
Daily Progress Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"I'm just trying to be a better version of myself every day."
"I am becoming a better version of myself every day."
"What makes people feel satisfied or successful with their work is making progress every day on something that's important to you."
"Don't overwhelm ourselves with too much at once, take it day by day."
"Every day, you have a goal, and each day, for 365 days, you do one thing towards that goal."
"Do something every day that moves you one step forward towards your major goal."
"Zombie dropped me a carrot, cool. Day 14 was a pretty good day."
"Make today some tiny increment better than yesterday."
"Start to make steps, start to invest, start to move towards that each and every day."
"Just start and just take it a day at a time."
"Plant the dream seed and commit to nurturing it each day."
"As long as I'm better than what I did yesterday, I'm happier."
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap."
"You should only feel competition with yourself. Strive to become a better person every single day."
"We're focused on getting better every single day"
"Every single day just do a little bit more, push yourself"
"I am loved... I am making progress every day."
"Every day, I am becoming a better and stronger version of myself."
"I feel like every single day, I'm feeling better."
"Live your life to just get better every single day."
"Don't give up, keep it going one day at a time."
"Years don't jump across, you have to take each day at a time."
"I always like to look at taking it day by day."
"It's about just trying to improve a little bit each day."
"Every day you were able to get out of the wheelchair."
"Every day do things that get you closer to [your goal]."
"Make movement. Move forward. And do that every single day."
"Success is all the small efforts of every single day."
"Let's grow every day and become better people."
"This is what it's all about right here, getting stronger day by day."
"Just keep stacking good days on top of good days. It always gonna be perfect as long as you're striving for perfection."
"Taking baby steps to move things forward every day, not people that set goals so high for themselves that they're never gonna achieve it and then they feel like a failure."
"Every single day, I'm showing up and I'm doing a little bit more, and I'm proud of myself for that."
"You have got to become better every day, mentally, physically, and spiritually."
"Just do little tiny bits every day and don't overwhelm yourself. Break complex things down into simplicity."
"Just go one more and then guess what the day after that I said just go one more day and just go one more day take every day at a time."
"Sucks getting older but uh, you know, little by little, day by day, I'm feeling better."
"You could be a little better today than you were yesterday, and that's a good thing."
"I feel like I'm healthier, getting better every day."
"Every day you should be having some momentum towards the ultimate picture."
"Remember to keep striving for progress over perfection and a little progress every day will go a very long way."
"A little progress every day will go a very long way."
"You're strong and you're getting stronger every day nine eight."
"Let go of any limiting beliefs and take it one day at a time."
"I need to use each day to build and work on achieving my goals."
"Any goal is achievable when we break it down into small steps and work on it every single day."
"But if each day you kind of do a little bit of it, you link enough of those days, big projects get done."
"To make something real happen, laying a brick every day instead of trying to build a brick wall, just lay a brick every day."
"It begins with changing your mindset and starting to take steps every day towards self-sufficiency."
"You don't need to do it all at once, just take it day by day."
"I'm in therapy, things are getting better every day."
"The key to happiness is progress and growth every day."
"Take it day by day, take it step by step, and everything's gonna be alright."
"Daily success, daily progress, money, women, relationships, experiences - all those things, that is a man's search for meaning."
"Small wins every day create a positive snowball effect."
"As long as you're improving day to day, that's what this whole thing's about."
"You just have to be a little better today than yesterday."
"March is all about fine-tuning yourself every day, create energetic movement."
"Fluent in six months and maybe three? It's not a big difference. Just focus on improving every day, and you'll get there."
"Take every day one step at a time and don't stress about perfection."
"Just do something each day to put yourself in this better situation!"
"All you have to do is be better today than you were yesterday, better tomorrow than you were today."
"Not every connection is worth giving up on; sometimes you just need to take it one day at a time."
"The power of tiny gains: 1% better every day."
"Happily ever after happens one day at a time."
"Every day, lay a brick by doing one thing that takes you closer to your goal."
"Do something every day, no matter how big or how small, that moves you towards your goals."
"Life is about improvement, you know? It's about getting better every day."
"Take massive action, do one thing every day that brings you closer to your goals."
"Take action every single day in the direction of your goals."
"Take it one day at a time, but make sure today gets done."
"Don't doubt yourself and take steps towards the solution every day."
"I'm telling you that the salvation, the answer you're craving, is a little bit every day."
"Every day, there's an opportunity for me to move the needle in the right direction of being healthier than what I was the day before."
"Doing one small act each day toward whatever positive change you wish to achieve will eventually move you closer to your goal."
"Life is built in a way that you have to wake up every day and you have to have a mind to get better today than you were yesterday."
"Every day, make a promise to yourself and progress."
"There's an opportunity in every day to move the needle in the right direction towards being a more healthier version of yourself."
"Focus on your purpose. Doing something every day to move closer to your goal. As you are moving, whatever it is, you're going to feel good."
"If you learn something new every day, you'll be better every day."
"If you won't show up to move this thing forward a little bit every day for a year, how could you have the audacity to want this thing to change your life?"
"By focusing on your system and just focusing on today, you are going to find it a lot more satisfying."
"The only way you achieve healing is one day at a time."
"If I just continue to improve every day, I'm going to help myself a lot more."
"I'm getting better and better every day and every way."
"Every day your nerves are becoming stronger and steadier, every day you are becoming much calmer, much more composed, and much more tranquil."
"It's only just beginning because we are going to get better every single day."
"Your resume updates every single day."
"You don't have to change a billion things at once, all it takes is to be 1% better every single day."
"The way you get there is you set daily rituals, daily routines that move you toward that a little bit every single day."
"Start identifying what matters to you in your life, how you can measure on a daily incremental basis what'll make a difference."
"What does matter is that you're improving yourself and your life each and every day."
"Every day really is going to be a learning day."
"We'll get there in the end, take each day as it comes."
"If you can get one percent better at something every single day, by the end of the year, you'll be 37 times better at that thing."
"If you can make today just a little better, guess what, you can make tomorrow a little better."
"I'm continuing to feel better every day."
"Just one step every day towards the goal."
"Just keep going one day at a time."
"It's okay to not be amazing at everything every day."
"I started my day at humanity minus one, but ended the day at humanity plus one hundred."
"Every single solitary day you are healing, even when you get a bad wave and your symptoms are through the roof."
"You have to try. You have to try it. About trying your best. Are you one day at a time."
"I want to be that person who makes small steps towards their goal every single day instead of making my life a rat race."
"You are becoming better and better in every way, every single day."
"Just have to take it one day at a time."
"Little victories every day, right?"
"Don't despise the little steps you know you can take every day; there are tiny miracles in each and every one of them."
"Every day, just very gradual improvements, very small improvements, building a little improvement the next day, and the next day."
"Each day brings me financial freedom."
"Being one percent better every day."
"One day at a time, right? That's how I take it, one day at a time."
"I am telling you that on a daily basis I am getting better in all aspects of life."
"Every day we are making a step closer to making our home better."
"I'm just going to get better every day."
"She never fails to amaze me with her new skill every single day, and I'm enjoying every bit of it."
"Every day you have is a day to get better."
"Just doing better means, well, yesterday I made some poor choices, today I'm going to do better, and it can be in so many different areas."
"You can do anything one day at a time if you have this program."
"It's a true testament to the one day at a time thing."
"It's a game of inches; you just want to win each day."
"We just have to do what works for us and you know, just we got to take it one day at a time and put our best foot forward."
"Each day is a day that you can improve on what you did yesterday."
"It's an uphill battle, but I'm taking it a day at a time."
"I'm glad to be back, feeling good, and taking it a day at a time."
"Tomorrow is another day, try not to blow it, but one day at a time."
"Every day you should get better, just a tiny bit better every day, and in the end, it all adds up."
"You can change your life one day at a time."
"As long as I'm progressing each day, then I feel good."
"With little by little, you can feel better every day."
"Remember that the journey to becoming a grown up starts with a few baby steps that you can take literally within the course of a day."
"Every day becoming stronger and becoming more brave."
"I'm striving to become righteous because, as I would say, addicts... we take it one day at a time."
"Every day, if you're progressing, if you're doing something more, even if it's small, incremental progress, that's good."
"They'll walk a little further every day and they'll explore further and further."
"The thing that I promised myself that day was that I was going to do one thing every single day to just inch myself towards the dream."
"Everything you need to know is in this playlist from the templates, the levels, the timings, the setups day one, day two, day three, and timings all of the things that will help you get better and better and better 1% better every single day."
"Like in 'Atomic Habits', author James Clear says, 'You need to improve one percent daily; focus on that, improving yourself one percent.'"
"I got to keep getting better every single day, I keep learning."
"I'm learning more and more every single day."
"Set goals for yourself and work toward reaching them every day."
"Every day you're learning a little bit more."
"Every day is another day to shape yourself a little bit more."
"We grow every day, we elevate every day."
"Content creativity is still going to come, it's rolling out every day."
"It's just about getting a little bit better every day."
"Every day is just another chance to be a little bit better."
"Recovery is not an overnight process; it's a step-by-step, day by day process that takes time."
"Keep getting better one percent better every single day, keep it going, keep it growing."
"I love working with you every day and just clawing at it, having a little bit of success every day."
"It's gonna take it one day at a time, you know."
"If you can work towards a future goal every day, you're on the right path."
"Progress daily is perfect because it's not just skateboarding, it's progressing in your everyday life."
"As long as we're learning something every day, that's a good thing."
"James Clear talks a lot about the idea of identity-based goals and getting that one percent better every day."
"Life is an opportunity to improve yourself constantly, to excel each day."
"You don't need to have it all figured out, take it day by day."
"It wasn't to win a specific number of titles, but it was just to get better every day."
"All we're trying to do is have a better life and be better every day."
"Take it one day at a time, good job."
"One day at a time, all you can do is all you can do."
"We feel so proud right now when we get daily reports that there have been several hundred people working every day."
"You create your success by acknowledging the little successes that you accomplished almost daily."
"It's brick by brick; you do a little bit every day."
"Life is not about comparing yourself to other people. Life is about waking up every morning and being a better person than you were yesterday."
"One day at a time, guys, one day at a time."
"It's going to be okay, let's take a deep breath and take it day by day."
"Every day you're getting better and better."
"You're learning something every day, you're progressing towards something."
"Making a better version of myself every single day."
"As long as I'm doing better than I was yesterday."
"Every day of life is a brick and you're building your house."
"You are leveling up every single day."
"Every day you have the opportunity to lay a brick."
"Every single day it gets better and better."
"Every day you do a little better, and every day your confidence gets a little stronger."
"Being better today than being yesterday, even if that's by two percent, just be better than what you were yesterday."
"Let's take it one day at a time again and let's try and make some healthier choices."
"Every day that you create a better life, every day that you create your legacy wealth."
"Every day matters. I'm literally trying to take it day by day and literally get better every day."
"You're making money every day, you're literally building your own generation of wealth."
"You are going to declare that you want it and then you are going to tediously, annoyingly wake up every single day and push yourself to lay one brick in a path with one action every day."
"Tomorrow I will try to be one percent better and if you're one percent better every single day, then all of a sudden by the end of a year you've completely transformed your whole entire self."
"You're getting better at something every single day."
"I'm just growing, you know. We're growing every day and going through different things."
"People have to take it one day at a time."
"Every single day I've been waking up, I feel like my skin is looking a little bit better and better."
"I always try to get one percent better each and every day."
"This is how dreams unfold day by day, and we thank God we're here."