
Consumer Behavior Quotes

There are 3170 quotes

"Nothing in consumer behavior or in business makes sense except in the light of evolution."
"You are what they are selling: your data, your viewing habits, what you are likely to buy."
"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."
"People who are buying things or eating things or drinking things aren't actually looking for the thing; they're really missing some form of connection."
"Ambish schuma is short for ambivalent consumer and describes the behavior where people will shell out the money for luxury goods and become more frugal with everything else."
"You are gonna find that you're gonna stop yourself from buying a whole bunch of unnecessary crap that you're never going to use just by thinking about it for one day."
"You have to test, test, test. You don't know what the consumer wants, and they don't even know what they want until it gets tested."
"It's all designed to encourage people to hang out and spend money."
"We wear the most advanced footwear for the thing we want people to think we do."
"Why is deflation bad? Because when deflation occurs, people stop spending money because they expect things are going to get cheaper."
"Due to the macroeconomic downturn and the impact of 3 years of pandemic lockdowns, consumer downgrading in China has spread to the restaurant industry."
"That toy was Tickle Me Elmo, and the Tickle Me Elmo craze taught companies something about manipulating the market."
"Bungie prays on the nostalgia that we have for Destiny."
"I can always find things I need at Target; it's like literally the current meme come to life."
"People want something, it's like they'll give you money, but they're happy to get it in return."
"What can you even buy for two dollars? It's so cheap to refill!"
"If the consumer actually prevents us from falling into a recession, well maybe that means we've actually hit a bottom in the stock market."
"It really cements in my mind that whether it's the Xbox cabal or the PlayStation crazy cabal, there's a subset of people that are so dedicated to the brand itself over the actual medium."
"When people feel like something is only going to be available to them at a limited time, they are totally drawn to it."
"The simple truth is that despite all the tensions between the US and China, companies and consumers from both countries still want to do business with each other."
"Ultimately it will require making, selling, and buying fewer clothes."
"Your ability to buy a console is literally relying on if you're somebody that can't wait on day zero to spam refresh the page. It means you're literally hoping that a scalper was able to buy it and then you could purchase it from them, in which case there's some value created there for you."
"I think that sometimes they (boycotts) can be like trendy in the moment, but then people either forget about it or lose passion for that interest and maybe end up going back to Chick-fil-A or going to Coachella because it's Coachella."
"We can make a difference over and over and over. Humans have overcome things. This is a big one because we like food, our biology attracts us to food, but it's killing us."
"Consumers maximize utility subject to a budget constraint."
"Depending on consumer's intrinsic motivation to take actions for you as a brand is over. The sooner you accept that, the better you will be."
"A shopper will waste all of your time and say, 'Let me think about it.' A purchaser... knew what they wanted before they left the house."
"The layout of a grocery store is constantly being changed to maximize customer spending."
"People love to personalize and pay more for something that is perceived as made specifically for them."
"Support the games that you like and don't support the games that you don't like."
"If you're spending that money on things that don't appreciate in value... then your money's going out but you're not building wealth."
"If we extrapolate on that example to reflect back upon our own relationship to the planet and our behaviors and our consumer choices, it can be highly instructive."
"They've used mobile game tricks, gamification tricks, to try and get you to buy more products."
"The hype train kind of like snowballed a bit."
"When something is limited, we want it more. That limited can be limited in time, limited in number. It's particularly valuable if it's just limited."
"People are buying some products, but they're like, they're falling in love with your story. It's you that they're connecting with, relating with."
"The reason why '80s are hot right now is because the '80s kids have dispensable or recreational income to spend."
"If mind control and mental manipulation weren't a thing, Coca-Cola would not be spending billions on commercials."
"Everyone has their personal preferences, everyone has their budget range, and everyone's going to buy something different."
"Like Michael Jordan – he wears Hanes, I want Hanes; he drinks Gatorade, I want Gatorade."
"Places like Tesco and Sainsbury's don't make money on bread and milk, but that gets you in the door, and then you buy other items where they do make money."
"It's so easy to mindlessly consume, it's just really really important to just take a step back."
"Next time you buy something, ask yourself: Would you rather have that item, or would you rather have cash in your hand?"
"We're never more ourselves than when we're buying and surrounding ourselves with exactly the things that serve us, that give us value and nothing more than that."
"Ultimately, a good marketer is one who understands human nature."
"The economy is practically purely driven by the consumer."
"We have to vote with our money. It's the only way we're going to get through this crisis."
"Ultimately you need to buy less. Right now, you need to buy less, need to throw away less, and they need to make do and mend more."
"The market is dominated by women. They make 80% of the consumer decisions."
"Consumers tired of being cooped up in their homes may be eager to get outside and ride some roller coasters."
"The market is dominated by women. They make eighty percent of the consumer decisions."
"Coke's market share is almost double that of Pepsi, and for that reason, Pepsi has historically done some really wacky things to try to get a leg up on their competitor."
"If I said you can buy soda directly from the Coca-Cola factory in Atlanta and it's 50 cents cheaper, would you go there? Likely not. But if I said the same thing about a car and it meant you could save five thousand dollars, then would you go? Very likely."
"Now of course, when I'm thinking about purchasing a luxury designer good, I always think through my purchase very, very carefully."
"There's a difference between what is a luxury purchase and what is a luxury product."
"People buy off of emotion and then justify it later on with logic."
"Third lines for everybody too stupid to join the email list: they gotta wait in the long-ass line."
"We live in this Finance everything world where people are using buy now, pay later loans to finance their alcoholic drinks."
"There's the sales pitch which is aimed at the ego, and then there's the real thing."
"Online shopping platforms, including Alibaba, gradually replacing the trend of brick and mortar offline consumption."
"People buying hybrids because it fits especially the American lifestyle."
"The primary problem we're having is not so much fewer workers... it's fewer consumers."
"It's not about transitioning from consumer to creator; it's about transitioning from consumer to researcher first."
"Branding is a way to get more people to buy more stuff for more years at a higher price."
"We have been conditioned to believe that it is okay to spend money on something that we don't own."
"Our economic system is based right now and reinforced everywhere we look on the dopamine we get from deciding to buy something."
"It breaks my heart...the growth of this buy now, pay later because what does that mean? I can go out and buy anything I want, not pay for it today."
"One of the best exercises for you to do is make a list of companies or businesses that you go back to over and over and over again, and ask yourself why."
"55% of these extended warranties... are never used. So you're paying for a product that you end up not utilizing."
"If you buy Pokimane's cookies, you're buying it because you either like the creator, want to support the creator, or you want to support some unique endeavor."
"The easiest way to get people to buy more stuff is to make stuff cheaper."
"Until people actually boycott and stop buying this crap, it's going to get worse."
"The average voter only cares about the quality and cost of the food that they get, how available it is."
"A study by IBM showed that over 70% of people who find traceability very important are willing to pay a premium to companies offering it."
"As soon as there's a disaster, people go for the toilet paper."
"Industry people thought that most audiences did not want to re-watch movies at home, but they were completely wrong when it came to kids."
"It's impossible because there's so many people that are so stupid that are willing to overpay for it, that we just have to wait for either the world to run out of idiots, which God knows when that's going to happen."
"It's generally easier to finance a used car because dealers want you to leave with a car."
"The Apple brand is so strong I think that car would sell."
"The big box stores have done a masterful job marketing themselves over the last couple of decades as the only option for homeowners."
"So we start giving it away, and then when people start paying that kind of money, I'm like, 'Bro, they giving us this kind of check to see the same thing that we giving them every single week. They just want to see it live.'"
"By just taking a breath and slowing down that impulse buying, I was able to dodge a lot of potential buyer's remorse items and prevented myself from buying things that I didn't truly need."
"Everyone reaches a moment in life where we just feel like we have tried the trend thing, we've spent money on trends, it really hasn't worked for us, and now we want to get to some magical place in the world where everything in our wardrobe works for us."
"People don't buy Nintendo's products for the power or performance; they do it because of the exclusive games."
"Unsubscribe from advertisement emails... a great way to save money."
"If you stop buying games that you hate, you stop pre-ordering games from this company that has disappointed you for seven years, you might see a change. But if not, it's just the way gaming is now."
"People don't realize how critical games are in driving consumer purchasing behavior."
"Toxic consumers who pay nothing and are expecting everything are parasites to free software development."
"Listening with your wallet means you know somebody's trying to sell you something, and you're real skeptical and you use discernment."
"The power of reviews is mighty; people look to what others are saying to persuade them and answer potential questions they have."
"But really you shouldn’t let yourself be a victim of hype because you’re the one who ends up getting burned as a result and I hope cyberpunk ends up being a wakeup call for people."
"With the rising prominence of psychology, advertisers gained new tools to work with."
"Tesla is so irresistible in its promise of an experience that it convinces a growing number of loyal Toyota, Honda, BMW owners, and even a guy like me who was happy driving a base-model Jetta to stretch their budget and get in on the fun."
"People do not buy things, they buy experiences."
"Starbucks is not just a brand of coffee... they've convinced millions of people that they aren't just a place to go and get coffee; they are the only place to go and get coffee."
"People will buy anything you have for sale as long as the thing that you are selling them is more valuable to them than the money they're paying you for it."
"I love that when all the baked goods and the sushi is on sale for 50% off."
"Our food dollars are being spent on processed foods loaded with sugar because the food industry knows when they add it, you buy more."
"Companies like Amazon and Netflix use machine learning to suggest products that you might like to buy, movies that you might like to watch."
"Personally, 98% of my spending is online. Suit jacket, groceries, cameras, computers, you name it, it's online."
"Now we are seeing this sort of substitution back to services where people who've been deprived of restaurants, hotels, transportation, theaters... that side of it is currently booming and is sustaining the recovery."
"And you know who's trying to take away your relationship with food the entire time? The food industry."
"We essentially want to make it that why the hell would you buy non-sustainable equivalents when you can get ours which are pretty much the same price point."
"You don't have to push great products down people's throat. People buy exactly."
"Going to a jewelry store, people gonna pick gold-plated [] over solid gold [] all the time 'cause that price is cheaper and they look the same."
"FOMO is obviously an insidious practice that preys off the weak-minded with a false sense of urgency."
"Walmart is warning that higher prices for food and fuel were causing consumers to pull back, an ominous sign for the US economy."
"People who pirate media the most are also the most likely to spend the most money on media."
"Stimulus checks likely fuel the shopping spree."
"It's really an asset. And if you think about the way we, as a consumer class, need to change the way we think about consumption, is that we need to take much better care and appreciate the value of the items that we have because there is a residual value."
"Girls want to see someone fit wearing the product; that way, they can look at themselves and say, 'Hey, this could be me if I buy the product.'"
"Interest rates are still high for what the values of these vehicles are, and it makes so much more sense for a consumer to just keep driving what they have, fix it, make it last longer."
"If you look at it, the consumer is holding up amazingly."
"Skin is so closely tied to confidence and how you feel about yourself, and it wasn't something that people were prepared to take risks with. They wanted to get it right."
"Just because it's on sale does not mean you need to buy it. You're not saving money."
"If left to their own devices and funneled into algorithms designed to get people consuming as much content as possible, people will choose to stay within their own content bubbles."
"YOLO, or you only live once, consumers are boosting the economy by spending the last of their cash reserves, maybe even maxing out their credit cards on traveling and enjoying the summer."
"The volume of people getting into taking care of their skin is increasing."
"I have been obsessed with checking the hygiene rating of every single place that I order food from."
"I will forever be grateful to DoorDash and its ridiculous fees for giving me the courage to uninstall the app and start making my own food."
"People aren't just going to get rid of their pets. There's always going to be that demand once they're there."
"Women and fem presenting people... drive consumerism. They deem what's popular."
"It's like everybody loves bread. Bread 2 comes out, it's gonna sell well."
"Platform wars will forever be a thing when you don't have anything better to do in your life. Why not defend plastic?"
"The thing selling the Switch right now is the Nintendo games. That's why people are buying it."
"Just because a Disney food disappears doesn't always mean it's going to be gone for good. Sometimes it comes crawling back into our lives with its tail between its legs, begging us to accept it again. And we will always accept it again."
"Including healthy options on a menu can actually encourage consumers to purchase more unhealthy items."
"One of the greatest tricks McDonald's uses on us is the lure of nostalgia."
"Humans want what they want, and they're willing to spend a lot of money for it."
"I've never been this excited to just pay full price for a game."
"90% of consumers accept terms without reading them. That's 9 out of 10 people."
"Guys who buy hundred thousand dollar guitars are buying art; they're not buying guitars anymore."
"I've no doubt that it has deterred people from getting frivolous taxis and allocated the taxi to someone who needed it."
"Repeated consummation of desire without moderating constraints only serves to habituate people and diminish the future satisfaction potential of what is consumed."
"The awakening and changing consumer sentiment towards electric vehicles have caught us a bit off guard."
"Most people live on debt. When interest rates go up to seven or eight percent, they probably can't go consume."
"Microtransactions have evolved, morphed, and ballooned out to a now unbelievable extreme."
"Familiarity sells, but as companies and producers begin to pay attention to that, they start to ingrain it deeper and deeper into the products that we consume."
"Provocation sells for a week, a month at best. Beyond that, I think the classic brands still sell."
"I decided I'm gonna spend a crazy amount of money on much newer iPhones."
"Nvidia's realized they can make stupid out of control products, charge boatloads of money for them, and people will buy them."
"I myself will spend at least 10% more in a store than I will online."
"They also designed these things to be addicting."
"Money moving from the hands of a generation with a high propensity to hoard and save wealth to a generation with a high propensity to spend it is going to cause some kind of boom."
"If someone orders McDonald's medium fries, what are you doing? What are you doing?" - Questioning questionable choices
"With an estimated return rate over 20%, online purchases are more likely to be returned than those bought in-store."
"IMAGINE, just IMAGINE if say 100,000 Tesla owners buy a single $2,000 upgrade."
"Your attention's more valuable than extracting money from you."
"What they want is what's often called social proof."
"Millennials are much more savvy about making the most of what they have and demanding that their financial services companies work for them."
"We should pay no attention to the fact that things cost money."
"Know where your money goes and what you support with your hard earned dollars."
"They have already shown that if you provide a super high-quality service and experience, that the people will show up by the millions."
"A pair of jeans can cost $32 imagine paying a thousand over $1,000 for that."
"The red gets you excited and thirsty to drink the coke."
"People like getting gift cards. This is complete permission to give gift cards."
"There's always the thought of, 'Oh if you don't buy Starbucks, that's how you're gonna make it.'"
"Aldi fines: one-time only products you better show up early for."
"The fear that you possibly won't have a certain item forever clearly pushes people to purchase. It's called Suffering From Success."
"Beer is cheaper than orange juice now I know this from years and years of living here I always find it fascinating how beer is cheaper than a regular drink and where is the encouragement to not drink alcohol if it's cheaper than a juice."
"Online shopping filled the gap. It's seductive stuff and easy to see how without it his life feels empty."
"For the last year any time I have walked into a bookshop I have seen a table full of poetry."
"People get really wrapped up in brands in a way that I find very confusing."
"If you're a 5'4" virgin and you don't feel like you're a good person, and you don't feel like anyone will ever treat you well, you will actually pay money to someone to reinforce that idea with you."
"Rocket Money has canceled around $500 million in subscriptions."
"Boycott Made in China goods. Do a little bit of research."
"Give them uniqueness wrapped in luxury, and they will buy your product."
"Art is art, if someone wants to pay that amount, then they're going to pay that amount."
"If nobody would buy it for that price, she wouldn't be able to sell it for that price."
"It's easier to decide what you want when choosing from a smaller selection of items like at Trader Joe's."
"The behavior of a viewer is just dramatically different. It's just, it's a consumer Behavior."
"Pumpkin spice equals reward, that's part of why you crave it."
"If you find something you like, you need to get it."
"We don't buy things, we buy how things make us feel. Purchases are emotional. So next time you're shopping, ask yourself, 'Do I really need this?'"
"Sell something that inspires FOMO or convinces them they have more time in the sexual Marketplace than they actually do."
"If you want to make a political point about who cares about the boycott, like okay, should I get it, but guy, I mean if I was gonna do a show where we just loaded up on beer, I'd get Yuengling."
"People buy a product because of its value, not because of price."
"I think that the PC appreciation market is actually bigger than people realize."
"Instagram ads are really good. I've bought so much crap."
"Believe what you want to believe, boycott what you want to boycott."
"I've never seen people say to get something so much in my life, so I have to do it now."
"I'm willing to pay a premium price for a premium quality product."
"I think there's a tremendous pent-up demand... I see it in Texas where they have lines going into stores and a couple of restaurants."
"Users that have a smart speaker, more than 60% of those users say that that device itself has led them to buy another smart home device."
"Learn how to dominate in business in areas where you have a major population or consumer spending patterns."
"You can't change what happens in the system without changing the demand first."
"More and more brand loyalty is being determined not only by the products and services that companies create and sell, but more and more around the role or the business practices that companies communicate they're taking part in."
"The pandemic has changed consumer behavior dynamic patterns across the board."
"Return policies were great until people started abusing them." - reflection on the deterioration of return policies
"The problem right now is people are afraid to go to the store because of COVID."
"Unconscious circuitry is also guiding us when we're out shopping; it tells us what we should buy and what we're willing to pay for it."
"Overconsumption in the beauty industry is a topic that needs addressing."
"Just don't be a mindless consumer and resist lifestyle inflation. Live below your means, therefore I am comfortable."
"Nothing has value unless we give it value, so technically a scalper can charge 500 for a doll all they want, but at the end of the day it's the buyers that make a price skyrocket."
"People expect to have things that they expect, and I'm sorry if you don't like it."
"Shein is a gold-plated Pegasus, one woman once said about Shein how can I stand against Shein if I don't have anything to back it up."
"Sometimes brands like to convince us we need things that we actually don’t."
"Don't Panic it's literally just food you can order it and it comes check it out if you want to."
"What we are seeing is a major shift...I wonder if after everyone saw a 30% sales drop from Bud Light for doing this two things happened."
"People do have more money to spend, they are bored, they are interested, and they are seeing legitimate trends."