
Personal Happiness Quotes

There are 2718 quotes

"If you desire happiness, you need to go about it in a similar way."
"When you make Allah happy, you will definitely be happy."
"Internal happiness, finding that base level of happiness outside of any external things."
"The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life."
"If you live your life according to what men find to be trendy and attractive at this time, you will never be happy."
"Pursue Integrity, depth, Joy, aliveness, connection, growth – those things that ultimately make us say, 'I feel good, I'm happy about this.'"
"My personal happiness overrides the duty of marriage."
"Do whatever makes you happy, no matter what anybody got to say."
"Figuring out what makes you happy in life is something you gotta figure out; it requires experimentation."
"Your spouse's happiness is going to determine a large portion of your own happiness over the span of years and decades."
"I define success as waking up and being happy and being able to do what you want to do at all times."
"Now I live the American dream, as they call it. I'm happy because I have everything."
"Focus on what you love and what makes you happy."
"Enjoy your career, be able to make your family happy, make yourself happy."
"The higher your emotional intelligence, the better you're going to do in life and the happier you're going to be."
"Speak your needs and be true to yourself; focus on your own happiness instead of always trying to make everyone else happy."
"True love ain't something that you buy yourself; true love finally happens when you buy yourself."
"Personal happiness is so interwoven with collective happiness."
"I would love to live in a world where everyone is living a life that they love, where the thing that everyone is doing for work is a thing that makes their hearts sing, that makes their spirit come alive."
"It's time to conserve your resources, conserve your energy, so that you can focus on you and do shit that makes you genuinely happy."
"The most Joy I receive in my life comes from my children."
"I seek out experiences that I know will make me feel happy and excited."
"Do what is going to make you happy, full stop."
"Cutting someone or something off is going to make you happier."
"I can't be a great contributor to society, a good friend, a good mom if I am not living the life that I want to live."
"It's time for you to look at those little things in life that are gonna bring you joy."
"You need to develop a very high sense of self-confidence and figure out what really makes you happy."
"You just gotta do that, whatever's gonna make you happy."
"Now that I've accepted Islam, I'm really happy. I genuinely believe that Allah is the best of planners."
"I'm happier now than I was in my relationships. Not to say that they weren't worth it and I didn't enjoy them, but I'm much happier alone."
"It's not about being in a relationship; it's about being with the right person."
"Being a minimalist means you have to cut out things from your life, but if that thing is something that makes you happy, you don't have to cut it out."
"It's better long term for unhappy couples to break up and move on and be happy by themselves or find other people than to stay in unhappy, unhealthy relationships."
"If you want to improve the world in a big massive way, find your own happiness."
"The fact of you making your own decisions and living in your own happiness will actually exchange that gift back onto others."
"The freedom to just wake up whenever you want and do whatever the [expletive] you want with your day, you're going to naturally be more happy."
"Money equals options, money equals more time for you. It doesn't equal happiness but it allows you to pursue things that do make you happy."
"This is really a great time in my life, man. I really feel good."
"You deserve to get that love back and you don't deserve to be stuck with somebody or to circumstance that isn't right for you."
"Love is not loving somebody else; love is also just making sure that person's happy."
"I'm sitting in front of you today happier than I've ever been."
"I'm wearing it again because it makes me happy, and with the weather like this, it is so miserable; I'm trying to manifest spring."
"Spending money on other people has a bigger return for you than spending on yourself."
"Do what you enjoy, and then your life will be enjoyable and fulfilling."
"I still love doing my makeup though because it puts me in the right mindset to start a day and also it makes me feel happy."
"Righteousness is more important than personal happiness. Doing that which is right."
"The myth is that the marriage will create your happiness. It's not true. It can enhance it if you already have it."
"My happiness is worth more than whatever little money I'm gonna lose in this, and you can get it back again."
"Stop giving your life away just to make somebody else happy."
"You can have that feeling inside every day; it just doesn't have to be Christmas."
"This is a gift from the universe. This is a win because I want to be happy and love myself and have eternal confidence, regardless of any situation."
"Focus on your happiness, focus on what truly makes you happy."
"You can't make everyone happy, so the least you can do is make yourself happy."
"If you're not happy in your intimate relationship, you're not happy."
"The majority of people who are working jobs aren't even happy with their job."
"Don't let other people make it seem like that's not normal because I think in the end everyone's definition of happiness is different."
"You are just done with what doesn't make you happy anymore."
"When somebody hates on you, it's usually because they're unhappy with their own lives. It has nothing to do with you, so don't take it personal."
"Do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy?"
"Love what you do, hopefully be a good person, but also take time for yourself."
"It is never too late to have a happy childhood. We just have to go back and remember it differently."
"I started to do that when I stopped caring about what other people would think of me, and I did things because I loved them and I knew it would make me happy."
"I feel personally happier if I vote. It's like, 'Hey, I voted, I am part of the society.'"
"I do what I want because I want to do it. I do what makes me happy. I am the only person that I need to satisfy and make happy in this life."
"Figure out what it is that will make you happy, and work towards that goal."
"Set yourself a goal, set yourself a plan, and try to set yourself on a path to make whatever is going to make you happy happen."
"You're going to be resentful if you don't do what makes you happy."
"Love yourself and to respect yourself and to find whatever it is that makes you happy."
"The happiest stuff that ever happens with your kid is the happiest stuff that will ever happen to you."
"There's a way and a world for everyone to be happy. Don't try and use anybody else's world for you to be happy. Use your own."
"It's not about converting people to the church; it's important that you show people that this is your belief and it's something that makes you happy."
"The true value of a spouse exists in their ability to find their own happiness."
"When I feel happy. So for me, like for example when I'm in holidays and I'm in the Sun and I've got my family, my children with me, and I don't have to be on email, then I feel very beautiful. I feel very happy if I'm content. I feel stress-free."
"These past few years have been probably the best years of my life."
"None of these accomplishments mean anything compared to the happiness I have found in my marriage and in starting a family."
"I am madly in love with the most amazing guy."
"I know that I love this girl. I'm just so happy that I found her, and I can definitely picture being with her for the rest of my life."
"At the end of the day, the real question that you must ask yourself is, are you happy with who you are?"
"Being happy personally is the pathway to help everything else make sense."
"I hope you're all having fun because I am having fun."
"Part of that was just because I had to honor what was really happening within my heart. As much as you love somebody else... sometimes you have to take care of your own happiness."
"The autistic people to collectively breathe a sigh of relief and go, 'Oh yeah, it isn't my job to make everyone in the world happy at the expense of my own happiness.'"
"If you're not having a good time, you owe it to yourself to plan and put something into your life that allows you to have a good time."
"It's about increasing the points, the moments of Joy."
"What makes Jackie happy? Not my child, just what makes me happy."
"I, in my personal life, have become a lot more happy in rejecting that consumerist mentality. When I spend my money, I spend on quality items that are going to last."
"I don't think you need to be in a relationship to be happy."
"Without it, I have nothing. I love the way it makes me feel and the happiness I feel with every bite."
"I know we're all going through something. I know it's hard. I know it hurts. But don't forget to look around you and I hope you'll see that you have so much to be grateful for and so much happiness in your life."
"Stagnation, doing the same thing over and over again, will make you unhappy."
"It's just really important to kind of, you know, take a step back and think about what makes you happy and what is the world that you want to build and that you want to live in."
"And with that, we become happy human beings."
"I'm happy with the character of the team, bro."
"Wouldn't you rather have been working on something that you're really happy with for 10 years?"
"The sun sets, and I can't help but feel pretty happy to see this whole thing working."
"Making myself happy with every day that I'm living individually is what I needed to do."
"It became that thing that I just started to fixate on."
"Do what makes you happy. Some people are gonna like it, some people aren't. You're never gonna make everybody happy."
"They want to make your dreams come true and make you really happy."
"If she hadn't happened to be born to be queen, she'd have been a happy countrywoman, with masses of horses and dogs, and who would have been as happy as anything." - Commentator
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself."
"What makes me really happy is my family, my friends, my carpentry, my golf."
"Know thyself, know what works for you, and live the life that makes you happy."
"Love is everything, oh my God. I think it's everything."
"There is no one-size-fits-all for happiness everyone views success and happiness in a different way and what brings this woman happiness might not bring me happiness"
"Tamela was what pure happiness and joy looked like. She always put her family first."
"Everyone said that Tamela was what pure happiness and joy looked like. She always put her family first."
"Ultimately you're gonna have to do what makes you happy."
"You cannot make somebody happy in your early 20s."
"Happiness comes from such a personal, authentic place that allowing the expectations of others to chart your course means that you'd probably never arrive there. You have to do what's best for you."
"Happiness is the most important thing on the face of the Earth."
"Life will be so much better when you choose you and you start doing stuff that makes you happy for you not for nobody else."
"Happiness is not simply a feeling but it is also a choice. We can choose to be happy in whatever circumstances life brings us."
"Find happiness, your happiness, and whatever that is."
"Marriage is a beautiful thing, I love it though."
"If more people were actually alone, they'd be more happy. Not all the time, right? But there's no shortcut."
"Noah was the happiest baby that you would have ever seen."
"Happiness doesn't come happiness is a decision and the decision comes when we are grateful grateful is the first step."
"Don't allow people to try to make it seem like the only way you could ever be actually happy is just married and just with kids."
"I feel great. This is the happiest I have been in like a half decade."
"It's more important than having a dream job. You need to support yourself because when you do that you can do all the other fun happy stuff."
"It's the simple things in life that make you happy."
"You guys do deserve happiness as well. It's time for you to look for people who will already be carrying their own burdens."
"A glow up for you, more engaged in your own happiness."
"The universe wants you happy, the universe wants to see you win."
"Your happiness comes at the expense of others, last I checked that's called being selfish."
"You're on the verge of some really happy times; enjoy it."
"If it's meant to work, it will be working... I'm in the healthiest relationship of my life right now and I'm like, this feels great, this is what it's supposed to feel like."
"I just want you to do something that makes you happy, all right?"
"Most of the time I would say I'm very happy, I'm living a very, very good, very happy life."
"My real happiness is going to come from being present here."
"The most important goal for all of us... is our own happiness. And happiness is such a strange word. So, I'm using intentionally ambiguously. You can define it for yourself, but I think that should be the North Star."
"It might be something that you love and you're happy with that could really end up really changing a life for the better."
"I support the right of anybody over 18 to transition, I support them to live fulfilling happy lives."
"That feeling was just magical, I was so happy right now."
"Even if you're not dating other women, if they can sense that you're happy in life with friends and your hobbies, whatever the case may be, you're content, they would still respect you off of that."
"Just don't settle and find someone that makes you happy."
"It's very obvious here that there's something quite major happening around July and in August you're feeling so, so happy."
"You yourself are gaining all of these beautiful opportunities and you're feeling very, very happy."
"Being successful at anything in life, not only members of the opposite sex but in your career, is really getting to a place where you're successful at making yourself happy."
"I think it's such a fun way to play with makeup, obviously you can take this anywhere you want, as long as it makes you happy."
"Find your Financial Freedom find your bliss find your happiness find your safe space."
"I just want to be happy now. I made up my mind that this is what I need to commit to, not a person or a marriage, but my own true happiness. What a concept, I know."
"Dare to let your freak flag fly as they say, to be your bold, real authentic self. You're gonna find a lot of happiness, you're gonna find a lot of just joy and peace within your life."
"If you're unhappy after spending more money on it in the future."
"Find that thing that makes you happy and go do that thing you love."
"I feel like the king... my wife is absolutely infatuated."
"He wants to be happy and doesn't want anyone to ruin that joy."
"Your environment, where you live or how you shape your surroundings, is the biggest, most important, and most impactful thing you can do to favor your own happiness."
"Success for me is being dedicated. Being honest with your work. And success comes running to you. No matter what! And I think if you have these kinds of mottos in your life, you can't go wrong."
"If you aren't happy alone, your relationship will not fix your sorrows."
"I've realized that if I'm happy, most things in my life tend to be going pretty well."
"I'd much rather just be happy and enjoy this life I have."
"Focus on things that make you feel good and happy."
"Having a wife, a child, and a family is the greatest blessing in the entire world."
"We're doing it for ourselves because God takes pleasure when we're happy. That's the thing that gives him the greatest joy."
"I didn't think I'd ever be happy. Sorry, can't fight crime anymore because I'm happy. Maybe I'm not gonna do it." - Bruce Wayne's existential crisis.
"It really just depends on your definition of happiness."
"Man exists for his own sake, and the achievement of his own happiness is his highest moral purpose."
"Nothing will make me happy other than myself."
"Discipline and gratitude and purpose will bring you happiness."
"I'm so young, I feel like there's so much to life and I should go wherever I'm happy."
"If individuals value their own happiness above all else, they must rebel against such a system and choose to live their life by their own will."
"I find happiness in the little things in life like my dogs, gardening, yard work, just hanging out with family, things like that. I don't need too much to be really that happy honestly."
"Never let a man c***block you from what really makes you happy."
"Who's doing it right? It really comes down to who's happy, who's living their center point of origin."
"Recognizing the difference between comfort and happiness is important."
"I'd much rather see you doing something you enjoy than forcing yourself to go through an exercise that you hate."
"Life is so fragile, I must do what I want to do to be happy."
"You're not responsible for your partner's happiness. You're here to enhance it, support it, enjoy it."
"But happiness is more important for me and I needed to be happy and go somewhere I'm loved."
"Just to be happy for me off the pitch, you know."
"Circumstances change. When circumstances change from good and positive to bad and negative, we can still be happy because happiness does not depend on the circumstances, but on our attitude towards the circumstances."
"Truth is more important than an individual's happiness."
"I genuinely think truth is more important than an individual's happiness."
"It's time for your happiness. Your new chapter is beginning."
"I just want people out there hunting and happy."
"Your happiness in life will never ever ever come from blaming other people or hate. You know, it's like that movie 'American History X'..."
"You are more important than your children, your happiness is more important."
"Compassion is the best kept secret of happiness."
"Creating joy for myself... we are the creators of joy of our own... happiness."
"If you do one thing a day that makes someone smile, then you're going to be a happier person."
"I really like this guy. He likes me back. This is the best thing in the world."
"Sometimes when they would have problems, she's expressed that I make her happy in a way that he doesn't."
"I'm much happier and I actually am a little bit more open to people approaching me."
"You're not missing out on anything. Okay, you really aren't. You might as well be happy single than be miserable in a relationship."
"Just do what makes you happy. If you know that you can make a living out of it, you know, just don't do something if it's gonna make you miserable basically."
"If you filled your life with meaning and you were much happier and then it turned out we didn't succeed in turning it around it would still have been a better use of your time."
"I see you being happy, being okay whether love works out for you or if it doesn't work out for you."
"Society went from tomboy to femboy. Great, whatever makes you happy, god willing."
"Working very hard... working towards happiness."
"Don't expect marriage to solve your happiness, bring your own bag of happiness into the relationship."
"All you owe yourself is to be you in a way that makes you actually feel happy and worth being alive for."
"There is nothing wrong with marrying in your early 20s. If I can't live my best life with a husband, why am I with them?"
"I'm trans, my pronouns out of drag are she/they. I'm the happiest I've ever been."
"You may as well try to spend every day doing something that makes you happy."
"Don't let other people's opinions limit your happiness."
"Your happiness is more important than anything."
"I had never been so happy in my entire life."
"I think I'm unhappy if I don't have friends to play with."