fear has to go, don't doubt any longer, don't be afraid."
"I love being able to tell fear to bow because if you don't tell fear what to do, it could run rampant in your life."
"Confront your scary place. That's how you get your wings."
"Step. That's how you step into bravery. Step. Take the step. Step aggressively toward your fear."
"This is about recognizing the truth and seeing the fear, identifying the fear, and it's not so fearful."
"Do the thing we fear and death of fear is certain." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"It's postponed for so long and I had a lot of fears and all that stuff, but I'm doing it anyways because this will stop at one point."
"Behind every fear, there is a miracle waiting."
"It's just a fear that we have. It's a hurdle that we need to jump over, and the more you do it, the more you're just not gonna care what other people think."
"There will be no progress if you fear failure." - Shotaro Kamiya
"I feel fear quite strongly, but there are times when something is important enough you believe in it enough that you do it in spite of the fear."
"You guys do deserve love, don't let fear be the reason why you think you're not in a relationship right now."
"It stars Brett as he gets over his fears of playing with these other kids."
"I feel like you need to let go of your fears."
"Call yourself that when you start doing nothing and I tell people all the time you know whatever you're afraid of doing it's generally only that scary once."
"Age doesn't matter when pursuing your dreams. Take action now, no matter how old you are."
"You don't have to fear being successful you meant to be successful you don't got to fear going back to the streets."
"The best way to fight fear is with education."
"Facing your fear turns you into a superhuman."
"We won't get anywhere by being afraid of change."
"This is such a classic book for helping to build fearlessness in your life."
"Faith and fear can coexist, but faith is the fuel that enables us to rise above fear."
"Stop fearing death to free up other fears and live with love instead of fear."
"Conquer your fears, overcome your fears, my brothers and sisters, and you'll be able to liberate yourself."
"I was really nervous about doing all this but in the end I enjoyed it."
"If you had one element that could help you really succeed here...I would say it's fearlessness."
"You defeat fear not by arguing against your fears, you defeat fear with movement."
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
"He then proceeded to threaten me about his grade on the assignment."
"His love of the ocean was far greater than his fear of what could happen."
"Confidence comes with practice, right? So if something makes you feel afraid, you just gotta try it. You have to get used to doing it a few times."
"Make a decision and move forward. Don't be fearful, don't be on the fence. Don't be procrastinating."
"You gotta start before you're ready. Punch fear in the face, punch perfectionism in the face, and just press record."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." - Nelson Mandela
"The blurry identity should start to eclipse any of the fears that you have."
"Fears could be turned into fuel for success."
"Highly successful people recognize when fear is holding them back and then they learn how to put the gas on to move forward."
"Faith is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to ignore it and move in faith anyway."
"Your edge is where you stop short, where you compromise your fullest gift and instead cater to your fears."
"You're a catch, don't let fear get in the way."
"Your healing actually gets you to push through a fear that maybe a year ago you would have never taken."
"Ordinary men called to Greatness overcame selfishness and fear to create a religious Revolution."
"Don't let fear hold you back from doing what you truly love. Commit to your vision and be the CEO of your future."
"Success comes from keeping fear in check, saying 'yes I can'."
"I won't fear death, disease, loss, or betrayal."
"Nothing will stop you, not fear, not inability, not inadequacy. The only thing that will stop you is failing to start."
"I just hope the best for them, and I want to have them not be afraid of the rest of the world."
"Integrity outlasts fear. Fear can only last for so long."
"I urge you, whenever you have a feeling over something, don't let the fear get the better of you."
"The hardest part is walking through the door, and you've already done that."
"The only time to be brave is when you feel fear."
"My message is more important than my nerves."
"Make your love for learning greater than your fear for failure."
"Just do something just do something whatever it is you think you're supposed to do start doing it don't be afraid."
"Embrace your passion. Don't allow fears to hold you back or rule your actions."
"Your greatest victories and your greatest fears often go hand in hand."
"One of the biggest things you can do in your life is get over the fear of the first 5% of stuff."
"The ultimate test of our own empowerment, it's our test of rising above the fear."
"I guess that's why you keep showing up, keep creating, to help you overcome that fear."
"It's one thing to be able to identify these fears. It's another thing to know what it is that you need to do in order to be able to overcome them and become fearless."
"This will be the future. It is coming now. It's how you're going to adapt to what's coming instead of being fearful."
"I love life and if you love life you can't allow fear to dominate it."
"Being proactive about going over your fears is powerful."
"Don't let fear get in the way, you've overcome it."
"Fear is your worst enemy, risk is your best friend." - Ron Lesniak
"The power to change your own life, the power to free you from resentment and overwhelming paralyzing fear."
"I want to make decisions based on curiosity not fear."
"Don't be afraid to go that extra mile toward your hopes, fears, dreams."
"Never letting fear win is something that will stay with me forever."
"The thing I'm most proud of... is to eliminate fear."
"This level of fear can actually choke your ability to find the unique thing that's interesting and exciting to you."
"Just go, just figure it out. Like just get over the fear because I think there's a much bigger fear in not shooting your shot at whatever it is."
"What are you afraid of? Let's move from fear to fear not."
"You don't scare me, notebook. You don't scare me. Why? Because I have a friend now. Yeah, that's right."
"Release your fears of being judged by others, be brave and speak your truth."
"Fear is the devil's ploy to get you, but faith makes the invisible reality of God's kingdom visible to us."
"Fear is inevitable, but true courage pushes past it."
"The thing that everyone realizes is that once you've uploaded your first video, all of that fear kind of goes away because you realize, that no one gives a shit, like no one actually cares whether you're uploading videos to YouTube."
"Overcoming my own insecurities that I built up in my mind, that I was so afraid of."
"Fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Don't get dissuaded by any fear, uncertainty, or doubt."
"Your biggest competitor is yourself. What's gonna stop you is you. Your own fears are literally going to stop you. So don't let that stop you."
"It's not fearing the unknown... I know that even though I don't know how I'm going to do it, I know I can figure it out."
"You just need to get it started, don't let that fear of what the end result might be stop you."
"Conquering this fear and creating an ideal for himself is what allows Bruce to absorb his pain and work through it and do something constructive with it."