
Personal Definition Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Each person's definition of happiness is unique, influenced by their strengths, values, and life experiences, and it's essential to define what happiness means for you personally."
"Great is specific to the individual. There is not a universal great."
"Create your own definition of loneliness. This is where people stand out."
"I personally feel like failure, and even the concept of success, is kind of what you make of it. You can choose your own parameters that define success for you."
"Are you a feminist? Let me know, and by what definition of feminists are you a feminist because I feel like there's a million."
"Everyone's definition of luxury doesn't have to be one thing. Black girl luxury again is not a social monolith; it can be a variation of items and experiences."
"Our relationships are a very important part of our lives, and the nice thing is we get to define what that means."
"Define what success means to you, because success can mean different things to different people."
"Self-care really is very diverse and it looks different for everyone."
"You can't judge your version of success to another person's version of success."
"I reframed what winning was to me, and I was a much happier person after that."
"I think I'm pretty rich. My definition of rich is where money doesn't really act as a limiting factor in the experience you want from your life."
"I can create the life I desire; my past and present circumstances do not define me."
"You never let anybody else define your narrative for your life."
"An essential is a thing that is absolutely necessary, but one of the principles of minimalism means that it's up to each of us to define what is essential to us."
"Financial freedom could mean different things for a lot of people."
"You're a feminist and I get to define myself as not a feminist."
"The meaning of life for me is the struggle to impart meaning - meaning."
"When you're prepared to die for another person, that's what defines you," he explained.
"My definition of greatness is the ability to do something good over and over."
"Greatness is the ability to do something good over and over."
"It defines who I am, it should define who you are too."
"In my head at least the way I'm defining it is so important because I obviously was missing this thing because I always thought if I like me you like me, I'm phenomenal."
"Success isn't a destination, it's a journey. Define it your way."
"You can have more than one home. Home doesn't have to be just one place, it can be whatever you want it to be."
"Everybody's got to define their own greatness."
"Success looks different to everyone, but success comes out of nowhere when you're least expecting it."
"Success is all relative... you have to find your own successes."
"I think the most important thing for me is finding ways to Define it for yourself."
"You are the only one who can define what success looks like to you."
"Don't let other people's idea of success be your idea of success."
"Everybody gets to define their own success in the way that they would desire. That's what's so special about this nation."
"What is your definition of happiness? I would say it's freedom."
"There is no objective definition of virginity... the only person who can tell you if they are a virgin or not is that individual."
"You don't make up the definition of zero waste neither do I but I will use it as I please because basically anything that can be recycled over and over again I would consider it no waste so hence yeah zero waste."
"Here's my definition of what Wellness means to me: all things in balance."
"Success can be defined in a number of different ways... I think happiness has got a lot to do with it."
"What are you worth?...Allow that to be your only definition of self."
"My definition of wealth is an enhanced sense of well-being."
"Success means being happy and free, not having others think you're successful."
"My personal definition of success is happiness."
"It's easy to win when you get to decide what winning is."
"You get to decide what you call it and what you call that kind of moment matters. It's a superpower."
"Happiness and success, that's all up to you. What is happiness to you? What is success to you? It's different for everybody."
"I always want to be defined by who I am, not what I do."
"Femininity is whatever a specific person believes it to be."
"That's a very powerful idea... You can define your own."
"People don't have the right to tell you what isn't art."
"It feels as though you will be very productive in May, and being productive has a lot more to do with what you consider productive."
"Being a woman and how you identify yourself and your power is personal."
"People define success in many different ways."
"Most people choose to be defined it by in a negative way that they're not capable that's never can it's never going to work out and and very few decide that I'm going to be defined by it in a positive way and use this to help serve humanity."
"Create your own definition for The American Dream."
"Success is deeply personal, varying in meaning and manifestation for each individual."
"If your best moment does not define you then what are you going to be defined by?"
"The success is 'out my house.' That's success."
"Finding your own definition of gender expression... relatable to a lot of trans people."
"Success will never dissatisfy you because it is a definition that you have created all on your own."
"I'm not rich because I have a lot of money. I'm rich, therefore, I have a lot of money."
"A rich life is what you define, and when I ask people, 'What's a rich life to you?' They usually say two things: freedom, which is a very nice word but it's kind of generic, and they say a number."
"It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."
"For me, money is not my definition of success. Inspiring people is a definition of success."
"Success as we define it is based off of our individual wants."
"You have to allow marriage to be whatever you need it to be for you."
"Success is subjective. Success is whatever success you choose for success to mean to you, if that makes sense."
"Art may be what works for you. Each one of us defines what that is."
"Luxury is not one size fits all; it's about how you define it and allowing yourself to indulge in what brings you joy."
"Success is different for everybody. Your most successful self could mean an amazing balance between work and family life."
"You're rich, life is traveling around for two months a year or building a ranch or going child-free. Whatever it is, I want you to define it and design it, and I'll show you how."
"Strength is a concept that is very much defined differently by a lot of different people."
"Magic for me does not mean abracadabra and fairy godmothers."
"What does safety look like to you?"
"Success is defined by you; you decide what success is."
"I think success is defined by happiness."
"I think success is defined by family."
"It depends on your definition of success, man."
"What does rich mean to you? Rich can be rich with money, rich with time, rich with happiness."
"For some people, success means just freedom, financial freedom."
"If I can keep that in focus, then it will define how I respond to situations."
"By definition, wellness is whatever you want it to be."
"Success pretty much is what you make it."
"Success isn't money to me... it just makes you comfy."
"Success is always something that is self-defined."
"Success is defined differently for everyone."
"What is your definition of a perfect life?"
"Take a moment here to check in with what your definition of strength is today."
"To me, success is being able to wake up and kind of have the freedom to do what you want."
"That is what happiness was for her."
"Sexy is what you want it to be and not how the world tells you it is."
"Your decluttering process should be guided by your own proper definition of joy, your own definition of a good life."
"We cannot let people define who we are."
"Find out what marriage is to you, that's real, that's real."
"Never let someone else define who you are. Only you define who you are."
"I value self-excellence, however a person wants to define that for themselves."
"What does a life of meaning look like to me today?"
"That to me is what true success is."
"I define what success really is for me in my life and what makes me happy."
"Settling down could mean different things for different people; it doesn't mean, 'Oh, I need to get with you, get married, and have five kids.'"
"What is happiness? Each of us defines it in his own thoughts and seeks it in his own way."
"Freedom defined for me is creativity."
"My definition of rich is probably a lot different than yours. Mine is wake up and do whatever you want."
"Success isn't always about being number one or having huge sales; success is self-defined."
"The path to success and the definition of success, in my mind, would be financially free."
"This is exactly what I call success."
"That white-hot heat can kind of grind you into really defining who you are."
"Success is what you define it as."
"You have to define first of all who you are as an investor."
"What it means to be successful... are not associated with success in the world around us."
"Success is yours, however you define success."
"Everyone has a different definition of winning; some want a better job, some want promotion in the present company."
"I love how Chad would explain to me what cool is. You know what's cool? Being good at what you do and making a living from it, Chad, that's what's cool."
"You only have to make it once, like that place of success that is defined between you and God."
"Intrinsically, it's achieving all the things that you define as your goals and objectives."
"Greatness means different things to different people."
"That's what some people call love."
"Healthy habits... we should take ownership of that word and define it for ourselves."
"What does success look like? Think about it from a business perspective or anything you've ever done in your life."
"I care about morality that I define as well-being."
"Being successful means different things to different people."
"Success, my definition of success, is when I have a driver."
"A family is just whatever you make of it."
"Whatever success means to you, you can find it."
"The definition of the word success... make your own definition."
"What success is depends on how you define success and what metrics constitute success for you."
"My definition of knowledge is a justified true belief."
"I always kind of define winning in a lot of my life as saying like I'm gonna be number one."
"Success is only what you define it to be."
"Success is defined differently by everybody."
"Life is more meaningful and successful by your own definition."
"Success is really what you make of it."
"People love categorizing themselves, people love defining themselves by fictional things."
"Success is whatever you define success as."
"You have to define what love is for you personally."
"You have to draw out what success means to you."
"You're reestablishing boundaries within yourself, you're redefining your own worth right now."
"It's one thing to have these heartbreaking playoff losses when you're in your early 20s... It's another to have that happen and go, 'Okay, well, it's not supposed to define you.'"
"Success looks different to all of us."
"Success is personally defined by everyone."
"Everybody gets to define what love is to them."