
Happiness Pursuit Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"If you desire happiness, you need to go about it in a similar way."
"Dopamine is not about pleasure, it's about the anticipation of pleasure. It's about the pursuit of happiness, rather than happiness itself."
"Live and find happiness, love yourself and understand the world. No one can tell you how to find happiness or what to create, you have to find that out for yourself. But when you do, it will be worth everything."
"Walking away from things that no longer serve you is deciding that your happiness lies elsewhere."
"I feel like a lot of you are focused on getting your happiness back."
"In the pursuit of happiness, let's not forget the joy in the journey itself."
"The pursuit of happiness...means the pursuing of purpose. The idea that some sort of purpose in your life is what makes you happy."
"Happiness doesn't grow on trees; you got to get out there and pursue your life and find your happiness."
"I think people should be able to do whatever they want if it makes them happy."
"Platinum end makes a thorough case that persevering and clinging to life against the odds is the only way that any of us ever find happiness."
"There is no happiness in following that doctrine or allowing those dominoes to keep falling and thinking we're gonna somehow find lasting or enduring joy it doesn't exist."
"The pursuit of happiness... an active phrase."
"If your thing is cats, cat it up, right? Want cats everywhere, if that's what makes you happy because progress is happiness."
"It's okay to change. It's okay to do things because you want to do it. It's okay to do things that make you happy."
"I'm so young, I feel like there's so much to life and I should go wherever I'm happy."
"If there is a form of happiness to be found..."
"All of us have an unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Happiness can never be found directly, happiness is always and only a byproduct of seeking something else more than happiness."
"You should do what you enjoy. You'll be much happier."
"The moment you're in pursuit of happiness unknowingly you're working against so many things."
"Live your life, you know, do whatever makes them happy."
"I think people should do whatever makes them happy, I think they should change the narrative though."
"I'll risk my life and everything I have to save you. I'm not leaving you until you become happy for sure."
"If we can prioritize that way both as men and women we will be much happier and our society will be much healthier."
"Progressivism seeks to maximize human freedom in order to maximize possible human happiness."
"Whatever this burden is, you're dropping it and moving towards happiness."
"Humans we always chase happiness and happiness always lies in the thing that we currently lack"
"If you dedicate your life to never being unhappy you will paradoxically actually avoid happiness."
"Heading towards your happiness in the month of December."
"You only live once and I just want to enjoy life. I'm doing what I want to do the way I want to do it and it makes me smile."
"If you want to live a good life live like ROM and if you want to live a happy life live like Krishna."
"Money never ends so your happiness will, you'll never reach your happiness because money never ends."
"The fundamental quest of our lives is the search for happiness, the overcoming of suffering, the attainment of bliss."
"I'm going to give happiness a run for the money."
"To be happy, you do have to try and pull yourself out of it constantly, not just once every few weeks."
"You're detaching from the situation and focusing on your own happiness."
"Happiness comes from achieving gratitude and contentedness first."
"Chasing happiness is like chasing a butterfly. The more you chase it, the further it flies away from you."
"We all want to be happy, but those who seek out happiness directly often don't find it."
"Everyone really is a scientist, making claims about the world, and everyone is a mystic, seeking happiness."
"You don't have to be unhappy your whole life. That's not what we signed up for."
"A homeless person is not free to pursue happiness."
"Free yourself from limiting beliefs, you deserve happiness."
"Just be happy and if you're not happy find what you need to get there."
"Be the voice of reason also when it comes to individuals that are surrounding you you know just pay attention to yourself pay attention to your happiness and then live your life and fulfillment and go get [ __ ] weird."
"I'm ready to start my life. I'm ready to have my baby. I'm ready just to be happy."
"From beachcombing to stargazing, every moment counts in the pursuit of happiness."
"The v60 is very, very interesting because it fits my demographic just about perfectly."
"The inevitable consequence of the belief and feeling that we are finite limited selves is the search for happiness in objective experience."
"Kids need that space to really find things that make them happy."
"Stay focused. Stay positive. Stay motivated. Keep pushing. At the end of the day no matter what always always always just be happy."
"Move your hands together, inhale, maybe happy, maybe free, free from suffering, free from pain, experience real love, real peace, and real joy."
"Wait for the one that is going to reciprocate, that can really make you happy, that is in alignment with your values."
"Chart the course for your own happiness and pleasure."
"What matters is finding happiness and you're not going to find that yelling at each other on the web."
"I think morality is what the way that we behave that helps the most people experience the most joy and happiness in life."
"As long as I'm happy doing what I'm doing, I think that's all that matters."
"Your life is meant to be awesome... why were we put on this earth if not to be happy?"
"Social media is not worth it if it's gonna hurt your health. Just do what makes you happy."
"I now feel like I have nowhere to go but up."
"A pure creativity to just manifest happiness."
"Live the life you love, love the life you live."
"It's not just about the pursuit of happiness, it's about the happiness of pursuit."
"It's always a domino effect, a series of events... I really thought those external things would make me happy."
"The best thing that you can do for them is to make yourself happy too."
"Take one step at a time to happiness. It's okay to do what makes you happy."
"Not giving up is potentially a happier way to exist."
"To actually be fulfilled and happy in this world, all we have been taught... do not lead to happiness."
"Stop searching for a happy ending, there isn't one."
"Do what feels comfortable. Do what makes you happy."
"You know what's worse, taking the risk and failing or not taking the risk and not having happiness."
"The only way to escape the despair-ridden burden of boredom is to choose new goals and again to assume the delusional conviction that their attainment will bring us lasting happiness."
"Life's great, trying to find that peace, some happiness, and doing the right thing."
"Go make yourself happy, go make someone else happy, and um again, take care of yourselves."
"Live your life and not chase money, chase happiness."
"We care about Liberty, we care about freedom, we want people to be happy pursue life liberty happiness that's what we're it's all about."
"Live life to the fullest. You're living for nobody. Do what makes you happy, chase your dreams. Don't let people put you down."
"Figure out what makes you happy. If you are personally happy in what you're doing, a lot of other good things will flow from that."
"The ultimate aim of human life is to be happy."
"I want to be happy. You want to be happy. Okay, one question: do you want to be happy or do you want to be married?"
"You feel this way because you want the kind of happy life you see all around you."
"Meaning of life is whatever makes you happy, and try and do that as often as you can."
"Find happiness wherever you can, like it's a tough old life, just don't worry be happy."
"I'm going hard on happiness, that's my new motto."
"Seeking happiness as your primary objective tends to elude you."
"You can be someone who does good, who does great, who's happy, and to fight for what's right."
"You don't need all of that. And why are we trying to do all that to make ourselves quote unquote happy?"
"You can't please everyone so you might as well try to make yourself happy in the process."
"When I stopped focusing on the headaches, I became more passionate about the things that do make me happy."
"Some days your fight for happiness means fighting against yourself."
"Your mood is 'I don't give a' because at the end of the day, I'm gonna do me and be happy."
"You know that you're the empress and that you deserve to live the most abundant and happiest life possible."
"Money buys the freedom to find what happiness is."
"Facing these events are the only true way that you can regain your life and find happiness again."
"The thing that's stopping you from chasing is something that has no connection to your happiness."
"You deserve happiness. You deserve abundance."
"You have to choose to be happy, to be the difference you want to see."
"New opportunities for happiness will now follow, put the past behind you."
"It's serious joy joy do you need help finding your happiness are you looking for positive reinforcement then you want serious joy."
"You're moving forward towards happiness, towards goal, a dream."
"If your everyday intention is not geared towards happiness, go get some help. That's a big marker that something is off."
"You gotta change the way you think and expose yourself to something that's going to make you happy."
"You're definitely following your happiness and I feel like you're being very - with the full card in this position in the future position."
"Just be in a place of absolute bliss and joy and follow your joy."
"You deserve this beauty, this radiance, this love, this light, this happiness."
"I hope everybody finds the happiness and the joy and the love and the romance that we're all hungry for."
"Do more of what makes you happy and feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you and lights your soul on fire."
"Don't hesitate. Don't hold back. Follow what makes you happy, what excites you."
"Move in the direction of your happiness. Let nothing get in your way."
"We live for a second, we must, we have to have fun, so we have to work in finding a way to be happy."
"Fulfillment in relationships comes from being an expression of joy, not seeking happiness."
"Life is short. Follow your bliss. Nani pɛla day, follow your bliss. Nadia visibia, and follow your bliss. Nadene madda."
"Chase some damn happiness and everything will fall into place, I promise."
"Breaking the chains of past pain, pursuing happiness."
"I want to achieve happiness. I want to be happy and I want to stay healthy because when you lose happiness your health declines."
"Happiness is not easy and that is why we all chase it."
"Peace of mind and happiness is the ultimate."
"Time for a reset, transform and do what makes you happy. Big luck is on your side, focus on your passions."
"If Peter were happy, he wouldn't want to come back."
"Benjamin Franklin said the Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness you have to catch it for yourself."
"If you're hunting for happiness, you are not happy because you're hunting for it."
"Do what makes you happy, concentrate on that."
"I respect people who do it in a way that's fulfilling to them and brings them happiness."
"The goal of life is to be happy, not in the shallow sense, but a sense of real self-contentment."
"Time is literally the world's most scarce resource that no one can ever get back."
"Happiness can be found by living a life in which our desires are balanced with the realities we live in."
"There's all these reworks and characters that never existed back then that are given away for free at the beginning that are really powerful."
"They want to heal the past and they're going after their happiness."
"We all fight these battles, and if we could be happy doing something, just be happy for that person."
"Guns bring people life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Once we got home, we decided to make a pact to like moving forward try to figure out what's going to make us happy and start the course for that to come to life whatever that is." - Pete
"You have your truth, you have your intuition, there's abundant opportunities waiting for you for your happiness."
"Being proactive about finding mental happiness is a big thing."
"Back then, I was searching for happiness in all the wrong places."
"The next item, the next purchase, the next whatever is gonna make us happy."
"You will never be happy if you keep searching for what happiness consists of."
"Stop chasing what happiness consists of, so stop chasing happiness and just do what you want."
"Fun is the true win of life that is true always have fun if you're not having fun or even having fun I don't think so."
"We spend a lot of time looking for happiness when the world right around us is full of wonder."
"Sometimes we gotta be selfish. What makes me happy?"
"Our desire for happiness is the driving force behind all the countless forms of effort that we are always making."
"We've been chasing happiness for 244 years. That's the great American experiment."
"Isn't it ironic that you're so obsessed with trying to help people live longer and yet you're putting no effort into being less miserable?"
"Many of us are chasing the stuff that's going to make us happy. But it doesn't."
"...your main priority is your best work your health your happiness your strength."
"You guys just know the truth in some way. Like you guys know the meaning of life, like you know that there's more to the world than the material world, and it's like you know that. And you just are looking to find your own happiness."
"I just want to make you as happy as you've made me."
"The truth of the matter is you're trying to seek happiness and restore balance in your life."
"Success is happiness, but away from that, being able to actually influence a generation."
"Find happiness and getting through the ups and downs."
"You focus on the good stuff, focus on what makes you happy in this life, put your energy into that."
"Once I'm happy and I'm clear-headed, I'll know what's next."
"Life is short, you're here today and you're going tomorrow... Enjoy life to the fullest, make sure you're doing what makes you happy."
"Find happiness and hold on to it with a tight grip."
"What is happiness and how do we find it?"
"Navigate the world with kindness, do what makes you happy, do what you're passionate about."
"The secret of attaining happiness has been pursued since the dawn of man."
"We become obsessed by appearing to be happy successful and fulfilled rather than actively going out and seeking those experiences."
"...if you're not content with where you are and you're not striving to make yourself happy in that present moment, then you're never going to find that happiness because you're always going be looking for it."
"When people are seeking happiness or well-being, they're looking for three primary things: autonomy, competence, and relatedness."
"I fought to create a world where people can live happily."
"Please do more things that make you happy and motivate and inspire you."
"You're gonna pursue happiness, but your own happiness, your own wealth."
"Let's talk about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"It didn't matter to Octavia where she came from or how she came off to others; Vinyl was her world, and she would do anything to ensure their happiness."
"It's always worth it to pursue happiness despite the changes life brings."
"I want to be happy, I want to inspire everyone I possibly can to go do the exact same."
"We also believe that happiness is a good, something to be sought after."
"If you're not doing what makes you happy, like what? Why not?"
"The pursuit of happiness is the only guarantee against it."
"Keep up the good work, you know, really just continue to invest into the things that are important to you that make you happy."
"The purpose of development is being to create through public policy enabling conditions within which individuals can pursue happiness."
"The pursuit of happiness and also our desire for a better world."
"Every person is self-evident they said that we have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
"Carry on, keep crafting, and we'll find some happiness along the way."
"Seeking happiness every single day and little things that are going to make me smile."
"Maybe happier with some people than others, but maybe sometimes we get too caught up in finding the perfect person and even more caught up in chasing our own happiness."
"In order to be happy, there's something you need to do."
"The world is crying out for spiritual wisdom because the world has realized that what is out there hasn't delivered the happiness that it claimed to."
"To seek happiness is not egoistic. To seek happiness is the best thing we can do for mankind."
"Someone can't fight this anymore, they don't care about winning, they just want to be happy, so they have to move on."
"I became a mirror for what I thought that I should be because it would make me happy instead of just doing what makes me happy."
"I deserve happiness and I take full charge."
"You're gonna realize what exactly do you need to do in order to create the maximum happiness in your life."
"Door to personal healing and happiness."
"I felt myself playing small, and I was like, 'I am not happy being something that I'm not.'"
"You're fighting for your happiness, you're fighting for change in your life."
"This is the pursuit of your happiness; this is living a happy life."
"Go towards the places and things that bring happiness to you."
"We need something that makes us happy."
"If something is not in alignment with your pursuit of happiness, what are you doing it for?"
"You're pursuing your happiness, so you're trying to make choices that are going to lead you in that direction."
"I am challenging you guys this week to have fun, take joy in the small moments, the mundane moments, the moments that you typically overlook, and just find happiness and gratitude in that."