
Foundation Quotes

There are 8556 quotes

"Mercy has to be at the foundation. Mercy for self, mercy for others."
"Thanking God first is like planting seeds in fertile soil; it sets the foundation for a bountiful harvest of joy, peace, and fulfillment."
"Everything works best on a backdrop of good sleep."
"In order to have a healthy body, it starts with having a healthy mind."
"A lot of rational people don't realize that their rationality itself is underpinned by emotional needs and attitudes."
"Having a clear understanding of what one desires in a partner or relationship is important; it helps individuals identify compatibility and build a strong foundation based on shared values and aspirations."
"Don't discount those periods where you're laying the foundation, where you're doing the research, where you're introspecting, where you're dreaming, where you're coming up with visions."
"Without empathy, without respect, you really can't build anything. Everything's first floor, and it's always rocky."
"We own the vision, and upon this foundation, Africa will be built and will rise."
"If you rush the process, you might just topple over without a solid foundation in place."
"The basis of everything you love in your life needs to be recovery because it's the foundation."
"The foundation upon which our life is built and sustained."
"Security is the foundation of mental health."
"Conquering a mountain...creating a very solid foundation in order for us to build a strong dream upon."
"When we build our dreams on an unsteady foundation, those dreams are going to fall apart. But when we build our dreams upon a solid foundation, we have a solid plan and a solid know-how...we're not going to fall apart by the end of it."
"This is going to lead you into really building a solid foundation for yourself."
"The Anand of the self is the foundation of all bliss."
"The key to success in any construction is the foundation."
"The foundation was so strong because none of this was around, and I'm truly appreciative of that."
"This relationship is gonna be built based upon love."
"If you want to learn anything and have knowledge, you must have the fear of the Lord at the very outset of the learning process."
"You guys are going to be okay; you do have a strong enough foundation."
"Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established."
"The foundation God has built in our hearts can never be destroyed."
"Focus on bettering yourself and your life to build a strong foundation of self-worth."
"Intellectual honesty has to be the basis for any progress we make here."
"Consider your foundation: Love is yours. Recognize your divine worth. Choose loving thoughts."
"You now know what you want and what it takes to build a solid foundation with somebody."
"The Triforce was the foundation of our world, and without it, our kingdom crumbled."
"Every relationship is 100% predicated on communication."
"If we don't have trust, we don't have anything."
"Step zero for anything that you want to do in life is to improve your mental health first."
"Be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work, and out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
"Commitment is the foundation of all great accomplishments."
"You are building a solid foundation for yourself in life that's built on bricks of gold."
"You're building generational wealth. You're building a solid foundation for yourself."
"If you build your life on the right foundation, you can withstand any storm."
"The starting point is always this: I now know, finally, that I need to repair and heal my relationship with myself, because my entire life depends on this essential foundation."
"If we can learn to turn our fear into our foundation, we can build on that fear, turn it into building blocks for a foundation."
"If you give your kids a good foundation at home, they should be able to have a little bit of a foundation when they go to school and recognize these different things."
"Every one of those experiences was laying the fundamental foundation for my life's mission."
"We need to rebuild the foundation and get back to playing entertaining football."
"Prosperity begins in the mind; you must lay its foundations in your thoughts."
"If you don't understand the foundation on which you're starting, you're going to end up in places you didn't expect to be."
"We would not be having this going without her. Yeah, Crystal's been here since day one."
"If you're really thoroughly consistent, that's going to be the foundation for you helping disciple someone else."
"Corruption is not some byproduct of monetarism; it is the very foundation."
"The only way to support others is if you have that foundation."
"Trust is the foundation of good relationships."
"Everything we do is a foundation upon which to build something else."
"You need to build yourself first. First you build yourself, then you build the business."
"This is really special to my wife and I... starting our own foundation was something we've always wanted to do."
"I think that there still is this amazing foundation of goodness in our markets."
"Friendship should always start with those things, with the right balance."
"Your primary relationship is with yourself and God, and every other relationship follows from there."
"The assurance that God is there, that he lives is step one."
"Credit is a foundational element for financial success."
"We take what it is and then we build to come. Now we stand on the square and we stand on the foundation of high scientists and master teachers."
"As we extend, as we expand, as we open ourselves, we need to remember that it's really important to have strong foundations and roots to rely on."
"You as a couple have to have a really strong foundation outside of social media."
"If you got a good foundation and you treated people right along the way, you always had somebody be like, hey man, pick your bootstraps up, man, come on, I got you."
"When you're honest with yourself and you know who you are, those foundations are solid. You will always have something to build from."
"A home is not complete unless it is built on your word, unless it is built on your presence, on the foundation that is Jesus Christ."
"We're all plugged into... the quantum level of the universe. I mean, we're talking the very core foundation of what makes up everything."
"Order is the first law of the universe because nothing can be done without order."
"My faith is still weak but it is not gone and possibly, God is revealing a foundation that he can build real faith upon."
"The word should be your foundation of ministry."
"Personal change, on a scalable basis, is the real building block of lasting social change."
"Capitalism has to rest on that pedestal; it can't create that pedestal itself."
"Sometimes it's easier to knock down what I think is a poor foundation and build a better house."
"The gospel is the very foundation stone of the three angels' messages. If we study the three angels' messages and miss the gospel, we've missed the very foundation of the three angels' messages."
"When prayer becomes the priority, only then can prayer become the foundation."
"Every amazing relationship has friendship at the foundation."
"We do need to take the core insights of the Enlightenment and reaffirm those, rebuild and build upon what are legitimate foundational achievements."
"You have to like yourself; everything comes from that."
"Unconditional love is the greatest foundation you can give them."
"The great civilizations of the past laid the foundations for our modern world."
"Civilization today is 100% based on agriculture."
"Building strong self-worth is the foundation; your confidence is the house you build upon the foundation, but that house is only as rock solid as the foundation of self-worth you have under it."
"Communication is the foundation of a good relationship."
"Your relationship with yourself is the foundation for everything in life."
"Trust that the right opportunity is going to come at the right time as you keep building the correct foundation for this."
"The very fundament of everything is culture."
"You're gonna start to build a little bit of endurance working this even without the rope."
"You alone are the solid foundation on which I build my life."
"All the looks-maxing in the world isn't going to help you if you don't have a good foundation to work with."
"Being strong is a good foundation not just for strength sports but for life."
"Our belief system is so powerful that it is the foundation for our lives today."
"If the foundation of a civilization is solid truth, then future generations will be able to build upon it."
"These columns are actually anchored in bedrock."
"There's an attitude in the RPG hobby that says new games are sort of built upon the old foundations; they represent progress."
"Respect is the foundation of their relationship."
"Foundations that advocate one cause or another... tend to fade and disappear, not this case. You have the Polly Klaas Foundation that is as strong and robust today as it was in those early days."
"Trust is the basis of a genuinely connected successful relationship."
"Everybody feels pain... but the thing that makes pain for black people in America unique is the absence of a foundation."
"You're committing yourself to something, and this is something that's going to give you a very solid foundation."
"You have to build a house from the foundation. You can't put the roof on first."
"The foundation of Bluey is that family relationship."
"The part of fortune says, 'Wow, he or she is on the right track, let's give them a proper foundation on which they can build their house.'"
"All other breathing techniques are based off of sun breathing."
"I tend to believe that people's family are their foundation."
"Education is important as the foundation, but you build the rest of your life on it."
"He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom."
"The foundation of success in life is good health."
"All of that has really blossomed because of Jesus, who is the foundation."
"If you build your life on the words of Jesus Christ, your house will not fall."
"When you start to understand the foundation of music, everything else starts to make sense."
"The fundamental building block of a society is the family."
"Shannon had founded a new, far-reaching theory; the ideas he began to explore would form the cornerstone of what we now call information theory."
"Repair the family; that's where real change starts."
"Jazz sets you up with a great basis to work from and gives you a good understanding of the language."
"The foundation of a successful relationship absolutely is communication."
"In the base of it they have inculcated the magic."
"Building that foundation of index funds is really important. It's really key."
"You're never going to have political democracy unless you build it on a foundation of economic democracy."
"Make sure that you're building your foundations and you don't stop."
"Once you build muscle it is a strong Foundation that will go a long way."
"As long as the foundation for the website is built everything else is going to be super easy."
"They were imperfect people who wrote some laws and wrote the basic foundation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that have guaranteed more freedoms to more people than anywhere else."
"We were founded on enlightenment principles."
"Good habits are foundational to achieving your goals."
"What do we do with all this money? My wife and I are going to roll it into a foundation."
"Common laws are... a firm foundation to build a prosperous society upon."
"They hope the goal of the Gabby Petito Foundation is they do not want her light to dim." - Keeping a loved one's memory alive through positive action.
"And now just they're trying to turn this unimaginable heartbreak into something positive by launching this Gabby Petito Foundation." - Finding strength in tragedy to create positive change and honor a loved one's memory.
"The goal of this foundation is to make sure other families don't feel alone if they have to go through this something awful."
"Money is a foundational layer that enables so much more."
"We start with the foundation. You know, and we focus on that. And with that, we then give each other grace to learn and adjust as new different scenarios and details arise."
"The foundation of brain optimization is Health optimization."
"The majority of any relationship is friendship. That's 99%."
"But any actual successful romantic relationship is built on a very strong friendship, I would argue."
"Lean in, but you need to know that commitment is the foundation of all great accomplishments."
"Communication is the foundation to any relationship."
"The church is one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord."
"Arkham Asylum laid the groundwork for one of the most popular and arguably best AAA series as of making this video."
"The nature of world-changing anomalies means that the foundation likely has no idea how they really started or what came before them."
"Operation Health laid down the groundwork... I'm very confident in the future."
"Three things needed to take place: proper funding, a fan base, an industry."
"Luke laid the groundwork for hip-hop culture."
"This is the hour for us to double down on our faith, this is the hour for us to double down on making sure that our house is built on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ."
"It's time to either create a solid foundation or break down the whole thing completely..."
"Happiness is just the root of everything you have going on."
"Our challenge here is a necessary foundation for restoring and advancing our leadership around the world."
"I really feel like the foundation that he built can't be rival."
"In the aftermath of her death, Stuttle's family started Caroline's Rainbow Foundation."
"I don't want to build a foundation facade of dishonesty in a relationship."
"We really want to make a difference with the Why Not You Foundation, and just try to serve and give back and love."
"Dispatching the Iwakura Mission to America and Europe must be cited as the most important event that built the foundation of our state."
"You're the foundation. If the foundation collapses, everything on it collapses with it."
"The first step that lays the foundation to your Learning Journey is called meta learning."
"You really want to start grinding through foundations as quickly as possible."
"You can't build a dynasty without putting the first brick down. Where is this thing we're supposed to be building?"
"Boundaries are an incredibly important foundation."
"That Underdog was his foundation never left."
"They see you as somebody they could possibly build a very strong, steady foundation with."
"Calories make up the underlying foundation of the entire fat loss process."
"This is really the foundation to becoming a creative and competent problem solver."
"Government of the People, by the people, and for the people."
"Build first on the word and then begin to add all of the different components of your life."
"Establish a friendship first. That's the leading key factor into whether this blooms into something successful."
"What we have here with Infinite multiplayer, although the launch hasn't been great, is the best foundation for a Halo game since Halo 3."
"The foundation of your future is your character."
"There is a strong foundation here, moving forward in positivity."
"Trust is needed to establish a solid foundation."
"Let's build our marriage based on what the foundation of our love is."
"You would never build a house and start with a second floor, you would start with a great solid foundation."
"Faith is the bedrock of our relationship with God."
"Hopefully things will improve a lot more down the line and more content will be added to bolster what is a very solid foundation."
"The base level is the thing that needs to be happy for everything else to follow."
"Bitcoin is the mommy... the mother of them all."
"Science is the very foundation of the modern world."
"Sometimes magic is subtle and we don't realize it, building a solid foundation to something pretty spectacular."
"Lay the foundation of your life in the future."
"For us to understand what is right, we need grounding."
"What grounds you and makes you strong are your roots - your values, your humility, your groundedness."
"You're building a solid foundation for yourself."
"Create a strong foundation in your standing foot by spreading your toes wide."
"It laid the foundation for the public to turn this into a cesspool of speculation."
"The foundation of the church is not men but it's the word of God."
"Life and Liberty are the cornerstones of our great nation."
"Simon you are rock, and upon this rock I will build my church."
"A new, beautiful, excellent, well-executed building block for the future."
"Friendships are like sculptures, it helps to start with a good block of stone."
"Underrated, this is such a beautiful foundation."
"If you want to have a good relationship, embed it in the truth."
"Add the secret place as your foundation, and God adds super to your natural."
"Foundations can change your complete makeup look."
"This nation was founded by people who came here in search of religious freedom."
"Sleep is the foundation for greatness. You cannot build a big or grandiose building without strong foundations."
"This country was built on the backbones of black America."
"It does look like skin, it doesn't look like heavy foundation."
"Communication is the very foundation of marriage."
"You first and foremost as a man have to stand solid on your square and sell it on your foundation."
"These people that are coming forward, they are setting a foundation for people to start asking questions."
"He's setting a foundation, he's allowing more people to come forward."
"He is setting the foundation for more people to come forward."
"I tried to repair the damage to this foundation but couldn't figure out how, so I gave up and paddled over to the island."
"Scripture is the foundation for interpreting dreams, not unscriptural interpretations."
"The foundation of every social order is mating."
"Abortion is the foundation of everything they've torn down."