
World Change Quotes

There are 538 quotes

"I want to change the world. That's real for me."
"Disruptive innovation...is transformational in terms of changing the way the world works."
"It's not about changing the world, it's about doing our best to leave the world the way it is."
"The world is changing too fast, so it's not easy to turn your entire worldview upside down, inside out, even if it gives you a 10 or 100x advantage over the traditional view."
"I like to think that we're making a difference in the world."
"I can change the world with my art. This piece will communicate that."
"We are the creators. If we stop creating, I think this world would come to a screeching halt."
"I'm one of those people who believe that compassion and kindness can actually change the world."
"Transforming ourselves so we can transform the world."
"If we change our self within or we change the way we look at the world, the world starts to change."
"Nothing changes in our life until we change. The only way we're going to change this world is we've got to change us. People have to change, and when enough people change, I think that's the moment that who we are as a species of human beings begins to awaken."
"Change the world by for good by putting others before yourself."
"Winning, building companies, and changing the world."
"If we can change individuals, one by one, we're going to change the world."
"If we can get young leaders like you to begin to work together, if we can provide you more tools, more resources, more attention, mentoring, maybe a little bit of inspiration, above all if we can get you to work in concert and teach and learn from each other, then you will change the world."
"The whole world has changed, but yet it was all so predictable from the jump."
"My real fulfillment is going to come from being able to change the world in a significant and meaningful way that makes it better for other people."
"The ramifications of confirming extraterrestrials are here and attempting to make communication with us are world-changing."
"For their sake, I will build a world where such meaningless sacrifices are never again sanctioned. As Emperor, I will change the world. I swear it."
"We change the world one person at a time through love."
"We should be proud. We were able to change the world in the end."
"Life is bigger than just aspirations that I have for myself. I want to change the world in some way."
"It's a lot easier to change yourself than to fix the world."
"If we all ate with pleasure and intention, we could really change the world."
"The more people that get the power of creativity back in their hands, the more we will create a better world."
"You change the world by getting enough people in heart coherence, to become the living prayer of peace."
"I've always wanted to be a superhero, to save the world."
"You can't really save the whole world but trying to save a little bit is more than enough."
"Master communicators can change the world by projecting their ideas and making others agree with what they think."
"Acting with acts of kindness... is a powerful energetic force that can change the world itself."
"It seems like the world changed upside down in the course of a few hours."
"We know that the technology we develop can change the world."
"Joy Boy wanted to quite literally change the world and usher in a new era that would change it."
"You can change the world and change your lot in life and be really [__] rich."
"We're here to take our world back and we're being annoying over here."
"I truly to the to the core of my being I believe that I was saving the world and therefore because I believed that."
"Honestly, guys, let's change the world together."
"The reset is the only possible way. You have to destroy the present World you've apparated and something comes out of the ashes."
"You are spiritually and psychically gifted; use those gifts to change the world."
"Limited nuclear war would change the world we'd be living in a different phase of history."
"You're actually saving lives and changing the world."
"It's magical from the perspective that we have the capacity to change the world."
"Changing the world by accelerating the pace of technological advancements."
"I'm about to change the world though apparently I have to change myself first."
"I love doing big things, big ambitious things to try to change the world."
"If you want to save the world, save yourself first."
"We believe that the world can get better and the world can get worse but only God can redeem."
"It might not be the peaceful world that you would imagine, however it would lead to one thing: change."
"You want to change the world, you're going to have to go to the darkest parts and illuminate it from there."
"I do think it takes this kind of thing to change the world and we are changing the world for the better."
"The world is about to change all I can do is just do my best to give people a look into the future regarding time."
"Miracles do happen sometimes, you can change the world."
"It makes you realize, isn't it, that the world has really changed."
"If you believe in love, then you should know that love will save the world for sure one day or another."
"Love will save the world for sure one day or another."
"If you're brave enough to take that risk, take that first step in the direction of what you want to see in this world."
"I think to be honest we are going to have to act if we want to live in a different world."
"Not many people have it in their power to change the world as much as Mikhail Gorbachev did..."
"I really do believe that compassion and kindness can actually change the world."
"It's in your hands to go make this world to be what you want it to be."
"Everyone wants to save the world; they just disagree on how."
"Finally over, the world is now ours, no one is destroying this world, Chop."
"Mostly what's happening in the world is negative... it is the old world showing its truth... we start going on the path of what we do want the world to happen until the first 18 days of October."
"You came here to be different, to transform the world."
"Give me love and imagination, and I can change the world."
"Companies don’t care if they change the world if it pushes them into bankruptcy first."
"Saving the world is more than just preventing calamity; it's restructuring it at its very core."
"This conflict, this defeat of Ukraine, is going to change the world. The world will never be the same after this."
"I'm gonna save the [__] world, man. It's the least you can do for me."
"It's possible to change the world and make your dreams come true."
"Everyone has enough... If everyone contributed, the world would be changed."
"Humanity is what changes this world; humanity's at the top."
"Throughout my life, I've had a wide variety of very high goals, but my major one has always remained the same: to change the world and make it better for this and future generations."
"The true outing of the UFO secret will change our world in so many critical ways."
"The world altered by a different outcome in history."
"Consider how different the world becomes as more people have access to more education."
"In a sense, he believed that this song could truly save the world."
"The world's about to change. Listen, if you're watching right now, I have so much understanding as to why you're like [ __ ] this money, you know?"
"We're called to be Saints. If by being faithful to God success comes, it's a blessing. Let's use that success to change the world."
"If people turn back to God in prayer, there is no question we would change the world."
"You might be the only person who is willing to do what must be done in order to fix this broken world."
"You and I are meant to change the world with our love."
"You are enough to change the world, to move mountains, and to embrace your dreams."
"Some mornings I wake up, I want to save the world, and I know I can't do that but I'll die trying, and that's Gabby's legacy."
"Our mission was to build a kinder and braver world."
"We only need to be good at one or two things and we can make an impact on the world."
"He is quite literally changing the world and betting on our future."
"If you wanna redefine categories, like if you wanna step in, and I talk about to the team all the time, if you wanna change the world, you gotta make bold bets."
"How do we change the world? By spreading information to increase the consciousness of humanity."
"The collapse of the liberal Global Order hasn't made the world a better place."
"Find a way to make somebody around you smile today, you never know it might just change the world."
"The world has changed, but God has promised us eternity."
"The world is permanently changed from that event."
"Create a strong enough vibration of generosity that it takes over the world like a positive virus."
"If you want an abundant and a generous world, you have to be generous and giving."
"If the church would ever become this transparent, I think we could see the world changed."
"In every single transaction, in every single confrontation, and every single meeting, try to be a part of making the world the type of world that you want to live in."
"Believe that you can change the world and believe in yourself. It's really important."
"Let's change this world. Let's shake this world. Let's create something higher."
"He's claiming he's brought peace, he's claiming he's brought a new economic system, he's claiming he's brought a new world religion, a new world government, he's brought the solar eclipse, he is the great I am."
"Wonderful dreams and ideals give you the power to change the world."
"They have the technical prowess, they have the pragmatic optimism, and they have the audacity to change the world all over again."
"We can change the world and with it the future. I am you and you are me, carry that with you wherever you go."
"Sharing our vulnerability, overcoming our fears, transforming ourselves so we can transform the world."
"It's unbelievable how much this religion has changed the world it has."
"The potential for change of the world is locked in the ability for transformation of observers."
"He wants to use Vanguard to change the world."
"Go out and love God and love others because truly above all else that will change the world."
"Our founders were people that wanted to change the world."
"That will do more to change the world than being a douche and having a billion dollar IPO."
"If this world changes to meet our standard or our frequency or our vibration, all of a sudden you don't need to blast off and go to some other place."
"We must believe it's possible to change the world."
"There's a purpose to my existence... I want to help contribute my part to changing the world."
"You can change the world if you're positive and you just kind of keep pushing forward."
"Give us a way to change the world collectively as a community because that's just cool and it feels rewarding."
"I had hoped I'd be able to save the world and then visit my dad."
"We're coming to some event in the very near future, and it's going to be a 24-hour event that, once the event happens, you know, the world will change forever."
"Innovation is usually motivated by the desire to make meaning, that is, to change the world."
"I'm all for changing the world... but the dependent variable that I'm after is... the subjective realities."
"I'd hit upon something that I think has this huge potential to change the world."
"It's those tiny little things that change the world."
"Art can change the world. It absolutely can. You could be the one to turn this all around."
"No matter how small you think you are in the world or how little in society you look, you can change the world."
"She's a remarkable character who does what every talented ambitious person wants to do... changes the world for the better."
"Most people who try to fix the world, it's rooted in them."
"It's clear to me... you can goddamn change the world."
"You could change the world. Have I told you it's actually in one or two of my books mentions this point?"
"Be the light in the world, change someone's life."
"These unions are a part of a movement that can change the world."
"Is it really naive to think that love can change the world?"
"Christmas still has the power to lift us up, to bring us together, to change lives, to change the world."
"I want to change the world. I want to be the positive change in the world."
"Deep in my heart, I'll never give up the dream to change the world."
"Look, I've tried my best, continued to try my best. I hope maybe I can make a great difference in the world for animals."
"Consciousness creates the world, and collectively, our consciousness can change the world."
"A single person's power can change the whole world."
"All we need is one minute to change the world. One minute to basically just go into our hearts... and the world would change."
"If we want to change the world, we must first understand it."
"The most powerful weapon you can use to change the world is education." - Nelson Mandela
"If you're able to reach out to as many people as you can, you could change that and that might save the world."
"You have the power literally to change this world."
"God is glorified and the world has changed when his truth is proclaimed."
"I’m here to build legacy. I’m here to make things happen. I’m here to change the world."
"Do it, you'll be amazed how quickly we can change this world."
"I live for making a little difference in the world."
"It's like the Cyber truck moment... changing the world."
"We're going to change the world I have uh no lower expectations."
"I'm gonna say this is gonna change the world."
"I'm trying to save the world for [ __ ] sake."
"Innovation: bringing new ideas to life and changing the way we experience the world."
"With a simple change of perspective, we could change the world in a day."
"We changed this world. We did it so we could save you, even when we hadn't any way to be together."
"We're gonna change the world, it's just that simple."
"People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
"When those events or event happen, the world can never go back."
"A mother has power, wow, and naive or not, she can change the world."
"What seems senseless, what appears to be mere failure, is the historical moment that changed the world."
"One man can't change the world, but you know, there's nothing better to do so let's just try."
"We've just got to be positive about everything we do. Go out there, tell them you're going to change the world and we're going to do it, and it's as simple as that."
"A movement like this is precisely what can change the world... don't let them tell you it's not possible to change the world."
"One simple act of kindness can change the entire world."
"Our main character wants to change the world, he wants to make it fun and enjoyable even for kids."
"In order to change the world, you first need to change yourself."
"He truly thought he could change the world, and he did."
"You're not gonna change the world with that, I am convinced."
"It takes very little to change the world. I really mean that."
"It's all about finding true companionship and changing the world."
"She will not stop until she has remade our world."
"When you share it to others, you change the world."
"Make a change, make a decision to change the world. Don't think small, think big."
"Known for our opinions but remembered for our love."
"You can be changed. The world could be changed."
"At least in that endeavor there's not a pretense of remaking the world."
"We can't change the world overnight but in a way in our own small way we kind of can."
"If you apply your skills, gifts, and talents, you can change the world."
"Just have faith... focus on within... change the world by what's happening within."
"I think we're now in a perfect position to break this subject wide open. All we need is that one lucky incident, and I think if it's handled correctly, that could change the world overnight."
"I believe that women, once they're empowered, then you have proper leaders who can be able to change the world."
"We have the potential here to really change the world in a huge way."
"If you want to make the world a better place, you have to be against Israel."
"That kind of creativity does matter, of course, it changes the world."
"The One Piece is the physical key that allows Luffy to make the world into what it should be."
"They envision a better future and actively seek ways to make a positive impact on the world."
"You wanted to change the world, but now you are capable of doing this literally."
"What's your common journey is to create something together that will change the world."
"What unconditional love truly is and how it can change the world." - Joseph Nguyen
"They choose their battles and most of the time they're not even on the battlefield... they would rather invest their energy fighting battles that will change the world."
"What is your idea to change the world?"
"The remainder of the Hundred Companions spread throughout the world and, along with the other male Aes Sedai, began to use the One Power to such an extent that over the years, they brought about a complete change of the world."
"When I started this channel, my goal was to change the world."
"It's not important. If these guys would take half the energy that they spend trying to prove that the world is young and use it to change the world around them... our world would be so much better."
"This is a big world change, yeah."
"I want to help change the world through compassion and curiosity."
"What you thought? If you could change your thoughts, you can change the world."
"I wanted to be someone who would change the world because I did feel the world was dying."
"Gold Roger's final words changed the world forever: the One Piece."
"If the world has not come to its end, it has approached a major turn in history equal in importance to the turn from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance."
"One way in a sense that we can earn it is that each person shall become, so to say, a witness before the world of the peace in his own heart."
"If you really want to change the world, raise good kids."
"If you don't dream and you don't dream big, you know, you cannot change the world."