
Social Care Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"If you're more compassionate and more empathic, you're going to feel the hunger of other people and you'd be more motivated to care for them."
"It's so much fun but just love on them; there's no reason to not do it because aren't we talking about just caring for other people?"
"We need to care more about people across differences. We would need to find shared humanity and realize that when someone has been hurt, it matters."
"John's Campaign is an initiative to ensure that people living with dementia and other cognitive impairments, or anybody really now in social care settings or in hospitals, have access to their loved ones."
"Nobody seems to give a [ __ ] about a baby after it's born."
"We cannot, we must not, we must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe."
"To take care more about your friends, family."
"Jesus cared about helping the less fortunate."
"If you want to keep [expletive] closed fine, but you better figure out how to take care of the people who need things to be open."
"I've promised to find a long-term solution to social care once and for all."
"You don't have to have a reason to care about people."
"We need to help each other... have someone for dinner... buy them dinner... take care of the things that are needed for them."
"It's all about values, it's about caring for people who don't have it good."
"You're helping me take care of my family and give tangible proof that people and organizations actually do care..."
"People appreciate when you check up on them."
"I just care about everybody and I want people to be happy."
"Make sure you go check on somebody today because you never know what they're going through. Make a change in their life for real."
"If you've been affected by any of the issues raised in today's case, we have left links to further resources in the description box below."
"America has the potential to be a nation that actually cares for its afflicted and wounded and ill and disenfranchised."
"Accountability is not the same thing as punishment. Accountability is an act of care."
"No one has ever cared for the poor, but the poor."
"It can play a huge role in filling that gap between people who need help."
"Check on the people that you love, check on your friends, check on your family because you never know, things can turn in an instant."
"They don't care about the working people. They don't care about regular Americans. They care about enslaving you."
"That's encouraging aspiration. What's so care workers so is that the answer for care workers?"
"You have to treat people like they're human beings and they're all deserving."
"We're sheltering individuals at the highest risk."
"Good religion is looking after the widows, the poor, and those in need."
"When we were younger, there was an effort by the nobles to return abandoned kids like us to a proper life."
"We should have families adopt, let's say, you know, less this type of adoption, right? We just have families or people just volunteer and say, 'Okay, this is gonna be my Mahram, my auntie.'"
"Everybody wants to know that somebody else gives a damn."
"We need to sort out social care in this country."
"Social care services in England are in crisis."
"Through the national living wage, we are giving Britain a pay rise and making sure that pay is fair in all sectors, including social care."
"The kind of systems both medically and social that we have to have for that population we haven't begun to address."
"The church worships God, it evangelizes, and it cares for the poor."
"We care about pregnant women, we care about the poor, and we care about these kids."
"From the beginning of the pandemic, I was cognizant that this would have an enormous impact on the NHS and social care workforce."
"A social care system where quality personal care is delivered free at the point of need, separated from the ability to pay."
"We will fix the crisis in social care once and for all with a clear plan we have prepared to give every older person the dignity and security they deserve."
"They began emptying their beds, some patients who'd been inside for 40 years were helped back into society."
"We insist almost that the community accept its responsibility to these people."
"Who is going to look after these vulnerable individuals who actually need help if a lot of carers are leaving the UK?"
"You can't look after the hard-up people in society unless you're creating enough wealth to do so."
"The elected politicians are here, and we've got to do everything we can for the most vulnerable in our society."
"The Bible teaches us the importance of compassion and care for others, especially those who may be marginalized or in need."
"Girls and guys, always, always keep an eye on your drinks. Have fun but make sure to be careful when you're out and about, okay?"
"We're going to be taking care of our most vulnerable."
"We have to take care of folks' mental health in this province."
"My intention is also to provide vulnerable people with good high quality accommodation."
"We were looking to bring in those who were in homeless shelters, those who are in battered women's shelters, the elderly."
"Being caring socially speaking, whether it's helping your friends or if you see someone who needs clothing or food, just try to give them something helpful."
"We need to enhance social solidarity by ensuring that the most vulnerable and marginalized are given extra care and well protected."
"She kept taxes on the poor very low or non-existent and made sure widows and orphans were provided for."
"They're called children in care, nearly 60,000 kids in Canada who need help from the government for shelter and security."
"The government is meant to provide a basic guarantor that people don't die and that children are taken care of."
"So today I am committing additional grant funding of £2 billion to social care in England over the next three years."
"We have a sound system for looking after the vulnerable."
"Care workers make a vital contribution to society, but immigration is not the long-term answer to our social care needs."
"Our goal has been to make sure that people are not living on the street."
"We're going to be radically amazed at the degree to which people who keep track of the least of these... provide some way of alleviating that suffering."
"What about being a kind human? What about taking care of our fellow people?"
"If you are going to last, you have to prioritize taking care of widows, orphans, strangers, and the poor."
"We need to spend more money on providing resources for people that are mentally ill that need help."
"We will look after the young, we will look after the sick, we will look after our older Australians; no one held back and no one left behind."
"We take care of the well-being of people."
"We pray for the less fortunate, the orphans, the widows, the widowers, the elderly, the homeless, the children, and the prisoners."
"We care deeply about making sure those who are most vulnerable in our society get the support that they need through the winter."
"We need to actually care about people."
"We could feed in home and mental health facilities for the homeless, foster children, and addiction centers."
"I hope and I pray that the authorities can set up a house, a home, you know, a soup kitchen for these guys, man, these homeless fellas."
"The church was at the very least a cornerstone institution that took care of those in need."
"Become a good human being, one that cares about people."
"Social care workers look after our most vulnerable Londoners."
"Social care is highly skilled and can be hugely rewarding."
"A well-resourced social care system is vital for reducing pressure on the NHS."
"Amsterdam Pence free Administration stations for anyone who needs Sanitary products, now that's pretty cool."
"We need to see a continued improvement in social care, and we need to continue to help pensioners."
"Be good to each other, man, check on family, check on friends, you never know who's going through what out there."
"It's disappointing really that companies were actually profiteering while social care enterprises were on their knees."
"It's about caring for people who are poor, victimized, and vulnerable."
"I need to check up on people more."
"I think everyone should be taken care of."
"I was pretty clear-cut about what I thought success would look like if we were going to improve social care."
"There should never be any homeless veterans in America."
"I wanted there to be a long-term plan for the social care sector."