
Human Evolution Quotes

There are 818 quotes

"Humans developed as long-distance hunters... we have sweat glands and other mammals don't, allowing us to expel heat in a way that others can't."
"Basically, we're tribal. We evolved as a tribal species."
"We can choose our own evolution, we can change the way our brains work... This is a really important time and if we choose correctly and we choose wisely, consciousness could exist for a very long time."
"We are, and we now know, risen apes, not fallen angels."
"There is a larger pattern of evolution to the Earth, and there is a pattern of evolution to the human being and to the consciousness of human being."
"We have to understand again that the human form fundamentally is something that has been evolving through metamorphosis."
"The creation of the cave art...was the single most significant advance in the entire story of human evolution."
"Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey... is seemingly a survival adventure exploration game but with the whole focus on early man and the evolution of apes."
"The sudden emergence of Homo sapiens two to three hundred thousand years ago is a huge piece in the puzzle. What caused this dramatic jump in evolution?"
"Human civilization was built by us becoming a simple networked intelligence."
"We are ultimately, to date, the highest expression of planet Earth's entire intelligence in a single species."
"Ultimately, we're going to be much more machine than we are biological."
"If we as humans weren't able to fast, we wouldn't be here now."
"The oldest Homo sapien fossil on Earth is a skull found in Morocco."
"For much of human evolution, the vast majority of people that are on this planet had ancestors that were hunter-gatherers, consuming huge quantities of plant material."
"For 99% of human existence, we didn't eat cow's milk... and we really didn't need cow's milk to survive and have survived and prospered."
"Modern humans, the direct ancestors of people who live today, emerged first in Africa, accumulated genetic variation there, and a part of that variation goes out and colonizes the rest of the world."
"The ascension, the evolution of humanity, is unstoppable."
"The fate of intelligence in this corner of the universe may depend upon us right now creating this bridge to this next evolution of being human."
"Nations don't come from nowhere. Humans evolved once in Africa. None of us is truly autochthonous; groups come into contact with one another."
"Just imagine how much humanity has evolved in the past few decades. It's quite impressive, isn't it?"
"Over the past five million years, our species has spread from the plains of East Africa to every inhabitable landmass on our planet."
"We apparently haven't had much change in our gene pool in the past 30,000 years, but we've had an enormous difference in the mode of existence of human life."
"With technology, the natural evolution of human beings is going to be slowed down or just take a different turn."
"As we gain the ability to modify ourselves genetically and technologically, we become something else. We are no longer Homo sapiens; we are some sort of next step."
"Human brain lateralization for language is probably the most distinct feature we've got other than handedness."
"We are now taking control of our own evolution. We are directly designing the future of the species of this planet."
"Humans have gotten to where we are in large part because of our ability to create fictions, to tell stories, and to share those stories. We can cooperate because we alone, of all the animals on the planet, can create and believe fictional stories."
"For better or worse, you happen to be alive at one of the most dramatic turning points in our species' history that ranks right up there with climbing down out of the trees."
"Our brains are more or less identical to the folks who first figured out agriculture and metal working."
"Humanity's evolution has always been directly related to our ability to mechanize and improve upon our physical abilities with tools."
"As time has gone on, humans have seen themselves as larger and larger collectives... from tribes to larger tribes to cities to entire civilizations."
"The original humans were dark-skinned... the only real selective advantage to developing a white skin... is that the white skin produces vitamin D much quicker."
"This will go down in history as one of the most important transformations humans have ever been through."
"There is now strong evidence that our species, Homo sapiens, shared planet Earth with a number of other species of early humans."
"All know that the evolution of human nutrition is an extremely popular topic."
"Instead of using medicine to make us average, we can use medicine to make us evolve."
"Humans are neotenous... we are mutant apes that retain the juvenile traits of our ancestors."
"The genome of the Neanderthal... defines this point here, what changes have happened in the human genome since we diverged from Neanderthal."
"Humanity's blood actually changes when the heart center is activated... the development of the heart and if that does not happen then the human being does not evolve."
"Once upon a time, the human race had a dream, a vision of the future where we had evolved beyond our petty military conflicts, where every human was guaranteed equal rights, where we had time to spend with friends and family, to pursue hobbies and trades, and to do meaningful work that we enjoyed, not because we had to but because tedious, unpleasant labor had been handed off to automated systems, leaving humans the time to just live, to really experience what life is all about."
"Everyone is aware of this story to a greater or lesser degree and in its most basic form it goes a little something like this: a while ago we humans, Homo sapiens, evolved and emerged directly into the stone age."
"The implication being that it was intelligent intervention that put the tool in the hands of our ancestors and thus provided the foundations for our development into a sentient, intelligent species."
"The advent of using their five fingers to wrap their fingers around tools such as this blade, the use of tools in this manner, is the pivotal divider between beings of higher sentience like humans and more basial life forms."
"Our ancestors and the people who didn't win, the people who didn't get to be on the planet right now, all the humanoid people who would be really freaky to interact with, I'd love to just observe a group of those."
"Stretching the perception of time might be something alien civilizations and we might eventually do."
"Your body is so intelligent; your body has such deep wisdom. We've got 200,000 years of human experience with contagions and with viruses."
"Humans will change more in the next hundred years than in their existence before."
"The human story is one of failure and success, many species before us spread around the world but ultimately it would be Homo sapiens that would reign supreme."
"The Neolithic Revolution was one of the most important turning points in human history."
"The world that we lived in is not the world in which our brains were developed. Our brains evolved for a particular kind of lifestyle."
"Peace on earth is just the beginning; peace on earth is the requirement for the next phase of your evolution."
"We are a tropical species. We are not an Arctic species like penguins and polar bears. We are a tropical species evolved at the equator."
"The earth is like four billion years old. Cavemen have been here for what, like two million? We've been around for three minutes."
"We as a species are going to be gene editing our embryos prior to implantation... It's unimaginable that a hundred years from now we're going to be making babies the way that we do now."
"The stuff we think is intelligence is perhaps less than one hundred thousand years of data old."
"Humans evolved to survive and reproduce by banding together in groups and working together."
"Understanding how we communicate is essential to understanding what makes us such a powerful species."
"Religion takes its place in our evolution...often means we prefer junk explanation to no explanation at all."
"Sex: the Deep history. We have been sexual beings for at least 500 million years, since long before we were human."
"It's time for homo sapiens to wake up to true wisdom."
"Future humans might also find a way to slow the aging process, so it would be possible to make several trips to places thousands of light years away within one lifetime."
"Our cousins, Neanderthals, were extremely similar to us, not some brutes that didn't know what they were doing; they were extremely intelligent."
"Something extraordinary is happening on planet Earth: human beings are living longer than ever before."
"There was in the past somewhere maybe in East Africa a sort of restricted Garden of Eden where a fully human creature like us emerged."
"Most mammals and humans enjoy their mother's milk as an infant, but as an adult, cannot properly digest the lactose. But these people, after millennia of raising cows and drinking milk, can drink milk as an adult with no problem."
"The arc of human lifespan is getting longer: 65 years is the global average, way up from just 20 in the Stone Age."
"We are star material become conscious. It is as if the universe..."
"Fossil evidence and if you think about physical variation, imagine what was going on with language or child-rearing habits or social customs... there wasn't one original form of human society, just a panoply of experimentation in social forms."
"We are the pioneers, we are advocating the new human paradigm shift, the change that will embed in humanity and the world."
"Human beings are a very unique creature... [they] without changing substantially in form has switched from one niche to the next."
"Humanity started without a state, in a hunter-gatherer society without a government."
"This discovery forces us to rethink not just the timeline of human history but the very factors that drive societal development."
"We are too sophisticated to evolve out of some primordial mud pit over billions of years."
"Are we at that razor blade Edge where if we could be introduced to actual intelligence that doesn't want to destroy us take anything they just want to see us evolve in a positive way could eight billion humans respond I don't know the answer."
"We have been cobbled together from the ashes of dead stars. We have been forged on Earth, despite the chaos of a molten planet bombarded from above by every rock in the nearby solar system."
"One solution... is a merging of body and mind with machines."
"We are all going to have to make that step towards the next stage of human evolution sooner or later."
"We embrace this moment in our galactic evolution."
"It's a marvelous adaptation, it's up there with opposable thumbs and standing upright and language."
"That process of head heart integration, Mind Body Spirit unification, I think is ultimately the evolution point of where we're headed as a human species."
"Where do I think all this is going? I think that we are on the threshold of a supernatural change in human evolution."
"So that bizarre electric monopole-based life is us."
"An alternative history of the human race may be revealed."
"Human urges and requirements were a thing of the past. Humanity itself was a thing of the past."
"This is the biggest evolutionary leap for humanity in about 12,000 years."
"Our brains got so much bigger because we started eating animals."
"A monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness."
"Augmentation is the next stage in human evolution."
"Humans at 4 million years... we'd be something else, that's just how evolution works."
"We as a species have been flying by the seat of our pants throughout our entire human evolution... and we've made a lot of mistakes and those mistakes now have consequences which are largely unavoidable."
"The Neanderthals: likely our closest human relative... smarter and stronger."
"The idea that naledi buried their dead is an intriguing one with evidence supporting it."
"Further evidence will hopefully further clarify the story of these long-lost hominins."
"Your impact is profound, guiding humanity towards growth and expansion."
"Before the next century is over, human beings will no longer be the most intelligent or capable type of entity on the planet."
"New human species found in Africa: Homo naledi. Scientists have discovered a new species of human ancestor deep in a South African Cave, adding a baffling new branch to the family tree."
"It cannot be denied that people are increasingly creative and constantly evolving."
"The history of humanity is not evolution but cycle after cycle."
"We are entering the most critical time in human history."
"Reduced size, shortening of the face including a reduction in teeth size, reduced sexual dimorphism."
"Humans have genuinely decreased in size slightly in the last 50,000 years."
"Our brains have shrunk, which is an extremely curious and fascinating example of modern, recent evolution."
"Symbolism is a very complex behavior that is truly fascinating hominins have been making art for hundreds of thousands of years."
"By the 2030s, we humans will have transcended the need for physical bodies."
"It's almost like Tesla's disrupting an entire industry or two."
"This is something really important in terms of human history and in terms of understanding our own evolution."
"Every human on Earth today is in some degree Annunaki descended."
"Previously unknown human species discovered in Israel, challenging our understanding of ancient humans."
"You can't have it all. I think the human race really benefits as a species from our differences."
"It is therefore certain that not only the first contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already taken place but that the gods have been a fundamental part in our evolution as a species."
"Reading Genesis 3 as the story of an intervention in the process of human evolution and as an upgrade to human intelligence reframes the whole scene."
"It's also a way of saying that whatever our skin color, our ancestors were black."
"A couple hundred thousand years ago our ancestors are out here fighting wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers... and now we have people crying over pixels."
"These footprints range in size up to a few meters in length indicating that humans at some point in the distant past may have been even larger than many dinosaur species."
"Losing their fur enabled our ancestors to regulate their body heat by sweating more efficiently."
"Artificial intelligence is going to be a part of that new human evolution whether we want it to be or not."
"The discovery of tool making was a major milestone in human history."
"Enlightenment is like a different form of human being where everything is boosted."
"We're in a sense, you could argue, that we're turning ourselves into the very aliens that we've been observing all this time."
"We as a species didn't come this far by accident, we came this far by letting things take their course."
"It's amazing that Homo sapiens were precocious enough to figure out the only priority they had was don't die."
"We are at a monumental phase in our human story. And we are writing the next chapter."
"This bird could signify the exact time that human beings in China became comfortable enough to stop foraging for food and began making three-dimensional art." - Luke Doyle
"We're going from human beings to something other than human beings... humanity 2.0 homo deus the god man."
"These are the most important times from an evolutionary perspective for Humanity."
"Human beings have been eating lots of meat and eggs for millions and millions of years."
"We know that Denisovans and Neanderthals in this region of Southern Siberia are interacting with each other because in Denisova cave we found the remains of a child that had a Denisovan father and a Neanderthal mother."
"Our brains really haven't evolved much through the centuries, but our access to pleasurable experiences has skyrocketed."
"Their skulls imply they had unusually large craniums."
"Lucy's completeness gave us much more information on the evolution of bipedalism and brain size."
"Humans are already becoming less biological and more technical."
"Olduvai Gorge holds the earliest evidence of our first human ancestors in the midst of evolution."
"The control of fire represents a pivotal moment in our evolutionary history, shaping the trajectory of human civilization."
"The shift that we are on the precipice of experiencing as a culture, as a species, is more significant than any shift we have ever experienced, ever experienced."
"Psychedelics have been part of human evolution for a very long time."
"Is it possible that we, as human beings, as we're developing and as we're transforming and metamorphosizing, is it possible that we would have two hearts?"
"Interbreeding with Neanderthals has left a phenotypic legacy in modern humans."
"This is a hallmark sign that there's actually among the ancestors of the Denisova and some Neanderthal ancestry."
"Aliens might just be humans that have evolved... coming back to study early humans to figure out how to populate the future."
"Humans learning to live in harmony with the planet... that's our next evolutionary phase."
"Only because we had to smack down every other animal that was stronger, had bigger teeth and claws, that could hunt us."
"Humans will become artificially intelligent."
"Our next level of evolution is to know that we are consciousness."
"Humans have been gradually merging with AI for 20 plus years. At some point in a century as a collective intelligence system, we will become more AI than human and we won't notice." - Elon Musk
"Skull 5, as this one is known, exhibits very robust morphology."
"Having the tiniest brain attached to the most robust cranium and jaw is a bit surprising."
"It's very likely that the Dmanisi assemblage samples a population belonging to a single species."
"At Dmanisi the fossils seem clearly to be Homo."
"We diverged from chimpanzees about 6 million years ago."
"Sure as hell we're making progress in understanding human evolution."
"Or, if you will, one decade we’re humans living on Earth as we are now, the next we’re uploaded post-humans in android bodies colonizing the galaxy that can no longer be defined as homo sapiens."
"Human beings have evolved for face-to-face contact."
"He's the next stage of humanity. If people are evolving, he's like looking at us from the next spot."
"The adolescence of humanity is coming to an end."
"I believe that we are going through a galactic transmutation of what it means to be human."
"We're evolving as a species, we're gonna go to the next level of consciousness."
"Some ufologists have wondered if it is possible Grays are related to humans and even considered that they could be time travelers from thousands of years of the future."
"Humans evolved to walk, move, and run barefoot, but modern shoes... have negatively impacted foot function."
"It is fascinating to think what else is hidden in humanity's prehistory, what other branches and peoples existed back then with their stories no longer visible in our modern world."
"Evidence obtained from this cave shows that there was a clean break between Neanderthal and modern humans."
"It's imperative for the evolution of our species because the only way you will ever know what you are is to truly experience it."
"Homo erectus was so successful that it lived all around the globe."
"Yes, every human on earth today is a Homo sapien."
"South Asia is often sidelined in discussions of human evolution."
"The DNA of the Denisovans has been found in a large number of human populations."
"That is a huge moment in terms of human history, I mean it likely changed the development of humans as a whole."
"Our feet are the products of millions of years of evolution; humans evolved to walk, move, and run barefoot."
"How ironic that the once depicted subhuman brutes made a contribution to the genes of all of us living today."
"In the end, this lack of foresight left them vulnerable. Perhaps we, their successors, would do well to remember that."
"Humanity did not evolve from apes and is descended from much older civilizations."
"This is what would go on to make us the species that we are today."
"Humans evolved and now we have all of this evidence that Darwin didn't have."
"Morality could not be an instinct any more than a song sheet could be the keys on a piano."
"Their purpose is to guide humanity in reaching a higher level of consciousness and awareness."
"If we never figured out how to kill animals, they'd still be killing us."
"Evolution we're gonna be seeing with people is gonna be crazy."
"Humanity's transformation into something greater."
"The Sixth Sense lies dormant within human beings due to the interbreeding between the early humans and the ISU. If awakened, this sense can be used, known as Eagle Vision."
"Human consciousness and the human mind are going to expand."
"We're already cyborgs. Our memory is overwhelmingly outsourced to computers."
"Rain is the most important part of human life... it allowed humans to go from being a boring dumb species to what we are today."
"Humanity is an evolving race only through consciousness."
"Humans need to evolve ourselves to deal with the problems that a future with all the tech we need will provide."
"What I want to talk to you about is transhumanism."
"Disclosure will be the biggest transition humanity has ever taken."
"People are always evolving, always growing, always changing."
"We are not in a rehearsal, we're in the biggest evolutionary jump for Humanity right now."
"Biohacking really is, in my opinion, the future of human evolution."
"Ancient humans had to be pretty inventive with their hunting techniques - they were up against way bigger animals with much more limited technology."
"Y'all are the first out of neanderthal, we're full for that man he meant that too."
"Meat played an integral role in the evolution of the human brain."
"Humanity is waking up through all of this that's being revealed right."
"Recently in the depths of brunikel cave in Southwest France, scientists discovered a series of rock formations that altered what we know about Neanderthals."
"It will change the fabric of what it means to be human."
"Ultimately, to fix all this, we need a new consciousness, a new humanity, a new earth."
"Humanity must evolve beyond focusing on everyday practical concerns to thrive."
"Maybe that's what we've always been doing. What if aliens created life on Earth, basically planting the seeds of a human slave population?"
"There's going to be a definite push to move humanity into a trans-humanity, transhuman in other words, alien."
"Our species is in the midst of radical change."