
Dependency Quotes

There are 1712 quotes

"Brain health is very reliant on mind health."
"It's not taking down the Internet; it's taking down everything... you need every day."
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me."
"We know that the Russian systems, from their most basic systems to their most sophisticated systems, are critically dependent on Western microelectronics."
"What you realize when you're in the war is that the people that are next to you, you rely on them, and they're relying on you to survive."
"If someone were able to permanently knock out all internet and cable in this country... just think about the levels that that would affect us."
"Could you imagine how people are going to become so dependent on this?"
"If you don't control your finances, I promise you, someone else is going to control you."
"His form was determined by the amount of blood, and this small body worth of blood was currently keeping her body alive."
"I wouldn't have been able to do the things I do without YouTube, but to put all your eggs in one basket is just too risky."
"Nearly 50% of retired Americans rely on Social Security for half of their income, while one in seven over the age of 65 rely on it for 90% of their income."
"Without God, we can't, and without us, God won't."
"Sometimes when you fix all of someone's problems, and they have no problems left, you then become the problem."
"Almost everyone is addicted to something, whether that be their phones, Instagram, alcohol, online pornography, drugs, whatever it might be."
"The distrust stems from the destruction of the planet that we are dependent on for our existence."
"The Dependency Paradox is, that when we have someone to depend on, we, paradoxically, become more independent."
"We're all dependent on the strength of our public health infrastructure. If we are not strong in all 50 states, we are not strong."
"China's our greatest trading partner. The United States needs China just as much as China needs the US."
"I get a headache if I don't have coffee like right away."
"It's impossible to make systemic change while being dependent on people and organizations whose wealth and power depend on the system."
"Dependency is inherently moral and it's based in humanity's wanting to understand something that it can't perceive."
"If there are things that are dependent, we cannot have an infinite regress of dependent things."
"We live in a day and age where everybody is dependent on the internet to get information, but what happens when you no longer have access to your digital personal assistant or Google or Wikipedia or whatever kind of artificial intelligence they roll out next?"
"You keep cleaning up after everyone, Batman. And how long before they erode themselves? The ones that don't hate you, they'll start to rely on you, depend on you."
"I can't imagine life without you; the thought of it sends me into a panic."
"This is a man that I cannot live without... I am completely in love with."
"You need someone else to save you because you can't save yourself."
"Our survival is entirely dependent on nature."
"Most of our lives are built on faith. The reason we have the arms races is because nations don't trust each other. When we get on a plane, we trust pilots with our lives; when a doctor gives us pills and we take them without question, we're trusting our lives to pharmaceutical companies. While all these things can let us down, if you trust God, he promises he'll never let you down."
"We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology."
"God doesn't need me to be who He is, but I need Him to be who I am and who He called me to be."
"Our civilization quite simply depends on quantum mechanics."
"I had this revelation that I need Jesus in my life like I can't do life without Jesus."
"The only difference, biologically from the moment of conception to where you're at today, is its size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependence."
"My kids are dependent upon me. I can't kill them because they're dependent upon me."
"It I'm nervous about how long this is going to take only because other people are depending on their successes."
"We all end up like Ice King eventually: old, weird, and desperately in need of kind young people to look after us."
"You can't truly count on anything that you don't directly control."
"Physiologic dependence is neither good nor bad; it's not a value judgment."
"Cut flower ethics: If you cut flowers from the soil that nurtured them, you can look at the flower and for a couple of days it looks like it doesn't need the soil that nurtured it, but it will wither and die."
"A human baby is the most dependent creature in existence."
"The entirety of the biblical narrative is about Christ's efficiency, God's sufficiency, and our utter dependency, our utter need for Him, our utter insufficiency and inadequacy, and our inability to save ourselves."
"Government aid creates dependency. If you give people something without requiring anything back from them, you're not really solving the problem."
"In the sixties, the big thing you want to start thinking about is what happens if I'm not here. Who's going to take care of the folks that might still depend on me?"
"Every breath, every heartbeat, every moment of our existence is found in Him."
"Dementia is a scary condition... we fear being left in an empty shell of a body, disconnected from the outside world, totally reliant upon others."
"You're not actually mentally staying strong because you're using the thing to keep you strong; it's artificial."
"The moment people feel that you fear losing them, you're no longer leading them; they're leading you."
"The ACA has been the law of the land for 10 years. The healthcare sector has molded itself in reliance on the law. Tens of millions of Americans rely on it for health insurance that they previously could not afford."
"The Korean government is a hostage to these companies; if any one of them were to fall, it's possible the entire Korean economy may collapse."
"The mobile phone is the most desired invention of our lifetime and without it, we'd be completely lost."
"This is Gideon's coal; this army is too large. All human possibility has to be destroyed so that the victory will be ascribed to God alone."
"If you feel like you can't let go, that's when you need outside help."
"You give once, you elicit appreciation. You give twice, you create anticipation. You give three times, you create expectation. You give a fourth time, it becomes entitlement. The fifth time you establish dependency, and the moment you stop giving, you become an enemy."
"Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend."
"If there's a lot of dependency on you... there's a very high probability you won't get laid off."
"The pandemic showed many multinational companies just how much they depend on Chinese manufacturing."
"Sex is such a small part of that. It's having somebody that you can look on and depend on for the rest of your life."
"If she's a prisoner of her own mind due to the manipulation she's gone through, isn't a church or a religion or an organization that renders people so hopelessly dependent kind of bad?"
"And then of course the machine breaks down, and so all of the people eventually they start like pouring out of their cubbies and the little transport system doesn't work."
"A healthy relationship is I need you because I love you."
"Do you care if I'm dead because I cannot sign your checks if I am your client?"
"The more interesting case is the case of path dependence."
"Russia can no longer rely on oil and gas to be the drivers of the economy."
"It would be pretty rough if we had to stop doing it because we have to like learn a trade or something."
"I think addicting is it's like the highest form of dependent where it's like, you kind of get withdrawals if you don't have it."
"In order for an object to be perceived as truly cute, it must also appear to be dependent on us for survival."
"Gaslighters make the victim believe they can't survive without them."
"Sources of narcissistic supply can suddenly stop providing."
"I was no longer able to get free of this because I was so attached to that."
"More and more people are going to be pushed on government dependency."
"Codependency is waiting for the other person to change without taking any action."
"If the government can give you something, they can easily just take it away."
"If you lose our support, you'll lose your company."
"The state is dependent on the individual to exactly the same degree."
"Automobiles can't live with them, can't live without them."
"Some people need you more than you need them."
"Everyone experiences aspects of relationships that seem even harder to leave."
"You gotta watch the way you treat people because you never know when you're gonna need them."
"The trouble with being a parasite like that is that ultimately you will kill your host."
"History shows that democracies rise and fall together. It's very hard to make it as a democracy on your own."
"There's something so insidious about opioids and how they get in people's wiring."
"Shopping, payments, bank settlements, and even car control all rely on chips."
"It's really tough when you play so much of your value in somebody else's hands."
"They make you believe you need them to survive."
"Our survival depends on these two people or person... It's all about survival and we are an interconnected species."
"What if one day it goes missing all of a sudden? It's going to be difficult working without the scroll bars, right?"
"Every nation in the world depends on its natural environment."
"Because they want a society of dependence, right? They want you weak, they want you subservient, they want you feeling unhappy with yourself."
"It cannot be the condition upon which Cardano is successful."
"Las Vegas cannot perform without the return of conventions."
"Somehow our mind is integrally dependent on the brain tissue."
"God has been so beneficial and good as so to constitute man that he shall instinctively love that which looks up to and depends on him."
"They feel like they are chained to you like you have this bond which cannot be broken."
"Our future depends on how we get through this pandemic."
"All aspects of our lives are funneled through the internet what's at stake is impossible to dismiss."
"Hooking your brain into a machine that allows it to do all the work for you is going to make you dumber."
"The sooner we disassociate from China, the better. We can't continue this dependency."
"Do you like a soft boy, like a soft femininity, like a masculine, like, do you like depending on a man?"
"You are forcing your children to then take care of you when you're in your 70s because you have nothing saved up."
"Our growing dependence on social media has a dark side."
"They feel lost without you. It's like you're their heart compass."
"Money feels good to go shopping and live free, but you're still a prisoner to that money."
"So if you wanted to increase inflation, if you wanted to make the population weak and dependent upon you, this is what you'd probably do, free bread next time."
"The argument is dependent things cannot depend upon other dependent things ad infinitum."
"CD Projekt truly did strike gold with The Witcher 3, but let's be honest, is it not possible the company has been coasting on the reputation of one single game?"
"When all that you had is gone, you'll discover that Jesus is all you need."
"The reality of it is tech is what binds this fragile society that we all live in together."
"You cannot have political freedom if you don't have economic freedom."
"We're social animals and we need each other."
"I am the Vine, ye are the branches. Without me ye can do nothing."
"You're the foundation. If the foundation collapses, everything on it collapses with it."
"Everyone's weak and so they cling to dreams and other people."
"The Chains only as strong as its weakest link."
"Stop trying to get all of your love and acceptance and happiness and success from one thing and one person. That's toxic."
"We're completely at the mercy of retail brokers, like the Robinhood's of the world."
"When you love somebody, you're going to make excuse after excuse after excuse for them. You still care about them; you still can't imagine your life without them."
"People start when they can't take care of themselves."
"Every time we seed all power to some hero, we give away a little bit of our own power."
"Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way across the room; nor know how to conduct myself in any circumstances, nor what to feel in any relation of life." - William Hazlitt
"Crown's casinos in Melbourne and Perth still rely heavily on the Chinese high roller market and the junket operators who entice them here are still very much active."
"He's like the god of going and getting [ __ ] for me."
"There is a crisis of communications Israel relies very heavily on support from the United States of America."
"I truly don't know who I would be or what I would do without you."
"Europe is now just an appendage of the United States."
"God is before the particulars. The particulars depend on God."
"It's a nightmare situation for a content creator to lose OnlyFans."
"When a woman loves you and prioritizes you, when she gets hungry she turns to her man."
"Europe's green delusion resulted in near complete dependence on Russia for energy."
"Emotional dependence: relying on the abuser for validation despite negative treatment."
"You get a lot of people... co-dependent on you."
"Black people are as dependent on white people today as we were when slavery ended."
"It's a poison. So subtle, so insidious, so irreversible. It won't even kill you unless you stop taking it."
"A dumbing down of society so everyone's sort of mediocre. That leaves them dependent on government because they can't excel."
"Giving away our jobs and buying our medicines and our Rare Earth only from China empowers them."
"Longevity is not the definition of a successful relationship! A healthy relationship is positively interdependent."
"She wanted to be the one that has you on the hook whenever she needed."
"No matter how much they may fight, everyone at Fairy Tail needs each other."
"If at any point in time my life depends on you carrying me up a hill, it's been a good run."
"My best friend is with me all the time I mean I spend so much time with this phone it's really sick and there's a whole world in there."
"If Mexican people literally left Southern California, nothing would function. I'm dead serious."
"I always gravitate to the people that have skin in the game and for me skin in the game means that you have people that depend on you."
"Living alone is next to Impossible you need other people."
"US dependency on Taiwan production of chips for defense systems extends Beyond AI."
"I couldn't live without you anyway, and that's the truth. I love you so much."
"I need you, you're my eyes and ears out here."
"It's potentially crippling a food producer that hundreds of millions of people rely on."
"It's not like I have to wake up and drink. It's not like I can't go without it."
"Christianity is very much a historically dependent religion."
"There's a difference between healthy co-dependency and unnatural dependency."
"God is never going to design a life for you that doesn't require him."
"God may be humbling me and this because He wants me to completely be dependent upon Him."
"I convinced Jeff to help me because I cannot switch without him. I can barely function without my twin brother from another mother."
"It suggests something about the umbilical cord, about attachment, about the relationship of one human body to another."
"Without Patrick Mahomes, every football coach's IQ probably goes down about 50 points."
"For some people, alcohol is a necessary thing."
"We are deeply relational beings, designed not for independence, but for radical dependence and connection."
"Animals can't rely on themselves; we have friends and family and jobs and all they have is us."
"Without electricity, life as we know it will end."
"Honestly, we are being carried by individual brilliance every game."
"The Democrats have no intention of pulling you all the way up... they've got to have it where you are subordinate to them."
"We've outsourced what gives us direction to technology."
"You're counting on the government to take care of you wake up."
"You can't circulate that with just by itself, you cannot."
"The crucial element in borderline and codependency is the need to be needed."
"More than 50% of retirees have Social Security as their only source of retirement income."
"Without my wife, I'm nothing, man. It's like if I grab my wife, I'm empty, so I need to fill those empty bottles with some watermelon, you know what I mean?"
"Dismantle our energy independence, make us dependent again on foreign oil, and then take us down a path that will further bankrupt the country."
"It's just the ugliest thing, ugliest feeling, like knowing that people are trying to hold on to her for their own lives."
"Certain choices are not yours to make when you're living and dependent upon somebody else."
"Being completely dependent on someone is horrible for you and a very heavy responsibility to drop on the other part."
"Are you gonna answer the call? Because others are depending on you."
"If you're the Chinese and you want to really just destroy us, just stop sending us antibiotics."
"The worst way to help somebody is to keep giving them charity forever."
"If anything happened, she wouldn’t be able to go on living without him."
"Love in its purest form is a form of codependency."
"You want some confidence that Tesla can also operate even without Elon Musk."
"Europe, which would represent the United States' most formidable adversary, relies on Middle East oil for 40-50% of its total annual use."
"Russia's reliance on China has grown due to Western sanctions and lack of acceptance."
"The economy that we have today... is completely dependent on artificially low interest rates."
"If a person relied on all of this excess and extra things for their worth and value, what happens when they're all gone? Like, what is left?"
"This person is telling their friends that you're the ticket to their happiness."
"Our success is interdependent, we rely on each other."
"They're coming towards you because they need you, they can't live without you."
"I love him he's my children's dad and a very good supporter and i don't think i could do this anymore without him in my life."
"If Chainlink disappeared, every single DeFi project would literally stop working right now."
"If America falls, the whole world will be affected."
"The interests of the United States and China are intertwined like conjoined twins." - Elon Musk
"We're going from a can-do nation to a what can you do for me nation."
"Addiction is about your relationship to the thing."
"Addictions have discrete phases: enjoyment, habituation, and dependency."
"There's a crutch here. They want someone to stop using a crutch anymore."
"As soon as you can't imagine your life without someone that there's a problem."
"Thor can't be a true king or true hero without Loki's help."
"He wanted me to lessen his burden of paying my bills."
"I can't live with you but I can't live without you."
"We're already cyborgs. Our memory is overwhelmingly outsourced to computers."
"Liberty is a value; the human instinct is not to be free, it's to be taken care of."
"Without him, there's a lot of people that won't get justice."