
Opportunities Quotes

There are 5419 quotes

"I am grateful for my limitless opportunities."
"Gratitude opens the door to people and to other opportunities."
"When you focus on problems, all you get is more problems. When you focus on possibilities, what you create is more opportunities."
"Thanks to the internet, it's never been a better time to be creative."
"Don't let the window close without at least re-examining some of the assumptions that got you here."
"Life's struggles and difficulties become chances or opportunities for awakening."
"If you don't risk it, you'll definitely miss out."
"It's about connecting and putting yourself out there, saying yes to opportunity."
"When we can shift our focus towards what we do want, that's a complete 180 turn, and all of a sudden, we're going to be seeing doors and opportunities that we couldn't see before."
"If you're worried way too much about other people's opinions, which is the biggest reason you don't take chances, because you worry about how people judge your failures."
"The world is your oyster when you're starting your career."
"New opportunities and choices are opening up to you. Claim them."
"The internet's like the modern America, like how people used to pitch America as the land of opportunity."
"New York City's allure as a global hub of opportunities has drawn people from all corners of the world."
"Looking back historically, every time the communication field has seemed dead, those have been the exact times where it was great to get into the field."
"This person coming forward with a new offer, will you take that offer, you know, it's going to lead you through a new gateway, a new beginning."
"Market crashes are kind of like a Black Friday sale for investors because you can come in and buy great assets at a discounted price."
"There's infinite chances. Just because one doesn't work out, it's not the end of it all."
"The more action you take, you put yourself in positions to be lucky."
"The blessing of the block: what seems like an opportunity can really be a trap."
"Instead of being worried about what could happen, be excited about all of the different opportunities you have."
"I give birth to new opportunities with faith and trust, safe in the knowledge that I'm fully supported every step of the way."
"There's an underlying happiness throughout it, and it's again going to open up so many new doorways, so many new paths where you get more free time that you get to choose where do I want to spend this, what I want to do next."
"You have options in your life; you have so many options. Look out into the horizon in August and look at your endless options and opportunities."
"You are truly free. This is a time for you of self-discovery, self-expression, and a lot of amazing opportunities are right on your doorstep."
"Allah can open doors for anyone; he's the creator of the universe."
"This has been an incredible thing for our family that has made our boys have opportunities and develop in ways that they would not have if they might have been in traditional mainline schooling."
"Kids today are actually overwhelmed by all the opportunities and programs and expectations."
"You only regret the chances you didn't take."
"Embracing change, even when it's hard, can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. It's about finding the silver lining."
"What do you desire to do? Where do you desire to go? The world is your oyster right now."
"These opportunities are being put in your way to show you what direction you need to go."
"Spirit wants you to know that if you use love and compassion, that is going to open that door for you."
"We are now irrevocably joined in an enormous coalition of seven billion people and growing. The opportunities for human enrichment at this scale are enormous, as are the dangers."
"Make your own opportunity and be your own green light."
"It's not set in stone; it's basically a way to read energy, to read opportunities in front of you."
"Justice is not concerned with survival; justice is about equal access to opportunities."
"Education can do that much more readily than trying to get that one NBA contract out of a thousand people."
"YouTube has blessed my life in more ways than I could have even imagined, and there is room for you in this space."
"Through communication, you will end up developing a network which will give you a paramount amount of opportunities."
"A diverse state can offer you many things, many opportunities, experiences, different food, people, cultures, music, and very colorful parades in some cases."
"By setting goals, trying more things, engaging in more activities, and exploring more opportunities, your probabilities of success increase dramatically."
"If you keep knocking, you'll find open doors."
"We do not want sympathy; we do not want pity; we want opportunities."
"You've got more options than you might be seeing right now."
"This is just an opportunity to have your life very gently intersect with someone else's life."
"Let's allow men and women the opportunities to succeed but respect the choices they make, even if it means that women don't end up as CEOs or take the careers that you want them to."
"Opening up the door for yourself in terms of the opportunities that you're allowing yourself to see and take."
"You can screw up for the next five years and do nothing, and you'll still have your entire life ahead of you professionally."
"The opportunities that exist are real; they're underserved, they're under-promoted."
"Parents get mad because they want their child to have access to better opportunities in life and they don't want them to make the same messed up mistakes they did."
"Let go of past burdens to make yourself available to the opportunities and love that the universe wants to usher into your life."
"Trust your intuition and it's okay to close the door because if you do, another one will open."
"Life is long, and it's just you know kind of keep going, you have so many opportunities to invent and reinvent yourself."
"Embrace the new opportunities that arise, whether in work, health, or personal growth, to channel energy productively."
"Real estate is not just about acquiring properties; it's about creating opportunities and solving problems."
"Obstacles present opportunities to overcome."
"Opportunities are not accidents; they're maps of direction."
"When you believe that something is possible, you will do the work, and you will stay open to all of the amazing possibilities that come into your life to make it happen."
"Always keep one eye open for potential opportunities for where you can source materials and actually use them to compost."
"No other country has that same sense of freedom, has the same opportunities, and that same spirit of everything is possible."
"There's no such thing as obstacles, just opportunities."
"I want to give them platforms and opportunities and tools that make their lives easier."
"Marriage fundamentally creates an alliance, so being able to marry who you want opens up a world of opportunities."
"I wish that every person in Gaza and every person everywhere have the same opportunities that I had in life."
"What I learned in my career is just like if you work really hard and you love what you do, it will lead to more opportunities."
"Don't stop learning after school. It's really important to upskill your skill set to keep up with the times and also to be able to take advantage of the new opportunities that are now available."
"New years create new opportunities... a time to have self-reflection."
"Everything repeats. Nothing is missed forever. There will always be another spring, another holiday, another chance to do whatever you think you missed out on doing."
"I love sharing opportunities for other people to better themselves."
"New opportunities to build a career are popping up every day."
"There's more available to you than you think."
"Every time you can push your life a little bit further, there's a breakthrough and then there's a door that opens and a whole new pathway opens up."
"It's like the universe in a mystical magical ways conspiring to help you to reveal certain opportunities in your material life."
"The universe is abundant, and there is no shortage of resources or opportunities for those who seek them."
"You can create a new opportunity for yourself online with virtually no barrier to entry."
"Imagine all unwanted thoughts dissolving into light, creating room for new opportunities and dreams."
"Touch people not just with your opportunity, but with your life."
"Show up because you never know what's gonna come from it."
"There were plenty of opportunities for happy outcomes during our broadcast."
"Our mission is to build safe and supportive communities where boys and young men of color are valued and have clear pathways to opportunity."
"The internet gave us a whole world of exciting new possibilities."
"Machine learning has advanced so rapidly in the last few years that there are so many opportunities."
"It wasn't Jeremy Lin who failed in the NBA of becoming a true star, it was the NBA who failed Jeremy Lin."
"If you really get an offer for something that you love, you just have to drop everything."
"Whenever the North Node Rahu goes in Taurus, it's money, so there can be an explosion of new opportunities for money."
"Every day is new, and every day opportunities come to you."
"The possibilities are somewhat limitless in terms of what you can take away from that."
"The more financially educated you are, the more opportunities you're going to see."
"You'll have multiple options come in... you'll be able to choose from what you like."
"You'll miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
"This world is full of too many opportunities and resources to create opportunities that no one should be struggling."
"Engaging with other people is fundamentally the best way to find direction, it's the best way to find opportunity."
"There are times in life when you realize, for better or worse, you only get one shot at something."
"Take every opportunity that speaks to you personally, not just any opportunity."
"You are open to opportunities when you are giving love so freely to yourself."
"I don't doubt that many challenges lie ahead for Inazuma, but out of those challenges will be born new opportunities."
"It's a very, very good time to be a writer, firstly because there's so many unexamined presumptions in our time, and secondly, not many people want to tread on them."
"When you don't know what you're supposed to do, staying true to yourself can open avenues you don't yet see."
"If you're not asking, then of course no one's going to say yes. You're saying no for everybody."
"Accelerated computing will unlock new opportunities for us all, with million times higher performance powered by accelerated computing, data center scalability, and AI."
"A time of great joy and success brilliant epiphanies that lead to magical opportunities."
"You never know who you're gonna encounter; you never know what that relationship can do."
"Open yourself up to opportunities, make yourself a little bit more approachable."
"If you can program your subconscious mind to believe that that's already you, then your subconscious mind is going to work in the background and bring opportunities your way."
"One shot, that's all any of us ever really gets."
"Having money opens opportunities; now you can do more [things]."
"You're manifesting everything you've ever wanted. Now is the time to embrace those opportunities."
"I think AI is going to create more jobs and more opportunities than it's going to destroy."
"Innovation is how we invent a new tightrope amidst the challenges and opportunities ahead."
"We live in a country where men and women are meant to be equal: same pay, same careers, same opportunities."
"Every night is a fresh slate, new faces, new [ __ ] game. It's like literally dying in a video game and then hitting reset and starting again."
"It's never too late to change paths, no matter how old you are or how invested you are in a current situation."
"I am terrified of having toxic people who I missed the cues and on the positive side, I'm terrified of missing good people and good opportunities."
"If someone wants to go have coffee with you, you might meet the person of your dreams over coffee. Who gives a damn about the background? It's about the connection."
"They are the gifts, it is the opportunities we have, the chance to live among people."
"Take as many risks as possible while you can."
"Now is a better time to buy. These crises create opportunities for long-term investors."
"The world's biggest challenges are also the world's biggest opportunities."
"This whole decade is going to be filled with pretty much never-ending opportunities."
"As a UX designer, there's always room to grow and opportunities for change."
"The industry has changed in such a way...with TikTok and all the opportunities...what a reporter was and what a TV host was, and what a broadcaster was, is no more."
"It's amazing how the world is just changing and there's so many opportunities on the internet."
"Deflation creates the greatest opportunities."
"When it comes to opportunities, not only do we have to seize them, we have to prepare for them also."
"The past is now behind you; release it and embrace new opportunities."
"The concerns that are out there are far outweighed by the opportunities that space exploration brings to humanity."
"In the realm of possibility, there lies opportunity."
"It's just changing the dynamics of the sport, it's just allowing so many more opportunities for dodgeballers to come out and experiment and try different things."
"I feel like all of your dreams and desires have been waiting at your doorstep but you've been too busy looking at all of the things that you don't want... to turn around and just open up your front door."
"Life offers you so many different stories with so many different people. There are more stories available to you to begin in this next chapter of your life than you possibly have time for."
"Opportunities are like buses. There's always a new one coming every day."
"It's like we're drowning in opportunity, and your attention is your most important asset."
"Don't be afraid to speak up. Oh my gosh, I might lose my friends, I might lose my job. Well, then there's a better job and better friends waiting for you around the corner."
"You've got to be careful with opportunities that sound too good to be true, like flipping houses. It's why I started with the stock market."
"Hard work and knowing how to communicate have brought me more opportunities than anything else in my life."
"Welcome to a place of limitless possibilities."
"Systemic racism is when a group of people has less opportunities not because of individuals being racist, but entire systems being racist."
"Favor is what opens up doors no man can shut."
"The worth of a society isn't the opportunities it offers its remarkable people; it's about what kind of opportunities it gives to its unremarkable people."
"The idea of a Serendipity Vehicle...opening yourself up to connections and opportunities from all around the world."
"Not to mention the opportunity to educate, to get people over their fears."
"Money and career-wise, lots of money, step up in money. Some of you have a great new opportunity, a great new job on the horizon, or just a promotion or a big advance in money."
"Self-publish because you never know where a book is gonna end up."
"We know that the starting point is uneven, but we can generate equitable outcomes and give everybody a level playing field."
"Opportunities are not seen with the eyes, they are seen with the mind."
"It expands your mental filter, so you'll see an opportunity that you wouldn't have seen before."
"The more you can do to either find something in a challenge that creates an opportunity to help you get to a better place, the better."
"We all have equal opportunities, even though we may have unequal results."
"Our generation is the first to have fewer opportunities than the one before us."
"The minute you take a step back... you realize like okay, just because I let go of that means of making a living doesn't mean there aren't other ones down the line."
"It's important every challenge that we are presented with is an opportunity."
"When we set the expectation high, we start to find opportunities that open up."
"Everything seems to work out when you stop scrambling and allow the sea of opportunities to wash over you and wake you up to your most prosperous potential."
"We're all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
"Innovation is what supports access, economic activity, and gives so many of us better opportunities in life."
"These videos are great for pointing out opportunities, they're great for giving you some starters on strategies... but you need to go out and do your own due diligence."
"If you can train your mind to look for opportunities, it will seem the same way like, 'Oh, so many opportunities around me.'"
"God has another job, another opportunity, another paycheck, another brother, another sister. God always has another."
"Infidelity may eventually lead to opportunities for greater relationship strength and growth."
"What we have to do is let go of that one doorway that we think that's the only way we can get what we want and allow the universe to lead us through the correct doorway."
"Yes, I do believe in second chances. I believe in second chances, third chances."
"Everything happens for a reason, and when one door closes, another one opens."
"The golden opportunities are still there, as long as you have an attitude: Get up and do it."
"Just remember that another door is always going to open."
"We're all in the same boat right now. We are, to some degree or another, whether you're working full-time, whether you're out of work, whether you don't work, whether you're just not used to having everybody in the house at the same time, we have an opportunity, but that opportunity is hiding behind our excuse making."
"You have to deconstruct those misconceptions in your head, otherwise, you're going to live your life denying yourself opportunities."
"You only get one life and like why on earth would I ever turn this stuff down? It's amazing to have these opportunities."
"It's really meant to be in that phase where you've got a lot of things in front of you, a lot of choices."
"Every act in Ramadan is multiplied, make sure to see everything as an opportunity."
"If I never know that you exist or that your opportunities exist or what it would even mean to work here... then the odds are pretty good, it's just not going to be on my radar."
"Our goal is to train 3 million people and we're going to ensure that most of the people that have applied that interested in actually learning will get the opportunity to be trained."
"Sky's the limit, there's a lot of opportunities and you just have to work hard and be disciplined."
"There are always opportunities out there. The amount of ideas is just insane. The skill is to get the methodology right that works for you."
"Trading Is An Open Sea of Infinite Opportunities and Combinations."
"Destiny, changes, opportunities, and second chances."
"It's not too late to start a gaming channel on YouTube."
"These days any person has the opportunity to follow the progress being made by mankind in space exploration."
"Mix things up, it could lead to your destiny."
"How does it make money? Ticket sales, subscription fees, there's a huge door of opportunity."
"There's only ever one chance to get that first impression."
"Acting is the big dream whatever whatever way that like I'm not I don't want to shut any doors."
"I think right now there's more opportunity than there ever has been in human history because there's more people that will need more services during these change than ever has in human history."
"There's never been a better time in history to self-publish."
"Being the most successful in life actually comes from ironically walking away from excellent opportunities."
"Problems are really just opportunities yet they go unnoticed more often than not."
"Peace, plenty, and contentment lie before us, and a new life with new experiences, new opportunities, new visit, new romance."
"The great thing about life is there actually aren't any bounds."
"Every adversity to some extent also opens a new door."
"Everyone here and now can get endless shots on goal right now because of how accessible entrepreneurship is."
"Difficult trials often provide opportunities to grow that would not have come in any other way."
"Trust that there's another opening here as well; empowerment is key."
"Take your time, one step at a time, but I do see new love, new opportunity, joy, and celebration wanting to work its way into your life."
"Use your wisdom and intuition to attract new opportunities."
"Life is long and there's so much more opportunity."
"There's so many opportunities. You can go any way you want to go with it."
"All these things create opportunities for those who are financially educated and prepared."
"If somebody wants to come here and they want to start a life here, it's much preferable to allow them to do so to the maximum extent possible."
"Don't push against a door that's locked, see which door opens and kind of go with that energy too."
"Control what you can control in your life, open up new doors if you can, and if something isn't reacting, that also in and of itself is communication."