
Becoming Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The process of overcoming is the process of becoming."
"The act of becoming is a function of overcoming."
"Allowing yourself to become who you've always meant to be."
"You gotta keep doing it. So that's what this wishing well card talks about: It's like whatever you're wishing for, start doing it, start being it, and then you will become it."
"Mind is everything. What you think, you become."
"It's the overcoming process that is the becoming process."
"The becoming, all the little imperfect things that happened to you over the years that kind of shape you who you are."
"Life is not about appearing and acquiring; it's about being and becoming."
"You're the thing that is and you're the thing that becomes, and you should put the thing that becomes at a higher place than the thing that is."
"Becoming who you are, becoming the process of becoming who you're becoming."
"Everything that's led up to now has built up to who I've become and who I'm becoming."
"The world is always a world of becoming, and you live it forward into an unknown."
"I love who you are, who you become, who you wish to be."
"All is mind; as you think, so you are, where your mind is, there you are, and what you think, that is what you become."
"We are here to become, not to get."
"God is not so concerned in what we do; He's concerned in what we become."
"There's no such thing as being, there's only becoming."
"As a man thinks in his heart, so does he become."
"I think God is pleased with who we're becoming."
"The reality of everything is being, not becoming."
"Life is the ability to become that which has not been. Therefore, I am becoming."
"You don't become what you want to become you become what you see at the watering hole of your imagination."
"Consciousness is not identical with the past or the future. It is already no longer what it was and not yet what it is going to be. It's a process of becoming."
"Being and becoming are dual aspects of existence."
"Every moment you're becoming, you're being."
"We know through experience, we know by becoming what we know."
"Learning to start to be the thing that you otherwise want to be."
"...you don't just stop at 'I used to be', you keep going to 'who are you becoming?'"
"One is not born a woman, one becomes a woman."
"The appearance of being... are only possible to categorize as a result of us seeing what is truly fundamental to Deleuze: the constant process of becoming."
"There wasn't some static pre-planned identity that determined that this guy was going to be a trumpet player, only the connections made when interacting with the world that is constantly becoming, unfolding and in motion around him."
"Therefore, we are nothing but created gods coming to be, becoming god in god."
"We are nothing but created gods coming to be, becoming God in God."
"What's really happening in the whole of reality is what Bergson calls a state of general becoming, not stasis."
"Becoming's animal do not just occur in the imagination and are neither dreams nor fantasies; they are perfectly real."
"What is real is the becoming itself, the block of becoming, not the supposedly fixed terms through which that which becomes passes."
"One is not born, but rather becomes."
"As you think, so you shall become."
"The romantic kind of poetry is still in the state of becoming; that in fact is its real essence."
"In order to become, you must produce."
"You just gotta do, and then you become."
"You got to use it as a catalyst to help you become."
"Live in the future, be and do what you want to become."
"What is realized in my history is neither the past definite as what was... nor even the perfect as what has been in what I am, but the future anterior as what I will have been given what I am in the process of becoming."
"We are always in the process of becoming; that's what we are."
"The celestial attributes—such as love, patience, mercy, meekness, and submissiveness—embody what we are to become."
"It is in becoming that we understand reality, within the destruction of the immediate experience and the movement towards the absence of the immediate experience."
"Sophia does not create the earth, she becomes it."
"You don't learn it, you become it."
"What they end up becoming is what they were meant to be."
"It is not important what you do, but it is what you are becoming by what you do."
"It's not about what you do; your purpose is about who you become."
"You got to be it before you can become it."
"I am becoming, I have not become."
"You have to be before you become."
"You will become what you want to be."
"Becoming is not about arrival, it's about the journey."
"It's who you become in the process."
"You are in a continuous process of becoming."
"You got to begin to be. That's what 'become' means. Begin to be."
"One is not born a woman, but rather becomes one."
"What is deep in my heart is in the process of becoming."
"Everybody wants to be something, but not become something."
"This experience of eternal becoming, this becoming that is its own surety."
"I need you to become more, I need you to become it, I need you to become you."
"As you think, so shall you become."
"You gotta believe before becoming."
"We're all just beginning to be; we're in process of becoming."
"One is not born a woman, but one becomes a woman."
"You have become the man I always wanted to be."
"History is becoming; it is a human event."
"Speak into existence what you think you become."
"It's never about being; it's about becoming. It's what will you become in the process."
"Life is always trying to expand itself, we're always becoming."
"Everything is made up of one vital power with the potential for the process of becoming."
"Realize that in every moment you are becoming who you are meant to be."
"May the Embrace of all that is nurturing you awaken in all that you are becoming."
"You have to have faith that you are becoming who you're supposed to become."
"Nothing ever is, but all things are becoming. All things are the offspring of flux and motion."
"You are being loved into becoming."
"You're becoming what you were always meant to be."
"Once you accept the potential, that's what you're going to become."
"If there is something that you want, become that."
"You're going to be surprised with what you are capable of doing, who you're becoming."
"Act as if you wish to be, and so you shall be."