
Community Impact Quotes

There are 2191 quotes

"Just being willing to be vulnerable and share yourself, you will help that next person, which will then in turn lift others."
"I want to see you create more revenue and a more enjoyable lifestyle for you and your family so you can become a beacon of light in your community."
"If we address the vascular factors and the fact that we can grow the brain, we can hit all these communities that are now devastated with cognitive decline."
"This is a victory for all of us because happier authors able to make a better living make for a vibrant world for everyone."
"T Rogers, a very well respected activist... he did a lot later in life to really intervene with a lot of the gang stuff."
"This space has done some good, and it's done some harm, and it can also do better."
"It was these acts of kindness that made Minnie a beloved figure in the neighborhood."
"With his mystical powers, peace comes into the village."
"Why would you bet on Goliath when we've got David? Value given is contagious in this world of entrepreneurs."
"Our community... is suffering. It's traumatic for our community as well when these incidents happen."
"We need to look to brands that have that level of success and...are doing great things through their business to affect the lives of people, underserved communities."
"I got great joy from knowing how it must've felt to the Inner-City Arts people who dedicated their lives, and at times you might feel under-appreciated or forgotten, to have that vote of confidence."
"You guys are really just... changed my life for this channel."
"So, if I can make it through that, if I can see that and I still see the world for what it could become and I still have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset, then I make it possible for someone else from my neighborhood to succeed."
"Legacy, baby. There's nothing like your community saying man, this gal, changed the entire city."
"Since I changed my activism and educated myself on these issues and on the privileges that come from the vegan community, and how being forceful isn't helpful, I have been more impactful within my discussions and within making people make more vegan choices."
"These graphs don't show how much longer and more dangerous these trains are getting, disrupting neighborhoods and congesting traffic during emergencies, all for the sake of efficiency in the form of cost-cutting."
"When we start playing as a group, we win. That's what people get so nervous about."
"When team members understand the power of creating value, it transforms not just workplaces but communities and lives."
"When something like this happens in your neighborhood, it changes you forever."
"It's an honor, man, to have your jersey retired. It just shows the impact that you've had not only on the court but in the community."
"Dave's story has inspired so many to be the best of themselves, to be a better friend, a better spouse, a better airman."
"It's amazing how one person can affect your life so much. That's why it's important that we do all the things that we do in the community, whatever we can to help out these kids."
"And anybody who can cook, if you can chop an onion or if you can fold a napkin, then you can make a big difference in wherever you live."
"Communities both small and large have been irreparably harmed by the idea that cops are offered perks or promotions with the expectation that they write more tickets or make more arrests."
"America is not perfect. Okay, let me tell you about some of those imperfections that affect my community."
"How does it make you feel to know that you're part of some folks' weekend routines? Blessed, it's really incredible."
"This time, instead of toxic fandom, it's about the phenomenon of Reddit detectives who try to solve crimes on their own and usually just end up making things worse."
"Every day, make the local blip of the universe, the awesomeness of the planet and the town and the family that we live in, a little more awesome."
"This package has the vast majority of support from the American public. This is something that people want, they want to see it pass, they want these checks to get into communities, they want this funding to go to schools, they want more money for vaccine distribution."
"Even if I was doing Game Grumps for a hundred years and then I died and I wasn't satisfied with it or anything... the value that I added to the animation community with that, is worth it to me."
"You can become something of yourselves and become a light and a hope for the people around you."
"The goal was never to be a business; we just wanted to teach what we were about."
"Sydney will never forget Lily's name, and while walking around this city, it has become evident to me that she has touched the hearts of many."
"Bad policing can literally spiral out of control to the extent that it changes the psychology of an entire community."
"One arrest can sow chaos throughout an entire family and the community."
"You play a huge role because a lot of times, the church or faith base have the heartbeat of the community."
"Football is often seen as a route out of these communities for impoverished families and kids, and while statistically it is an extremely unlikely route, it creates a deep passion and dedication for the sport."
"The idea really is to get exciting advances that are happening in the field of aging out to the community so that we can really make a difference and the community can benefit from all of the work that's happening here at UCSD and beyond."
"Your success is going to be measured by the success of others around you, not just you."
"To this day, many consider Msscribe to be the gold standard for fandom drama."
"Be great for yourself, how can you be great for your family, and how can it be great for your community."
"You see, I'm so excited for what God is doing in this house. I'm so excited for what God is doing in and through each and every one of you."
"By the end of the 19th century, there was barely an industry or a community in Britain that hadn't been transformed by the railways."
"I think that the race to world first and Blizzard's fixation on creating competitive content has ruined the game."
"It's more than that, it's a source of meaning for millions of people."
"We're not just building infrastructure; we're building livelihoods."
"We look forward to changing the socioeconomics of this country, one household at a time, starting with you."
"You're destroying your own neighborhood when you do that because that store is going to go out of business."
"Every community in America... it's a man-made crisis."
"My goodness. Could you imagine the roller coaster of emotions for everyone involved beginning with this little girl. Who is now safe tonight."
"Productivity isn't everything. Walmart is economically productive but it bankrupts and ruins communities."
"What God wants to do is so so special through this house, and he's positioning us for impact that we don't even realize."
"Garrett Phillips wasn't killed by someone passing through town who hates little boys; he was killed by Nick Hillary."
"Due to her celebrity status, which she has used to significantly advance the rights of marginalized and disenfranchised communities, Jen is uniquely positioned to benefit society."
"We all know Genjin can be a much better game. It's still a very good game. It did help the gacha gaming sphere a lot."
"This case... has done a lot to make police around the country ask questions of themselves."
"The best way we can show that support, of course, is actually by doing what it will take to reduce the rate of infection because even simple actions following this advice will save lives."
"I do feel bad for wasting police resources, but the police did get something out of it."
"This startling revelation was a huge breakthrough for the scientific community."
"Nipsey Hussle was an artist who touched our city and the lives far beyond of the City of Angels throughout this country and this world."
"Nipsey Hussle is a shining example of the best of what we can be and the best of what it means to seek and carry out a redemptive charge."
"Shinn wanted more than anything to buy his basketball-loving hometown a team in the NBA, which was looking to expand."
"I hope people come away with a sense of optimism that there are a huge number of experts that really know their stuff... There's so much that we can do to help ourselves, but there's so much more that we can do that our actions, how it impacts everybody else as well, both online and off."
"If you're sat there today with your life and your freedom intact, you still have a chance to make a change, do something positive, and leave the world and your community a better place than it was when you came into it."
"Our existence actually matters to you, to your family, and to the broader community in a really major way."
"When you give five dollars to an illegal immigrant, that money makes its way around the block a dozen times, makes everyone richer."
"All of us will have a loved one here on Maui that we know of that lost the house, that lost a friend."
"The result was a massive explosion and fire that injured dozens of workers, caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, and threatened the surrounding communities."
"The more people that choose to be more self-sustainable, the impact has a widespreading effect."
"You do something for one or two, and it's often beneficial for so many more."
"Together we are changing lives indeed, every single day."
"Giving these families this information that hopefully will resonate and reach the people that needs to reach."
"Growing young, she threw over 600 research articles, the thing that influenced our health and our longevity more than anything was optimism, kindness, community."
"Urban renewal is one of the biggest stains in American history as it destroyed so many communities."
"And then what happens? The whole community suffers worse because now we don't have good teachers, now we have cops that don't want to do it or cops that are jaded and want to get out as soon as possible."
"This certainly did make a dent in our community in more ways than just the physical structure in these homes and houses."
"The truth is he did a ton for us... the internet, the Twitch community, the gaming community."
"It's actually incredible how much positivity that's gonna generate for us here."
"First Amendment auditing has come a long way... One of the things I used to say was, 'I'm not that smart, I just have a big foot that I want to jam in the doors so that other auditors can come in behind me and ask questions.'"
"It's like a badge of honor, a seal of approval. You struck a chord with people."
"Being able to go over there and see how much it affects his community... the people who were going out and fetching fresh clean drinking water now have time to get a job to support their family."
"Just the amount of people he employed, not even from a musical standpoint, just from that strip where he was killed at, and everything he was doing in the community."
"He showed love to everybody, everywhere. And when something like this happens to good people, it hurts."
"This case... has been a case of note. Not just in this community, but... nationwide."
"Halloween is not a gospel issue. When we take a non-gospel issue and we elevate it to the ranks of gospel, we do violence to the body of Christ, we create unnecessary division."
"When we invest in ourselves, we're investing in what's next for all of us."
"Thank God they listened to her because now we have help, and we wouldn't. Our life would be so bad right now if we didn't have help."
"Skateboarding's number one fan but he was also skateboarding's superhero to everybody. He loved everybody and he loved skateboarding so much."
"Ruth Whitfield, 86, was mother of Buffalo's retired Fire Commissioner Garnell W. Whitfield. Ruth was the rock of the family, devoting her life to taking care of her four children and husband."
"The way you choose to live your life during challenges and the values that you choose to fight for... are more likely to determine the course of your personal history as well as your family's history as well as your community's history."
"Luton Town: A team of booms and busts who often overachieve given that they have never had the biggest stadium or the biggest budget."
"May we become a blessing for others around us too."
"There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing people in the comments state how you got me back into 40K after decades or I just bought my first army."
"Let us focus not just on matters routine but also on transformational ideas. Ideas which can focus not just on creating wealth but also on creating value for our society."
"You want to change the world? Start with yourself, your family, and your immediate community."
"How many moms do I have to sit next to in another round table in Texas who lost their son or their daughter to fentanyl?"
"Through the course of the recent investigation, we've got a small glimmer into the light that she was to her family, friends, and community."
"Mass incarceration only ensures that communities that were already plagued by crime and violence never escape it."
"Community college graduates provide more security for their families, invest in their local schools and businesses, and they bring needed skills to our workforce."
"Thanks to his hard work, El City was able to achieve world fame."
"Parsing is bad for the game and if you took parsing out of wow the game would be a better experience for average players because people don't play to do to kill the boss they played to do a lot of DPS."
"Twitter's going to become 4chan too, so have fun with that, I guess."
"We are losing a lot of species, we are losing a lot of ecosystems, and many coastal communities also are losing the resources to survive."
"The two most destructive words for this community are 'judge not.'"
"When you liberate yourself to follow your heart, you're liberating others around you."
"Don't stress yourself out so much and set unrealistic goals. That's the way I'm going about this month."
"Make it simple: a cold shower a day keeps the doctor away."
"The little corners that you cut are very dangerous for both you and the community around you."
"He killed six people, drove down a parade route in my hometown... can we stop acting like shocking him will be the end of the world."
"Everybody's hung up on congress and president, but your county council guy is the one who makes or breaks your life."
"Vote November 3rd because your way of life, your actual life, your friends, and your family, they all depend on this."
"He did benefit the community and the people around him, and basically, that's what you want to be known for."
"This verdict reinforces significant police reforms underway in Minneapolis."
"That's the hopeful magic I hope people can buy into."
"When we put profit over people, it has huge and catastrophic effects on people's lives."
"I actually like getting these subjects out in the open 'cause I feel like if we can discuss them honestly, openly, and fairly, we're gonna make the best impact on the healthcare community, starting right here on this YouTube channel."
"Painfully earned justice has arrived for George Floyd's family and the community here in Minneapolis."
"We all have made it possible to get this far and allowed Lazy Lions to change our lives."
"The more we work on just loving ourselves more, the more it translates into every single aspect in the lifeblood of our communities."
"When a man gets incarcerated, the full family is incarcerated. When the woman is incarcerated, the community is incarcerated."
"Violence divides, doesn't unite, destroys businesses, hurts families."
"Those Who attack our community are driven by an agenda of politics. It has nothing to do with medicine, it has nothing to do with science, it has nothing to do with warmth, empathy, compassion, and understanding."
"Without a known motive, a family and community has left heartbroken and confused."
"Bless is a cyclical, it comes back and cycles. You put a lesson out for somebody else, and down the line in your life, everything comes back full circle."
"Hey, guess what, like we did a number on these communities."
"I am a force for good, I am a force for courage, I am a force for safety, for fairness, for leadership. I am a force for the future, for compassion, for my community, and I am a force for all."
"The attitude is harmful to the Ummah, and we've seen the harm that it has caused."
"At the end of mass, we are sent out to bring the good news of God into all things."
"I think it is really important to hang tight to and lean into the transformative aspect of fandoms."
"People are hearing about a road or Bridge being built in their Community they're seeing the cost of insulin cap to 35."
"You're touching lives all across the U.S. and internationally, and we can't be more thankful for what you're doing."
"And my heart does break for the community of Bhopal."
"Industrial disasters are tragic, especially when they're preventable."
"Your testimony could be the key to stirring the faith of another who will receive their healing."
"If black lives matter truly cared about black lives, they would not have allowed the riots to destroy black businesses."
"People are basically feeding their entire villages playing our games."
"Three Southside fast-food restaurants are closing their doors this news came abruptly it shocked area residents it's left them concerned about the future of the local economy."
"I think it would be very damaging to community relations it's not a sensible place to go"
"The news of Mipha's death filled all the Zora with grief."
"I'm so glad I inspired you to start up a YouTube channel. It feels so good, honestly, to know that my content has a positive impact."
"This is the story of six boys from West Memphis, Arkansas, three were brutally murdered and stolen from this world far before their time."
"Voting locally is even almost more important than voting for president."
"Data scientist was the number one job two years in a row."
"Above half a billion right now in terms of people who we've helped connect to a group that they call very meaningful to them."
"Every community in the United States is now a border community due to an abject failure by this Administration to control and stem the tide of illegal entry."
"The right pathway to meaning is through responsibility."
"Retail saved AMC, retail saved GME, like it saved a lot of things."
"This is where change happens in life: when it's the people that make the change."
"Maybe together doing our part here at CWA mobile gaming I don't want to sound too pretentious but maybe we can make the world a little bit better of a place."
"It was bad for businesses, it was bad for the police. It's bad for the community. It's bad for everyone."
"Lower and middle class communities are the ones disproportionately affected by the rising costs of inflation."
"Sometimes we have to think about things that are greater than ourselves. Always think about those people who not only look up to you but the legacy that you're leaving behind."
"Each of us can play a part in making up for the deficit created by the loss of the physical."
"2K20 was one of the best 2Ks for the community, and it literally changed my life."
"And now just they're trying to turn this unimaginable heartbreak into something positive by launching this Gabby Petito Foundation." - Finding strength in tragedy to create positive change and honor a loved one's memory.
"Gabby Patito's family does not want that light to dim and they want to make some good from this awful tragedy."
"Volunteerism is not philanthropy; it is a business."
"Foreign tourism is poetically ironic, an industry that promises to bring much-needed aid to struggling communities is actually just a giant business."
"The town's story is a reminder of the industry's impact on local communities and the importance of fair labor practices..."
"It's just so hard to think about growing up here what may have happened if they hadn't done that." - Vanderbilt spokesperson
"The problem is that this power outage isn't just bad for the cold. People can't get food, restaurants and grocery stores can't open, it breaks down the supply chain."
"I'm gonna be dedicating my channel to the things that really matter to activism, to the promotion of real causes that really benefit people."
"Content creators play a vital role in every online community."
"Welcome to one of the best runs there will ever be."
"It really means a lot to be in something that means a lot to a certain community."
"I've just never seen a company going so far out of its way to basically take a dump on their community."
"It really makes the place stand out, makes it feel like a true destination, truthfully."
"The impact of social... family breakdown and how that can contribute towards many social ills in local communities."
"We need a thousand Paul Rossi's, we need a thousand Jodie Shaws and then we need a cascading effect of people who are willing to speak out."
"Residential segregation affects... problems we face in society."
"Destiny is just killing it with like the positive memories and stuff."
"I apologize for the ripple that I and my actions have caused in the mukbang community. I definitely love this community and I hate that I have disrupted the flow of what we have going on."
"I want to get the money to do really whatever I want to do with my city."
"The very people that Black Lives Matter claim that they care about, those are the ones who are hurt the most."
"I think Black Lives Matter was the worst thing to happen to the black community since integration."
"Clear, positive value to add to the world and its neighbors."
"Thank you for being a change-maker in our community. We'll miss you, but your legacy will be with us forever."
"Inaction without love is meaningless. But when you have love in action and love for the greater good, then things can happen."
"Big businesses actually do vast good in American society."
"For our community, the MMA community, Anderson is as much a part of this story as Jake. To me, Anderson Silva will always be an MMA fighter." - Ariel Helwani
"The success of children is greatly related to the success of our society."
"It's the stupid little actions that he's done for every single member of the guild."
"Legacy Stand stopping the game with millions waiting to watch got to hurt, keeping these people where it matters. Enough is enough, this is just the start."
"A deadly weekend in Germany as catastrophic floods swallow entire communities."
"The only thing that's gonna benefit our people is you changing not the next man."
"I've finally found what I think is my passion because of all of you."
"This result took the astrophysical community by storm."
"Proud mamas have saved America from Donald Trump. None of this is possible without you."
"One thing that breaks my heart is to see store owners particularly in some of these underserved communities who have worked hard to create a small business see it destroyed."
"Maybe they'll learn their lesson, but it's very sad that a very large and usually really good gaming community had to suffer the way that it did."
"Creating a new car, adding a new feature, fixing a bug, it all comes down to one thing: Creation. When I look at the download count of one of my mods, that's not just a number, those are all actual people who enjoy something I have created."
"Every single one of those deaths is important to us; we carry those people in our hearts."
"It's not just about saving SB Tactical, it's your problem too."
"I care about high gas prices because it affects everybody."
"The reactions from people and just how much it meant to them and then how much it meant to me."
"Community is the biggest thing I got in from this channel."
"A dam in China was exploded open and floods rushed into the villages, pushing residents into a desperate situation."
"Stacey Abrams and Latasha Brown and NSA and all of these people, like all of these people who worked so hard in Georgia, have finally succeeded because they put in the work for so long."
"It's just incredibly tragic that someone decided to bring a gun to this incident and rain terror on our community."