
Nutrients Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Lutein and zeaxanthin play an important role in preventing age-related macular degeneration and have been shown to improve cognitive function."
"Meat is more energy-dense than plants and is high in B12, zinc, and iron, which are all crucial for brain development."
"Seabird poop, or guano, is packed full of nutrients essential for plant growth."
"A healthy whole food diet will give you all the omega-3 you need."
"Grass-fed butter contains vitamins linked to healthy testosterone levels."
"Organic plant matter is a good source of nutrients and minerals."
"The benefit of mulch is because not only does it protect that bare soil from transpiration of water... but also once it rains and that mulch gets some moisture, fungi and microbes break it down and then add a bounty of nutrients to the soil."
"Calcium aids in the absorption of other nutrients to the plant."
"What we're making is WSC, water-soluble calcium."
"The body's ability to heal itself just needs the proper nutrients"
"From the cardiovascular point of view, it is the best nutrient that supports blood pressures."
"This nutrient fructose lowers ATP, other nutrients do not."
"One of the keys to growing lots and lots of veggies is to feed your garden powerful organic nutrients on a regular basis."
"Your brain needs nutrients: glucose, fatty acids, protein, anthocyanins, selenium, zinc, Omega-3s."
"...the best compost pile is the one that's made with the most ingredients."
"It's really important for gardeners to better understand nutrients and what is going on in the soil and how do fertilizers really work in the soil."
"Otherwise, you're not going to absorb as many nutrients from your food as you could."
"Powdered vegetables: a strategic approach to ensuring essential nutrients are readily available in any situation."
"These superfoods provide a significant amount of nutrients for thyroid function."
"The fish decomposes pretty quick. It incorporates into the soil. So by the time that root system makes it down six inches deep, right about the time we really need a boost of nutrients for our plant, it just explodes."
"This nutrient that I'm going to tell you about is tied to something else which is the main thing that your brain is made of, which is water."
"Anything given in high enough doses can become toxic, including nutrients."
"Fruits and vegetables offer a comprehensive package containing various vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and likely other compounds awaiting Discovery."
"Plants are pumping exudates into the soil 50 to 80 percent of everything the plants produce above ground as far as nutrients is pumped below the soil."
"CBD works best when combined with these other nutrients."
"The most important valuable aspect... castings really hold additional nutrients... increase the health of your plants."
"Eggs can significantly benefit eye health due to their high levels of Lutein and Zeaxanthin."
"Thousands of nutrients you can only find in plants."
"Wild blueberries have a rich flavor and are rich in nutrients."
"We want to capture every nutrient that we have on the farm so this actually gets very warm and completely changes."
"It's high in protein and nutrient trans and that means it's perfect for spreading to Tropical areas where food is scarce."
"The carbon product is really key, but biochar is also a nutrient value at it many of the biochar products and poultry biochars are just one have large and highly favorable nutrient availability."
"Tomatoes are super rich in nutrients, an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants like lycopene."
"Our metabolism does so much in our bodies. It does so much more than just regulating how fast, how quickly we burn calories. It really is vitally important for our health."
"There is a lot of evidence to suggest that the state of our internal gut flora contributes greatly to how much nutrients we are able to absorb from the food we eat."
"...the reason for that is because all that grass around the base of the trees and the shrubs is taking the nutrients as soon as it comes into the soil so it's taking it out before because the grass layer and the grass roots are a lot shallower than the tree roots and shrubs"
"Adding nutrients does provide a benefit."
"Nutrients absolutely crushed just regular filtered water."
"I think that this is a very good start to show that adding nutrients does provide a benefit."
"So does nutrient affect growth? I would have to say via this test, even though it was just ocean solution, that really showed that it crushed it, I would say yes."
"If you just want to give them a little nutrients boost, it is honestly such good stuff."
"...they don't need as much nutrients as those plants do. They still need a heck of a lot of nutrients."
"All the other nutrients trend toward benefit with a plant-based diet."
"Food brings in not only nutrients, it brings in information."
"What nutrients matter for depression? We found 12 that had significant levels of scientific evidence."
"All the nutrients that a plant needs is in abundance in the sand silt and Clay you just need microbes to unlock it and make it available for the plant."
"I feel like wearing wigs is pretty much like an excuse for you to be able to get extra moisture and like extra nutrients into your hair."
"Vermicompost is highly concentrated organic matter containing beneficial microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, nutrients, and enzymes."
"Vermicompost tends to be higher in nitrates, which is good for plants."
"The best way to increase bricks is to get more biology in the soil. If you're lacking biology, having plenty of microorganisms to cycle nutrients in the soil is going to help to provide more nutrients and micronutrients to plants."
"Magnesium: necessary for DNA and RNA production, crucial for tissue repair and rebuilding."
"Healthy soils need to have good gas exchange and being able to diffuse gases across the soil surface, both releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and absorbing oxygen and nitrogen gases into the soil profile."
"Plants need an adequate supply of water, sunlight, carbon dioxide, the trace mineral manganese, and the remaining small group of nutrients needed to synthesize chlorophyll and to facilitate the photosynthesis process."
"Horsetail extracts are packed full of nutrients for your skin."
"There's just that aura of 'Oh, our skin looks soft, it looks healthy'. That vibe, you're going to get that vibe because your skin is getting all the nutrients that it needs to work properly."
"It's always a good idea to keep track of what's going on in your soil and what nutrients it might need."
"Meat does this. It's very nutrient dense."
"You're just changing the organic matter and the nutrients that are in the soil that can be used by those plants."
"This is amazing. It's like got beneficial bacteria already, it's got nutrients. It's such a good base."
"Soul life minerals are highly absorbable using natural organic safe and effective ingredients giving your body the essential nutrients it craves."
"The fertilizer of Hellebores needs to be complete, so it needs to have the N and the P and the K."
"The circulatory system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products."
"Every single living organism on the planet requires a source of nutrients being nitrogen and phosphorus to survive."
"Phosphate is a very important nutrient and we have to figure out how to supply it to the Corals in a way that they can get it."
"Stir, stir, stir, and I believe it's very important to front load your nutrients on a session mead."
"Plants have ways of capturing sunlight and nutrients from the soil whereas animals are specialized to have digestive systems."
"Rabbit manure is full of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, minerals, micronutrients, it even has trace minerals in it."
"We are eating levels of fortified nutrients that really exceed what would be found in nature."
"Many with long-term gluten induced damage need more nutrients for healing and repair."
"If you're using this for a break, it's going to provide nutrients, it's going to provide that soil coverage so you're going to have very little loss from erosion."
"Potassium silicate is a must... it's going to bulk the size of the plants and it's going to prevent future stem breakage."
"Improves the availability of phosphorus and potassium."
"As a leafy vegetable, it is very nutritious and high in minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients."
"It's amazing what a little micronutrients and macronutrients do and a good watering plan."
"I want to still be maintaining the right amount of nutrients that I need to upkeep with my training."
"An egg has everything in the right proportion in terms of micro and macronutrients to become a chicken."
"A nutritarian eats a wide variety of high nutrient plants."
"Microbes decompose organic matter and convert it to plant usable nutrients."
"Mycorrhizae mined the soil not only for the basic things like nitrogen, phosphorous, etc., but also the hard to come by things like zinc, copper, manganese that plants need."
"One percent organic matter holds the equivalent of twelve hundred dollars per hectare in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and carbon."
"So far my theory is that because these two roots were running in parallel only say two centimetres apart from each other, less than an inch, I think they were just competing for water and nutrients."
"It's like magic, a ton of bacterial life in there, fungal life, plus just a huge amount of nutrients."
"Beef not only contains key nutrients but it contains very bioavailable forms of them."
"Avocado is one of those superfoods, actually it's packed with micronutrients, very important."
"You have the nutrients which is what your plants are going to grow with, you have the perlite which helps to add that drainage and that fluffiness, that aeration you're looking for."
"It is a natural nutrient storage that prevents burning of the roots through over-fertilization."
"Plants have the ability... to attract biology to bring it the nutrients it needs."
"Cation exchange capacity... is how good a particle or a substrate is at withholding and releasing nutrients."
"Where did we come from in our understanding of nitrates, phosphates, nutrients?"
"We have our MS media which is our micros and micronutrients that all the plants need to grow."
"You have an entire food web and chain, and you've got enough of nutrients of all types because you set it up by putting everything that it needed in there in the first place."
"This one, oh this is that guava Gator, damn it looks like it's getting a little bit, it needs some magnesium."
"The nutrient rich mound is great for most gardening."
"In my opinion, the phytonutrients are the most important."
"The more the juice you cannot see through, the more nutrients are in the juice."
"It's got minerals, vitamins, iron, and all those good nutritious things."
"You just have to choose foods that have a lot of micronutrients and are prepared fresh."
"By the time it comes out from the outlets, it's fully broken down and now what you have here are ready to absorb nutrients for the plants."
"I've been using aqua flakes A and B by House & Garden for years."
"These bio geochemical nutrient cycles... move these chemical nutrients through the different trophic levels."
"We are infested with microbial species that just love to eat the nutrients they find laying around on the earth."
"In open circulatory system, fluid is moving slowly and it directly comes in contact with the cells and provides them the nutrients and removes the waste products."
"Maple Leaves are the best, my favorite leaf, nice and thin, they break down quick and they're loaded with nutrients."
"Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients that are typically under-consumed by Americans, things like vitamin A, C, and K, dietary fiber, and some minerals like magnesium and potassium."
"Plant growth is not regulated by time; it's regulated by nutrient availability."
"Blood flow is the life force that is going to bring nutrients and healing properties and cells to your injury."
"Potassium and sulfur are going to be key to make sure that you have those in your program regularly, so that you're eliminating stress."
"The different sides of the spectrum give you different nutrients."
"That could actually consume them, eat them, digest them, and turn them back into the nutrients for your tank."
"Raising nutrients if they're low is always going to be the first step."
"Eggs aren't just a great source of protein, they're also packed with other critical nutrients for nerve Health."
"If you have no nitrate and no phosphate, you're probably not feeding enough."
"Fungi are critical to nutrient cycles."
"Nutrients don't flow through, nutrients get cycled, and that's because Earth is what we call a closed system."
"It's giving you the lawn owner, the turf manager, instant and total control of how your nutrients are delivered."
"For breakfast, I would eat fortified dry cereal... you'll find another 100% of the iron, the B12, the folic acid you need right there in that cereal."
"The more life you have in your substrate, the faster and better a plant can assimilate available nutrients."
"Keeping the medium moist at all times is important so the amendment can break down and be turned into usable nutrients for the plant."
"Nitrogen is good for the green growth to get your plant growing, phosphorus is good for flowering plants, and potassium is good for the roots."
"Rice water does contain three of the most important and necessary nutrients for your ladies: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium."
"Sulfur is believed to promote the synthesis of thiamine, that's vitamin B1, which helps plants resist diseases."
"A lot of Hericium species are like this; they're very vigorous growers and they will pretty much take over whatever nutrients that are available in there."
"Rainwater does include nitrogen in it, so they did have nutrients from the rainwater."
"Many bioactive compounds are present in dates like vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, antioxidants, etc."
"This is the one area, the sodic area, where there's lots of nutrients, lots of activity."
"I think it's important to include as many diverse nutrient components as you can within reason."
"That phytase actually helps absorb the nutrients."
"The colonization of the land by tetrapods is simply the chasing of nutrients."
"Soil organic matter is an important source of nutrient reserves."
"You're not baking the nutrients out and you can make anything in a steam oven."
"Flowering plants often need a lot of potassium and phosphorus."
"Plants like the PK ratios during flowering."
"The termite mounds are so rich in nutrients."
"Plants like to fall between 6 and 7.5, that's where you want to be for your nutrients to be the most bioavailable."
"The secret to growing orchids is immobile nutrients, I really believe that."
"Phosphorus is going to be used during the brooding and seedling development."
"Above the soil, it's about getting access to light and carbon dioxide, and below the soil, it is getting access with the different root systems to nutrients and water."
"Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are considered the non-mineral nutrients of plants."
"Think of it as an egg; it's got all kinds of nutrients in it."
"All those minerals and nutrients are still in the leaves, and it's important we get them back down to the soil."
"It's just full of healthy nutrients."