
Perfection Quotes

There are 16895 quotes

"We're not designed to be perfect; we're designed to manage messiness."
"If you're right about everything, you can't improve. There's no room for improvement."
"Everything is perfect all the time, there's no such thing as imperfection."
"Stop waiting for the perfect moment to get started and just go for it."
"So much better to be authentic than to be perfect."
"The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul."
"It's not realistic to tell your kids they are perfect because it sets a standard they will always feel they can't measure up to."
"This is such a perfect game by Serral; like, if you told me what was his mistake, I'd be like, what are you on about? He didn't even make one."
"Chase perfection, and perfect is the last place love would exist because the only way to develop a deep connection with somebody is through your vulnerabilities."
"Everything is unfolding in the most perfect way that it possibly can."
"It's just everything was perfect, and it felt like a challenge, you know, like every time you played, the monsters that came out, it was a challenge."
"One thing that the true God cannot do: He can't lie. All of God's word is true, perfect, and infallible."
"Everybody makes silly mistakes... you're not going to approach perfection by avoiding silly mistakes. The way to do it is to be able to systematically know when you've made them."
"What you are fundamentally is perfect, in fact. And that's not a compliment to people; it's just a reminding that we don't need to be so hard on ourselves."
"We are unlimited, we are absolute perfection...we are all the intelligence that there is, we are all the beauty that there is."
"If bringing both perfection and order to the galaxy is important to the Borg, then changing any deficiencies in a species would make sense."
"Perfection is not necessary in profitable trading."
"I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit, and that spirit is perfect; therefore, my body is perfect also."
"That is Filet Mignon way down there, that is a perfect drive."
"To know itself, it must have the capacity to doubt itself or be unsure of that certainty and therefore overcome it."
"From now on, I'm going to be flat-out perfect. You're looking for perfection? You got it."
"I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may."
"If we chase perfection, we just might catch excellence."
"Winning an event this big even once means you needed to have a day where everything went perfectly, where throughout Heaven and Earth, you alone are the honored one."
"It's important that you don't conform to other people's ideas on what is perfect, what is good."
"Wow, the bamboo Temple build is actually perfect."
"You are human, you're allowed to make mistakes. We don't just get born and we just live life and we're perfect about everything."
"There is no such thing as perfect representation, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive for it."
"You will never get to that point of halted perfection. If you accept this, then you can settle into the space where actually it's all about the better it gets the better it gets."
"This is my dream house, my forever home, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make this place absolutely perfect."
"I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect than this."
"Realizing the beauty in kindness, we're realizing the beauty in realizing that nobody's perfect and we're perfect the way that we are."
"The Creator of all Creation is operating Specifically through me, therefore the WORK MUST BE PERFECTLY DONE. YOUR MIND IS A CENTER OF DIVINE OPERATION."
"By no means is Red Dead Redemption 2 a perfect game, but it's the closest a game has gotten to it in my eyes anyway."
"The perfect crime is the one that no one ever knows has been committed."
"This game is literally perfect. It's the culmination of so much knowledge."
"I don't need my leaders to be perfect anymore. I'm out of that phase. Been out of that phase for a long time."
"Tonight was timeless and perfect in every way."
"Though it might not be complexly perfect, it is simply perfect."
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
"It's perfect, and you've got the sound effect as well."
"Born different, born innocent, born perfect, I'm not like you."
"Just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean that it isn't exceptional."
"Every step he takes is the right step to take."
"Pleasure in what you are doing puts perfection in the work."
"For many, perfection has been a final state of being to aspire to, when one has improved either a thing or the self to the point where it could no longer be improved."
"He was not quite yelling, he was not quite speeding through the script, he hit it Pitch Perfect."
"I was supposed to come out of my mother as a monster...I came out damn near perfect."
"People can strive for perfection, but as long as you know that no one is perfect and no one will ever be perfect, the better you're going to be."
"It's very hard to do perfect work; it almost never happens."
"Perfection is terrible; if there's perfect, there's no longer growth, and if there's no growth, there's depression."
"The search for the perfect song is never over. There's always going to be more perfect songs."
"I think perfect comes down to your singular experience with music."
"A short, simple, timeless song that's just really well written has a better chance of being a perfect song."
"For me, a big part of a perfect song is simplicity."
"Sushi is about perfection, but it's so incredibly not simple. Starting with the rice, you try to refine it to make it appear super simple, and that's the most complex thing of all."
"You don't have one perfect person who's the best. That's not... You know, and we achieve perfection by completing each other and by enhancing each other's strengths."
"This is just perfection, like this is a classic design."
"After half a decade of collaboration from the community, it was impossible to save another frame on any level. Absolute perfection."
"Jesus said, 'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.'"
"Even if the world seems to be perfect, there is still a lot at fault with what is happening."
"Wu Wei is a state where you lose a sense of yourself as an agent, you lose a sense of self-consciousness, and yet everything works out perfectly."
"Nobody's perfect. Except for Thomas. He loves his friends!"
"God's Way is perfect, all the Lord's promises proved true."
"God's way is perfect, and His promises are true."
"God being perfect wishes his perfection to be known; his perfection, in this view, is only complete when it is witnessed."
"You cannot get it perfect, but you can get it right."
"Don't stress too much about making one perfect pal; it's about getting two perfect Pals you can breed together to create one eventual perfect pal."
"Perfection is imperfection. It's the pursuit of the unachievable perfection that makes you progress."
"I chase perfection. I never want to be perfect; I will always want to be better and better."
"I learned so many things in the past couple of weeks playing the heck out of this game that I really want to make a step-by-step ultimate perfect playthrough."
"That is satisfying. All right, grid that up. That's perfect."
"The Godfather, for many, it's not just a movie; it's practically perfect."
"Perfection is achieved when nothing else can be removed. How's that for wisdom?"
"If everything we did went perfectly, what would the world look like?"
"Eos is the only planet that genuinely fits all the criteria for a perfect planet; what a coincidence that it's the first one we explore."
"Our spiritual DNA is perfect. It requires no modification. Our spiritual essence is perfect."
"This movie cemented it in a really universal way... It's a perfect movie."
"I prayed for a healthy Nicole and a perfect Nicole. I prayed for a healthy baby and a perfect baby mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally."
"And look at him, he's perfect. He's perfect."
"Perfection is people's perception of what they consider to be perfection. There's nothing gonna be perfect, no one's gonna have a perfect life."
"Practice makes perfect. Olympic athletes get great because they practice."
"Of course, I don't suffer from hubris because hubris is a flaw, and I am perfect. Therefore, I don't have hubris."
"I never imagined so much perfection all in one person."
"This is how perfect this implementation is. This is, I mean, everyone seems to agree."
"This chain set presents us with almost the most perfect use of Nen that one could ever ask for."
"Achieving perfection starts with letting perfection go."
"Be holy as God is holy; be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect."
"Domingo Hermon has pitched a perfect game for the fourth time in the history of the New York Yankees."
"God is perfect in everything he says and everything he does. Let us remember there is absolutely, positively no flaws in him."
"The love of God is absolutely full and free; it's perfect love."
"Practice makes perfect, or at least the closest thing you can get to perfect."
"Her words and actions are perfect; it's like a two-dimensional character jumped into the three-dimensional world."
"He waits, he waits, he looks away, and still, it's perfect."
"Practice makes perfect, and that's what your mama always said."
"None of us are perfect. Perfection is for Allah and Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam."
"Being a Christian is not about being perfect, but being perfected."
"Neither one is anywhere near perfect, and that makes you and me just as damn close to perfect as it gets."
"The potential is put in us... how boring would life be if it was so predictably perfect?"
"No one's perfect and don't compare where you are to other people."
"Her pronunciation and annunciation on this song, Chef kiss. Flawless, absolutely flawless."
"I’m not really looking for perfection because I don’t think that standard exists, I’m just looking to make incremental progress."
"No relationship is perfect and all relationships... the longer they go, the more upkeep they need."
"The task in life is not to be perfect but to be whole."
"God doesn't change. He's always the same. Think about this: How can you change perfection?"
"I just want to do the best we can even if it's not perfect... not beat ourselves up over not being perfect all the time because it is hard to be perfect all the time."
"I'm not seeking perfection, I just want to improve the system."
"Keep your eyes on Jesus; He's still perfect, utterly, beautifully, wonderfully, sinlessly perfect."
"Everything in this game was just perfectly timed, a perfectly choreographed battle."
"Ladies and gentlemen, there are a few things in life that can occur with a 100% success rate, but every now and then on a chessboard, that is exactly what happens."
"The perfection is found in the growth and in the discovery process."
"Continue in patience until you are perfected."
"He is the 100 stat man; he is literally incredible."
"In life, you can't be perfect to everything. You have to pick and choose your battles."
"He didn't choose the one who was perfect. He chose the one who was forgiven."
"The most perfect person can come into your life at the most imperfect time."
"Humans are one of the most complicated beings. We are very strangely perfect."
"Skincare is all about progression over perfection because perfection doesn't exist."
"His mercy is the only way we can become perfect and holy."
"Our imperfections make us unique and they make us Perfect."
"If everybody's perfect and nobody's gonna ogle me anymore... I'm just gonna be a nudist, straight up. Why not?"
"There's no such thing as perfect... But, if you're inching forward every day, your progression will beat perfection every day of the week."
"The quality of meat, the cheese, everything is just Perfecto."
"Seven is the number of covenant where God brings us into relationship with them, but eight is the number of perfection, the number of the new creation."
"Chef's kiss is obviously like near perfection."
"10 is perfection. And is anything perfect? Would we even want anything to be perfect?"
"Terminator 2 is about as perfect an action film as you can get."
"Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, He who will perfect everything that concerns you."
"I love when things come together perfectly, even if it's just for our enjoyment."
"Make real progress by pushing aside perfection and never looking back."
"Stop waiting for the right time... Perfection is the enemy of progress."
"He has no partners, he has no errors, he doesn't make no mistakes. He's infallible, he's perfect."
"Any plan that requires daily perfection is not a good plan."
"There are two types of people getting into heaven: perfect people and forgiven people. And none of us are perfect."
"I don't use the word 'perfect' often, but this film is truly the perfect follow-up."
"God created man, and when God created man, man was open to God, and the world was perfect."
"God don't make mistakes. And God only made one thing perfect, and that's my boxing record."
"Perfect love drives out fear because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."
"Good people will be given a chance to perfect themselves and reach spiritual perfection."
"Perfection is a horizon that always recedes, but it isn't obvious to me what the upper limit of that is."
"It's okay to learn; it's okay to try to do it better next time. Not perfect, because nothing will be perfect, but do it better."
"The kingdom is not about perfection; it's about progression."
"Get rid of the myth of perfection. It doesn't exist. There is a perfect God, there is perfect grace, there is perfect mercy."
"Team-building is a very long process; no team's truly ever perfect, and it really never ends."
"Everything's perfect, like you know how you would imagine it. Like the sun is shining, it almost looks like a cartoon because everything's perfect."
"The only fatal thing is to sit down content with anything less than perfection."
"The very fact that you exist is a form of perfection."
"You know that feeling when you look into someone's eyes, and you're totally comfortable, and you aren't self-conscious, and everything just is like perfect?"
"Don't judge Islam by Muslims. Islam is perfect; Muslims aren't."
"Salvation is to demonstrate the name of God and why He who began a good work will perfect it."
"You're perfect the way you are. You don't need to change yourself."
"Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent."
"The impossibility of perfection, though we can see the arts, we can witness master chefs creating beautiful dishes."
"Life is about learning. Never claim to be perfect or nothing like that."
"Five stars, of course, is perfect, flawless, unbelievable, unforgettable."
"Leo is everything that is perfect about Smash Ultimate."
"You're amazing exactly how you are, and that just because you have flaws doesn't mean that you aren't perfect."
"10 out of 10 does not mean a game was perfect. Nothing is perfect."
"10 out of 10 does not mean a game is perfect. Nothing is perfect."
"If you enter Jannah, you enter with perfection."
"I think Rolex has just perfected how this case should feel."
"It's checking all the boxes of a perfect camera for me."
"You are good people, you are God's people, and he made you perfect."
"Never get it perfect, don't try, just be intentionally imperfect."
"This is the most perfect Luigi I could have ever hoped for."
"Life was perfect. It was perfect in every way."
"Allah has no weaknesses, no imperfections, nothing that can be condemned."
"Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect."
"And that hand inclusion was just darn near perfect."
"You won't write perfect code straight away, and you'll never write perfect code. And you shouldn't really even try to write perfect code because if you do that, you'll fail to make a game."
"We don't have to come up with the perfect system and figure out every detail before we work to change society."
"Perfection isn't needed nor is it required in order for someone to receive family love and pride."
"Girl you're perfect, I might have my first kid with you."
"This Perfect Design... this could be a mythical even."
"Death Symbolic... perfection when it comes to death metal... one of the most versatile and progressive albums."
"TJ Miller does no wrong for me I think I loved him in Silicon Valley I think him being cast as an internet troll in the future is unbelievably just like perfect casting."
"Nobody is perfect, sometimes people get it wrong. So don't get it twisted, look at yourself, have I ever gotten it wrong and then proceed forward."
"The original Krabby Patty is perfect just the way it is."
"You don't need to be perfect in order to shine."
"These chapters were flawless, I have no complaints, I've got nothing negative to say. It was perfect, I loved it all."
"Everybody loves Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's pretty much the perfect cartoon."
"A world that is 99.9 perfect in whose opinion?"
"We want you here, you're perfect, and we want you to have a good time."
"Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory."
"Gravy and Yorkshire puddings is a match made in heaven."
"You can't make every putt, hit every shot perfect."
"What we ultimately want to do is write an IELTS 9 letter. This deserves an IELTS 9. This letter is perfect, perfect in every way."
"Mr. Beast was just playing completely perfectly."
"Nothing's ever perfect in my humble opinion, but this is pretty good. I'm actually pretty happy."
"A roll and write game that gets everything right with the W cross, because this is just a game that gets everything right."
"Every adjustment brings us closer to the perfect render."
"The cat however is perfect in himself like the human philosopher he is a self-sufficient entity and microcosm."
"It's about as perfect as a film can get. Everything has been thought out and planned to the point where you're just watching this guy's vision perfectly unfold."
"From a presentation standpoint, they're unquestionably perfect."
"The moment between moments, the perfect moment."
"The ideology of being a perfect person to make it into some Heaven is a farce."
"I’d never want to rush perfection, so I am fine with waiting longer to get that since I know it will be more than worth it once the time comes."
"We can take heaven and the model in heaven which is perfection and transfer that to the way that we live in this world."
"It's one of my favorites. It's absolutely stunning, literally perfection to me."
"We are not complete if we're perfect, right? Hard to grasp, but if you don't have a shadow part of yourself then you're incomplete."