
Character Analysis Quotes

There are 5594 quotes

"If you want to know who a man is, give him either money or power. He either gonna change the world, or the world is gonna change him."
"Bill Cipher is pretty much a god of his own world... despite that, his mindset is tragic."
"Cruella is charismatic, she's fearless, she's got an eye for the extravagant; underneath that zany exterior, she's actually really intelligent."
"Uncle Iroh is the only adult in this time period who doesn't immediately yell or criticize Aang."
"Shakespeare...invents psychology...explaining why people think the way they do."
"Usado is in a permanent state of disbelief as every fiber of his being is telling him to stay away from this insane person."
"Terry McGinnis, second Batman, also just called Batman. No moniker to distinguish him as something later or secondary or worse."
"In most of the modern versions, Bruce Wayne is the mask that Batman wears for convenience, and not in any way a person."
"Guts is an OP character done right, in so many ways."
"Tom doesn't have to be someone we morally agree with, but I think the changes to the story pull it away from accusations of perpetuating the gay serial killer stereotype."
"Gengar is good despite having this massive disadvantage."
"Garvey is a psychopathic, cold-blooded killer; he stopped being human long, long ago."
"Zarbon, the warrior who has both beauty and ugliness. This is the root of Zarbon's obsession."
"Kirito fails to achieve anything due to his lack of real-world physical strength and agility."
"I think that the Slayer is more towards Michael Myers... he walks with this kind of intensity and focus."
"What we'll see in Tokyo Godfathers between these three main characters, Hana, Gin, and Miyuki, are different ranges of care and selfishness and the effect they have, hopefully providing an idea of what we should and shouldn't do, in part, in our own lives."
"Martin's characterization of him is so nuanced and complex, which leads to one of the best and most realized redemptive arcs of any character in any medium."
"Nico Bellic's hybrid of charming personality and vicious psychopath made him an instant fan favorite."
"Scott Pilgrim the character is, I think, what Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes might have been like if he'd grown up to be a bit of a prick."
"Most people don't like Ron as much as Harry or Hermione but even the most cold-hearted of us can appreciate his beautiful friendship with Harry that the movies shamefully ignored."
"Janeway is a great balance between the idealism of Picard and the ruthlessness of Sisko."
"Yara is surprisingly skilled with these sort of negotiations."
"Ariel had an active role in the film, fighting a shark, saving a prince, disobeying her father, and battling Ursula."
"The fruit is freedom. Luffy is literally the most free now and can do whatever he wants."
"Farewell, King of Delusion. If only we were born in a time of peace, you might have lived a joyful life as a benevolent ruler."
"The P.E.K.K.A has been a part of the Clash universe as long as the Clash Universe has existed."
"The idea of even a single living person that could damage Griffith existing is something the dude would never tolerate."
"Tinkerbell was one of the coolest Disney female characters because she broke the archetype."
"The danger of Mysterio comes from the fact that he is so destructively obsessed in his mission that he's willing to do and sacrifice anything to fulfill it."
"Leorio doesn’t have any sort of existential crisis. He’s just a simple dude who wants to make the world a better place for him and those he loves."
"In a world full of selfish people with pragmatic methods and self-interested intentions, Leorio is one of the only in this setting who just wants to help others."
"Leorio is probably one of the closest things to a hero in this story."
"Even the coldest of villains are sometimes wives and mothers, women who loved and lost and hoped for something grander than their lives once upon a dream."
"Makima, the devil of control, more powerful than many other devils, with the ability to control the will of others."
"Once Cell transforms, he becomes god. He's actually just like Power Awakening Piccolo."
"Narcissism is like a Big Box store on 'Succession' - you can find every kind of narcissist there and buy them in bulk."
"Paris Geller is what we call a good complex character."
"Rory at her core was a hybrid between the middle-class American girl and the rich American girl."
"Childhood friends are like tragic heroines, right?"
"With all of this right and the great thing about Kenrith."
"This movie works overtime to make us absolutely loathe these men as much as humanly possible."
"Even if you're as despicable and vile as someone like him, it is still possible to resonate, connect, and pity with someone like Trevor."
"This right here is the essence of One Piece, a lot of authors have self-insert characters and they usually quite cringe but Luffy, Joy Boy, and the Sun God Nika are all the self-insert character of what Oda wants to be and doing what he wants to do, spreading joy to the world one named attack from a middle-aged Japanese salaryman at a time."
"We don't really know how Bardock's time travel worked."
"This is a potential contender for the best character in the game if mastered."
"Tyrion isn't bumbling around making grave errors until Tywin saves the day. Tyrion is the true hero despite Tywin taking all the glory."
"Shinji is the first one to pinpoint the exact issue that Ichigo is going through."
"Looking through his jolly and oversized personality, there is a sinister side, one that we get hints of within the Thousand-Year Blood War Arc."
"The character of Frank is a kind of persona rooted in deep psychoanalytical themes."
"There's no better villain that embodies that darker antagonistic half of the tale than the fourth Espada. Cold, calculating, clinical, and statuesque, Ulquiorra is in my mind the ultimate Hollow villain in the series."
"What makes Bill so fascinating is being that he's chaotic neutral and he's doing his own thing more than anything else."
"They only managed to defeat him by outsmarting him."
"Aizen is a tragic character... he doesn't know how sad of a character he is."
"This video is not an analysis of just one character; it's an analysis of the game itself."
"Trent doesn't just become stupid or weird; he becomes incredibly paranoid."
"Yugi is a sweet and charming boy, and Atem is a figurehead, so either way, people like you."
"The purpose of this video is to explain why Ichigo is one of the most unique protagonists to appear within the pages of Shonen Jump and why I believe him to be a very well-written character who many of us can relate to."
"This Makarov guy is pretty darn brilliant despite being evil."
"She's hot-headed, which...would make sense. She probably has a short fuse looking after all these kids."
"Ymir is just a really tormented soul that's been locked away for so long."
"Loki is a mass of contradictions. And you know what? That's okay."
"The bad mom is human and real, and that's what makes her so compelling to watch."
"Misfortune's a great character. I think if Misfortune is a good case of a confident character that's like, yeah, she's overconfident to all [__], I'm like, yeah, you go Misfortune."
"Samira's got charisma worthy of the gods. She's great. A great example of an overconfident character done right."
"It's a character flaw. It's good. I like it."
"He's got a good personality. I think Gangplank's charming."
"Viego personality-wise, I think Viego is actually quite charming."
"Sona may lack a lot of the engage or disengage that peers carry, but she makes up for it by being arguably the most consistent support in the game."
"He's not a person; he's Darth Vader. He's a monster that's going to rip you to pieces, and running away is the best thing you can possibly hope for."
"Sledge is the pinnacle of the Rainbow Six attackers, having the iconic Sledgehammer and one of the most well-rounded loadouts in the game."
"Thatcher is still one of the most common bans in R6, and it all comes down to his simplicity."
"If Josuke actually tries here and uses his restoration correctly... he should be fine."
"Amy Poehler manages to make Joy, a character that could easily be obnoxious, into something truly memorable and impactful."
"Craig T. Nelson provides a solid foundation for everyone to play in 'The Incredibles,' showing the multifaceted aspects of Mr. Incredible's character."
"Not only does Hunter x Hunter contain Hisoka, my third favorite character in anime, but surprisingly, a character I could relate to on a spiritual level."
"People gravitate towards him the most because of his gameplay."
"A character's relatability is how well consumers of the fiction might see their own experiences conveyed through the experiences of the character."
"Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I really enjoyed reading this because Jane Austen has this incredible ability to create characters you just despise."
"At the core, Spider-Man isn't a total badass... he's guilt-ridden after losing Uncle Ben and wants to use his powers for good."
"Hector's character development is literally nothing I have ever seen before in Fire Emblem."
"Fenry is one of the most insanely OP operators Ubisoft has ever made."
"Vision handing Mjolnir to Thor in Age of Ultron was both played as a funny beat but also used to show that Vision was an individual who had a worthy synthetic heart."
"What do you think is the single most important element that makes a person worthy of Mjolnir?"
"Tywin is one of the greatest fictional examples of a ruthless and pragmatic man who will do whatever it takes to ensure the continued prosperity and advancement of his family."
"Patience can be found in nearly every aspect of Tywin Lannister's life."
"Harry is the boy who never sought power, but who had leadership thrust upon him and found he wore it well."
"Saitama is the most tragic character almost ever. He is a character whose sole dream is to get an adrenaline rush by fighting somebody and he will never get that rush."
"Saitama's like the most philosophically deep protagonist you see in anime."
"It's always sunny...those people are just deeply narcissistic and very very bad people, and it's great."
"Layered within each movie are detailed character studies, philosophies, and themes involving both external and internal worlds."
"Kang is nothing more than a guy who exists out there in time and has experienced a broken heart an infinite number of times."
"Atrocitus is a new introduction to the Injustice mythos, and probably one of my favorite characters."
"It embodies the duality of Sabrina as both resistance to and a tool of dominant power structures."
"The Green Goblin isn't an alternate personality; he's not a different version of Norman Osborne, but a different side of him."
"I thought Nanami was a kind of guy who would survive on any occasion."
"Kokomi is a very comfy character who provides a lot of value."
"Gaunter O'Dim isn't, in fact, a helpful fellow at all but is the embodiment of pure evil."
"Her stubbornness and pride often prevent her from making the best decisions."
"Captain Kuro, the second smartest person in all of the East Blue, capable of conjuring 100 master plans in his mind faster than you can conjure a single thought of what you might want for dinner."
"The Conan character, if you read the stories, is cunning and has sort of a sense of intelligence and thoughtfulness to him as well as a primal savagery."
"Beto is a super cool character. She's chaotic, she's clumsy, she's goofy."
"Just look at this shot, listen to this music; we know so much about this character just from these three elements."
"The final girl... is maybe the most well-known trope of horror movies."
"I wanted to make an unapologetic film on the subject matter that didn’t give any false sense of empathy for the character, but that instead was an analysis of man gone awry."
"There's something really special going on under the hood of Homelander's character that gives him a major edge over characters like Joker and Darth Vader."
"Good old tier lists, a nice clean way of displaying the strengths of each character in a competitive game."
"Rand characterized Wynand as 'the man who could have been'."
"Ben Grim hates himself because he looks like a monster, and Reed hates himself for what happened to Ben."
"Who's the sexiest Disney character? Wrong. It's David from 'Lilo and Stitch'."
"The quintessential man written by a woman is Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice."
"This movie literally has no good guys, and that's a problem."
"Each of these characters are representative of one of the seven deadly sins, and their leader, Father, just might be one of the most interesting villains anime has ever had to offer."
"Gluttony was always such an interesting character to me, as despite the dark side that he had, he was also probably one of the most pure and, at times, human characters."
"Bradley is one of the most badass characters in the series...overflowing with charisma that is even attractive to those watching."
"Villains tend to always be more interesting than the heroes because they speak to a darker version of ourselves that we resist."
"The way he glares from behind the hat shows glimpses of Hoshi's nihilism."
"Using my 10,000 hours of GTA V experience to answer every question you had about Michael, Trevor, and Franklin, my job is still not done."
"Tom Hiddleston's Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a fan favorite character, sometimes even outshining the strongest Avenger, Thor."
"Trevor is the most complex character... He has so many layers."
"It's Luigi who overcomes his terror to win the day. Who's the real hero?"
"Fujiko, repeatedly the most beautiful woman in the world, capable of manipulating even the most cunning of minds."
"Most people, and I repeat most, not all, have good intentions. You can comment characters with more empathy and an open mind which helps you understand them."
"People tend to mostly define characters by their core motivation, which is basically what the character moves towards over the course of the story."
"He's the only Joker to me that represents like true evil as well."
"Donald Trump, a very Shakespearean character, is a person who's enjoyed incredible wealth and privilege their entire life with no actual talent."
"Dio is just so unrealistically evil at points that he's always entertaining to watch."
"I think there’s a legitimate case for Homer and Lisa being the best character duo in the entire series."
"Cartman is quite simply perfect. Let me say it again because I don't think you guys understand, he is written to be the most horrible, unlikable, evil character in history and because of that, he is easily one of the funniest characters of all time."
"Sutton knew she was standing on her own, and I think she stood in her integrity this season."
"He is one of the most necessary characters in modern South Park since he's the personification of everything South Park has seemed to stand against."
"Chadwick Boseman before he died said, 'I identified more with Killmonger than my own character.'"
"Having no powers is one of Batman's key character traits, and it makes his character more relatable and more compelling."
"Some see Iblis as less of an antagonistic force and more of a tragic and misunderstood character."
"Unlike his father, Gohan lacks a passion for fighting, although he does possess a strong power within him and prefers to do so only when his loved ones are threatened."
"It makes no effort to excuse Arthur's behavior, and is quite clear that there is a darkness behind him, and it's totally beyond what could be understood or ever condoned."
"Walter White completely destroys his family and his legacy as a good man in order to prove his greatness by making drug money that won't really benefit his wife and children at all."
"Joker went further, presenting us not with an origin-less enigmatic quick-whipping Clown Prince of Crime, but instead a disenfranchised working-class man whose horrific acts are the product of a mixture of mental ill-health and marginalization."
"She is a ruthless, calculating, unconscionable operator. She has always been. That's why she leaves a trail of corpses in her wake because she is an avaricious machine that devours as she self-empowers."
"He’s written in such a way that even if he is a complete ambiguous entity, little hints in his behavior and actions allow us to make educated inferences about the type of man that he is."
"What's beautiful about Garchomp is Sand Tomb is going to be a low energy ground move that lowers the defenses of your opponent 100 percent chance."
"Maybe Dr. Han was the good doctor all along."
"Impact's most advanced and notable feature is Baritone, an AI pathfinder bot which can build automatically, find diamonds, and mine them automatically."
"Apocalypse's belief system of social Darwinism, survival of the fittest, only the strongest deserve to survive, is both a platform by which he makes his case and his own prison."
"Benedict Cumberbatch is Doctor Strange and every performance of the character, he does a great job of making him very likable and yet also just a little bit of a cocky jerk."
"The term Mary Sue has become so divisive that some are even calling for the name's retirement."
"I've decided to explain the characters in depth, one by one, starting with the very top: Queen Marika, the ruler of the Lands Between and shatterer of the Elden Ring."
"A character that is emblematic of the eternal class struggle that has plagued human society for millennia."
"I think there are few things that are better than just truly letting the hate flow and making fun of these characters that are really terrible."
"Despite Logan's seeming cold-heartedness, the children still wanted his love and attention. Shiv's eulogy: 'When he let you in, when the sun shone, it was warm. Wow, it was really, it was warm in the light.'"
"A fascinating and complex character who has absolutely no reason to love Layndale and its people, and yet has emerged as its greatest defender."
"In a world gone mad, Morgot is one of the only beings who seems to have it together."
"The beauty about the writing around Marla is that she is so viscerally unlikable. That's what makes at least the components about her so genius."
"Zoro and Sanji, the best bromance in the series by far."
"Daisy is a much more interesting character than you probably thought."
"Huntress has an insanely high skill ceiling. I think Huntress is one of the only killers where you can get almost infinitely better with her."
"Trapper... has traps that could shut down tiles with good placement."
"Legion... you're almost guaranteed at least one free hit on survivors."
"Joker is the best whiff punisher in the game."
"Granny Chiyo is one of the most important cogs in the tapestry of Naruto's timeline."
"Papyrus is so full of love that at first glance he actually seems narcissistic."
"Sarada, like Itachi, is dedicated to protecting those around her, even if it means painting themselves as the villain."
"Nothing demonstrates a character's aspects better than the choices they make in a story."
"Every interpretation is ultimately compared to this version, and in its balance of all ages thrills with a mature storytelling style, the animated series encapsulated everything that makes this character special."
"Batman The Animated Series encapsulates everything that’s great about The Dark Knight."
"The Batman is not a perfect movie, nor is it the perfect comic book movie, but I have no qualms in saying this is the perfect Batman movie."
"Bartolomeo is such an interesting character; he's freaking hilarious, and his fruit itself is really cool."
"Caustic is the ultimate offensive and defensive legend."
"A character having inner conflict between two motives...doesn't mean he is less intelligent."
"She is hands down the most forgettable villain the MCU's had since Malekith. Yet bizarrely, she was almost one of the MCU's best villains."
"The quality of your question reveals character."
"It's hard for him to not do that, something really fascinating there at the end is the contrast and the confidence of their words."
"Regardless of what you think about the wrestling business or anything else, he's [ __ ] nuts and he can't take your eyes off of him."
"He can't be a work, nobody moves like that nobody acts like that nobody talks like that guaranteed personified."
"Yeah, this is without a doubt the best song in the whole show. It's a genuine banger, a slow seductive waltz that both explains Maria's motives and shows off how powerful and menacing she can be."
"Rubick is busted. This seems exceptionally good."
"He perfectly encapsulates the entire reason why I love Batman."
"Should we sympathize with Alex? Perhaps a more important question is: do we sympathize with Alex regardless of whether or not we should?"
"Villains are always more interesting characters. It’s very hard to make good people interesting."
"Raymond definitely nerfs your defense by quite a bit."
"Doctor Strange would be the most powerful wizard for sure."
"Neville Longbottom might actually be the real hero of this story."
"I think Batman's representative of a whole class of sorry a whole class of people who you know that East Coast wealthy quite retching it I kind of love the tension that he does he fights crime he beats up junkies and he's a billionaire."
"He's a Batman villain whose sole problem is control... or the lack of control... stunts Mr Freeze and leaves him in limbo."
"Ghetto: the dark mirror to Gojo's brilliance."
"Only 3 unequivocally mateless and kitless she-cat point of view characters."
"At her best, Nora Freeze can stand on her own whilst also elevating the story of Victor. It can become an interesting meditation on relationships, an actual examination of the mechanics they're in."
"I think Sanji is like, I think he's like the best written character in the series. Or at least among, at least on the Straw Hats. You can argue that. Oh, easily. Like, easily."
"The tension between goodness and weakness is legitimately compelling."
"Salem is the best character in the entire Sabrina mythology."
"A Mary Sue isn't just a character, it's ultimately a product of bad writing."
"Dan in season one is genuinely a dope character."
"Everything Gabriel does is to bring his wife back to life, he's actually a tragic figure."
"Maleficent is a great villain, one of the great villains."
"Glee introduced us to the creative read - Santana brought a whole new level of insults."
"Blair is the best character in Gossip Girl, but that statement doesn't apply to every season."
"Blair knows she's a bad person and she actually kind of likes that about her."
"Bennett is a great equalizer and honestly why Yelan's personal damage being much higher than Xingqiu's is completely fine and balanced."
"Octane is the legend for you to make those plays... he has a very free-flowing and natural playstyle."
"Pathfinder's grapple is still what carries him into the aggressive and flashy play-making category... stay very elusive."
"He's a right blend of swagger, strength, size, and sorrow."