
Personal Power Quotes

There are 1290 quotes

"Believing in our internal locus of control, the power within us to affect change in our lives, is a fundamental step towards overcoming challenges and embracing a fulfilling life."
"If you can control your mind, then you have power over your life."
"You have the power to thrive; you have the power to live your best life ever."
"Your mind is more powerful than your brain and your body; you can rewire your brain and change your body."
"You're very powerful, and you can cultivate whatever you want, but if you change too quickly, you might be manifesting something that you realize you don't want anymore."
"Let your passion lead you to new experiences because your passion is your power."
"Happiness is a choice that you have. You actually would make that choice."
"There is a piece of the Creator inside you, and you do have the power to create miracles in your life."
"That's the power that you can have taking control of your own mind and manipulating the variables that create your entire emotional landscape."
"In life, you have the power and ability to respond and to create any kind of life that you choose."
"By transcending our own conditioning and limiting beliefs we accumulate personal power as an individual."
"Improving anything in your life starts with believing you have some sort of power or influence on it."
"You have the power to program your subconscious mind."
"This spirit guide... wants you to recognize that you have the power to turn things around."
"Creativity, your power in yourself, is going to shine through so much more than you've ever experienced before."
"Each and every one of you has the power to control and change your experience of this shit when it happens."
"You can focus the energy of greater consciousness into a laser-like beam that you can put to work for you in many different ways."
"Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."
"All of us have enormous power; we just don't realize it sometimes, and we don't realize how to unlock it and to use it."
"When you come into acceptance, you come into your personal power."
"You have so much power that you're allowed to co-create."
"You're a magician, a magic manifestor, someone who can manifest no matter what."
"You have not only the power to think, but what is a thousand times more important still, you have the power to control your thoughts and direct them to do your bidding."
"Step into your import power and say, 'I create my own reality. I have the power to create the life that I want.'"
"You're starting to realize your own personal power and the power that you have to manifest on this earth."
"You have the ability to manifest what you so desire on earth."
"We have to feel that we have the power to overcome this."
"Your charged intention plus emotion is what really makes it the most powerful it can be."
"When you begin to feel unstoppable, this is a sign that your manifestation is close."
"Embrace that [your desires] can be very powerful in your life."
"You truly have the power to manifest whatever you're thinking."
"I don't do enemies. I don't give people that kind of power over how I feel."
"Personal power is the feeling of being in control of our internal resources, to bring our skills and abilities forward, to be the most generous, open-minded version of ourselves."
"Your manifestation power is really strong at this time."
"Your manifestation ability is stronger than ever."
"Embrace this creative power within, which attracted to you the life that you now experience."
"You are a powerful manifester, deepening that as you are awakening."
"The real power which is our imagination allows us to create our reality."
"The power of God is your own wonderful human imagination. That's the power of God. That is Christ."
"What can I do with where I am today? Because that's where I have power, not back there."
"If you have given your personal power away to anything or anybody, tonight you are getting it back."
"Power to me is the ability to close your eyes and imagine a world the way you wish it was, and then open your eyes and make that world come true."
"There's an essence about you, a presence, a power, a command, an authority, a humble confidence."
"Focus on what you want to do, know what you want to manifest to be stronger and to be more powerful."
"Your subjective experience carries more power than your objective situation."
"Live in accord with your sense of right. Obey your own conscience, then all things yours."
"Manifestation is the biggest key, and it's almost like magic. Like, you can make anything happen for yourself."
"Your thoughts manifest reality. Own that power, and you're going to bring order to everything in your life."
"Don't waste it doing something you hate. You have the power to control your own life."
"You are power, money is only delegated power. You direct its expression."
"This is a period to get in touch with your inner strength and reclaim your personal power. Move forward and be free."
"Our true power comes from our own recognition of the free child inside of each of us and what that free child truly desired and dreamt and wanted in the world."
"If you believe you're a victim, you give up your power."
"I felt empowered. I felt like I was able to take my own power back."
"Your power as a human being is directly proportional to your ability to let go."
"Your power is sometimes overlooked, but when you show it, people remember it."
"The only power we have in life is the power we have over our attitude, and that truly makes all the difference."
"You have incredible power over your thoughts."
"Your thoughts are incredibly powerful, and you have incredible power over your thoughts."
"Your thoughts have incredible power over the direction of your life, but the good news is you have incredible power over where your thoughts are taking you."
"Your thoughts have incredible power, and you have incredible power over your thoughts."
"It really feels like you're undefeatable inside that; no one can stop you."
"You're in a really good manifestation time right now."
"You become authentically powerful when you become clear, forgiving, humble, and loving."
"Creating authentic power is about choosing love no matter what is going on inside of you or outside of you."
"If you're going to create authentic power, you need to be able to distinguish between love and fear and challenge the frightened parts by not acting on them."
"Integrating the shadow to fully find your own power... is necessary."
"Remember how powerful you are. Don't allow circumstances and failures to convince you otherwise."
"You have the power to change your actions, change your decisions to get a different outcome."
"Surrender to your full power; your life is calling for you to step into your full power rather than playing it small."
"You are very powerful no matter what comes your way; you have the capacity to pull yourself up and out of that."
"Caring is your ultimate power. Because when you care about the people that you're going to serve, you care about your clients, or people, humanity, then that's going to allow you to tap into you being at your best."
"Charisma is a superpower when used correctly."
"You're more powerful than you think. Way more powerful. God only knows what you are in the final analysis."
"The proper solution was to live properly as an individual because you're more powerful than you think."
"Of all the things that you can do, all of your powers, the greatest has always been your instinctive knowledge of right and wrong."
"Is there a force, a factor, a power, a science, call it what you will, something which a few people understand and use to overcome their difficulties and achieve outstanding success? I firmly believe that there is."
"Fault and responsibility don't go together in a world where every being has power. And taking responsibility is not an admission of guilt. It is nothing more than a recognition of personal power."
"Your personal power is about being able to bring about what you want. This means commitment to what you want, what is meaningful, important, and what you value is central to personal power."
"True power lies not in dominion over others, but in the ability to inspire and uplift."
"Happiness is wholly independent of position, wealth, or material possessions. It is a state of mind which we ourselves have the power to control, and that control lies with our thinking."
"Self mastery, self-control, discipline, that's power."
"Understanding the true power that we have and control over our life by making conscious decisions backed by action and thought."
"To get good results in our life, we must properly understand our relationship to this great impersonal power."
"When you move according to God's divine timetable, you will stop giving your personal power away to things that are going on on the outside of you."
"People's words and actions only have power if you give them that power."
"Knowing that you have your own power in a lot of situations...it's so powerful to kill people with silence."
"It's actually about how can I become a more powerful version of myself, how can I create change on the planet."
"There is nothing too great of accomplishment for the man who knows the power of his word and who follows his intuitive leads."
"You manifest your own reality; you can create your own reality."
"You don't understand how powerful you are in the sense that you influence that whole environment simply through your presence."
"Whatever you think and want can become reality."
"Welcome challenges... as opportunities to break free from your self-imposed limitations and understand the power that you yourself hold."
"The evil forces of the world would want us to believe we don't have that power, but we in fact have immense power each and every one of us."
"You're very powerful in regards to manifestation."
"Wisdom is power, and when you realize it's all about you knowing that this universe we live in has rules."
"You have the ability to create whatever dream you have; you have that ability to take the energy that you have within and transmute it into whatever dream that you have."
"Never give all of your personal power to anyone. The minute you do that, you become a victim to yourself and to them."
"Thought is the real cause behind power or force in life, and there is no other."
"Your power is here right now; it's not out in the future. It's here."
"Every single day you wake up and you take a breath into your body is a day that you have the power and ability to alter the course of your destiny."
"Stepping into the unknown and being unsure but still going for it anyway just goes to show how powerful you are."
"Remain powerful and be careful with whom you share your goals."
"In life, we're taught that we have to control everything... But there's this other power that you don't even know you have that's completely amazing, which is about letting go and letting things come to you."
"They thought they could turn their star power, that was really related to the crown, into their own star power."
"Spirit is saying that you have so much more power than you realize."
"The secret therefore of character development is the realization of this power that there is in each and every one of us."
"It can be very easy to forget what power you do have."
"My true power lies in my thirst for knowledge, because, you see, I believe it only takes one book to change your life forever. You simply must find it."
"You always have the power to decide. You always have the power to decide what something means, what to do next."
"When you stop focusing on all this chaos going on around you and you find something that centers you, you become so powerful."
"Your source of power is not outside of you, it doesn't come from other people, it comes from within you."
"You hold the power in this connection. You have the ability to allow this person in or deny them."
"We're really powerful; it's just how you want to use that power."
"If you understand that you are that then you can understand that you have the ability to change the outcome of human history or the human Destiny."
"Exercising your power as opposed to being a victim, this makes you happy."
"You carry multiple energies; that's how powerful you are."
"You have a lot more power than you might give yourself credit for."
"Between the stimulus and the response is your greatest power. You have the freedom to choose your response."
"The power of the human will is superior to any system."
"Non-judgmental is very very powerful non-judgmental."
"Your thoughts and emotions are your superpower for creating the life you desire."
"Know your power... this is important because by knowing your fears you know yourself."
"Your time, your dollars, that is where you have the power."
"I am the source. I am the one that can bring this forth."
"The goal for today is to make that cow not hate me and we do that by becoming very powerful."
"Don't give too much power to negative comments."
"Remember it's entirely up to you. You can manifest your own reality."
"Curiosity is magic you guys it is a grown up superpower."
"The power lies within no doctor can save you no healer can heal you they can help you they can guide you but we have to be the ones that tap into our infinite potential of self-healing."
"Each one of us has much more power than we have been led to believe."
"You can change your reality at any given time."
"It's like everyone's only pretending to be my ally because they know otherwise I'd beat them up."
"You are a very, very powerful being... you bring forth healing with your light, with your wisdom, with your love."
"Power only exists when you take responsibility."
"When you ask the divine to take over, you get pulled into your own authentic power."
"I believe in the power of projecting your dreams."
"Use that power only if you feel like it's right."
"Fasting shows you that you have more power in you than you think you do."
"Spiritual power is the ability to manifest outcomes and impact people's psyches and the collective unconscious towards whatever your will is."
"Your light is more powerful than your darkness."
"You have a responsibility to utilize your gifts and powers with caution and love."
"The gurus don't have power, you give them power."
"As you resist Satan, you have power over him."
"There is a source of power in you that transcends the person."
"That power, understanding you have choice, and really living in that and thinking through that. That gives you personal power."
"Ultimately it would be up to me to step into my full power."
"I'm now so much more clear in my mind of how I want to live my life and who I am."
"As long as you stay positive...you still have power."
"You can create the reality of your dreams, you can create your desires."
"Let the hate flow through you. It gives you focus."
"Never forget the power of positive thinking."
"You're gonna be having a sacred important power when it comes to your way of thinking."
"It's just whether we choose to recognize their powers or not."
"My decision was so powerful about whether I was going to continue doing this or not."
"All of men's real power comes from steady nerves and a keen clear brain."
"Real confidence comes from being calm centered inside while being powerful at the same time."
"Why do you think Bill Gates has influence? Because he's one of the richest men in the world."
"Instead of you going out there and getting it, it is being drawn to you."
"You are actually drawing it. You are the vortex that's collapsing time and space."
"Energies you can use to manifest your wildest dreams."
"The mind can hold tremendous power over our bodies."
"You guys are powerful manifesters, you have the tools to create success in your life."
"You have the power to rebuild and transmute anything."
"Focus intention is so important and powerful."
"Control over oneself is true power, separating oneself from the rest."
"Having that confidence in your own personal power... is going to take you far... it's going to take you to exactly where you want to go."
"It is safe for you to be powerful and to take charge of your life in positive ways."
"It's about power and so you and I Kathy very much alert people to where do your power lot bring it back to you."
"Remember who you are... remember your own power and that you are capable of anything."
"Be superior to your power instead of driven by it."
"Most individuals are unaware of the power they possess, consequently they unwittingly create a rollercoaster of both positive and negative events in their reality."
"To use your power with any degree of control, the conscious mind must communicate with the subconscious mind using deliberate mental images and attached emotional state."
"I feel so fucking powerful, I feel like a wizard that can predict the future."
"Joe Rogan has more power as an individual than essentially anyone else in media."
"Attention is what gives us power. If someone threatens that, you have to put a stop to it."
"We have the ability to transmute energy, we can use it for good or bad, it's up to us."
"Manifestation, that's my [expletive], I love it!"
"And I think she's a force to be reckoned with."
"Your person thinks you're a very powerful person."
"In the quiet reflective space of your mind lies a subtle yet profound power."
"At the end of the day, the only thing we have the power over is our attitude."
"Thoughts become things. If you want to change your circumstances... it's not random. Learn to love it, no. If it's not pleasing, change it. Change the heck out of it."
"The power within, awakened by the echoes of the past."
"He was a force to be reckoned with on every level."
"Life is full of trade-offs, but I do believe in the power of picking and choosing what works for you."
"Nobody can ruin your dreams, spoil your good fortune, or take away these joyful moments from you."
"You're like a mini magician, understanding where this power comes from."
"Your greatest version is a magician, someone who believes in magic and power."
"When you say 'Master P,' there's so much power in that."
"Own that power, wield the power that you already have."
"We each have our own fingerprint which is amazing if you think about it and we have so much power in our own bodies."
"The more you give them power and authority, the more you actually validate their authority over you."
"You are a magic maker, you are a powerful manifestor."
"One thing with me, the nice part, I went through it. Now they say I'm immune, I can feel, I feel so powerful."
"We try to find a million different ways to humble ourselves always always because that would mean to tell me that our brain is working to control how powerful we really are."
"Setting intentions is probably one of the most powerful things in the world."
"I believe we have some power over who we love."
"The only way people can really attack you is if you think that they are more powerful than you."
"You have more strength and power than you might be giving yourself credit for."