
Time Management Quotes

There are 16998 quotes

"Time affluence, being rich in terms of time, is the opposite of what we experience a lot, which is time famine."
"People who prioritize time affluence over time famine, particularly those that will spend money to gain more time affluence, they're happier than the folks that won't."
"Older individuals tend to have more time for social connections."
"I value my time over my money. I'll put it that way."
"Your inbox is nothing but a convenient organizational system for other people's agenda for your life."
"We have 86,400 seconds a day, and whatever you're not investing into something for your happiness, for your health, for something that's going to outlast you, then we lose it every single day."
"If you want to make the most out of your time, you really have to be very thoughtful about the things you do the first couple of hours after waking up."
"I needed to do everything in my power to get the very most out of every single second of every single day."
"I was not willing to waste a day, and when you're willing to waste a day, then your mind will start to listen."
"You have plenty of time to do the things you want to do."
"Every entrepreneur knows that the most valuable currency of all is not actually money, rather time."
"People need to nail down their motivation if they're going to take the kind of action that they want because you're wasting a lot of time with distraction which you're not even thinking about."
"Time will go by anyway; you might as well have it go by in your favor."
"The worst thing about the bus isn't the bus; it's the time you wait for the bus. Time is money."
"Start self-improvement now... The time that you spend compounds exponentially."
"Time management is a really valuable skill to work on because time is our single most valuable non-renewable resource. We can always make more money, but we can never make more time."
"You come to life a billionaire... you start your life with a credit of two billion [heartbeats]... every second that passes, you're spending from your credit, exchanging it for other things in life."
"The adult human is on their phone five hours per day... That's 35 hours per week. That's literally a job."
"The only thing you really have in your life is your time."
"Avoid drama like the plague. Drama is a waste of time, a waste of energy."
"Taking care of yourself and asking for help, and time management is key."
"Worry is a gigantic [__] waste of time and life and energy."
"You have no time to contemplate, no time to introspect, no time to be aware or conscious."
"It doesn't matter how much money you have or how good your financial system is if you don't have the time to actually enjoy your life."
"By living with less, all of a sudden, we had more time in our hands to do the things that we enjoy doing."
"If you think about how much time we waste on Facebook and silly things, deep intellectual thought is what's missing."
"I've overbooked myself today. I did a bit of an oopsie."
"The greatest failure you should be scared to death of is just sitting around and squandering your time and achieving nothing."
"Being mean is like watching a TV show; it's for entertainment but at the same time, you're just wasting time."
"The quality of your life is determined by how you spend your time."
"Your time is money. At a certain point, you got to know what your time is worth."
"You can change the world in three hours a day."
"A minute of planning saves 10 minutes of execution."
"You've got to value your time because that's how you get stuff done."
"What about productivity, Freeberg? My kids aren't trying to be productive. They're using it to burn time. It's called childhood. You don't have a productive childhood."
"If it's not gonna matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes thinking about it."
"The reality is, because my time is finite, because my time is limited, how do I want to spend my time? How do I want to live my life?"
"Time is our most valuable non-renewable resource; it's the only thing we can't make more of."
"The more sponsors I do, the faster I make my money back... it's probably the amount of time that I feel like I have to make the difference."
"Productivity is about using our time intentionally and effectively."
"A healthy approach to productivity is just spending time well."
"Those that don't have time to meditate are the people who most need meditation."
"The whole philosophy of time management is kind of based around this idea of intentionality and then time blocking."
"It's what we do with the hours of our day after we wake up that make the difference in how much we get done."
"Productivity is the confluence of managing our time, our attention, and our energy."
"The reason productivity is so crucial is we only have so much time... and most days we feel that."
"Productivity, in the sense of making better use out of what limited time we have every day, so we have more time for the things that are actually meaningful to us."
"Our minds love a sense of spaciousness in time. Taking your time is wonderfully regulating."
"Followers go find purpose in your own life and stop wasting your precious time with mine."
"Time is of the essence. Time is money, baby."
"People overestimate what they can do in a short amount of time and underestimate what they can do in the long term."
"We have time, and it's not a lot of time, but we have time."
"Valuing your time is a central tenant of freedom. You need to learn how to value your time properly."
"Freedom. What is that underpin? These two secrets: learning to value your time properly and ditching the smartphone."
"Let this not be a good time, let it be a God time."
"You are wasting your time and more sadly, you're wasting their time."
"You're never wasting time when you're doing something you love."
"Everyone should meditate 20 mins a day... and if you don't have time, then it should be an hour."
"Cooking and trying out new recipes is something I really enjoy, but planning all the meals and going to the grocery store can get very time-consuming."
"When you have lots of time, a book is the perfect thing to pick up."
"If you really want something, you will find time; otherwise, you will find an excuse."
"There's a feeling of urgency now as time is ticking and there's so much left to do."
"If there's something they really care about, you can fit it in. You just need to organize your time in such a way that it does."
"Different cultures have different understandings of time, lateness, and what it means to be polite."
"Time is a precious commodity that every one of us takes for granted."
"Once I took off the other things, that gave me the time and the focus to improve the one essential thing."
"You have to understand, if you tell me, 'I don't wanna work,' I wanna see how you're working those other sixteen hours."
"It's easier to make a lot of money in a little bit of time than it is to make a little money in a lot of time."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much money you have or how good your financial system is if you don't have the time to actually enjoy your life and to enjoy your money."
"True wealth is being able to choose where your time goes."
"People generally overestimate what they can accomplish in one year but underestimate what they can accomplish in five years."
"Get to work; you still have time to make things happen."
"We're taking our time. There's no need to rush."
"The way you spend your days is the way you spend your life."
"There is a difference between spending life and wasting life."
"Every Friday night at sunset... it forces you to slow down and just add that margin in your week."
"If you don't have time, you don't have priorities."
"Success in life is the result of the effective use of time."
"The key to effective use of time is correct priority."
"If you love life, don't waste time because time is what life is made of."
"Have a scarcity mindset for your time because you can never get it back."
"Every notification that you check costs you about 15 to 17 minutes of your progress."
"A high-value woman respects her time, her energy, her body, and her mind."
"I mean, there's just... by the way, you can go on a binge of Norm MacDonald stuff because all of it is funny. You will lose hours of your day."
"We don't have to hurry; it's fine to take our time."
"Welcome to my third and final attempt to complete Pokémon 151 in just 151 minutes."
"What fits your busy schedule better: exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?"
"Instead of saying I don't have time for that, say I'm not prioritizing that and it will totally change your mindset."
"You can make more money, but you can't make more time."
"The calendar is the most important productivity app you can get. Your whole day should be outlined."
"Everything takes twice as long as you expect, even if you take this into account."
"Expectations are infinite, time is finite. You are always choosing. Choose well."
"It seems to me, the older I get, the less free time I have. That's why it's important and vital that I maximize my usage of what little free time I do have."
"One quote that I like is 'Time is a created thing. To say I don't have time is to say, I don't want to.'"
"I'm in control of my time, I am in control of what I do with my life. What is essential, what is nonessential."
"In life, there's never enough time to do everything, but there's always enough time to do the important things."
"Time management is not just time management; it is life management."
"You can do anything you want with your life if you'll manage your time properly."
"Before you start anything, ask yourself, 'What is the most valuable use of my time right now?'"
"The core of time management, the axle around which the Wheel of Life turns, is goals."
"Everyone gets 24 hours in a day, nobody gets more and nobody gets less."
"Time spent or time lost will never come back again. Learn how to prioritize, learn how to schedule your priorities, learn how to manage your time better if you want to be a world-class leader, if you want to be successful in your life."
"Time and energy is what you mastered, but now you have to be aware of capacity."
"Time is literally our single most valuable non-renewable resource. We can always make more money, but we can never make more time."
"Time management and the discipline that goes along with that are absolutely the most important early life skills that you can acquire."
"Multipliers realize that next-generation time management has much more to do with what you don't do than what you do."
"Anything that we say no to today, creates more time for us tomorrow."
"Getting good at the skill of time management is a hugely important part of living a meaningful, happy, and fulfilling life."
"Just not watching TV on my own has been the single rule that has freed up by far the most time of anything else I've done in my life."
"We need to stop saying 'I need more time' and realize that we're not going to get more time. We just need to be more thoughtful and intentional towards the time that we have."
"I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."
"The way you multiply time is by giving yourself the emotional permission to spend time on things today that create more time tomorrow."
"Find your creative time and defend it ruthlessly."
"Verbs are important, you do not find time for important things, you make it."
"Time is all we have. And we may find one day you have less than you think."
"And if I see a slow time in my schedule, I make it happen. Like, let's work."
"For me to squander any moment, any second of my life, is something that definitely haunts me. It haunts me every day, and I won't let it happen."
"Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation."
"The key to life really is to value yourself, audit your time, energy, and emotions."
"We make time for the things that matter to us."
"Life is very long, don't spend it doing dumb stuff."
"You've got time, so if you're feeling pressured with time, know that you've got time to relax and figure this out."
"Time will magnify whatever you feed it... if you have good habits, time becomes your ally."
"All you have is time, and so the way that you spend your days is the way that you're going to spend your life."
"Why not go to the smallest unit of measurement and try to optimize it? Life is made up of days."
"If democracy is a value that means something to you, it should have been instituted long ago where you work, because that's where you spend most of your time."
"Carefully consider how you live. Live wisely, not foolishly. Make the most of your time."
"If you wait too long to decide what you're gonna do with your life, you'll find out that you've already done it."
"I think most people lose because they overestimate what they can do in a short period of time and underestimate what we can do over a long period of time."
"A time enjoyed wasting is not a waste of time."
"Don't waste this life. Don't waste the precious time you have here on this planet because it just won't be worth it in the end."
"Opportunities are like sunrises; if you wait too long, you miss them."
"Let's not waste time, we've got more than 150 tips and tricks to get through."
"I have 24 hours and they're mine. This 24 hours belongs to me. Whatever I'm doing in this 24 hours will determine where I'll be tomorrow and the next day."
"The most valuable asset at this point is my time. That's what I care about."
"You can always make more money, but you can never make more time."
"Time is precious, and your time is valuable."
"If time is a commodity, then you got to use it to your best interest."
"You're going to earn money every single 48 minutes, which is an in-game day."
"The urgency of the situation dictates that it's worth investing the money to save a lot of time."
"You can never make time; you can only invest it or direct it."
"Give yourself a deadline... Be realistic with your deadline and understand that it works with your life, that it is doable."
"Everyone has the same finite amount of time, like 24 hours in a day, every single day."
"If you want to sleep all morning and that's a priority for you, then that's fine, that's a valuable use of your time."
"Everyone needs to set their own goals and intentions and with those in mind, you can start to manage your time and prioritize effectively and strategically."
"I feel as if I'm controlling time... giving the illusion that you're controlling time."
"If I haven't done this task by next Thursday, will I be stressed? Yes or no?"
"The two-minute rule is basically if an activity or something is literally gonna take you no more than two minutes, you literally do it now."
"The job of every human is to make the best and the most of the time that's given to us, not for our own selfish gain, but to try to make this place a better place for someone else."
"If you master self-discipline, any feasible dream becomes an objective that is separated from you only by time."
"I'm making progress, saving time, finding small optimizations, improving stuff."
"The time you plan to waste is not wasted time."
"The time's gonna pass anyway. The next year's gonna pass whether you do a little bit every day or not."
"I regret not spending more time at home with my family when they were younger."
"Infinity. That's right, you don't have to worry about that pesky timer anymore."
"Being in a literature club probably means I can't spend all my time doing nothing, but in the end, I guess it's been worth it so far."
"When you're excited about a project, when you feel alive and energized, then time is a much different experience than when you're bored. So, you can create your relationship to time."
"Dead time is where you work for other people. You have no control over your time. It's not your own. It's their time. They possess you. You're almost literally their slave. And alive time is that your own. You're the master of it. You control it."
"The five minutes is not a gimmick. It's small enough that even the busiest person feels that they can fit that into their day, but it's long enough that it's going to have an impact."
"One of my New Year's resolutions is to spend less time on social media."
"Never give up. Time is running, time is going. You are not special; it will not stop for you."
"Don't wait and lose time because sometimes later becomes never."
"Time is ticking away for all of us at the same pace. Whether you are busy, you are lazy, you're sleeping, you're doing useful things, or useless things, it doesn't matter what you do or you do not do, time is ticking away."
"What's the most valuable resource? It's your time."
"Arguing on Twitter or YouTube comments is the biggest waste of time in the world."
"Instead of trying to keep dunking, just having a conversation is more beneficial, and you waste less time."
"Audiences are not blind sheep; they have unique interests and limited time in the day, so your content has to be first off overall good and appealing to them."
"There is no shortage of time, there is unclear priorities."
"Deal with things that are important before they become urgent."
"Your time is your most valuable resource, it is the only resource that you have that is limited."
"I have not in recent years given myself a lot of time to just be still."
"You can't put a time limit on what you're going to do with yourself."
"I was just so entranced by the concept of like, 'This is mine and this is my time and I'm accomplishing something with it and it's fun'."
"It is not the movement of the clock that produces the newness of life, it is the movement in your mind."
"We use all the time, or we can't use at all."
"We overestimate what we can accomplish in a year and completely underestimate what we could do in a decade."
"Life is so short. I've been playing catch-up the last few years."
"You cannot make up for lost time, no matter what you do."
"Thank you. You saved me a lot of time, a lot of money."
"How can I best utilize this time and don't look for what's wrong, think of what's right."
"You can only work so many hours a day consistently, but your money doesn't need sleep. Your money can work for you 24 hours a day."
"I said a game should make you want to waste your time and not just waste your time."
"If you're installing a water cooling system at the same time as you're building your system, you're actually going to save a lot of time compared to installing it later."
"Almost everything takes longer than you think it will."
"I'm too op. Here it is. This is the final time we have to go to the clock."
"Thank you so much. I know you're busy. Thank you for taking the time out to do this with us."
"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that."
"Everybody is a financial trader by trading time for money, which is the worst trade."
"McLaughlin is slicing time out of Scott Speed."
"When you're chilling, is when you can own your time."
"Time Genius is really giving people a paradigm shift around time so they can be joyfully productive."
"I always have time for what's most important."
"Time is borrowed, and we have to make the best of it."
"Our most precious resource is time, and we don't have enough of it to do everything."
"Every moment counts here because our world is changing so incredibly fast."
"I feel like I should be doing better with the amount of time I have in the day."
"I manage my time in a form of natural selection... Life is for living."
"Make the most of your time off, like sacrifice your weekends or whatever days off you have of the week, to focus on what you're really passionate about."
"I've learned... to spend time uninterrupted with friends."
"There will never be enough time for me to get all of the things done that I want to do, and that's okay."