
Strengths Quotes

There are 1009 quotes

"Recognize what your strengths are and play to your motivational strengths."
"Whatever that condition cost me, it also gave me an advantage... My pattern recognition is off the hook."
"Bet on your strengths, not on your weaknesses."
"When we're born, all of us are gifted with our own unique set of natural strengths and abilities, and these strengths and abilities aid us in our life purpose."
"Knowing your strengths helps you in your own life but also in all of your relationships."
"If you know what you're naturally good at, execute harder against that. That is...your biggest advantage in being successful."
"You don't have to try to be an extrovert, just understand that your strengths are different, and you can engage people just as well by playing to your strengths."
"Living your life congruently aligned with your top values and with your top strengths and talents... comes together in such a beautiful way."
"It's giving you the opportunity to appreciate your strengths from a unique perspective."
"Be an expert in the strengths of your spouse more than you are an expert in their weaknesses."
"Melinda has incredible strengths that help the foundation be better."
"I think that there is some sense of fulfillment to be found by working together alongside other people at the things you're really good at."
"I optimize for passion because even though there are some things that I'm always going to be really bad at, there are some things that I'm always very, very good at."
"In life, we don't waste time trying to improve our weaknesses; we outsource them and go all in on our strengths."
"You have to play to your strengths. That's what it means to be who you are. Accept that you're playing life with a handicap; you can still win."
"Real confidence comes from knowing your strengths and going all-in on them."
"Characters that work well together should probably have complementary strengths."
"You have to pick a business model that plays to your strengths rather than the ones that highlight your weaknesses."
"Your personality can be what it is. The most important thing is that you play to your strengths."
"Women's strengths, empathy and feelings are wonderful, but unchecked you end up in a weird place."
"It's of my opinion that you shouldn't double down on your weaknesses to try to make your weaknesses mitigated, instead... it's way better to double down on your strengths and just ignore your weaknesses."
"I learned over time how to take those perceived weaknesses and turn them into my strengths."
"This is just domination. This is just one character's strengths against another character's weaknesses."
"The biggest thing working in this film's favor is the flashback scenes fleshing out Rocket's origin."
"Your greatest strength is usually your greatest weakness."
"Focus on turning your weakness into a strength."
"You just need to know your flaws and you need to know your strengths."
"It's Humanity's greatest strength and our greatest weakness that we can get used to anything."
"Everybody has strengths and everybody has weaknesses."
"Hone in on what you're really good at and make it easier on yourself."
"Just when considering his strengths as champion, like what can he do that no other champ can? I'd say that's a pretty big strength."
"It's competitive advantages, it's ways that we can take what we're good at and compete with our strengths against what someone else's strength might be."
"Why wouldn't you play to your team's strengths?"
"God can gift you with great strength... but all of us know examples of people who had great strengths but were limited by their great weaknesses."
"Characters are probably the strongest aspect of the game right now."
"It's all about competing where you're strong."
"No weaknesses, only strengths developed over time."
"2D Zelda's limitations also happen to be the source of their strength."
"Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses."
"What if we asked not which type was the strongest on its own but which two types are the strongest when combined?"
"Fairy and water... Water and fairy are an extremely well-balanced pairing that allow for strong options both offensively and defensively."
"Our ADCs are strong laners, strong team fighters."
"This shows why Batman and Superman are always stronger when they work together."
"Croagunk... good stats, good abilities, good typing."
"Engage's chapter gameplay is without question its greatest strength."
"It's a valuable thing to know what your strength is and stay in your lane."
"Focus on your strengths and what you can achieve."
"Difference doesn't mean deficit, in fact, differences are one of the strengths."
"Success is possible only if you go all-in on your strengths."
"If you don't know your strengths, you can't build a powerful life."
"When we live and lead with our strengths, we are able to show up in our zone of genius."
"Use what you do best to do what you love to produce results that matter."
"They train your weakness into your strengths, essential you know."
"Focus on diverse thinking, concentrate on your strengths."
"Build everything around your strengths and then start to build counters to fill in those holes in your weakness."
"Lost Ark is like the BDO of top down games when it comes to combat and is easily the game's biggest strength."
"It has a lot of investigation that goes on here, it's one of the stronger points of the game."
"Don't ever let anyone tell you to work on your weaknesses excel at the things that you're good at."
"I don't necessarily have that personality that way to be that quite that Dynamic maybe but I think my strengths a lot of time is in."
"There's not just one way for having a good experience. We all have unique strengths and talents."
"The biggest strengths of the Samsung S95B QD OLED are its screen uniformity and viewing angles."
"Your heart, your empathy, your creativity—your superpower."
"The bloodthirster has showcased so many flaws in its design and yet so many strengths at the same time."
"I turned weakness into one of my greatest strengths."
"Playing what you're strong at is really important."
"Study what you're good at and what naturally applies to your life."
"The core gameplay of Apex Legends is its greatest strength."
"Your greatest strengths should be in alignment with what the job calls for."
"Humans adapt that's our superpower we're adaptive."
"Know your greatest strengths. What are you better at doing than anybody else?"
"Take that off my list of things and focus on what I'm actually good at."
"If you have a learning disability, you become a very good delegator. Because you know what your weaknesses are and you know what your strengths are, and you make sure that you find great people to step in and deal with your weaknesses."
"It's not a perfect game... but it just does so many things right."
"I lean into my natural giftedness of teaching and communication for life change."
"Figure out what tools are out there and use them for their strengths."
"Turn a possible weakness into a really great strength."
"Your greatest weakness is your greatest superpower."
"We all have gifts, we all have strengths, we all have weaknesses."
"You've got to find your superpower and then do that on a daily basis."
"Just know what your strengths and weaknesses are and then play to them."
"Play your strengths, don't try to learn everything."
"Your greatest weaknesses are also where you will find your greatest strengths."
"You're still using your strengths, even your weaknesses, as a way to get through life."
"Write down what are your gifts. Meaning, what are the things that you do, or even if you rolled out of bed, you would be better than everybody else in your class."
"We're all kind of self-aware of the things that we do well and the things we don't."
"These are your gifts, these are your challenges."
"It's kind of refreshing to hear somebody praise the series for its strength and for the things that I find enjoyable within it."
"A very powerful lesson for people to carry out is not to necessarily obsess on your weaknesses but to do your best to structure your life so that you can avoid a lot of them."
"Tell me what he's good at. You can improve the rest of it."
"The faster you learn what your own natural strengths and weaknesses are, the faster you get to stop wasting time on things you're never going to be good at."
"Use your weaknesses, make them your strengths."
"Sometimes you just have to know what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are."
"Do not call attention to your weaknesses, focus on your strengths."
"Be yourself, be genuine, play your strengths."
"Once I really stopped regretting everything that I did before and kind of embraced and thought back on what are my strengths."
"I'm know how I can make this work, and I know where my strengths are, and I know where my power is."
"The N is next step, how do you showcase your strengths while mitigating your areas of opportunity?"
"For the INFP, what are their strengths, what are their weaknesses, and which cognitive functions can they really leverage to really get the full zest out of life and enjoy life more."
"Sometimes our greatest strengths can also be our greatest weaknesses."
"God's made you for specific things, and those are your strengths."
"Sometimes your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness."
"Stop competing with your homies, know what you could do good and do that."
"Don't try to follow somebody else's blueprint... ask yourself what are my personal strengths."
"Boys and girls have different strengths."
"Knowing your weakness makes you a better superhero."
"If you recognize your weaknesses... focus on things that lean to your strengths."
"Pick a business that plays to your strengths."
"Understanding the different things that we're good at."
"Strengths: Planning, commitment, and following through. Sweet ass, that's a strength."
"Strengths: Thinking outside the box, a walking encyclopedia, and dad jokes. I'd agree with every single one of those."
"Success is someone who has fathomed their talents, reconciled with their weaknesses, and made the most out of their strengths."
"So, who should buy this camera? The camera has a few flaws and incredible strengths. The Q3 truly shines in street photography."
"Each of us has a gift, a strength that we can direct towards creating this world that we'd like to see in our future, that we'd like to see in our kids and descendants' future."
"Make sure you're focusing on your strengths and not calling attention to your weaknesses."
"The strengths of the female brain include forethought, conscientiousness, and collaboration."
"Now is a good time to take your time and focus on developing your gifts and strengths."
"...if they were going for a job that they really wanted and there are asked to nominate with genuineness what strengths that they had, would they say that they didn't have any?"
"Work with your strengths instead of your weaknesses."
"You want to work with your strengths instead of your weaknesses."
"It is a whole brain thing. What do we do to accentuate the strengths and create a context that supports those strengths?"
"You've got to know what you're good at and be the best at it."
"They all have different strengths and weaknesses, but there is a funny dimension to these where they are both reflecting the guardrails and the choices of the programmers."
"Because no two people are exactly the same. You are a one-of-a-kind combination of strengths, gifts, and talents. Things that no one else has."
"There's so much personal growth. You really push your limitations, you find out what you're capable of and where your weaknesses and strengths lie, and it's just, it's a really beautiful way to grow as a person."
"When you're trying to turn around a big deficit, you've got to hope that your strengths come to the fore."
"He plays to his strengths, never his weaknesses."
"He informs the two Heroes that they each lack what the other has: Midoriya's conviction to save others and Bakugo's desire to win."
"Emphasize strengths, don't fix weaknesses."
"You are best at certain things, and it's important for you to focus on areas where you are better than everybody else."
"His unselfishness, his vision and passing will be a real strength at the NBA level."
"Identify early on what you're good at and what you're not good at and just focus on those few things."
"It's not about looking at what's wrong with people, it's about what's right with people."
"Shape Shifter: transform and unveil your gifts, focus on developing your strengths."
"Parts of yourself that you see as weaknesses can become strengths if you use them right."
"Another growth path is owning your strengths."
"Maybe worse in other areas, and the United States is probably better at some things."
"They know exactly their strengths and use them for their own good."
"His powers include invulnerability or at least damage resistance and energy slash flame projection."
"Building on strengths and putting more effort into refining skills."
"Self-awareness means knowing and understanding your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values."
"And sometimes you don't need to fight, you just need to hide. Play to your strengths."
"your greatest challenge is also your superpower."
"Real confidence comes from leaning into your natural strengths."
"Staff your weaknesses and double down on your strengths. You'll make your strengths exceptional."
"What's good about you, not what's wrong about you."
"The good life consists in doing two things: identify your signature strengths and find a vocation that helps cultivate those strengths."
"She knew when an event is lined up for her strengths and she's gonna certainly go attack and try to make sure that she maximizes the point outcome"
"To understand his weaknesses is to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of his strengths."
"You should be willing to adapt and find your strengths."
"At its core, it's a study of humanity's greatest strengths and weaknesses."
"I just can't really find a weakness."
"Focus on your strengths, double down on them."
"They have everything: size, shooting, offense, defense."
"Each color line has its strengths and its weaknesses and they all have their differences."
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength."
"We got all kinds of crazy superpowers."
"What is my strength in the business? Where's my area of Genius?"
"Tailor the challenge... ensure it speaks to the strengths and aspirations of the person or team you're addressing."
"I truly believe that the gifts of this personality type, of this brain type, far outweigh the challenges."
"People are going to seek you out for the things that you actually have to offer, rather than asking you to do things that are not your strengths."
"Are you funny? Are you smart? Are you really good at a specific game? These are the things you want to focus on."
"A strong reputation increases your presence and exaggerates your strengths without you having to spend much energy."
"The double hull has its downfalls but also its strengths."
"You have to play to your strengths, you have to do something that really excites you." - Christopher Nolan
"There are all different types of Jedi with different weaknesses and strengths in the order."
"So what stacking the deck means is putting yourself in situations where your attributes are more likely to reveal themselves as strengths and try to avoid situations where your attributes are more likely to pull you back."
"The flip side of the problem behavior almost always has a strength in another context."
"Hunchback to me is a case where its strengths are not just good but arguably some of Disney's best."
"The destiny number goes into details about your strengths, the things that you may struggle with the most in life."
"Focus on your strengths, focus on perseverance."
"...what your strengths are are their weaknesses and what your weaknesses are are their strengths, and it's like you balance each other out and you learn from each other a lot."
"Everyone has some strengths and weaknesses and the more we are familiar with them the better we will be prepared to deal with them."
"Find your Niche what you're good at."
"When you get clear on your non-negotiables and what it is that you're good at doing, what makes you lots of money and that you actually love it when those three things intersect that's where the cash is."
"I think there's a very powerful lesson for people: not to obsess on your weaknesses but to do your best to structure your life so that you can avoid a lot of them."
"Our tendency is to lean into the areas where we feel strength and confidence."
"Just think of it as celebrating your strengths. You can do that."
"Figure out what you're good at and do that."
"Use your strengths to fulfill your purpose in life."
"Even overpowered skills like Phantom also had fatal weaknesses."
"Bobby Heenan had the ability to accentuate strengths and not exploit people's weaknesses."
"Overall video quality, they're very similar but they each have their strengths and weaknesses."
"You accept who you are, you accept your strengths and you accept your weaknesses."
"...make sure your characters have strengths, make sure they have weaknesses, especially weaknesses."
"Triple down on your strengths and don't worry about your weaknesses."
"It's definitely not a perfect watch but the areas that it gets right are so well done."
"Lean on your strengths to counter your weaknesses."
"We all have unique strengths that can't be easily copied or bought."
"By following the MILES framework, you can identify and capitalize on your unique strengths to achieve your goals."
"They both make up for each other's weak points."
"...these scenes can absolutely feel like a weakness for the series sometimes but I would also argue that they are always one of the greatest strengths that the series has to offer."
"We are a combination of strengths and weaknesses."
"Develop your strengths and manage your weaknesses."
"What are someone's strengths? What are the virtues that they can develop that they can build off of and lean on to make it through the hard times or to be the best version of themselves."
"Everybody's got a strength, everyone's got a weakness."
"Play to your strengths and accommodate your weaknesses."
"Being a jack of all trades is actually a pretty good thing, it's not a negative thing."
"Japan's strong point has never been software, it's always the hardware."
"Everyone has their own area where their skills shine."
"What is easier for you than other people? Whatever that is, typically you'll have an advantage there."