
Improvisation Quotes

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"Let's have all three: you don't need to do the voice, knowing your character's motivation and subtext so you can improvise their reaction leads to drama, and just sitting around playing, rolling dice, and killing zombies is fun."
"It's cool to see a group of people take a basic concept that one of them came up with and modify it, improvising and working together to create a unified vision and story."
"You believe in yourself; you can do it, just make it up as you go."
"The most successful people I've met are all winging it; they're all just working incredibly hard."
"It's all improvised... and there's this thrill of not knowing what's going to happen next."
"For the players, it is largely improv with structure. You have a character with attributes and things that kind of guide what you're good at, what you're bad at, and you kind of lean into that as part of your character interactions."
"Henri Cartier-Bresson...his photography always reminds me of jazz music in that way because you have improvisation that is happening with design constraints around it."
"People identify with the unknown aspect of an improvised storytelling."
"I don't know, make it up; here's the rules we care about to make the game work."
"Improv gives you the freedom to just go for it, to explore, to have fun."
"When I filmed a project with William Shatner, I literally taped a microphone to a broom pole, and he seemed impressed by my thriftiness."
"Improvisation is when two people or more go up on stage and just make up everything on the spot, and then it's funny."
"We barely got out of the city limits... well, we could, let's just work with what we got, you know, as my father said, as he handed me my Nintendo Wii."
"One Piece is a brilliant story that constantly compounds itself through a combination of strategic planning and brilliant improvisation."
"Never give up; if you don't have a racket, you still have a hand."
"It takes creativity and imagination; it takes a good improv mind."
"I'm amazing, you're quick, kid, I'll be coming off the top and I'm boosting your health."
"Thank you all so much for being here, this is Wordplay Wednesday with Harry Mack, all the way live off the top of the dome."
"The actors and actresses were all comedians, naturals at delivering their lines despite the fact that they weren’t really allowed to improvise scenes."
"Considering no thought went into the dish, it is a well-thought-out dish."
"I'm gonna wing it this month...I'm hoping I can really channel my eight years of art education into something that makes sense here."
"I think the best stuff comes from fear, danger, and improvisation."
"I think he was a great improviser also. He would do all his paperwork but yet he is open to anything which is relevant."
"Every moment is a freestyle, every moment is improvised. Life itself is the ultimate improvisation."
"Improvising is entering the unknown, and you can't plan for the unknown, but you can prepare for the unknown."
"We ain't following directions, man. We not doing that. We about to wing it."
"Many of the ideas, obviously jazz is very centered in improv, so the other way for sure."
"It's not very often that we see movie scores composed by jazz musicians, but it's even less often that we see movie scores by jazz musicians that were improvised."
"It's just like anything else, even though it is made up on the spot, the more you do it, the better you will get at it."
"So it really is fun to just explore and express just from your voice. Yes, there is nobody just applauding off screen. But you still do get a sense of play and improvisation."
"I just mash my fingers into the keyboard and I can play sick."
"Nobody knows what they're doing right nobody has a clue."
"I always tell my students to improvise, adapt, and overcome."
"It's pretty evident that they were making this up as they went along."
"The path needs to deviate, that is essential to improving your improvisational skills as a DM."
"When life gets boring, improvise." - Andrew Andrews
"I improvised a pitch, probably the greatest pitch I've ever done... about a book about power."
"If you've been on movie fights and you haven't had to pull some crap out of your ass... you haven't movie fought." - Unknown speaker
"It's much more fun when you're the one that dictates what the thoughts are. It's like improv but my favorite type of improv."
"She's just trying to make it up as she goes."
"I love the fact that my man incorporated his mess-up into his rhyme, that's how you know he was going off the top, it wasn't written."
"Trial and error, experimentation, improvisation."
"Those guys are fearless, and there's a lot of ad-libbing, they call themselves the group that heckles back."
"The Marvel Cinematic Universe is like jazz music... they can improvise if they get characters and they can see what works and what doesn't." - Rob
"I made a mask out of my lingerie see-through underwear because I got tired of Karen's yelling at me to wear a mask."
"Bond was at a disadvantage and he had to improvise."
"The politics at the moment are so chaotic that we're making it up as we go along."
"Always have an answer, even if you don't know what the answer is."
"You have to go with it. You have to improv off it."
"Improvisation is all well and good, but there's also a place for thoughtful, intentional choices."
"Almost every line of Robert Downey Jr. was improv in Avengers."
"He's just making this [ __ ] up as he goes along right we can I think we can establish."
"Improvisation skills and reading a lot of books will naturally develop your ability to prepare less."
"Improv taught me so much about just being a better person in general, being able to listen, you know, truly being present."
"In bluegrass, everybody steps up and takes a break and tries to improv on top of what the last person did."
"The guy's throwing the ball no looks here no looks there breaking tackles running around like a madman behind the line of scrimmage throwing it across the field."
"But yeah improvisation has given us some of the best lines in cinema history."
"Before Band-Aids, they just wrapped it up, like [__] boss."
"We make this [ __ ] up as we go. We make the best choices we can with the situation we have."
"This is not my idea of the perfect stew but I gotta use it all, so it's called garbage stew."
"Throwback Thursday: that time my teacher's computer wasn't working, so she plugged the projector into one of the student's computers."
"Great players have mastered the art of improv by learning how to say 'yes, and'."
"Like an improv conversation, an improvisation, valid."
"Sometimes you just have to improvise and just go with the flow and have fun."
"I don't know, I guess part of the message of the video is that we are kind of we are really winging it and running this entire operation, but also I pride myself on the fact that this show is better than it deserves to be."
"If you have this Arsenal this tool belt of skills then you can pull them out and start freestyling and just start making things from scratch."
"Improvised masks are actually pretty good. Better than nothing."
"Unfortunately, means potentially more pain ahead or it's an opportunity, it's one of those that's for sure."
"You can shoot things to sabotage something in case you don't have a wrench or a screwdriver."
"Look at what's happening here, you have nurses showing up wearing garbage bags as protection."
"William Shatner jokingly grabbing mud by the mustache."
"That game night scene wasn't in the movie until we were like we knew we need... we did not have that yet."
"I mean that's what I really like this like everyone just wanted to stay off the scripts and vibe in the gaming."
"By seeing these inner relationships, this is what's going to allow us to break free from just being 2-5 players."
"He did it day by day, norm by norm, president by president, tradition by tradition."
"Many people seem to be quite unaware that they can improvise a lot of things themselves."
"No one has it figured out; we're all making it up as we go along."
"If you need some of those, if you need money in stock, but grab from raw parts over here."
"A makeshift staircase up from the moat that surrounded the house and hung a Chinese flag on the roof in defiance."
"Harry Mack, I'm off the top, I call whatever I see plugged into your system, I be rocking on the live feed."
"Make it look like you had it planned that way all along."
"I mean, I just learned so much from watching Jonah Hill. The dude just writes like he just comes up with [expletive] on the spot, click funnier than the script, really."
"I think probably the simplest way to go about this... this has all been off the top of the dome piece."
"I'm actually playing this without looking at the lead sheet like I usually do."
"You need to be confident in your ability to improvise and compete because even if you launch your business you protect it until you launch as soon as it's successful you're gonna ten people try to copy it"
"We're making this up as we go. Where is any Republican to do the smallest bit?"
"Playing this game is like improv where you kind of have to just say yes and and roll with the game and get powerful that way."
"Yes-anding. You don't stop a conversation if somebody asks you something."
"Just making it up as I go along, but why not?"
"I'm just winging it and making like a chocolate chip cookie recipe but with crushed Oreos."
"Things don't always go the way you expect. Sometimes you have to improvise."
"Donald Glover is my Robin nice hat woman [ __ ] a handsome bunny but you took all day and I forgot it [ __ ] blame your performance on mine"
"You gotta feel comfortable enough to just do the Kramer thing."
"The most impressive thing about all of these prank calls is they're all improv. They're all improv."
"Is it true that the bathtub scene and Jeff who lives at home came about with the Duplass brothers basically just pointing cameras at you and Jason Siegel and then just letting you riff in a 40-minute long uninterrupted improv session? Yes."
"The rules, the structure was simply suggestions for you to improvise."
"Improvise encounters to keep the session engaging."
"I'm really just making all this up as I go along, guys."
"It's always duct tape guys, thank God I have the duct tape."
"An incredible Story of Survival: a man with an amputated hand buried with a knife as his prosthetic."
"What you gonna do, huh? I'll think of something. I gotta get Franklin some work too."
"There's no playbook on being a parent, you just have."
"I don't know if it's ever been done, but in case you guys are in a pinch, you can in fact cook mac and cheese in a skillet..."
"Harry Mack had him in his bag so much he forgot he had to take a [ __ ], he forgot his stomach didn't hurt no more."
"I'm eating rappers like pizza out the deep dish, I be improvising live with the raw flow."
"Everyone is just winging it as well as you are."
"People like Matt Mercer, Matt Mercer's out there flying without a net every Thursday or whatever."
"There is a moment where you're listening to these beat-up radios somebody's got a radio station running on I assume bat guano and you go in there and they're talking about Billy Idol showing up for a concert."
"Turn your volume up right about now, man. Yours truly, Harry Mack, known for all the way live off top fully improvised freestyle raps."
"Juice WRLD stopped writing songs after 'Lucid Dreams' and would just go in the studio and record off the top of his head."
"This is the kind of thing that becomes super satisfying from an improvisational point of view."
"Half of this job is just bullshitting your way through life."
"You gotta have a guy that says you know what just go get open."
"Because you go, 'If it goes terribly wrong we go, 'Well, at least we didn't rehearse it that much.'"
"I was getting a load of sand in my eye so I told my guys to tape it up and as soon as I went out there I realized I had a bit."
"Flying by the seat of their pants, dude. That's how they've always been."
"There is never a good reason to bully a person."
"What's next? Robert Downey Jr. thought it could be more interesting so he improvised a line about going to a shawarma restaurant."
"Because Kenny's lines are usually inconsequential, Matt Stone takes the opportunity to improvise with the character."
"Sometimes you gotta figure it out as you move along."
"What was your favorite improv game that you guys would do?"
"It's like they duct-taped it onto a 2x4 just because you're wood."
"Random encounters are the intersection of preparation in improvisational DMing, which meld together beautifully to teach you how to prepare for the unexpected."
"Donaldson worked well with Madsen and let him improv some things."
"They asked if they could just improv the whole thing, which the director allowed."
"Any weapon can become a sniper rifle if you're dedicated enough."
"Exactly, I mean what these guys were saying before too, you prepare so that you can be in the moment and just discover something with the other hopefully"
"One of the eight principles of sustainment: Improvisation, adapting to unexpected situations."
"Responsibility, self-reliance, and the value of rapid improvisation—lessons from the campaign ashore."
"The Harold is an improv form, it can be a little constricting."
"Unorthodoxy and improvisation in T20 cricket."
"It's work, it's fun but it's it's not easy to do because you have to come up with these things on the fly."
"The president said it was a hoax, they minimized the seriousness of it."
"Playing Jazz requires chords and improvising, creating tension and resolution."
"It's like the world's best improv actor whose domain happens to be code rather than improv."
"You might surprise yourself, just use what you have, see what you can do."
"Understanding this harmonic analysis and chord substitution is extremely important for your ability to improvise and to make up chord progressions."
"There's no wrong note. It's the note that comes after."
"Kevin, you would add little things like if you were in the moment."
"Here's a Johnny fun fact: Jack Nicholson improvised that line."
"Let's make it up as we go along, surely that's got to be a concern."
"I seen a [ __ ] slice a Hot Pocket in half and add some [ __ ] to it, some pepper, put some bacon in it, [ __ ] it back up."
"We're trying something new on Death Battle Cast, and it is temporarily called the Unscripted Death Battle."
"It began as live improvisation and it ended up a compulsory classic."
"I have no idea. I'm kind of making it up as I go."
"His ability to create. It's not necessarily always smooth, but man, when he gets out a little frantic but is able to kind of calm himself, keep his eyes down the field, either make plays with his own legs or drive it down the field like this."
"These things are quick here let me just quick little rundown of it it's just the in game we call it a Toyota because it kind of looks like a Toyota truck but there is no brand because like Giants can't do that."
"Shout out whoever told me to use improviser."
"Passengers desperately tried to light up the cabin with their mobile phones."
"That actor that gets thrown by the cough during their sort of traditional theater I've gone to improv before where that one random cough is the leap frog into an amazing set piece."
"Will Smith improvised the line 'Looks like Spielberg's work' as a light-hearted jab at executive producer Steven Spielberg."
"You've got to come up with a improvisational grounding in yourself so that as you engage the social structure, you can do so standing in yourself."
"Forces you to improvise as well, so you know, you have to just kind of, 'How am I gonna go next?' Expertly."
"Improv big time, improv, choose your own adventure of co-hosts."
"This concrete took all night to dry so we're gonna pretend it's the same day."
"I'll tell a director, 'Give me a line, right?' Yeah, we can do 90. I thought it was good."
"It feels good that a lot of the moments that they really like have been improvised."
"The whole form flows through in this absolutely inexorable perfectly judged way... as if it's being improvised in the moment..."
"We want to move towards real-time improv shows."
"But sometimes when you wing stuff you get the best ideas."
"Improvise, improvise. You don't have to have all the ingredients to make a lovely dish."
"They literally are just making it up as they go along."
"I'll always pitch, I love an idea, I love an improv."
"What is going on? How is this the sewing room and how are you doing this in the dark?"
"Most of the challenges on the season were standard with a twist and i think that was great improv and acting challenges are very standard on drag race but here we got the super tease which was very unique and very funny."
"Put a ruffle on your head and call it a hat."
"If you don't have a plan, you might be able to get away with it for a little bit."
"We did a street fight on Dynamite where we fought throughout the entire concourse. Why? Because it was there. We're just finding this stuff to use."
"We're flying by the seat of our pants and if you want to go see Michael Linoche he's a very funny comedian."
"I'm just going to physically tape the card to the slot using some capped on tape."
"Ironically, writing and improv are making me a better writer."
"Allow yourself to forget the vision and just improvise."
"This kind of has its personality from the idea of it not having ever been meant to be together."
"Mel's probably the most naturally gifted improviser I've ever seen."
"That's unbelievable improvisation, I didn't even realize he had a flip and somehow he's realized he's got one and used it effectively."
"You can also just totally Luke Skywalker the crap out of lightsabers stuck in the snow."
"Prepare less and build it as you go, and it will turn into something."
"Improv is so valuable; it could become very permanent."
"These people definitely MacGyver better than I ever will."
"Improv classes prepared you for parenting, apparently."
"It almost feels like they didn't know what the story was gonna be and they kind of made it up as they went along."
"No dust pan, no problem. Simply tape a piece of cardboard to the floor."
"I almost feel like you might do better without using those if you just."
"I think it sort of came together in its own weird way."
"Geas was able to beat him to death with the lock and the sock."
"That's why improv is good. That's where literally yes and comes from."
"We were repairing bicycles more or less on the floor upside down."
"I pick up my guitar and I start playing I've no idea what's gonna come out didn't plan anything it's totally spontaneous."
"So what I'm trying to say is, Miles did not plan for the second kick, but upon realizing that Miguel had caught his first kick, he instinctively improvises with the second kick."
"Role play is a really good way of exploring your confidence as a person in your ability to create on the fly."
"Jaime, I mean, points to Jaime for ad-lib to make sure he finished the combo."
"Desperate times call for swinging a heavy book bag."
"One of the big things is to improvise to survive."
"They're making up the rules as they go here."
"I always suggest that you have a towel over your shoulder, put your best bikini on, and then just join the lounge room time if we can't get out you make the most of it."
"Making it work, with the limited resources they've got."
"That's kind of how and then we ran with that shtick."
"You know what? I have no idea how to play, and that's the best way to do it."
"Lots of birthdays. I am out of my elf Foundation or my Mary Kay Foundation so I'm using my elf on Foundation."
"They did their best with the bad hand they were given for this show."