
Thankfulness Quotes

There are 4414 quotes

"I choose to be thankful for all that I am creating."
"I am bringing a thankful spirit to each step and action I take."
"Thankful that all of my needs are being met."
"Gratitude is a constant mindset of thankfulness."
"I start my day with thankfulness and gratitude."
"Words cannot begin to express my thankful heart."
"You're going to come to a place where you are grateful, you are thankful for how everything worked out."
"We were raised on being thankful that the sun came up another day, and that better be enough for you to be happy today."
"Be thankful and appreciate the small little things in your life; that way, if anything big happens, it's just like a bonus."
"Rejoicing and thankfulness are absolute pure expressions of faith."
"Strength, this is fearlessness and bravery, courage."
"I thank you for breathing life into me; I thank you for another day to pursue you and your purpose for my life."
"The fact that I get to spend my time with all of you means the absolute world to me. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for watching."
"Be thankful, be grateful always. Wake up with a spirit of gratitude."
"Being thankful and expressing gratitude can go much further than just if you paid for the day or not."
"Father, we thank you because you have never failed; you will never fail."
"Thankfulness... is how you attract the presence of God."
"The bond that you create when you share that type of thankfulness will start to reduce anxiety in your life because it boosts your immune system, it boosts your mood, and it boosts your relationships."
"First Chronicles 16 verse 34 says, 'Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His lovingkindness endures forever.'"
"I really can't thank you guys enough for that."
"We are at the conclusion of another year and we all can bear witness that God has been good to all of us."
"Guys, thank you for watching Crime Online with Nancy Grace here on YouTube."
"Thank God for His mercy that says you're not punished."
"Instead of being hyper focused on what we can achieve we take a day off to look at all the things god has achieved for us."
"For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful. Amen."
"Whoever does not thank the people does not thank Allah."
"In everything give thanks, rejoice always, declare his greatness."
"I appreciate each and every one of you guys so much."
"Thank you for my ability to channel energy on behalf of myself and others."
"Thank you, Lord, for your hand of favor and blessings upon my life."
"I'm here to remind them that it's because of you we live move and have our being it's because of you we didn't lose our mind and what we were in God today we don't ask you for anything we just simply thank you for everything."
"Give thanks for everything and at all times."
"You already are purchased, you already are precious, and so because of that glorify God and live in Thanksgiving for what he's already done for you."
"I don't know how to put into words how thankful I am but I am incredibly thankful."
"I am so thankful that the Lord guided me to sign up."
"Being thankful isn't just about acknowledging what we have, it's also about recognizing the hand of God in our lives."
"Gratitude: I'm thankful for this life and the opportunities that it presents."
"I just want to say thank you... for everything that you and John and LP and Chelsea and everyone y'all have done."
"First and foremost, I just want to say thank you."
"Thank God for His mercy, even amidst our sins."
"Thank you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"Don't forget to be thankful for what God has done for us."
"And to you almighty we give all of the glory, forever and ever, do our letter thank you thank you thank you."
"I just really I feel really thankful to have all of you here."
"I don't know what else to say but thank you a million times."
"Thank you for all that you offer, thank you for all that you give."
"Here is the final makeup look these are all products that I am super thankful for today on Thanksgiving."
"Express gratitude and feel thankful for the things you already have in your life."
"Prepare to receive a surprising overflow of abundance from God that will leave you in awe and forever thankful."
"I'm so thankful for you for your love and support, for being there for me and my family."
"Mercy is free. Thank God for mercy. Mercy is free."
"We need to constantly give thanks and gratitude for the things in our lives that other people do not have."
"I would never be able to do this without them so thank you so much I love you."
"You guys are the best, so thank you so so much for everything."
"Stay in the light, give glory to the Lord, be in prayer, give thanks, appreciate what you have and um, and the Lord will show you great things."
"We're thankful Lord that you love us so much that you would send your son to rescue us from our own sinful hearts and from this sinful world."
"I just wanted to remind you guys how much I am thankful."
"Man, I'm so grateful because I don't know where we'd be otherwise."
"God is good, God is able, and God turned it around for us."
"Have an attitude of gratitude; in everything, give thanks."
"You've got an opportunity to be very grateful today."
"I'm touched that you thought of me. Thank you so much for the gift."
"I will treasure this forever. Thank you so much for the gift."
"So thank you Sophie for replacing my bag... she wrote me the loveliest note to go with it just saying thank you so much for solving all my bag problems."
"Excited would be an understatement, but yet I thank God for them. I thank God for you."
"I asked Apostle Tim and Carol, could I come in a day early and just get here last night and just rest and pray and thank God for what he's doing in this region."
"Thank you, Jesus, for elevating me to a higher place."
"Yeah in America we're just going to end up with like a police shooting one of the clowns that pops up every Halloween."
"Don't ever lose your thankfulness. O God, we praise you. We praise you, thank you."
"Practicing gratitude...my single most important life practice...with thanksgiving coming many people think about being thankful."
"I am so thankful, so grateful, and so blessed."
"Thank you, Father, that you sent your word and he is healed."
"I'm thankful because I've got a family I can sit down with this coming Thursday, people I love dearly in this world."
"That would be my gift to thank you for everything that you've done for me."
"Thank you so much, that's what this is. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer, supplication with thanksgiving."
"Once again I really want to take the time to thank you guys so much for the support on this series."
"I want to thank you all so much for joining me today."
"I'm so grateful for just even having a roof over my hand having food on the table."
"One of the signs that there is something greater than us out there is that we see something beautiful that we want to express our Thanksgiving to and our worship towards."
"I am really grateful and I'm really thankful that you guys stick around."
"Thank God, you know, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, God. An important result of efforts are really nearly here."
"I have no other words to say except for thank you."
"Stand firm in your faith, always thank God because God has chosen you for salvation through sanctification by the spirit and through belief in the truth."
"Continue to give thanks to God in all things... a message that needs to be the center of our focus." - Shabbir Ali
"Seriously from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it."
"None of this would be possible without you guys and you love and support... thank you so much."
"Words fail to express the overwhelming sense of gratitude I feel."
"Those trials are tools God is using to mature you and I. So think and thank."
"It's a once in a year lifetime experience really to manifest all the good things that you know you are worthy of having and that you're excited to receive."
"We are so thankful, it shows us that we are one people, that we belong together."
"Truly just thank you so much for watching... may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day."
"Remember, it is a powerful time to give thanks to all things, to sit down and write a letter."
"Thank you for subscribing - hey, thank you very much!"
"I'm just really thankful for all of you and also for not having any deaths today. I'm also thankful that like nothing bad happened."
"I really have, there's no words that can express how grateful I am."
"Thank you all so so much for 2017, I'm just really really thankful."
"Thankfulness causes us to remember what God has done and it positions us to partner with Him for what He's about to do."
"Thank you guys so, so much. I really do appreciate that."
"Thank you so much, I personally am thankful for that."
"Tell him thank you, thank you. This is part of a fruitful prayer. You don't round up a prayer with amen, you round up a prayer with genuine thanksgiving."
"Thank you, I really mean it. Thank you so much."
"That's awesome, thank you all so much for hanging out and being here."
"Don't miss out, and finally, I want to say a special thank you to each and every one of you, the coolest community on all the interwebs."
"Thank you for everything, I really, really do appreciate it."
"But yeah, that's going to do it today, thank you all so very much for being here."
"The Lord is the first person that I'm the most thankful for."
"Thankfulness makes us generous, and generous people put a smile on God's face."
"I am so honored to be on this show. Thank you for having me." - Pat McAfee
"Angela, thank you so much, you truly blessed me and made my day. Thank you, isn't even a big enough word, I feel like saying thank you just a million times, one after another, thank you so much."
"Thank you very much for your support, it does mean a lot to me."
"We're so grateful that we're able to do that."
"Thank you so much again... I truly appreciate it."
"Thank you again thank you thank you thank you."
"Thank you that you did not allow the disease to kill, thank you that you didn't allow the cause to crash, thank you that you didn't allow the mind to break."
"Sit in gratitude a little bit longer for the support that's come in."
"Gratitude is the ultimate expression of faith."
"Be thankful to God for the provision and for the people He used."
"You guys are going insane, thank you so much."
"I hope you find many reasons and things to be thankful for."
"Thank you Lord for making sure that we had meat on our table tonight."
"You know what I'm saying? I'm thankful, blessed, and all of that, man."
"I want to thank everybody here for being here."
"We thank you Father for your goodness, we thank you for your mercies, and we thank you for your love and kindness."
"I'm thankful for you all having me here to witness this as well as the rest of the world out here who are seeing a great thing."
"I will always, always, always be grateful."
"Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate you guys so very much."
"I'm just so thankful for every single one of you. I truly mean that."
"I cannot give enough thanks and appreciation through words for how thankful I am."
"I radiate love and gratitude."
"I am praying and thankful for you so that you can have something you're going to be filled with the fruits of righteousness."
"Thank you for everything and live a little. Peace."
"I'm grateful and I'm thankful and yeah, much love to you guys."
"Lord, I thank you for being there for me always, even during the darkest moments of my life."
"Find something to be thankful about."
"Be thankful always and in all circumstances."
"I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart."
"Because we're thankful, you know, we show our gratitude."
"It's just being grateful, it's being thankful, it's feeling good, it's being appreciative."
"I was so grateful to him. I was like, 'Oh my god, thank you so much.'"
"I am grateful to the Lord because if it had not been for His grace and mercy, things could so easily have been tragic for me."
"It's by His grace that I am here today; it's by the grace of Jesus Christ that I am in good health."
"Thankful for everything, thankful to be here, thank y'all for having me."
"I am so thankful for all of y'all."
"Thank you so much, truly, truly, truly, truly."
"I'm thankful for the fact that I'm healthy and we have work."
"I am beyond grateful that you sent this to me."
"Our families are thankful, our communities are thankful, our state is thankful; may God bless you and the souls we lost."
"You do not know me yet your generosity will help me so much."
"I'm thankful for everything that God has put in front of me."
"Mostly everything is rooted in gratitude... the years just keep getting better and I'm just so thankful for it."
"I am so grateful for everything that I got."
"Thanks a million everyone, thanks for your support."
"We really thank you for your support."
"Be thankful for the time given today and share joyful words with one another."
"I'm thankful for what you have shown me."
"I'm so blessed and so eternally grateful."
"I'm feeling very grateful, so I appreciate you guys."
"Thank you to everyone that got me a gift."
"I'm thankful for the life I've lived; it's been an incredible journey."
"Thank you for another day of life, freedom, and health."
"I'm just so thankful for all of you."
"Every day I'm so thankful for how blessed I am to have all of your unwavering support."
"I sat on the edge of my bed and I said, 'Lord, you are so good to me.'"
"I'm thankful to God that I'm even able to take place in this movement, to be able to provide."
"We give thanks to God always for you all."
"Thank God that you have me at a time like this."
"Thank you for everything, honestly, thanks for everything you've done."
"I'm so thankful for each and one of you."
"We're super thankful for this new journey we're on."
"I am just so very grateful for you."
"You saved his life, and for that, I am forever grateful."
"I can't thank you enough for saving my son."
"I will not forget Lord your benefits."
"Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to spend with me."
"I myself am really thankful for literally everything that I have."
"I'm so thankful, like I would not have this car if it wasn't for God."
"We are so thankful we get a chance to chat with you."
"Father, I just want to thank you for another day of life."
"This year we have so much to be thankful for."
"Thank you so much, it means so much to me."
"So much love to you guys, thank you so much."
"We really do have so much to be thankful for this year."
"I'm blessed, I'm a blessed person, and I'm very, very thankful and grateful."
"You are all what I'm truly thankful for."
"I'm so appreciative and thankful."
"When goodness comes to the direction of a True Believer, you find him thankful."
"If the only prayer you say every day is thank you, that's enough."
"Thank the Lord for skateboarding."
"Words cannot express how grateful I am."
"Thank you, sweet baby Jesus, that we are home free."
"I'm so grateful for each and every one of you."
"Thank you, God, that's all I can say."
"Be thankful that you're here right now."
"Are you thankful when you wake up in the morning? Are you thankful before you go to sleep at night? I mean, are you really thankful?"
"Gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and opportunities in your life."
"Thankfulness must be equal to my passion for more."
"Passionate hunger, thankfulness, and the prayer of faith."
"It's such a gift and we just want to say thank you Lord."
"The worth of thankfulness is like a precious gem in the rich fabric of stoic philosophy."