
Messiness Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"We're not designed to be perfect; we're designed to manage messiness."
"Don't be afraid of the human messiness...people are messy and their internal worlds are very messy."
"Everything is beautiful, and we're messy because we are messy creatures."
"Life with pets is a beautiful mess, filled with laughter and love."
"Every time we clean the house, you find a half-eaten polio string cheese and Nutella everywhere."
"Life can be messy, but there's a Father out there who loves you."
"He had totally messed up the house with his friends during a party and his mom was beyond upset."
"Science history is gross science as well gets a little messy sometimes."
"If we believe in something... we should speak up, even if it's messy."
"Perfectionism kills your joy. Love is always messy but it's worth it."
"These are not elegant, they're very messy weapons."
"They'll tear down to make the toys just completely a mess."
"I remember seeing like, no I love it. Like there were boxes like merch on the ground, like the table was filled with trash. I was like, I don't know, I was like, I enjoy that."
"Thank you guys so much for making it to the end of this one it was interesting and kind of sloppy but a little off the rails but we we did get here eventually we made it to our destination it just was a little messy anyway."
"You couldn't get rid of the kids, you couldn't get rid of the mess, and you couldn't get rid of Marc Summers."
"It's been messy, it's been ugly, it's been everything, and it's all been perfect."
"There's a whole lot of different ways to spread the icky paint like goop."
"We're going to do whatever it takes and maybe it will be messy, it'll be ugly."
"It looked like a bomb went off in there... it just looked incredibly messy."
"God does not always work in the way that makes the least mess or takes the least time."
"It's always a mess, but it's well-used." - Finding beauty in organized chaos.
"The best way to eat a cinnamon roll is to pick it up and get your hands messy."
"It's crazy to me how a room can be 100% spotless and within like 15 minutes it'll look like this."
"However messy the world may be, it is still worth playing in and trying to make the most of."
"Life is messy but I honestly do not regret any of the decision that I have made."
"I'd rather see an authentic mess than an inauthentic perfect presentation."
"Both are pretty messy but burgers are just better."
"Human to human connection, embracing the messiness."
"I began to realize just how messy it was and just how fun it was gonna be to clean up all the wax off the plate."
"Just like glitter, it can be a little messy."
"Let's be ok with the fear. Let's be okay with the fact that everything's gonna be messy. But at least begin. At least complete it."
"We've got a load of ingredients here, I don't want to put this sugary because this may spill."
"Greetings Mario and Luigi, sorry about the mess, my new poltergeist still has a few bugs in it."
"Your person is so intuitive, such a mess in there but it's a mess I honor."
"It's a messy process, but in the end, it turns out well, I think."
"But that's love. It's not tidy. Not pretty. Or politically correct. But it's real."
"It's very easy to push a big ball of plaster right down the wall, just all drop off at the bottom on the floor."
"It's a mess that sometimes feels like a fan fiction."
"This is where gardening gets dirty and it's all right."
"Sometimes life can be messy, that's okay."
"It's too good. I don't care if it's messy. We're meant to be messy."
"Being a person is messy. It's very complicated."
"It gets messy, but that is extremely tasty."
"Clutter is like Kryptonite for messy people."
"It does rather look as though somebody's spilled a cup of coffee."
"Hades, you're a messy, messy person and I like it."
"It's kinda embarrassing how messy I let this get, you know what it is, what it is, that's about real life."
"The hair is already in my head, and I'm just a mess."
"For all of you who feel bad that you get dirty while gardening, don't feel bad. It happens to all of us."
"I think the spaghetti read better because it was messier."
"I feel like it can get really messy really quick."
"Jesus wanted you to know that he was born in a messy, unfavorable situation."
"Magic is a little bit messy and rule-breaky."
"This area is messy. I can't even lie. It is lowkey a mess. My makeup over here 'cause this is where I do my makeup because I have nowhere else to do my makeup."
"I believe in being real so if we believe in being real we made a bit of a mess of our lives and therefore I believe in creativity."
"This can also be messy so I would wear gloves."
"You literally [__] everywhere last time you were here."
"...but sometimes health is messy and we're okay with that, we're totally fine with that."
"Ain't nothing wrong with being messy if you accurate with it. You got to be accurate, okay?"
"But now I realize that life is [ __ ] messy and that's okay... it's about life with all the beautiful ecstasy, awful tragedy, and everything in between."
"Life is messy and very complicated."
"One of the joys of doing history is discovering how messy the world really was."
"If you're not making a mess, you're not creating art."
"I'm the kind of person that likes to make a big mess when I'm DIY."
"Real science is way messier than that."
"Life isn't totally clean, it's not a linear path."
"If you're not in the kitchen making a mess, are you even doing it right?"
"I think the messes we make are in service to our genius."
"You've done an incredible job of being honest and holding true to who you are. He's a mess."
"Nothing is safe when you have toddlers. Everything gets messy."
"Yo, let's be messy, bro. Be messy."
"They decide to go to Frey's room, which was simply very messy."
"We promised ourselves we weren't going to make a complete mess today, but we've done it. It's awful, y'all, it's stressing me out."
"It gets a little messy eating it, like it falls apart a little bit, but it is absolutely."
"This is the story of my life. Making messes all the time, cleaning them up afterwards. That's what I'm about to do."
"Quacky, why do you make such a freaking mess?"
"Our home is messy and lived in, and I do not run a super strict tight ship around here. I let my kids make messes, I let them be kids."
"Empty Jack Daniels bottom bottles in my bed with just like a little bit of You Know Jack Daniels left in it and just like my apartment a complete mess not knowing what day it was things like that."
"Does it have to be in the bowl well guess what I'm done I'm dropping [ __ ] everywhere but I'm done."
"It's really messy, it's our little knapsack."
"It's going to be messy for a while, you know, that's the reality of it."
"The mess and complexity is what makes us. It's reaching out, it's embracing, it's being tumultuous."
"Mom always says if you didn't make a mess you haven't done anything, I love that."
"It's messy, it's certainly messy."
"It should be messy, messy is a joy of life."
"While slime can be super messy, it's still like a trauma bonding experience for us."
"Bella, stop. I just cleaned this. I need to act like you and make a mess."
"It's amazing how a messy room kind of attracts More Mess."
"World's messiest ice cream goes to the Mickey one."
"This will never be a clean house."
"Y'all I'm trying not get no icing on her."
"Relationships help our emotional world. Learning how to interact with others because relationships are messy."
"Let's mess it up and get dirty with it."
"Relationships will be messy, and that's okay."
"People want to see it. People are satiated by messiness."
"Loving people is not comfortable, it's not something you want to do, it's time-consuming, it's messy."
"Girls and boys should be able to be friends even with the messiness of a one-sided attraction."
"Our house is a mess, but don't judge."
"We are now in the process of changing it. It's messy, super messy, but you can feel something in all of this mess is emerging."
"I've never seen something like that before, it's messy but it managed to be messy in a way that was also mature."
"Even a combed wheel makes a mess."
"embracing mess is usually a really really good thing."
"It's just always hard doing craft videos cuz they are the most messy and the most time-consuming."
"It's constant cleaning and always messy, but it's okay, I still like it."
"I felt like a dog that was shedding. I could just see the hair on everything, everywhere. It was a mess."
"Be messy intentionally, the less scared you will be of being messy accidentally."
"Don't listen to me do whatever you feel called to but just know that it can get messy if you do indulge in that and that it might not be realistic but then also we only live once and why not have a little bit of fun."
"Oh my God, they're so messy but it's so good."
"True Innovation is messy sometimes, veering in unhelpful directions and back again. But capital will flow to well-ordered decentralized finance as water flows indelibly to the Sea."
"Clear and Congress really will have wind at its back in terms of public opinion, but I agree it could be messy."
"Linkers are very messy, they are very creative and wonderful."
"But like that's the nature of crafting, it's gonna be a little messy, but that's okay."
"Never forget that you will need to make a mess to actually progress."
"If you're not making a mess, you're not making marshmallows."
"That green is just getting everywhere."
"It's going to get quite messy, guys. I'm not going to lie."
"It's a messy Glizzy that's for sure but it is so good."
"I'm so messy today what is going on for my baking game."
"The more I look at it, the more it becomes a mess."
"This is a mess but I love to talk about the mess."
"Children are very messy. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've stepped on a goldfish cracker."
"It's warm, it's messy, it feels like really [ __ ] too."
"Are we going to get nice and dirty today?"
"The Messier you make it, the better it's gonna look."
"You're allowing the chaos, it's okay to be a mess."
"If you don't make a mess, you're not having fun. Remember that."
"Fashion is hard. Yes. That isn't glamorous. It's not glamorous, and it's usually a mess in a lot of ways."
"Fashion is hard. Yes. It's not glamorous, and it's usually a mess in a lot of ways."
"It might look messy but each bite is like packed with flavor."
"Oh no, nice. It's just messy. It's just messy, no, I don't know what else to say."
"I'm just the room Anna, you realize you've actually made this just as messy as I have, anything everywhere."
"Kids are meant to be messy... kids are not supposed to be Instagram models."
"All over my fingers, just like I was saying."
"The hot mess is so beautifully described because I actually think it's really important. It's an important part of the process."
"There's such a stigma around having somewhat of a messy place or just being messier in general, and I think that there is a lot of beauty in mess."
"...even though at times I know the kids make a mess, they are an important part of our Lives..."
"I always love when someone does that to me or one of my friends and I'm like oh wait you don't know her she's a big hot mess."
"Junior, did you spill the whole house?"
"I'm here for the mess. I'm not here to criticize it. I'm here to enjoy it. I'm here to have a good time."
"I love you how you feeling you having fun yes you having okay yeah for the most part I'm just doing my job being messy."
"It's finding new ways to make stupid messes."
"But honey, love will always be messy. If you go into it thinking you're going to come out clean, you're just going to be let down. But our purpose in life is to find that person we want to be messy with."
"Tablecloths are victims of sloppy eating."
"I'm getting super dirty in here, it's really gross."
"Is it gonna be like a Capri Sun and just go everywhere?"
"Oh, that's my favorite one, I like that one a lot. But I'll bring this one in too, and again, get a little more water, really get that nice and juicy, picking up the color and just flicking, flack, the thing is, oh, I'm getting the flicks literally all over my laptop too."
"When you're making a craft it can get really messy and that's the fun of it."
"She delivered a line to me which has been a kind of quiet mantra in my system ever since which was it's fine to make a mess and it's a very brave thing to do to choose this life."
"It's a mess, but it has its moments."
"The yard is a right mess. We really need a loco to come and take these wagons away."
"This is a season that has been so messy so sloppy that all the information's been out there it's not like everyone's kept things under wraps it's all there in front of you."
"So it's disheartening because as I was watching this all I could think was this is a season that has been so messy so sloppy that all the information's been out there it's not like everyone's kept things under wraps it's all there in front of you."
"Art is messy, it is not always masterful."
"I got soup on my arm and on my car, excuse me while I lick myself and possibly my car."
"That's pretty messy isn't it? That's pretty not many people do this you see, it bothers me not one jot because I know what the end product can be out there."
"He'll eat all of these. That stuff gets on everything he touches."
"well the guy is went on ahead and making pretty good progress here on the old digital wires you know the inside you know it looks a little messy but it's starting to come around"
"It's fun to draw you can also get a little messy but that's all right because we know how to clean up."
"So don't be worried about making a mess here, you're just gonna want to pour the maple syrup on."
"Anything messy like chocolate or something really sticky that'll make a mess."
"Is it going to be fun playing with that? Yeah! Is it all sloppy? Yeah."
"This is what my floor looks like right now, okay? After the morning, god knows where that hot cheeto came from."
"The women get super super messy which is always fun."
"You know, like, recently, like, first of all, me and Abby, right? We try to keep our room in order, but it's impossible. Honestly, it's impossible to keep our room in order 'cause I'm a messy person and stuff. I'm not going to lie. And I'm kind of lazy at times."
"I feel like often times everything looks so beautiful and perfect on YouTube but it's sometimes it's not actually more often than not things are kind of messy and crazy..."
"Zara what's the verdict really good scream screaming the whole time and hair is very mess."
"Can you imagine all the goo that's about to happen from exploding the marshmallow man? Just white sticky stuff everywhere."
"The best color I ever painted, this is how I painted it. But also, the worst messes I ever made, this is how I made them."
"I literally do not have one shirt to wear out that doesn't have paint on it or resin."
"Empathy can be really messy sometimes. If you follow it long enough, it can lead you to places that maybe you don't want to be."
"This whole situation just got a lot messier."
"If you're not messy, then you're not doing anything."
"Kids are so random. Play-doh's all over the place. You know what? A messy home means happy kids."
"I think everything looks better like when it's messy as [ __ ]."
"Breakups are messy, relationships are messy, particularly breakups, and these things happen sometimes."
"You too can be a hot mess, just watch this video."
"It might be a bit messy, but it will be me."
"Therapy doesn't have to be good, but it's always going to be messy."
"If me telling my side of the story or what happened is messy then so be it."
"This was messy as fuck, but it made me laugh."
"Every acrylic painting has a crazy, messy stage...it's a special moment."
"I am actually a very, very messy crafter."
"Did that mess up the hair? No, it did it!"
"It just looks like it's dripping every which way."
"This project is very kind of messy because you're working with glitter and glue so I keep a little rag on my lap that's a little bit wet."
"This is how my room looks right now, it looks absolutely a mess like honestly everything is everywhere."
"Thank you guys for watching the video. Dude, that is all over me."
"That is so cute. It's so messy but so cute."
"Pillows will be everywhere and also the blanket will be on the floor. It's gonna be a mess starting, I can't wait."
"He got you covered even in your mess."
"The lobster roll wins for being the messiest of all the lobster rolls."
"Even though it would end up in such a mess when they were little, the joy outweighed it."
"You cannot broad brush it, it's messy, it's complicated, it's multifaceted."
"It's Egg Dawn, Egged On! Ooh, it looks like a messy game there."
"If you're not making a mess in the kitchen, you're not having any fun."
"We're talking about Whataburgers; they are messy, but they are good."
"The Messier it is, the more character it adds."
"A messy crafter is a creative crafter."
"The beauty of mixed media is that you do kind of have this messiness almost expected."
"We have to normalize the messiness of menopause."