
Societal Pressure Quotes

There are 842 quotes

"There's a sort of social currency to being the busiest, to getting the least sleep. We don't actually talk about the things that are bothering us, and it takes a real crisis for any of us to actually admit that something is really wrong."
"The more of us that speak our minds and don't cave to the pressures of our political groups or our friends or neighbors, the more free we all are."
"If you live your life according to what men find to be trendy and attractive at this time, you will never be happy."
"In trying to be authentic, we're just chasing the ideal of who society tells us we should be."
"We're not invited towards contentment; that would stop the economy in its tracks. We're not invited to relax and say, 'This moment's enough.'"
"I think people are afraid to eat this type of food I'm eating because society has told them it's not okay. I would never punish myself and eat things that I don't like just to fit society's term of skinny."
"A lot of women are going to feel similarly about certain beauty standards being enforced on them from an insanely young age."
"Don't let marketing and media tell you that you are not allowed to age."
"Do not let society pressure you to feel like you aren't allowed to age."
"We live in a society that tells you over and over and over again that you're not beautiful, that you're not good enough. So now, when one guy comes into your life and gives you a little bit of praise, you buy into it."
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
"There's something in the air where everything has to be the biggest thing ever, and I think that's very unhealthy."
"Many men feel they have unwillingly been put on an endless road with a leaking gas tank and when they take a path they think that can help them find their way... the same society that put them on that endless road criticizes, mocks, and shames them."
"Questioning war became unpatriotic or immoral."
"We need a new system because this has been driven to breaking point."
"Because who wants to be good enough when you can be… perfect?"
"Public lies that you are impelled to believe are worse than private ones."
"No one is pressuring these kids to be trans; if anything, they are pressuring them to stay closeted."
"People who become vegan end up holding that identity close because it's a constantly threatened identity."
"I'm always asking myself, is this a hill God has called me to die on? Because you're going to die on it. There is some group that will crucify you. You're going to get canceled and crucified, and there are some things I'm very willing to be crucified for because I know God has called me to that hill."
"Are there things that exist in the system that maybe put undue pressure on one race over another?"
"It's such a shame it takes that long because I feel like a lot of people waste their 20s people-pleasing and worrying about what people think of them."
"You paint something as inclusivity, you paint it as Pride, you paint it as love...you automatically get this precedent that if you do not go along with this then you're homophobic or you're transphobic." - Comment on societal pressures.
"We're brought up in a world where the system dominates and our hearts are left to be squashed and ignored in order to climb some sort of an imaginary ladder in the corporate world."
"I struggled with an eating disorder because society makes it really freaking hard to like the way you look."
"Trying to be so skinny and whatnot, it's just all, especially with girls... it's not healthy."
"I'm gonna hold on to the truth no matter who loves me and however they love me. If they hate that I hold on to the truth, I'm still gonna hold on to the truth."
"For young people going home, being urged to get married has become an annual New Year's tradition, a subject they fear most."
"Youth and beauty are not accomplishments, they're the temporary happy by-products of time and/or DNA. Don't hold your breath for either."
"It's incredibly demoralizing to an individual and to a society when you have to agree to things you know not to be true."
"I'm not invulnerable. I feel like you're not invulnerable, right?... It gets to me. It's not so much the comments themselves, but the sheer volume of it."
"Why do I feel like I need to be completely hairless in order to be desirable not only in person but even in the minds of others?"
"Despite all of the trying negative things that society puts on gender roles, I would say that I'm a much happier person having transitioned."
"Throughout the case, it was clear that many of the witnesses were afraid to come forward."
"So people thought it was tough love and because people had so much hope and faith in the system because of all of these people saying this is the best place ever, they just felt like this is the way."
"Approximately 84 percent of gay men say they feel under intense pressure to have a body culturally defined as hot, not healthy or even fit."
"We're silencing ourselves more than the government is coming for our speech at this very moment."
"Women have a ton of pressure from men and a ton of pressure from women to look a certain way."
"You can't totally unplug yourself from the beauty matrix because that would basically mean unplugging yourself from society, unfortunately, but you can become a conscientious objector to its worst excesses."
"The constant redefining of existing language, ignoring self-responsibility, constant pathologizing, oppressed vs. oppressor mentality, and the pressure to conform and comply... it's exhausting and honestly, I have better things to do with my time."
"Think about how sad that is. He can provide a good life to his family, and his son's like, 'you still fell off.' That's a wild thing to hear."
"Don't do something because it's elite or exclusive. Don't force yourself to eat a meal you don't like or be a part of something, a culture you don't believe in."
"It's not okay for someone to say 'Oh, don't worry sweetie, you'll change your mind' or 'When the right man comes along.'...It's about you and your choice."
"It's going to cost you some friendships; it's going to cost you maybe a job. It's not the norm."
"We make a virtue out of frantic productivity. We always feel the need to say, 'Oh, I'm busy' or 'I'm very busy'."
"There's an immense push in our society right now to insist that identity be entirely subjectively defined."
"The biggest lie young people are told when they're 18, 19, and 20 is go to university and you're guaranteed to get a high-pay job."
"Constant gaslighting... like 200,000 other higher weight girls were in line right behind you."
"There should be tremendous pressure from the people for you to hate each other."
"Don't let these nay cells tell you how to live your life."
"You're just trying to placate to a moment to make it seem like 'Oh, we're doing this and we're gonna make it better.' But it's not making it better."
"What makes it right for a law to say that certain children are forced to transition because the society doesn't like how they were born?"
"You really want to get to a place where you're not feeling the pressure of maintaining your way of living."
"You have regular people who really feel pushed up against the wall that they would take actions that in normal circumstances would be unthinkable."
"Women, however, continued to be the willing victims of the beauty industry."
"Everything seems to be about always being productive these days. When is it okay to chill the [ __ ] out? Yeah, I get you, man."
"62% of Americans say they have political views they're afraid afraid to share."
"But man I would love to get rid of this idea that you haven't made it in music if you're not a household name let's just take the pressure off and recognize that there are so many other valid musical jobs."
"Women are feeling pressured to have that splashy, amazing wedding because fking Susie next door, she had a chocolate fountain at her wedding. That dumb bch."
"I don't think all adults should feel pressure to have children."
"There's such an attack on confidence and knowing your worth that people will constantly attack you on the most menial things."
"Tradition: It's like peer pressure from dead people."
"The unrealistic expectations placed on the population to achieve great feats without any support proved to be fatal."
"Never apologize to the cancel mob, especially when you've done nothing wrong."
"They said you could live your truth, but they really meant that you must live theirs, which is an untruth."
"Don't feel like there's a pressure to date somebody if you don't want to or you're too ready or just forever alone."
"There's a huge difference between someone who is a law-abiding citizen pushed too far versus someone who preys on law-abiding citizens until they're pushed too far."
"Some of you guys are not being authentic, there's a desire to hide on a constant basis out of fear."
"There is a phenomenon where the pressure on an idea becomes so great that people feel intimidated out of questioning it."
"I've been told from a young age, chase the bag."
"It's difficult to imagine German history taking the disastrous and appalling turn that it took in the direction of Nazism and of the Holocaust without the Titanic pressures brought to bear on German podrían society."
"I think people aren't taking time to know themselves are letting this idea of feeling shamed or being guilted into thinking they have to do it a certain kind of way really confuse them."
"I kind of feel like... we've got this filter crisis and this Instagram image crisis for young women."
"I think it starts with the social pressure... I think Korea is the most competitive society I ever saw at all level."
"Nobody should feel like they are worth any less because of their body."
"I do think the biggest problem that's plaguing the youth today is the fact that kids feel forced to choose sides so early in life."
"That pressure is honestly preventing you from growing because you are so busy looking at what everybody else and they mama is doing to grow."
"Sometimes we overburden ourselves by creating an identity that we don't even want to sustain."
"Societal pressures are always going to be there for trans men, for every man."
"Social media is pressuring these people to come out and talk."
"If you don't have a rock-solid sense of who you are, negativity can lead you to just trying to conform and be liked."
"Forced millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated by telling them to do it for your grandmother."
"It talks about American culture and the pressures that a lot of us feel to earn a bunch of money and to climb this corporate ladder, no matter what our morals are in a very personal and empathetic way."
"It's profoundly demoralizing to people to say things they know not to be true."
"I don't want people out there feeling like if they don't accomplish something otherworldly if they don't win a Nobel Peace Prize by sitting at home there's somehow that they have wasted their time."
"We went from 'tolerance' to 'you will wear the patch or we will ostracize you from society.'"
"Ridicule and harsh comments from others can lead people to consider getting some you know alterations to their body to better conform to the ideal."
"We are either giving into the pressure of the world or the pressure of the word, the word of God, the Bible."
"I had to adapt to my surroundings, and that's why I got my body done."
"Women are going to constantly be pressured to conform to being like men."
"The tragedy is how many people knuckled under."
"The problem is we're comparing ourselves to other people, and it has to stop."
"You don't have to just because other people are talking about certain things... go at your own pace."
"I understand the importance of marriage but I would rather be 50 single and very happy then pressured into something and very depressed in a relationship that I'm just not happy with."
"Everybody else is getting married, everybody else is having babies, but you steady like, 'Oh, I'm not settling.'"
"It's tough for me, I can't be John. I have to be John and Kate plus eight."
"For the past few years, I feel like a lot of people have been walking on eggshells, unable to fully breathe almost because we're so afraid of saying the wrong thing, offending someone, and then having this authoritarian mob jump down our throats."
"This man could have died in his own bed and he decided, 'I am going to have the biggest public execution on the face of the planet just to flex on the world government and launch an era of piracy.' Absolute mad lad."
"It's about expectations and pressures put on you by your family."
"People that get abortions aren't literally trying to have children. You're just... You're forcing them to have children."
"You know, it's amazing how not taking a side can offend people these days. It's defensive to individuals who just want you to join a team."
"People shame parents for having to pick between work and family, and it's always a tough decision."
"Being guided by the mind has made Miranda into a driven, successful professional."
"People pay good money for big boobs. I'm gonna let y'all stop making me feel insecure about my chest. Ain't nothing I can do about it, they ain't going nowhere, so it is what it is."
"If you can't stand up and protect which is part of black manhood if we can't do that for it for fear of losing a job for fear of losing a check then we can't go home and go to sleep and feel that we're real men."
"We live in fear and intimidation and it's like we are bullied in a way."
"We want to be part of that community and we don't want to do something that ostracizes us."
"We should not expect women to be superhuman."
"I was institutionalized, I was told it was wrong so I just went it's wrong so you shouldn't do it."
"You shouldn't do something just because everyone else is doing it"
"Be yourself in a world of people trying to tell you what to be."
"It's tough, isn't it? Forgiving someone for doing awful things to impress the wrong people. How many of us haven't done that?"
"It's not fun to know that someone out there doesn't like you; it's bad for you being yourself."
"Living freely" - a reminder to be myself, free from societal pressures.
"Is it too much to ask for women to simply exist without this growing expectation of cattiness?"
"You grow up in a culture that's very authoritarian... if your body or psychological state fails it's because you're weak."
"Reiner believed that if he did everything Marley said, he could one day earn a better life for himself and his family."
"It's those pressures that actually make me optimistic."
"After decades of resisting, the Washington Redskins have finally decided to change their name."
"The left wants to compel you to agree with them, to support their agenda."
"There's this pressure cooker of information that's just gonna blow."
"Choose perspective. Society will want to drag you into name-calling, but you can make a different choice."
"The fact that these people are trying to force good well-meaning Americans to accept a mental health issue, it's got to stop."
"There's so many pressures and there's so many ways that the forces of evil work."
"Vanity pressure, which is my new word for this, is just causing everybody to make choices to alter their faces, and at this point, it's unhealthy."
"Please don't let society and especially men be the reason why you change your entire face and become unrecognizable."
"The worst advice I've ever been given... 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.'"
"If you're decorating your own house like you should do whatever you want to and don't be all bothered and feel pressured to mind anybody else's rules it's your house."
"We're seeing the rise of house churches as the pressure on traditional churches increases."
"We are taught that changing the way we look will make us confident and happy."
"There is something demeaning about going along with claims you do not believe."
"There should be no pressure on women to lose the baby weight after they give birth. The focus should be on the baby and on their own mental health."
"The overwhelming weight of political correctness, cancel culture, phenomenon is coming from the left."
"If you don't fall in line, you will be canceled."
"I don't want more and more vulnerable young women to equate the trials and tribulations they're having in their life and their difficulty performing femininity."
"Just know that you are perfect the way you are, you don't have to change yourself for your parents or anybody else."
"Society isn't doing us any favors. People are stressed with the pressure to achieve, and this trend is especially evident in our youth."
"There's no point in living your life the way that other people tell you to."
"For anyone questioning why you haven't had your breasts removed or why the [expletive] keep them, anyone trying to influence you to change yourself can literally go to hell."
"Scaring people... making life very uncomfortable if you are not vaccinated."
"We all look a little bit different. If we all have this proportionate face, we have the Buu fat removal we have the lip injections we have the BBL we have the liposuction we have all this going on for ourselves."
"If you bend to the will of the mob, then you're always bending."
"There is no reason why a little girl has to go through that much pressure just to win a pageant."
"I used to feel pressured to look perfect all the time."
"People are killing themselves to be beautiful, it has to stop."
"To be honest, you could self-proclaim truth today and decide that you want to be anything. People are automatically kind of pushed into a place to feeling like they're a bigot if they don't support you because of public bullying."
"There's so much pressure on us women to look a certain way."
"Things change so fast nowadays, and getting caught up trying to keep up with the Joneses could leave you unhappy in the end."
"Girls have a lot of pressure to look a certain way and behave a certain way compared to dudes."
"What has encouraged us to keep up this toxic hustle culture?"
"No one should have to choose between their faith and their lives."
"I think people get a hell of backlash for not wanting kids especially women and I don't think it's fair."
"It actually puts more pressure on the human being to meet these unrealistic standards."
"I feel really bad for young women growing up with the standards of beauty that we have today, it's really, really hard."
"People will not self isolate if they have to choose between staying at home to stay safe and going out to earn a crust and to keep a roof over their head."
"While it's okay to improve your body in reasonable ways, one should never pine after the body of another so much that they do surgeries to try and obtain it."
"Some consumers hope that changing their face may change their fate in the country's highly competitive job market."
"Don't let anybody push you into coming out or announce anything. Don't come out if you think it's going to impact your livelihood, your happiness, your job."
"It's easy to make easy decisions. It's hard to make hard decisions."
"We are being pushed to see how much of our individuality, of our freedom, of our liberty we will give away."
"We place so much importance on this one performance indicator which is our weight."
"Managed to cope with the pressure of society thanks to his family, who taught him to accept himself."
"When I see guys who are over 30 and they're like, you know what, maybe I'll have a family when I'm 45, it's like, I don't hold that against them."
"It's not worth it to let other people's perception of you get in the way of achieving what you want for yourself."
"That pressure is there; it's like a tide sucking people in to that particular type of lifestyle and mentality."
"When your family is seen as icons and beauty... the pressure to maintain a certain image is going to be very intense." - Chloe Kardashian
"All this is is putting a leaning on Kyrie to disturb him because he didn't take the Jab and they're making an example out of him."
"These pressures are gonna... cause a jailbreak."
"In basic terms, what is a trans person? Somebody that's so disappointed by their genitals that they're suicidal, isn't that just [ __ ] everybody in the world?"
"People are stressed out and they need to vent."
"So many people carry unnecessary Shame about losing their virginity too late or too early."
"I think it's really easy to get caught in that mode where we are comparing our horsepower numbers to other people and we feel like we need a thousand horsepower or we aren't relevant which is really just silly."
"Do you ever feel this sense of fear and urgency that you won't stay relevant forever?"
"Just doing what you enjoy is made to feel wrong, like you're betraying society by following your dreams."
"They're pushing people to their limit." - Alejandro Maldonado
"It's hard to have a voice when people don't want you to have one, you know? That's why you kind of stir away from having to [__] say it anyways."
"What we are witnessing is not the everyday schedule of a well-balanced man; instead, it is the desperate scramble of a guy who has to reapply a facsimile of identity to his flesh in order to be functional and therefore accepted."
"Money or inconvenience would move you to snuff out your own child's life."
"Everyone's always telling you not to do things your way, but doesn't that suck?"
"You just need the individual to say no to the machine."
"People are too afraid of what other people think."
"It's their body, their choice. If their parents or anyone is pressuring them, let them live with that and take it up with them later. It's none of our business how others choose to live their lives."
"Don't let other parents goad you into ruining your own child's childhood."
"The fact that no it doesn't count means that the person requesting to smile it's for them you're you're smiling for their reasons and that's what women go through all the time."
"Failure just needs to be normalized because it's so everything nowadays on social media is just all the successes and the wins."
"It's absolutely essential that people stop being terrorized for holding garden-variety positions."
"I can't imagine how hard it must be to feel you have to hide who you are and who you love."
"Society can put on to you this idea that it's wrong to be who you are."
"I think now more than ever there's such a pressure in the world to not live in the moment."
"We put this pressure on folk to live up to an ideal because it's Hollywood."
"A new Cato Institute national survey finds self-censorship is a way of life for many Americans."
"Nearly 62 percent say the political climate prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find it offensive."
"Nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"It's not the hijab that's the burden, disappointment, or disadvantage, it's society that makes you feel that way."
"Don't let Manhattan steal your soul. Change because you think you're becoming a better person, not to fit in."
"Stop living up to other people's expectations."
"Stand up for right, even when people are saying that's not the popular thing to do."
"There's a lot of outside noise and external forces that may not understand why either you chose them, they chose you, or you chose each other."
"Middle class people who are running small businesses are constantly afraid that they're gonna be arrested."
"The problem is, these kids grow up thinking about nothing other than getting into college."