
Specialization Quotes

There are 1767 quotes

"If I enhance you, we don't specialize at the expense of others; we specialize at the enhancement of others."
"It's better to be good at one thing than to be meh at everything."
"Everything is so good and for me, the big theme of human history is becoming more and more specialized as in the things we produce and more and more diversified in the things we consume."
"You can be great at anything, but you can't be great at everything."
"Not enough agencies specialize in one niche, and that's really the secret to large-scale success."
"Everybody has specific skill sets that they are great at."
"If you combine your skill sets... you can create a niche genre and you're going to be naturally better and faster in that genre because it's built entirely on the things you are super gifted and good at."
"Most of my advice revolves around people who are tried and true; I'm known as the hypertrophy optimizer guy."
"I'm the chief sport scientist at Renaissance Periodization."
"Human intelligence is nothing like general; it's very, very specialized. We think it's general because we're general over all the things that we can apprehend."
"Community, connection, have friends, specialize in something, and support the people around you."
"Markets should be free because the more that people are allowed to trade freely with one another, the more they can specialize and count on others to specialize to deliver all of the goods that they need."
"Smartphone cameras haven't replaced photographers."
"Stop trying to be a jack of all trades and a master of none."
"One thing the grouping tends to do is it tends to drive specialization. When you have a group come together, maybe it's just a tribe coming to form a city. At that point, once you get a critical mass, you can have people start to specialize."
"A language like C++ is not for everybody. It is a sharp and effective tool for professionals."
"Highly specialized roles in modern economies are one of the biggest reasons that the world is so wealthy today."
"When you specialize, you can become the de facto authority."
"Become a master of one or two things rather than a jack of all trades and master of none."
"Find out what you're good at and really focus on it."
"You want to make sure you dial in on one programming language and get really good at that."
"If you want to become rich, you need to have very good specific, like advanced knowledge in a certain key area."
"Specialists win almost all of the time. Specialists make more money, they get treated better, they have better job satisfaction."
"The greatest minds in jiu-jitsu... What he really does is he puts limits on the number of avenues he will explore in jiu-jitsu but by limiting the number of avenues he vastly increases the sophistication that he can bring to those avenues."
"Specialization is a really, really big deal."
"You don't have to do everything. You got to find out your strengths, what you really like to do, and then hone in on that."
"There's nothing wrong with being one-dimensional when you're just fantastic at that one dimension."
"An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing."
"The purpose of competition is often not to produce a single winner, but to produce several, each sharpened to their specific specialty."
"Players with the armorer role were the only ones able to craft armor, while farmers were the only ones able to farm crops to feed their civilizations."
"Math was the most fun thing in mathematics I could have been an algebraist... but I wanted to be a combinatorist."
"Focus on where you're good, and you need to stick to it."
"In conclusion to the Mistweaver...this is a spec that requires some more thought."
"We often have intense interests and excel in a number of specific areas at the expense of knowledge and skills in other areas."
"Juno doesn't try to study the whole Jovian system it doesn't try to study multiple planets it tries to study Jupiter and specific aspects of Jupiter that we now know to ask questions about."
"It's okay if you start on a med-surg floor. You just need that experience, and then you can always specialize."
"It only does one thing, but it does it pretty well."
"What you've created is a kind of particle physics Vatican."
"The cavalier fighter subclass excels within its specific area of specialization."
"Start with a broad education, then focus on what excites you."
"Larry became an expert in these little understood investments."
"Specializing and turning a challenge into an opportunity."
"Some people make a contribution in just one area... sets the world on fire."
"You refined your craft to just talking to that camera and being able to do it."
"Go to your professor's office hours, especially starting in second year when you're actually specializing a little bit. Talk to them, just become known to them." - Starship Vega
"We've got to go back to an idea that says there ought to be 50 different kinds of schools that serve 50 different kinds of students."
"If you want to be good at something, be good at one or two things which are closely related and that's it, man. Don't go everywhere because you end up doing nothing."
"We're bringing in a specialist tomorrow who works at the State Department, very talented in doing this."
"Elite specializations offer players a fundamentally new way to experience your profession."
"It does that stuff, but it really excels at the big decaying strange reverb."
"I don't solve Rubik's cubes. I make YouTube videos."
"Success does not depend on doing everything. You have to know what you're good at and let someone else do the other thing."
"Don't focus on width, focus on depth. Narrow down your target companies and excel at them."
"The rx-7 is purpose-built for punching above its weight class."
"As a general rule you don't want to double dip into areas that Jean covers."
"The goal is narrow, as narrow as you can. The more narrow, the better. Riches are in the niches."
"Sport will pick you. If you play them all you'll realize we want to ace the one."
"The future of healing involves working together as a group, each specializing in different aspects of healing."
"No one person can make a thing... the level of specialization among humans has grown so intense."
"Select a ship that you like and focus on the skills that are going to benefit that ship."
"Generation Alpha may specialize in careers earlier in life."
"A game shape is a different kind of shape, or football shape is a different kind of shape than anything else."
"Niche down and be able to... increase your prices... when you specialize."
"But that's not to say, however, that Obsidian didn't also have plans to improve the ability to specialize into V.A.T.S. if that's what you want to do."
"Exclusively for melee and unarmed characters, Obsidian introduced special V.A.T.S. attacks unlocked by the melee and unarmed skills."
"Just admit that you can't code, but I'm really into integration testing, overall test-driven development because I can't really do project-driven development."
"Specialization is key. Niche down, become the expert, and watch your results soar."
"He bends lava, this is a very hard subset to master."
"Just because I'm good at poker...doesn't mean I have grand opinions about everything else."
"Picking a particular focus or niche and getting really good at it is key."
"Do I want to be a team manager forever single trick pony?"
"It's actually pretty smart. It's not all that pleasing to the fans, but it allows you to get halfway through something and you can spend more time on that smaller universe of control and dominance and you can get really good at it."
"You can't just do the one thing forever. I can't think of anybody who's done just the one thing and been able to make a lifelong career."
"You can't just do the one thing forever, you know I can't think of anybody who's done just the one thing forever and been able to make a lifelong career out of it."
"Specialization wins out over diversification... as long as it is possible to play the game as a specialist."
"One tip I would give any new gardener is do more of less."
"A console should be designed and built and optimized for one thing and one thing only: gaming, playing at f***ing games."
"Knowing one thing perfectly is a million times better than knowing bits and pieces of many."
"I do specialize in all those things in that area."
"It's better to be a master at something than just a jack-of-all-trades."
"That studio exists for one reason and one reason only: to make Halo games."
"The vast majority of people in pro play specialize."
"The secret of geniuses: they found one thing they could be great at and they spent the best hours of their days focusing on that one thing."
"The other option is if you really want to jump in risky-wise with both feet, go sign up for one of the gunsmithing schools. Ferlach in Austria..."
"Literally, he was like, 'I only make Bitcoin.'"
"You have to become an expert in the best in the world at one thing."
"Honed in on being the best dialysis person in Georgia, doors opened up."
"When you become known for something, you develop a reputation of being good at doing that."
"It's going to be a more dedicated reanimator deck."
"We are in an incredibly consequential period."
"We specialize in, of course, those are gonna be good. We tuned it. I got the firmware all down, so the torque sensor. It's got a torque sensor."
"I cover launches, you know. Like, this is my channel. It's dedicated to this."
"Narrow down those revenue streams to the things that you are the best at and really focus in on a few core sectors."
"Stay focused on what you're absolutely the best at."
"Epstein was essentially a blackmail specialist."
"This elevates the 60x above being just a wedding spotlight."
"The field of Open Source intelligence went from a pretty narrow field."
"Specialization brings deeper understanding and humility in knowledge."
"The better you are at something or the more specialized you are at something or the fewer people that can do something the higher the value of that work is."
"Games are their own specialty; they deserve their own theories."
"Digital marketing is essential for businesses: specialize in SEO, social media, or advertising."
"Why are we sometimes calling people masters? Because more than anybody else, these people are spending their lifetime, their training, their mind, their focus, their concentration into something where other people say: why should I do this?"
"You gotta be an accountant that is it; you know you got to be an accountant that is it."
"Helix has harnessed years of extensive mattress expertise to bring our customers a truly elevated sleep experience."
"Focus on one thing and get good at that one thing."
"The new version has more builds available, including a whole new specialization: Triggers."
"Every engineer specializes in problem-solving."
"Niche is much more specific than that... narrow it down, narrow it down, narrow it down."
"The specialization was designed specifically to build up to the latest states of the arts models."
"Every race has unique traits that are specialized to the point that they may as well be classes in their own right."
"The type of archery I do, it's called instinctive archery."
"We specialize in one thing and that is Medicare."
"People picking one thing and then doing it incredibly well is how we should all live our lives."
"I'll be an LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist."
"It's better to be a master at one than a jack of all trades."
"I'm still going to be making videos like that, but now I'll have time to include a few more specialized videos."
"Be the most valuable person in the world at your thing."
"Crypto has evolved and matured to a point where you're able to find something that interests you specifically, get super hyper focused on that, get super knowledgeable in that specific area, in that specific niche, and become a master of that."
"There is a level of talent here and what we need to all be doing is figuring out what we're best at and going all-in on that."
"The difference between kickers and punters is like that one position isn't going to get us to a Super Bowl."
"Find your niche and lean into it hard right now because this is the moment."
"You want to have as much as possible one mechanic and do it as well as possible."
"Focusing on the one thing you're really good at and becoming great at that one thing."
"Just be a really strong generalist, then specialize once you're on the job."
"Special groups of orcs, called odd boys, specialize in specific tasks."
"Modern life wouldn't be possible without specialization."
"Specialize... that's what the future of Journalism is going to be."
"Master Vault of Glass unlocks the final triumphs required for the Fatebringer raid seal and title."
"Deep learning specialization and project work demonstrate competence in AI."
"The mark you will get on your pokemon is the curry connoisseur mark."
"I got you with the gym moves if you're a seven foot two inside center with no ball handling whatsoever."
"Move from generalist to highly paid specialist in just months."
"We only need to be good at one or two things and we can make an impact on the world."
"The M1 Mac Mini fulfills the role of video editing and audio editing station and that's pretty much all it does."
"You have to pay your dues. They say 10,000 hours, don't they? That makes you an expert in something."
"She specializes in women with BFRBs, ADHD, and OCD."
"Specializing to specific roles not only allows you to maximize your playtime but also your improvement."
"Be so good at that one thing that we are all coming to you for it. Focus, focus."
"The best players are specialists in their position."
"She's one of the few champions that does everything well and one thing specifically super well."
"Our strength has always been trucks. I think our strength has always been trucks."
"You want to be a generalist always, but a true specialist in the company you invest in."
"This is my career. There are people who have spent their entire career writing about it."
"So really, that's the core of the spec, and there is more to it than that in places, but the stuff that really matters is Tiger. It's the reason why you would go brewmaster over another tank."
"It's a lot like it would be in the real world if you specialize you can get great at it."
"Somewhere there's a human being, an engineer who in order to get this kit across the line became way more familiar with this particular model of Cadillac ambulance than they ever suspected they would be."
"We've covered a lot of stories over the years dealing with body positivity... TLC specializes in reality TV shows."
"America's got a problem and we have to stop talking about this like this is just a specialty issue."
"The entire basis of academic research... is fundamentally just looking at the parts."
"If you over-specialize, you breed in weakness."
"It did sort of lock you into that one spec quite a bit."
"The choice between front-end and back-end engineering depends on your skills, background, and interests."
"If you like orchestrating the behind-the-scenes of things, back-end engineering might be for you."
"This is the time where you get to specialize and take the first step towards becoming a world-class expert."
"The traditional education is very centralized, but the new creator can win because their content will be more specific, deeper, and they will have proof and evidence that they are the best at it."
"Be boring, find your boring things that you know a lot about, and stay with what you know, and you will get rich."
"There are very few modern games that can do this for me and it's one of CD project red Specialties."
"We should employ specialists to do specialist jobs."
"Clubs that have a Kante or a Fabinho somebody like this who's specialist in that job you've got an extra player on the pitch then attacking wise and attacking fret."
"Have your methods, your classes focus on one job and do it well."
"The gift wrapping section is a really strong area for Ikea."
"It's better to be outstanding at one thing than to be mediocre in a dozen or so."
"We specialize in one thing, which means when someone's searching on Google, they come straight to that page."
"Aztecs are hands-down the best monk civilization."
"Science is too specializing and forgets the forest, we lost the trees for the leaves."
"The blood crucible gains experience and can level up, allowing you to specialize in many aspects."
"It's better to have one tool that does one thing really well than a really cool tool that does multiple things."
"If I'm doing black and gray on portrait day, kiss your ass goodbye, Kevin."
"The arcturians specialize; they are the adepts when it comes to multi-dimensionality."
"It's why my channel is almost entirely Pokémon because I'm the best at it."
"The BlackBerry Key2 is the best communicator specialist device of 2018."
"If you just focus on what you're good at, anyone can really become a millionaire."
"The game just does one thing very very well."
"Find your thing that you can really go all in at."
"Stay in your lane. Know what tech can do and where to apply it."
"The sooner that we can specialize, the faster that all of our efforts go into one direction and the faster that we actually end up in a position where systems will serve us." - Greg Hickman
"We have a guy who has become expert over his career in doing it."
"I decided to start myself a second channel... dedicated to van tours and van tours only."
"Become the world's leading authority on one thing to break through the wall."
"Really, really weird that the frequency of talking so far outside of your discipline is so high in young earth creationism in particular."
"I was just a star in my role because I had to go straight to it."
"There's a reason why there's only a few people in the world that are working on these types of things because they have the minds that can sort of even deal with the infinite."
"It is okay to only have one job and do that one job really well."
"Not everybody has to understand software, not everybody has to understand money."
"I possessed the most in-depth knowledge of our product."
"You become incredibly valuable in this specialization."
"Redux is necessary for larger applications, so if this stuff interests you guys, I'm actually creating a course now."
"Specialize your masteries rather than just go generic."
"Take risks, build systems, and remove generalism to ensure your business's success."
"More specialism means more accountability, it means more competence."
"Every brand has something which they do best."
"Honing in on a champion can significantly increase your confidence as well."
"Specialize. Pick one DPS character at a time and don't spread yourself too thin."
"Specialization in a role allows for higher levels of mastery."
"Certain skill sets get rewarded, and specialization allows players to excel."
"What do you think I'm going to specialize in on the farm?"
"It's better to be a specialist than to be a generalist, especially in data."
"Humans tend to be good at a lot of things but most often don't specialize in one thing."
"I don't know how to do anything except for this one comp but man am I good at that one comp."
"Range of experiences makes someone a better expert than specialization."