
Apology Quotes

There are 8920 quotes

"What we should do is model authenticity and say, 'I am sad today,' 'I am depressed today,' or 'Yes, I yelled at you, I'm sorry, that was wrong; it's my bad.'"
"An apology should be a complete acknowledgment of what happened, express genuine remorse, and make amends without excuses."
"If you make a mistake and you've hurt someone, say sorry and be honest."
"I wish I was there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry."
"I really expected you guys to come in here maybe with a little bit of humility, maybe with a little bit of an apology to me."
"I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize."
"I've made a huge mistake. I don't expect to be forgiven; I'm just here to apologize."
"If somebody has the guts to just say you know what, I'm sorry, I can honestly respect that."
"We all do make mistakes and I think apologizing is a step towards making things right."
"I'm sorry to anyone I've ever hurt, I'm sorry that I let people hurt me."
"I'm so sorry I've been foolish and taken you for granted."
"Apologize with honesty, and if they don't accept your apology, accept it and move on as best you can."
"I apologize to you, my behavior was unacceptable, and I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."
"The only way to actually show and prove that you are sorry is through action and change."
"I apologize for ever doubting you. I was not familiar with your game."
"I learned that things happened here that never should have happened. I take that very seriously, and I want to say I am so sorry to the people who were affected."
"I'm sorry, Mom. I just wanted to protect you."
"Words cannot describe how sorry I am. Just please, if you could just forgive me once, please."
"I'm sorry to everyone for putting you through this, and I'm gonna try not to cause a scene anymore or make any trouble."
"I'm gonna live my whole life repenting for cheating, and I'm just so sorry."
"I am so, so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm still sorry, and I will keep saying I'm sorry."
"The problem is is that Gabby apologized to Jessie for those tweets and that's how they became friends."
"I would say something along the lines of, 'Hey, I know I've been really mean to myself... I just wanted to apologize in case I made anyone feel uncomfortable.'"
"If we're supposed to be a collective and we're supposed to be a sisterhood, if we know for a fact that for the next couple years we gonna have to try to work together, I find nothing wrong with saying, 'Damn, I might have overstepped in this situation, and for that, I am sorry, and I won't do it again.'"
"I think that you need to show an apology rather than say an apology. Actions speak louder, so true, every single time."
"If you haven't done anything wrong, do not apologize."
"Liam, I am sorry. You're a nice guy. I just can't with you living like this. I thought you would somehow work it out, but I was wrong."
"The ukulele apology video is not even close to as bad as this one."
"The most healing words in marriage are these: 'I'm so sorry, will you please forgive me? I was wrong.'"
"I'm sorry, will you forgive me?" - the potential for reconciliation that exists in every estrangement.
"I want to just apologize to all my fans for the time I was gone... but I just want to let everybody know I'm back for sure."
"I never meant to hurt you like that; I am so sorry that I did."
"I'm really sorry, I can't do this anymore...this app is poisoning my brain."
"Please forgive me for everything that I've done."
"If you can say the words 'I'm sorry' and if you can say the words 'I forgive you'."
"Your intentions can be a million percent pure, but if the person was still hurt and still affected negatively, you still definitely should apologize."
"An apology is not for the person you offended; it's for you."
"You've always been an exquisite advisor, Jerry. I'm sorry I tried to kill you so many times."
"You change your behavior; that's how you show that an apology is genuine."
"The key question is: when is an apology or remorse or accountability real?"
"I felt that she needed some space, and maybe an apology was due."
"I've never had the opportunity to just say, 'I'm sorry guys.'"
"Regardless of what happens, you always got to be able to say sorry. That's the number one thing you gotta understand about marriage."
"Why are you saying sorry? You got nothing to apologize for, big guy."
"Vivian Lay, reading his own statement, Raymond said he took full responsibility for the passing of Annie Lay."
"For the passing of Annie Lay and causing tremendous pain to all who loved and cared about Annie, I am truly sorry."
"It takes a lot of guts and vulnerability to come out from that bunker and try to say I'm sorry, to try to own up to things."
"I'm sorry to those of you who I betrayed. I'm sorry for leaving such a stain to legacy. I hope that my story maybe helps to make YouTube a better place somehow in the future, to where people know boundaries and limits on how far things should go."
"The prime minister of Ireland publicly apologized for the treatment of the Magdalene women on February 19th, 2013."
"I want to apologize to my community; I've let you guys down."
"I want to offer my heartfelt apology to all victims of this kind of violence."
"I apologize to you for not using my common sense."
"To them and to this House, I offer my heartfelt apologies."
"I made a terrible mistake. I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything you have been going through."
"I am so so sorry. I was rude and very wrong."
"I'm sorry for being on my phone, and I will pay more attention to Kayla."
"Unfortunately, I had to start class by apologizing."
"And I will personally apologize to anybody who got to that last level of the game, to Natla's Mines, and then got stuck."
"Ultimately, a public apology is the first step towards rehabilitation."
"Be quick to apologize, be quick to admit your error."
"If you make a mistake, apologize for it and move past it."
"I'm sorry I yelled. That's actually giving them that realness because without saying anything more, you're saying that thing you think happened, did happen."
"Sniper Wolf herself posted an apology in which she seemingly took blame for her actions."
"I regret the eagerness I had to insult Matt and Ryan in the story in ways that were unnecessary."
"He apologizes to her, admitting that he was a coward, but tells her he's about to step up his game."
"If an apology doesn't follow these steps, it is a waste of time."
"Never make an apology that you don't mean because we need good apology, we need honest apology."
"Never telling your child that you were wrong and that you're sorry."
"Apologies are a band-aid; the wound is still there underneath."
"The church needs to have some conversations around apology and repentance for the way black and brown people have been treated in this country."
"The greatest apology you can give is to show that you've changed."
"I'm so sorry, and I don't expect you to forgive me. YouTuber apology for real."
"A solid apology comes in three parts: 1. Sincerely admit wrongdoing directly to the offended party. 2. Be twice as loud about your mistake as you were making the mistake. 3. Lay out steps to correct your behavior in the future."
"I'm so glad to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't say I was sorry sooner."
"Intellectual honesty requires, and the history of our conscience tells us that we ought to sincerely apologize to the Libyan people."
"I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in."
"That night, they celebrated in the tavern while even Renji commends Haru on his skills and apologizes for offering him a gold coin when man died."
"I owe so many of you an apology... I was wrong. I'm sorry. She's much, much worse, and we're going to talk about it."
"In Japanese culture, hydrangeas are often associated with apology... Pink hydrangeas tend to represent heartfelt emotion."
"I'm so sorry I almost killed you. I swear I'm an okay zookeeper, just not that good."
"All of us at Boeing are deeply sorry for the loss of life."
"I am sorry that we did not provide the right empathy and understanding."
"You have to make sure the other person feels understood... The greatest apology is changed behavior."
"The Telltale of a great relationship is people who can apologize well to each other and make each other feel better afterwards."
"The most powerful moment with one of my kids was when I said sorry."
"I'm sorry for the families of the people that had nothing to do with the trauma that I had been through, and that I used my platform where 'hurt people hurt people.' I was hurt, I was frustrated, and I want to say that it's wrong to hold an apology hostage."
"Before his death, Tojo issued a statement in which he apologized for the crimes Japan had committed against allied soldiers and civilians and begged the Americans to show the Japanese people mercy."
"Seeing Christina laugh merrily at his clumsiness, Gavin apologized with a smile."
"We sincerely thank you for repeatedly writing in and apologize for the harm and offence we have caused."
"Mom and Dad make it very clear that we shouldn't point out others' mistakes or blame others for our wrong response. When we make a true apology, we swallow our pride, apologize for what we did, and own our offense, regardless of what happened before or after it."
"I'm so sorry, I love you, I'll promise I will be a nice father again."
"My word choice was crude. I am sorry. I'm listening and I will do better."
"Genuinely, genuinely broke my heart. Wanted to apologize to every single one of you watching today. My golf has been horrendous."
"I would like to express my deepest apologies for the inconvenience I may have caused you."
"I'm sorry for the trouble and inconvenience I have caused you recently."
"I wanted to see you so badly because I wanted to beat you. What you always were to me, my hero. I'm so sorry."
"Forgive me, I'm sorry, but the situation in Idaho and Alaska is a story of national significance."
"I just wanted to start by saying how deeply sorry I am to all of those who lost loved ones... It's important that we learn the lessons so that we can be better prepared in the future."
"Renewable energy is something they are concerned about, so Greenpeace has apologized to the people of Peru."
"Two Canadian men who were switched at birth 70 years ago finally received a formal apology from the government."
"The only apology worth giving and the only apology worth receiving is a personal one."
"We can't get past slavery because we can't have a race reconciliation dialogue about it. Nobody's ever apologized to us for slavery."
"I deeply regret all the hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example."
"I'd rather just sit down with somebody and say, frankly, 'I get it. I was wrong. I'm sorry.'"
"I've been taking you for granted. I'm sorry."
"You are the one. I'm sorry for everything I've done."
"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."
"I treated you unfairly. I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that."
"I'm truly sorry for all the hate this brought to our doorstep."
"First and foremost, I need to say sorry. I owe a massive apology to anybody that I've hurt or anybody that I've made uncomfortable with my actions."
"In any loving relationship, if you come to your partner and say, 'I am so incredibly sorry that the words that I'm about to come out of my mouth are true, but they are. I get really sad and insecure when this happens.'"
"Saying sorry and addressing the situation means something, dude."
"We apologize for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering, and loss."
"When Shanann realized they had stopped communicating and that he was pulling away from her, she apologized for her abrasive and controlling behavior, telling him that she knew it could make him feel negatively about himself and she would try to work on it."
"My behavior was unacceptable, and I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."
"Remorse is the key to an apology... You don't even have to say you're sorry, you exhibit that someone really receives that."
"I'm very sorry for what I did, and I take responsibility for it."
"I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I'm so sorry."
"There's no excuse for what I did... I'm 100% wrong, I'm so sorry."
"I'd like to apologize. I was not familiar with your game. You are definitely not overrated, you're a dog. My apologies."
"It's normal to have arguments; we get over it, we say sorry."
"I'm deeply sorry for the times in my life where my actions contributed to the problem, where I spoke out of turn or did not speak up for what was right."
"I'm sorry that I failed you as an ally and your friend. You didn't deserve to be around my toxic behavior, and there is no excuse for it."
"I've been the clown instead of the best friend lately, and for that I owe you the funniest apology of all time."
"I apologize for saying things that may have come across mean-spirited."
"I apologize for not being loyal recently. I should not have looked up pictures of Tatu Baki at 2 a.m. instead of calling you."
"A real effective apology has three parts: 1) Acknowledge, 2) Say you're sorry, 3) Describe what you're going to do to make it right."
"Canada may have apologized for the schools, but their incredibly dark history absolutely cannot and should not be erased, and it needs to be spoken about and acknowledged."
"I apologize for taking things too far. I said things I shouldn't have, and I would like reciprocation, and then we can move on."
"The correct thing to do is say sorry... and then do better."
"So to all the youngans and even the older people who I influenced with my jokes and my perverted thoughts I'm sorry."
"We first want to apologize for accepting your application and not doing our research beforehand."
"The language of apology is the language of connection and love."
"Don't say you're sorry, show it with action."
"We didn't take a broad enough view of our responsibility, and it was my mistake, and I'm sorry."
"My heart's in the right place so I can sleep at night."
"If I am advertising on that channel my advertisements are reaching a million different people that's far more valuable."
"This isn't your fault. We did this. We don't blame you. I mean, it's probably my fault, but we did this, and I'm sorry, mods, and I'm sorry, chat. You don't deserve to be in jail."
"Sorry about that. It's okay, you know actually, I was wondering, maybe I could join your car club?"
"Reparation is doing an act of apology, an act of penance for sins, for crime."
"To all of the members of sad milk, I just want to say that I'm very sorry that I caused you stress throughout this project."
"I deeply apologize to every single person out there."
"I wish that I could express how truly sorry I am."
"Leadership means you're the first to apologize."
"I'm sorry for the delays... LNER is owned by the DFT after franchise was handed back in 2018, so they are publicly owned."
"Those who practice apology are the spokes of the wheel, we understand the motion of the wheel and do our best to facilitate its turning."
"I've been too familiar with people. I've hugged and kissed both men and women, but I didn't realize how the line had been drawn. I was wrong."
"If you are only sorry because you got caught, you're not actually sorry."
"Life lesson from a 52-year-old boomer: It's not really a sincere apology if you're only sorry because you got caught."
"Bro, I'm sorry, father. I didn't mean to make you angry. I'll go to school now. I'm sorry for my behavior."
"It's okay to be like, 'Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it that way.'"
"If you actually really do love somebody, you will apologize to them because they actually matter to you."
"I'm sorry... it was not my intention at all."
"A proper apology for this would have involved admitting to racial biases, however unconscious."
"Just say sorry, just say you're wrong. It's not that hard."
"You have to just step back, say you're sorry, and move forward for the betterment of that relationship."
"Jay Bhattacharya: 'Public health should apologize. The public health establishment has failed the public.'"
"Apologizing isn't an aggressive move, it's a humble move."
"Apology videos are cool and all but you know how they Apologize by making content people watch it and people forget that's how it works."
"I just wanted to come and let you guys know that I do take accountability for the things that I said. I do take accountability. I'm sorry."
"I challenge your guy... to just look their own audience in the eye and say, 'Hey, I apologize, we lied to you.'"
"I'm really sorry for the way that I treated you. I'm really sorry for the way that I made you feel like you were second best."
"I mean all those people out there I'm going to tell you sorry I [ __ ] with you but I'm not going to say no I'm not trying to get involved in all this sorry I said I said it for all of us it's okay."
"She was innocent and she did not deserve this, and he was so so very sorry."
"Congratulations well I'm sorry to anyone I've hurt out there."
"I'm sorry things had to come to this. I'm sure many of you feel sad and disappointed. I do too. I wish things were different. I wish I could stay with you forever in this form. I'm sorry I can't do that."
"I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry to leave you. I'm sorry to leave you with questions, worries, regrets."
"I'm sorry if I made some of you guys mad on this, man. I'm sorry, dude, but like, hey man, this is just where I stand, okay? So I hope you can at least appreciate my honesty."
"If there's just one thing I can say to every single person on this video is that I am sorry. You are loved. You can change and you can move on from the past. It's okay."
"I try to think about that question, you know... it's hard to like tie it all together because I would want to apologize and then give advice and then ask if there's any way I can help."
"I'm very sorry for what happened to you. Shouldn't happen in America."
"He would never do it again he apologized gifts wine etc."
"I'm sorry that you trusted us and we let you down. I would say don't hold it against all Americans because this administration has called the shots and put this strategy into play."
"I'm so sorry that whatever happened to you happened to you, I did, again, I don't know, but that's not my fault."
"I know what I did has affected the world. I know I can't change anything by what I say, but I'm truly sorry and I regret everything I did."
"I'm very sorry and I don't think I will ever get involved in such things from this point."
"Taking responsibility and apologizing for your role is paramount."
"That's my issue with it, he's not apologetic because of the harm he's done, he's apologetic because it all came to light."
"Apology is owning up to your mistake, realizing your wrongdoings, and actually feeling sorrow about the thing you did."
"Better late than never, I apologize for that."
"I owe a huge apology to anyone out there who's ever been in an abusive relationship."
"He was apologizing for telling the truth. Everybody knows that what he said was true."
"I'm sorry that we are so far removed from anything relevant to people's lives."
"Daniela, this is my final word to you. I apologize that everything turned out this way."
"I've admitted I completely screwed up, let my team down and completely and utterly let you down. I'm a team player and I have nowhere to go but up from here."
"I want to apologize for the way I handled the layoffs."
"I apologize. I thought you were making a joke."
"An apology is an indication of changed behavior, not the other way around."
"Finally, I would like to apologize for the use of all of the following racially, sexually, and generally prettily charged pejorative nouns and/or adjectives that have been used on this program."
"It takes a hard man to apologize, so I'm gonna say it doesn't make you look soft."
"Just apologize, man. Just be like, 'Hey, yeah, I don't really know everything about him, should've looked into it more. Sorry, I took it down.'"
"Other people can change - and it's never too late to apologize."
"That was rude as well, but you're just... I apologize."
"We reiterate our sincere apologies for the offense we have caused."
"The inability to admit they are wrong or when they apologize and then justify their actions."
"An apology should only happen if you truly regret that action."
"She had that intensity every day you went to work she would say good morning how are you how was your evening boom it was small talk ago we."
"David Dobrik's new apology and the different reactions of YouTube versus Twitter."
"I apologize for it. I mean 23 years, my God."
"You shouldn't apologize because of how good it's gonna make you feel when everyone forgives you; you should apologize because you genuinely feel sorry for something."