
Social Norms Quotes

There are 1939 quotes

"With the pandemic and everything going on, we may be entering a new golden age of Cults, a generation-defining event that is completely upended social norms."
"We have to be respectful of the people around us."
"Body positivity is about challenging societal norms of shame against fatness."
"Try complimenting a fat woman on something other than her hair, her skin, pretty face, bravery, or her inner beauty."
"You can't be embarrassing on your birthday. That's the rule."
"Art helps us map the terrain for our social mores and our social possibility."
"Personal responsibility is more important than politeness because politeness can hide a lot of evil."
"We have our protocols of relationship, of friendship, and they're set, so anything that deviates from that, like having just a friendly text exchange, is a deviation which means it's odd, which means something must be up."
"Others' bodies are not ours to police or talk about."
"We still live in a world entrenched in heteronormativity, where heterosexuality is treated as the default."
"You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here."
"Disgust me, you disgust me, putting ketchup on your Sunday dinner."
"What's most liable to get you cussed out at the cookout? Putting raisins in the potato salad."
"You know that I must remind you, it's almost 11 PM. You don't invite someone to your apartment at 11 PM."
"The whole idea of you don't wear white except between Memorial Day and Labor Day was just to separate old money from new money."
"Gatekeeping can be good. I mean, for instance, I don't want Nazis on the left, right? Or I guess in my swimming pool."
"There should be clear rebukes from people within these communities to address this behavior."
"I think there's got to be a line drawn where it's like, 'this is embarrassing now.'"
"Most of us have internalized that you don't talk in theaters, double-dip at parties, or break the social contract implied in picking someone up from the airport."
"Any notion that there is a 'correct' or 'normal' time to carry out any life activity is far more social construction than biological certainty."
"I don't believe there's any wrong way to be a man; we're just redefining what it means to be a man."
"But as far as I'm aware, again, respect isn't anything new, human decency didn't come into style."
"It's about respect, yeah, it's about respect."
"Understanding [social norms and folkways] is 100% the first step in just dealing with that corrosive shame and just healing from the inside out."
"Men and women are probably equally emotional, but it's going to be expressed differently in different ways."
"There's a lot of things that aren't okay that people have pretty much normalized."
"It's clear that we're not talking about cabbages here; this is about the commodification of human life."
"It's probably best to not have a wedding party. Like, you can have all bridesmaids, but to say, 'You're my first best friend, and you're my second best friend,' it's so high school."
"I think the norm should be a four-day work week."
"Two taboos in polite conversation have traditionally been talking about religion and talking about politics. People get immediately heated, and it often isn't conducive to a pleasant, conflict-free encounter."
"I never thought we'd live in a day and age where pedophilia could even be talked about as potentially normal."
"Between men, intimacy is sadly lacking. There's a tremendous potential for tenderness between men, and I'm not sure that it's always realized, and it's terribly sad."
"The line always moves; the standards for what is or is not acceptable change tremendously."
"When someone, for example, identifies as a woman but is not participating in the performative aspects of being a woman ever, I don't think that precludes them from saying that they are a woman."
"Power is everywhere, and I think that the reality of the situation is that when we engage in certain norms and behaviors, we constantly monitor each other's behaviors and conventions and impose sort of rules upon each other without even realizing it."
"Slaves have no natural responsibility to their owners... parents do have natural responsibilities to their children."
"I've always been overly cautious with consent...and I think that's just the way I am and just the way it should be."
"Don't call people words that they didn't want to be called."
"Sometimes all it takes... is okay to accept help. A lot of us don't want to accept it because we think, oh, we're macho."
"Social norms have the biggest impact on behavior."
"We thought we were watching a story about how redemption is possible, about the need for us to come together during a crisis, about how by challenging social norms we can build a better world, and about how we must be savvy in the pursuit of those changes. But in the final moments, everything flips on a dime."
"It's strength to admit actually what it is that you feel inside, even when you know people are going to condemn you because it's not politically correct."
"Contrary to how TV and films might depict the status of a beater, there isn't really a stigma with regards to buying used."
"The business that will tell you two things you should never talk about: You should never talk about religion and politics. You should focus on sports and others, but not religion and politics."
"There are several sacred things in this world that you don't ever mess with. One of them happens to be another man's fries."
"Japan is a 'Tatemae' country, which is fantastic. That's why Japan is a super safe country because people care about the other person."
"A man does not need to conform to social norms; a man can do whatever the heck he wants, and if it's right for him, then that's masculinity."
"When these girls aren't nice to y'all, all of a sudden it's a problem, but you were telling us to be nice for what?"
"The only way it could make a difference is if the way that we express gender is culturally defined. That is the only situation in which an attempt by any culture to change the way that men behave would make any sense whatsoever."
"You got to call your mom on Mother's Day, everybody does that right?"
"If I invite a woman on a date with me, and she goes, then she did her part. I invited her, and she paid me with her time."
"It's a social norm, and the more we talk about this and the more we question the normality of this, then the quicker the inevitable will change."
"Kids' hearts are super pure, and they ask genuine, real questions that adults feel are socially inappropriate."
"The first problem with Obama's raucous, opulent 60th birthday party is that he's a grown man throwing a birthday party for himself."
"Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or Jack what happened on June 25th, 2021 at 4:37 PM."
"It does seem to be the drawing point for people these days. We should stop apologizing."
"What was fine a couple of years ago is no longer tolerated because it wasn't fine then; it was tolerated."
"Don't live in this world where people get punished all of their lives for one mis-speak, but work out what it would look like to forgive people for that slip, assuming we are all going to slip ourselves."
"Trust that's big; that's an unwritten rule that should be understood all the time."
"Norms should be reciprocal and reliable, and if you have one party not being reciprocal or reliable, you really don't have a norm in the end."
"What we might take to be normal impulses to be modest, restrained and dignified are the hard-won fruits of a long and always unsteady civilizing process."
"Why can't I be a girl right now if I choose to be referred to as she?"
"Good manners display respect, care, and consideration. So right off the bat, who gives a [ __ ]?"
"Just because something is a social norm or socially constructed doesn't make it not real."
"That feeling when you're in the women's bathroom, and it just feels a little different, and you have like that feeling in your nervous system where you're like, 'I shouldn't be in here.'"
"You can just not be weird about it. That's a choice you have."
"Zebras can't dance with the pretty girls. That's a rule that can't be broken."
"We go harder with our interests. It's more obvious, and we care a little bit less sometimes about what's socially acceptable."
"Conduct that presents white people as normal while presenting others as exotic is racist."
"Well folks, first of all, happy normal month, in which we celebrate traditional virtue, recognize biological sex differences, go to church and synagogue, and take care of our wives and kids. Happy, happy normal month to you."
"Monogamy is good for you. It makes you a better person. It urges you to control the drives that are not supposed to overpower you."
"The goal of most of my work is to remove coercive mechanisms that force people to comply with heteronormative gender and family norms."
"If you let them stay, everyone else sees it, they notice it, and it becomes acceptable."
"Just don't be entitled to a timely response."
"I think our niceties are much more about us."
"If you start to create change... now that becomes normative."
"I refuse to shame somebody or tell somebody that you have to claim that you're black when you have an Asian mother or you have a white mother."
"I think that's great that as a society we have moved in a direction where something like that is not illegal but so socially discouraged that we don't even tolerate it."
"It's funny because you just never see that, like, if Graham were to say something like that, you would be ousted."
"You can't be lit like that where you're stuttering and slurring your words."
"Don't worry about chapel veils or being judged. If someone judges you for not wearing a veil, that's their problem, not yours."
"If you want to complain about women breastfeeding in public, you're the problem."
"Shame good for the poor, bad for corporation."
"If you're thinking whether you should or should not get them a gift get them a gift a gift if you're in that debate like should I do it cuz you already thinking about them in that manner."
"Those are the rules, that's how it works." - Piggy Piggy
"The clear double standard: trendy to be socialist, but fascism must be denounced."
"Thank you very much, I appreciate it, see you."
"What it means to be a man will be a forever changing concept depending on the time and place you live in on this world."
"Government action should not be a moral substitute for social disapproval."
"Once you start gatekeeping womanhood, femininity is always going to be part of the criteria."
"We make things taboo that don't necessarily need to be taboo."
"You can be vulnerable, teaching girls that they are allowed to have a voice."
"Canceling is a public shaming of a member of a community for some violation of that community standards."
"Men and women are supposed to be together, we're not supposed to be at each other's necks."
"Pedophilia is intrinsically wrong. We know this. But they come along and say maybe it's not wrong."
"Hey, we can still be friends. We can still disagree. That's allowed."
"The norms of fairness say in emergencies, we help each other out." - Richard Thaler
"We need a mechanism to indicate we are not putting on masks out of belief, so we don't stigmatize those who choose not to wear them."
"There is nothing wrong with wanting affection and I think people try and make people feel bad for wanting to be in a relationship."
"You gotta send a message that that's not tolerated."
"I'm gonna dab, okay? Don't dab 'cause that's double appropriations. Don't do it, that's a good yoga pose."
"Normalization and validation. Children are treated as trophies to validate those relationships, to subvert the standards of the nuclear family which they hate in so many cases because it failed to protect them, and so they resent it."
"For me it's more about like why do why am I being you know kicked out for the things that are not a big deal."
"If a sister of a God opens a tavern or enters a tavern to drink then this woman shall be burnt to death."
"I like the fact that not everybody was in your business."
"We don't consent with her... think about who we're cons... the consent process."
"We don't have to cancel people, but hold them accountable."
"Anti-political correctness is becoming seen...as avant-garde, as counterculture."
"Cause that's what friends are supposed to do."
"It's the taboo subject that you're not allowed to discuss."
"Boys can become girls, girls can become boys."
"If you go to any place in real life and you act the way that he did, you're going to be removed from the store. Let's be honest."
"It's not actually the specific words, it is using a type of language that is considered unrefined, offensive, or out of place in respectable language."
"You can't give people n-word passes and think they can get away with [expletive]."
"When you walk into a sauna, it's just a bunch of people at their most bare state of being."
"There's often what I call a kind of Code of Silence where people it's an unspoken rule."
"I think it's absurd to ask me to do that in the middle of a conversation where you expect me to still be a participant in the conversation."
"You gotta look presentable for like job interviews and get a job."
"Racism is a problem all around in that country amongst all groups like different ethnic groups like within just the African context tribal groups are super racist against each other that's like very much a norm there unfortunately."
"Civilization doesn't make sense... like, if you go into a grocery store and take something and leave with it that's shoplifting."
"You're not wearing those clothes out, are you?"
"What it all boils down to is if it makes you more confident and if it improves your quality of life and also if you yourself deem it necessary then go ahead and do it who cares it's your life um but don't push it on to other people."
"Unless we're very clear with that line, it can be very weirdly overstepped."
"You need something like a grandma to be like, 'Young man, what are you doing?'"
"Let's talk to people on a human level, use their name rather than their color."
"Ladies first is how courtesy works, that's actually facts."
"The thing that separates the situation with Judge Moore from everything else is that what's being exposed are immoral social norms that have been neglected and ignored."
"It's like eating cookies for breakfast but it's socially acceptable because it's cereal."
"Does anyone seriously believe this sort of thing should be celebrated? Isn't that crazy?"
"We all are trying to break those stereotypes."
"It's easy to say when something is completely obvious but cultural norms and standards are always changing."
"Monogamy may not be natural for a man, but it's certainly socially normal and enforced."
"It's extremely valuable for making a ton of money, I mean literally a hundred thousand runs every run and you can do that in twenty to thirty minutes."
"I think everyone just knows a no is a no regardless of gender."
"I've never been uninvited to something in my personal life. I've never been uninvited, period. Beyond rude."
"People get [ __ ] upset when I start pointing out their use of caffeine."
"If it's in your heart, you can achieve it. Until it comes to having multiple loves, all of a sudden, 'Don't do that.' Yeah, give a [__], if that's in your heart, don't achieve that, you're dirty, you're wrong, you're foul."
"Outrage will continue when somebody comes into a space and they don't respect it."
"Society is really good at telling you if you're doing something wrong."
"There is, I think, some value in making it socially unacceptable to believe really silly things."
"Women don't have to put on kid gloves when approaching men."
"Masturbation is only controversial to Catholics, everyone else is just fine with it."
"Occasionally when you're trying to say something true but couching it in humor so that people don't attack you, you might get close to the line of what's acceptable."
"That is the most ultimate form of disrespect out there."
"It's just weird dude, it's like this whole, to me and like dude, I get it, like I'm not dogging people if you want to go and do that [ __ ] that's cool, we can be friends and all that but we probably ain't gonna be."
"Make them live up to their own rules... ask for the manager."
"The n-word is the only word in existence that cannot be said in any context at all if your skin pigment is too light."
"I'm assuming because they asked that, the grandma's always said it. Obviously, you're in the right. Don't show this to your grandma."
"If you swim away from your friends, you can absolutely pee in a lake."
"You can't just withdraw consent when you've already engaged in an activity... you're kind of there until the end."
"How do we make it not acceptable to punch people in the face because we disagree with them?"
"So when I say distance I mean the P and the V may begin in the same location, but under the pressure of social expectation people with V's feel compelled to distance it from just about any function unrelated to sexual desirability."
"I have a shoe guy, dude. And you know what? I'm not sorry about this [ __ ] man. I'm tired of [ __ ] people asking you to apologize, dude."
"We should treat women as equals, and that means the good and the bad."
"I remember when I was a kid, you go to your friend's house, knock on the door, he's not here, do you know where he went? I don't. Guess I'm not going to see him today. That was life, man. Internet before internet."
"You don't really think like, 'show me your [__] birth certificate.'"
"We want to create a culture where you're looked at askance a little bit if you're making over a million dollars a year."
"Femininity gets talked about way less often. When did femininity, as a concept, become taboo to talk about?"
"Will you take your husband's last name is not a crazy question."
"It's funny to me that in the mainstream it's okay to flex by spending 950 on basic shoes."
"There's a difference between trolling and bullying. We as a society have decided that bullying is bad and it should be stopped... but as for trolling, we decided that it's good clean fun no matter how many people get hurt."
"It's not about the facts, it's the social cue of talking about a thing."
"You disrespecting a lot of people... that's disrespectful."
"Expecting a man to be both masculine and sensitive is not an impossible task, but it's just a little contradictory to the request of being manly."
"Being married isn't always about love, sometimes it's a partnership."
"You had a conversation when you were young, young boys had a very different conversation."
"Know Thy situation, understand the dress code."
"There's a range of acceptable discourse and then there's the range of unacceptable discourse."
"Clapping triggers people, so they've banned it."
"At what point does being on the sexual marketplace supersede your responsibilities as a mother?"
"We need more judgmentalism, we need people to call women to the carpet, hold people's feet to the fire."
"Responsibility comes with getting that [ __ ]."
"Gender roles by themselves are not always bad, but the enforcement of them almost always is."
"Men provide security, women provide affection. We're not the same. We provide different things to our children."
"Well, that was uncalled for. My dad definitely would have pocketed that shirt."
"Celebrities are going makeup free while social distancing. They're so brave."
"Cheating is generally frowned upon. It hurts the relationship and often ends in heartbreak."
"Men tend to want to date outside of their league, but they don't want to spend the money."
"Would you still like me if I painted my nails?"
"Keeping it real is very expensive. It's very expensive to keep it real right actually most people keep it a little real they have convenient real right that's what I would call it."
"You know what, sometimes our women can be our protectors."
"That's okay for me to want to get married and have kids. There's no shame in having my own desires."
"Just because something's offensive doesn't mean it's truly offensive."
"Girl supporting girls up in here and we don't pin no woman against each other."
"Men do not care about the career accomplishments of women when we're trying to choose our girlfriend or a wife."
"Why do we have to be biting our tongue like it's Thanksgiving dinner with relatives?"
"There's a lot to that," Vanessa acknowledged. "I believe he said that you're a man first. I believe he came up in a time where there's a time and a place to behave in certain ways."
"Making it her mission to break societal stereotypes." - Nigeria
"Why is this behavior seen as acceptable or even normal at this point?"
"Spits like that is just the highest order of disrespect."
"Here he is with his entire family at the Lincoln Memorial... guess what's missing? No masks."
"Can you please just be normal and can you please go away?"
"Stop kicking people out of your tribe who don't agree with you 100. I want to scream it and I can't believe anyone disagrees."
"More male hugging should be accepted. Way more in this world. I completely agree with that. I'll give you one straight back."
"Here's your friendly reminder that gender is a human. So, once mom decides you're a girl, you're a girl. That's it. You don't even have to talk and mommy's going to decide for it and that... yeah, exactly."
"A man in a dress is a very off-putting thing, especially a man in a dress who really thinks he's a woman."
"If we do nothing and if we fight with each other... I'm going to wake up one day in a world where this is the norm."
"Juicy, you can't come around here talking about the racial element and all. It doesn't work like that."
"If you have a friend and you ain't never been to their house, you ain't their friend."
"Let's normalize respecting people's boundaries. I'm doing my part the best I can."