
Life Outlook Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"The words of John Lennon: In the end, it's gonna be all right. If it ain't all right, it ain't the end."
"The important point is that you can actively fight to be excited about life rather than pessimistic."
"You feel confident that things will work out for you. - Middle agree."
"He is so optimistic; he concludes that it seems he won't have any problems in this life."
"I live in the joyous expectancy of the best, and invariably the best comes to me."
"Understanding how to shift from survival mode to a state of empowerment can transform your perspective on life."
"It's wrong to let a bad situation create a bad life."
"Being a positive person is such an amazing bonus to your life... it means that you focus on the solution rather than the problem."
"Reality is like a mirror that reflects your relationship to it. If your attitude to reality is 'My reality is great, everything unfolds quite well for me, life is always taking care of me,' then the mirror of reality will just reflect more fortunate circumstances."
"Positive energy... it's basically not just being positive and saying good things, it's the way you think and look at life."
"Once you change the way that you look at things, it changes the way that you look at life."
"Life sends you what you welcome. Expect the best of love, abundance, peace, and joy."
"If you have more things to look forward to in life, you come from a different place."
"Take your time, one step at a time, but I do see new love, new opportunity, joy, and celebration wanting to work its way into your life."
"I'm generally an optimistic person." - Nigel Ferrari
"Imagination is everything. It's the preview of life's coming attractions."
"Unborn baby's like, okay, this is going to be a fun life, I can already tell, I've got a headache."
"I look at life and be positive, you know? You don't go through life and be like, 'Oh no' or depressed. You've got to look forward in life."
"He always had this positive outlook on life, when you were with him, you felt like you could fly."
"I feel like I'm not emotional about a certain thing at the moment, you know? Like all things considered, I have a pretty good outlook on life."
"I have a new outlook on life now and that is to stick to a goal because it's not as hard as I thought it would be."
"Just when you think things can't get any worse, sometimes they don't, sometimes they get better."
"That's the difference between the one who lives in misery and the one who is never miserable."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What's called resignation is confirmed desperation follows people."
"Life is too short, why are you worried about what somebody else gives a crap about?"
"You can definitely change your perspective. You can be a pessimistic person or an optimistic person, and you think that can change."
"There's kind of this part of me in my heart that knows that everything will work out how it's supposed to."
"Your life is leading towards abundance, it's leaning towards bliss."
"Family first, the future's so incredible and so much in store for our future."
"Positivity and optimism shape your outlook towards life. Create the relationship you want by affirming positive intentions."
"It doesn't get any better and it only gets worse."
"Trust literally means being okay with whatever happens."
"Infinite abundance is pouring into your life."
"Expect the unexpected, expect good things for yourself."
"The understanding of the past doesn't equal the future. Yes, you're responsible for the past but the past doesn't always equal the future."
"Money won't even matter, bro. I know. Then what's the point, fam? Like, why are you worrying about things that we can't control? Like, it just goes the way it's supposed to go, I guess."
"Trust that everything is going to be working out in your favor."
"Trust the Divine Plan, have faith and patience, things will work out."
"Expect good things in your life, expect good things to be happening to you."
"Life is getting good, it's a new adventure coming in."
"The more you move through life with just thinking negatively, then your life's gonna be whole negative."
"Life is happiness: hope plus progress." - Tony Robbins
"Our thoughts create our reality... Now I think that the whole world is working in my favor."
"You're gonna have a happy ending no matter what the scenario is."
"She's made me see life in a peaceful way instead of seeing life as a constant battle."
"Your life is still gonna turn out magnificent."
"The rest of my life will be the best of my life."
"Nothing should be sour, no. Nothing should be bitter."
"Eventually we'll get to that 10 of cups which is happily ever after."
"Every breath I take fills me with optimism and hope."
"I'm grateful for it, it's a blessing, but we're not stuck on it, you feel me."
"He deleted all of his old videos because of his new outlook on life."
"My caution is gone and my optimism is boundless."
"Something abundant is happening in the remaining part of the year, but just remember to be grateful, to see your things, and don't raise your head in the clouds. Just remain level grounded, and I feel everything will go well for you."
"I don't understand people who get up every morning and say, 'Well, ladies and gentlemen, life sucks and it's not going to get any better.' The glass half empty crowd."
"If you always think your happiness is somewhere in the future, it always will be."
"Hope is bad for you... hope sets you up for failure for disappointment."
"If you fear death then you ain't living right, plain and simple."
"This life ain't living, man. This world is wicked as hell."
"Your life is a positive prophetic word right now."
"Everything’s great, you know, and if you think that way, then everything will be great."
"Trust that everything's going to work out in your favor. Trust."
"Hope hope is always there even if we can't see it optimistic expectations can change a negative situation to a positive one."
"Underlying whatever is going on in your life, whatever you see out there, try to create an underlying condition of happiness and gladness."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one."
"Life is always just better when you're positive."
"Nothing is permanent so like I don't think I'm gonna I hope I got to do this forever."
"Cynical optimist I love it you know I don't trust anything but I'm happy about it and I think it's all gonna work out for the best."
"Wishing all of you a very, very good day, a fantastic week, and a fantastic rest of the month and year, and a good life as well."
"The Universe didn't give you the thing you want because there is something much much better waiting for you."
"If you don't develop some kind of sense of humor about yourself and about the world and about these patterns, you're gonna die."
"I think I'm still alive because I'm such a goofball."
"I live in a fairy tale world, looking at everything through rose-colored glasses."
"From day one, that's definitely been a goal of mine: to not only show people that gaming can be fun and we need to take it less seriously, but to just have a positive outlook on gaming or life or anything in general."
"50 is my magic number. Anything after 50 is gravy. I always tell people it's only sad when young people die."
"I don't have any space in my life for negativity."
"Happiness is essentially and inevitably a by-product; it comes invariably by indirection."
"No matter what happens or what it looks like is happening, learn to take a step back and say, 'Okay universe, I'm looking forward to the day when I see why this needed to happen.'"
"When you change the way you look at the world, the world you're looking at changes."
"You gotta laugh at stupid stuff. If you can't laugh at everything, what's the point in living?"
"You are never a victim of your own circumstances."
"Whatever happens to me, I know it's going to be something good."
"Your outlook on life becomes more positive and optimistic."
"If you have a positive mindset, you'll have a positive life. Who needs a positive mindset when you can pay $2.99 for the fairy tale Kingdom pack?"
"Your perspective on how you view your life determines your actions. View things from a faith perspective."
"The grass is always greener on the light side."
"You're destined to be abundant, happy, and joyful."
"Expect some positivity to come into your life."
"Change your attitude and you change your world."
"Age is just a number, it's about how you feel."
"If people told me I'm gonna die, I'd rather be wrong about a positive prediction than right about a negative one."
"Your default mode is to be favored in all areas of life."
"Stay focused, stay positive, look for positive things in life."
"If you can't find humor in that situation leave you're you are joyless you're you're on your way to a joyless and overly serious life in my opinion which bizarrely is also hilarious."
"Pessimists get to be right, and optimists get to be rich."
"Anticipation is good for you. It keeps you ready, it keeps you excited, and we're probably going to die."
"You've always got to look on the bright side."
"Everything's okay, it's all working out in a beautiful way."
"Make plans, get excited about things, have things to look forward to because you just need to start creating this new exciting future."
"The worst thing that could possibly happen is death, and I don't plan on dying anytime soon."
"Life's just gonna life's going to be good and life can be what you make it and I'm excited to make my life awesome."
"Your whole life is going to work out. Don't even worry about it."
"Optimism, you know it's like too many people go through life with like it doesn't get you anywhere to be pessimistic."
"Everything is not as serious as you might think it is."
"When you approach life with a hopeful heart and an unwavering belief that something good will emerge from every situation, you open up a portal to serendipitous encounters."
"You're gonna have a very negative life if all you do is focus on negativity."
"Our job is to walk next to people on the journey. You and I have the option for two things. We can live a life full of expectations, or we can live a life full of expectancy."
"Age doesn't matter, there's so much to look forward to."
"Just have fun. GCSEs are just a small portion of your life. Honestly just have fun."
"If you're optimistic, life will behave in a way that allows that optimism to happen."
"No matter how much you have, whatever your container, no matter how much you're taking from the ocean of life, there's plenty for everyone."
"Well in my experience, most people stay the miserable bards they are their whole entire life."
"Their karma is losing hope, feeling lost in life."
"That sounds horrible, you know, that sounds really bad, that like your dream is death, you know what I'm saying?"
"I envy you, Audrey. Life never seems to get you down."
"Don't have a perspective of being cynical, being hateful, all those things. When you have perspectives that align in virtue, virtues, that's when it's good."
"Change your attitude, look at the positive side of life."
"But then what? Are you just going to be miserable for the rest of your life?"
"The whole basis of my standing and my position is that I base my whole outlook of my own life upon the revelation of God's truth which I've got in this Word."
"My general outlook is optimism, man. Life is too short in my opinion, to not be optimistic and not believe there is something better out there for you that things will get better."
"Your state of being is determined by your assumptions."
"I do sort of have a different outlook on life."
"I'm very realistic, you know. I'm not optimistic or pessimistic, I'm just real about circumstances."
"Those are the actually happy people."
"The past is the past, forward it doesn't matter."
"Being grateful and thankful will make you have more of a positive outlook."
"When Jupiter transits this area, it increases considerably the positive look that you have at life."
"You can find good in everything we do if we go in with a positive attitude instead of a negative attitude."
"Your perspective is everything; the way you believe and perceive yourself in life is the way then it magnifies life to you in that way."
"I have a pretty good outlook on life, I think."
"I live a happy life. I've always tried to find the positive."
"A brand new start puts a pep in your step, and a pep in your step changes your attitude, and your attitude changing changes your outlook on life."
"Don't cry over what you don't have, be thankful for what you do have."
"Everything in life is the way you look at it."
"The most important thing is your attitude about life."
"It's all about perspective and stuff, you know."
"You don't see life how it is, you see life how you are."
"Always keep a positive attitude and a great outlook on life."
"If you're negative all the time, you're just going to be miserable."
"Let's look on the bright side of life."
"Don't assume that we atheists are living lives of despair, nihilism, or hopelessness."
"When both of your parents are in your life, it's so important. Your outlook on life is different."
"I'm an optimistic person; I look on the bright side of life."
"Even if I get old fast, at least I'll be old and happy."
"The grass is always greener on the other side when you're in a pasture, right?"
"If you have a good attitude about life, it shows you what you can do."
"I've always been a pretty optimistic person wherever I'm at in life."
"I'm like a positive ass person... why be negative?"
"Don't look so miserable. Anyone would think you couldn't be happy without some kind of mystery around the corner."
"I never get negative. I never have been a negative person, and I never will be."
"Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs."
"If you go around with a positive attitude to everything, you can only have good."
"Being able to almost have this fresh perspective and viewpoint on life."
"You got to stay positive, I believe then if I were the universe within what you get out."
"No, you should always be optimistic."
"The world is really what you make it."
"Honestly, just chill out, everything's going to fall into place."
"Gratefulness... becomes maybe the truest outlook you can live with in your whole life."
"I'm grateful, I am grateful, and that is a transcendent posture and attitude."
"If you look for the bad in everyone, I'm afraid you will lead a very bitter and disappointing life."
"Regardless of whether or not the universe is benevolent, if you believed the universe was benevolent, your life would improve significantly."
"Who always look on the bright side of life."
"Write three things you're grateful for... it'll change your whole outlook on life."
"People who know that age is just a number, not an outlook on life."
"In this world, it's positive vibes only."
"Focus on the positives because if you focus on the negatives... more negative things and more bad things are going to come into your life."
"He's very expressive and has a unique perspective on life."
"Remember to be positive... everything in life is going to be so much easier when we remind ourselves of that."
"I am fantastic, man. Never had a bad day in my life."
"If you have a very positive, good attitude to life, the right attitude, then your thoughts... your attitude will bring out very very good behavior from you."
"I'm going to stop being negative and I'm going to appreciate everything that comes at me."
"Life is too short to be negative."
"My attitude and everything has changed; my outlook on life is totally different."
"Your mindset is quite literally everything."
"Age is just a number, and I stopped counting years ago."
"His outlook on life now is just incredible."
"I just really want to focus on you know counting my blessings and focusing on things that are going well in my life for 2020."
"This movie and its soundtrack pushes me onto the sunny side of life every time."
"We're young at heart, and that's what matters."
"I wake up happy, I go to sleep happy, I'm 99% happy throughout the day."
"I always look on the bright side of life."
"If you yourself can be positive... that's my goal here is to help people be positive and see the positivity in life."
"I've always been so negative about my life, and I'm really for the first time feeling very optimistic about it."
"Do you believe that if you think your life's gonna be amazing, it will be?"
"Just having that attitude makes a huge difference."
"I admire your glass half full approach to life."
"It all starts with your belief. What you believe about yourself, your abilities, life, future is your beliefs."
"If you're positive, positive will come your way."
"Imagine if everybody lived life like that, just knowing that the sun got to come out tomorrow."
"I think it's a great trait to be positive."
"I am retired but not tired. I'm tired but not tired."
"Let's keep the positive attitude."
"Everything is always working out for me, no matter what my perspective of it is."
"You have to have hope in this life."
"You have a real good outlook on life, man. That's really good to hear."
"You are on the light side of life."
"Some people have a great perspective on life, a positive attitude, a generous heart, a joyful spirit."
"This is a wake-up call for you to step out of your comfort zone and create a brand new outlook on your life."
"Your positivity makes me a better person and makes me more positive in life."
"Shift your perspective and look at your life through a positive lens."