
Hunting Quotes

There are 3663 quotes

"Humans developed as long-distance hunters... we have sweat glands and other mammals don't, allowing us to expel heat in a way that others can't."
"Incredible footage here in the snow as this lynx has his eyes fixed on a squirrel."
"Hunting is not the animals that give us; it's not this trophy room of animals. It's these memories and this unbelievable relationships that we built."
"The thrill of the chase and the thrill of the hunt, the gameplay isn't bad either."
"Carnivores can recover additional energy from a single successful hunt over the course of several days."
"Rin Feather is finally starting to become a better hunter. That makes me happy."
"You don't kill for fun or pleasure, you're killing because, you know, you have to eat what you kill, but you don't kill it haplessly."
"It's moments like that, that when everything happens right, where your hunter can potentially think that you are some kind of a hunting god."
"King Iliad the hunter, that's cool, that's very cool."
"So often people see hunting coyotes as a way to patrol and protect your farm and manage the population around you, but I actually see that the hunting of coyotes only creates more coyotes and increases the likelihood of problems."
"Thanks to properly regulated hunting practices, wildlife biologists and environmental scientists can not only conserve populations of animals but help them thrive in a world being overrun by cities, livestock, and farming."
"When you go on a hunt and you have that connection with the animal, you're there for its last breath...it's a spiritual experience."
"Hunting wild boars at night has many advantages, it makes it easier for hunters to find and kill the wild boars especially when they are active at night."
"Wild boar hunting with hunting equipment in the US isn't only a recreational activity but also a commitment to comply with relative regulations and procedures ensuring safety for all and protecting the natural environment and the nature of America."
"Even skilled hunters who spend years in the forest only encounter one of these animals maybe once or twice in a lifetime."
"The leopard is one of the big cats with a relatively high rate of hunting success."
"Humans sadly do best: find a large attractive Target, hunt it down, and don't know when to stop."
"From a sustainability perspective, of course one person going out into the Bavarian forests of Germany or indeed the forests of Connecticut here in the US for example and shooting one deer does not have a broad impact on the environment."
"Hunting is one of the last things that is truly ours in this world."
"Aloy is a skilled hunter who moves with great precision like a cat in pursuit of its prey."
"She knows that when Philip invites her out stalking it's like a massive compliment and a massive chance for her to win him over."
"Uly's Last Words live rent-free in my head: 'If War doesn't change, men must change.'"
"I can imagine a small band of hunters teaming up to take on the night."
"You hit him in that perfect spot, you got a death sentence to that deer like no other."
"The magical flight of the arrow... It's been that way... we've seen what it's done."
"The pre-rut’s a time when bucks are working scrapes the most they will throughout the year."
"Congratulations on becoming a hunter, not recognized by the guild and everything. Congrats!"
"I am an inheritor from a clan of hunters older than time, built to hunt and kill."
"Would you agree and concede that no one needs... an AR-15 or an assault weapon... not if you're a good hunter?"
"That brightful I'm actually gonna go hunting in Africa with that."
"22 creedmore carries 952 foot-pounds of energy at 500 yards... legitimate 500 yard deer cartridge."
"If you hunt, you should never have a family member that says, 'I don't eat venison.' If you follow these steps, they're gonna love it."
"There's something super satisfying about heart-shotting moose with this muzzle loader. I really like it."
"Bigfoot went from being a silly little local Legend to essentially America's greatest Monster Hunt." - Aiden Mattis
"Hunting is a very key important thing to do in Red Dead Redemption 2 and it's actually a lot of fun."
"Congratulations, we got him! That deer is huge!"
"Oh, baby, you crushed him! He's gonna go down right there."
"I did a couple of hunts with this rifle across the US and I was extremely impressed by what we're capable of doing with it."
"It's just making sure people understand that airgun hunting is not a joke."
"We've managed to take down Bigfoot not once, no, we've taken him down three times."
"You sit on a boat, play some loud noises, they come to the noises, and you just snipe them off one by one."
"Controlling the wild boar population through hunting can help maintain Natural Balance."
"The hunt will have to continue another day for what could be the most dangerous hunter in the Alaska Triangle."
"I smoked him! I smoked him! He's dead right there!"
"I've never seen anything like that. Oh, goodness gracious, look at the mass on that 10!"
"High power rifles often didn't have any effect on the animal."
"This 1907 account that I'm about to share is one that the last hunter records of the species."
"Even though hunters have more answers than most, there's still so much that we just don't know."
"The Remington Model 788 platform is known for being accurate."
"The seven millimeters make an awful lot of sense for the person who's outfitting his youngster for the first time with a deer rifle."
"Part of the goal of this trip is to put away meat for the winter... but just being out in the wilderness experiencing it with my son is more than enough satisfaction to me."
"That's why it's important to have the corn dead center of the trap so what I did was I come down here y'all saw I had pigs last night."
"Understanding what that means to kill an animal can make us better people."
"Every time I eat that animal I'm gonna remember all the time I spent who I was with and the moment I took the animal all the time I spent looking for that animal."
"The shotgun blast echoed through the woods one after another and somewhere in the frenzy of bullets they hit the creature."
"Hunting is about honor. If he was dishonorable in killing the Cecil the lion well needs to answer for that."
"Hunting for conservation generates a significant amount of money for these areas in the form of hunting or hunting generates significant amount of money in these areas and that it is a form of conservation."
"Hunting is far more noble than factory farming."
"If you need 30 rounds to hunt, you suck at hunting. If you need to disarm society to govern, you suck at governing."
"I hate, I got the beef though, I hunted it, you know."
"Do most hunters go out with a group of other people?"
"If you want to consistently kill and have a chance at those older bucks in the neighborhood...you have to make smart decisions."
"It seems very clear to me that Tommy was being hunted that morning."
"Whoever did that was clearly stalking him to know that he was gonna go hunting on this day."
"The main advantage comes from the pattern you get from your Buckshot. If you're trying to shoot at something that's running, having a pattern can increase your hit probability."
"Having a suppressor might actually make an impact on the animal. It's just next level."
"When you kill that animal yourself, it becomes your animal and you become responsible for it."
"You figure out what range that animals at and you squeeze the trigger on whatever stadia you need to shoot that animal at."
"The thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of the kill were the only currencies he abided by."
"If your adult broadhead is dull, it may still break the bone, but it's still dull."
"Good luck hunting, Steve. Merry Christmas and happy New Year."
"Cast bullets are definitely a less expensive way to take game and still humanely tech game."
"Artemis fell in love with the offer and began to dedicate her life to hunting. She became the goddess of the hunt."
"We will keep more amazing modern day Mountain Man Alaska raw real authentic hunting content coming your way."
"So much of hunting, just right place, right time."
"The airplane is the lynch pin of an Alaskan hunt."
"We're going to stand on the side of the law-abiding duck hunters, farmers, and sport shooters, aren't we?"
"Hunting primitive is a way to introduce more challenge and also a more rewarding experience once you have found success."
"As you progress through many people's hunting journey just like mine...start seeking that extra challenge in the hunt."
"A properly sharpened stone point is as deadly as anything if you put it in the right spot."
"No amount of sin elimination products or gimmicks will ever keep your scent from reaching an animal's nose as good as playing the wind will."
"Put the time in the woods, enjoy the experience, don't necessarily be in a rush to shoot everything you see."
"Anything that's good clean fun, especially where hunting is involved, I'm in."
"It was the first time I was hunting with my dad's rifle, a lever-action Winchester. That day, I was hunting northwest of basket lake. When I got up to it, what do you think I saw? It was a Sasquatch."
"Everything's depressing a lot of the time, and if video games make you feel love and beauty, don't let anything distract you from that."
"To me hunting isn't only about the pursuit of an animal, it's about who we are and what we're made of."
"The 350 Legend is doing more than just going deer hunting."
"The plan to hunt the mutant was initially going smoothly."
"Well, the first thing I look for is this wood line. You potentially get one, two bills."
"What's most fun obviously in Oregon Trail is just hunting."
"Weather is always kind of the one thing within mountain goat hunting that throws the curveball and it's the one kind of big setback you have a lot of the time."
"If we're talking about grunts going out into the field or even just the more hardcore outdoorsman hunters."
"Well-fed cats still do hunt, so we keep them inside, and our cats are never bored."
"Cats are incredibly efficient hunters and predators."
"This thing puts animals down so fast. I like this gun."
"I'm so glad I did that that's the first turkey I've ever shot."
"This is the payoff for all the work that we do we're feeding ourselves from the land."
"There's probably no better competitor than a wild elk on public land."
"This hunt was one for the books, there's just something about being able to hunt with your family and friends and friends that respect the same things that you do."
"The hunt just had me the whole time, was just pumping going through the woods."
"Throughout all of human history to the present, farming societies have revered hunting, holding it up as a noble pursuit."
"Irish Wolfhounds: majestic, slow-paced, and formidable hunters."
"Is this really hunting for food or is she hunting for some other reason?"
"You point the rangefinder at 80 yards and then it auto-adjusts the crosshair to the center point for you to take your shots."
"No more holdover, really, no more... It's gone, yep, no more maths, we don't do maths."
"We all love doing a bit of shooting whether it be target or hunting. Sometimes it's nice to leave everything at home and go out and just sit. Yeah, you know, we're outdoors and it's just great for men's mental health."
"That's part of the shiny hunt, part of the shiny hunter is putting in the time and that's what we're gonna do."
"Some of us were born to hunt. I'm gonna keep doing it until I'm dead."
"The fun for me isn't just taking the shot and stuff, the hunt means more."
"Enjoy the hunt, enjoy the preparation this offseason."
"Our Stone Age predecessors were proficient at hunting and capturing animals."
"Our time has come. Well, better than squid! This is our chance to hunt upon the human realm."
"95 percent of hunters prefer to take their own firearms with them."
"The secretary bird, spending most of her time on the ground, is a fierce hunter."
"104-year-old woman shot her first buck after getting her hunting license on opening day."
"The main survival aspect of this series is hunting down the dinosaurs."
"Do you actually need an AR-15 to successfully hunt? Of course not."
"I'm gonna go hunt for some rabbits with my carrot bow because it's pretty gosh darn fantastic."
"The bear spray saves the hunters from an otherwise brutal outcome."
"Getting kids involved... teaching about hunting... where food comes from."
"A lot of this stuff this is just what I do but I've done this for decades I tried to teach other people to hunt this way but it's all that goal of you know being the best hunter you can."
"Cornfield hunting in Texas has become a key way to deal with invasive feral Hawk populations."
"The 220 Swift is the greatest One-Shot killer on deer in similar game ever produced"
"Hunting provides some very powerful benefits."
"The quality of the pelt is dependent entirely on the shot placement."
"Ensure you always get a perfect quality pelt."
"Northern stargazer: a master hunter with a terrifying ambush tactic."
"Less is more when it comes to hunting and hunting time."
"Your hunting success will go through the roof if you take advantage of the morning."
"And that's pretty much how you're gonna get your best chances to hunt Ditto."
"This is what hunting is all about to me man, coming out here having a good time with your friends."
"The adrenaline right before you throw it down is about like when you have a buck in your sights and you're about to pull the trigger."
"The hunter deeply reserves the life it aims to take deeply Revere's the life it aims to take."
"There he is, the giant grizzly for which they've been hunting for so long."
"Hunter: learn to hunt for food out in nature's buffet and grab a bite and some meat for later whenever hunger strikes."
"There is a monumental difference between showing up and shooting something on a hunt and grinding out every last day of the hunt, looking, searching, doing your best, and just pouring everything out in search of an animal."
"It was like a light switch was flipped on this morning. This is the second moose that we've run into on our way to the moose that we're hunting."
"Those are the type of hunts where the saying that you know it's not about the kill, those are the type of hunts that sort of confirm that."
"Anybody that hunts and says it doesn't probably just lying or hasn't been doing it for long enough so."
"Peclis going to be flying out and looking for some prey."
"My favorite part about hunting is how no matter how much you prefer there's always certain luck involved that goes both ways"
"The craziest thing in my mind about that whole deal was that if there wasn't a level 3 whitetail there I wouldn't have pressed record."
"Since we're skunked for hare and grouse so far, we're gonna have to rely on some pre-collected foods."
"Hunting is a discipline passed down from generation to generation."
"This is the deer's blood, you killed it just for breaking in."
"If it's something you're going to go out and hunt game with real game."
"We went back home, we had a quick supper, and we ended up taking out my 260 Remington once again."
"It's an amazing feat to take down this enormous animal that will feed the whole pride."
"A hunter had to be cunning and precise in his actions."
"You are now becoming the supreme stalker of prey."
"They also had an affinity for making deer skin and woven cloth clothing and were skilled hunters and fishermen."
"Hunting gets you out in your stealth and you're quiet, you know how to conceal."
"A hunter must abide by these rules; they must hunt worthy prey that is a threat to other lives and is armed and able to defend itself."
"Just a passionate hunter who wants to help other hunters succeed."
"It's sweet, isn't it? When you finally score and you put it together."
"I don't want anything to be about me ever. I just like to promote hunting."
"You put that broadhead where it needs to go, that's all you need."
"It's exciting when you're a hunter, you love hunting, you just want to get that tag cut."
"I really want to steal that word back because it is a trophy, but it's a trophy I'm proud of."
"I don't go out and kill the first legal thing I see, I try and spend the time and energy to find the oldest, most mature representation of the species that I can find."
"Focus less on the outcome of the kill at the end and more about being present for the experience in the middle."
"To have been his friend was a rare privilege; to have hunted with him, an unforgettable experience."
"The single most important thing that you can remember when you're shooting at a game animal is to concentrate on the spot."
"Hyenas are formidable hunters despite the reputation of scavengers."
"This is by far the sickest hunting setup ever though, like sitting in a cabin, power lights, I mean like the view."
"It's a sobering event when I listen to the stories from hunters. It's not the glittery high-five for an awesome bowler or a massive buck, but the story of 'I've seen something that scared me, humbled me, got inside me.'"
"It's the hunters who have become the hunted today."
"It'd be a good pregame for actual pheasant season."
"We are only eating what we catch for the next 24 hours."
"I've packed a few big bucks on my back down these bluffs right where I'm sitting, and it's never been easy."
"We are a hunting and fishing family living here in Anchorage, Alaska."
"One thing that I'm always looking for when I'm thrifting."
"6'5 Creedmoor is an amazing caliber for hunting and extended range shooting."
"It turned out that his Aura of intimidation was a very useful skill while hunting."
"These kites represent hunting on an almost industrial scale."
"Last year, early muzzleloader season, I shot my very first buck."
"The worst bloodshot meat Whitetail I can remember... I took with an arrow, a Broadhead."
"I like challenge. I think I like to hunt things down because I like a challenge."
"The 30 out 6 is a profoundly authoritative cartridge with which to hunt."
"Who the heck still wants a 30 out six? Me, that's who."
"Hunters across this nation and around the world know it, love it, and trust it; that's why it's called the Grand Old 30-06 and that is why it's legendary."
"You always got to adapt, that's the one thing about hunting that I've learned."
"It's not about the kill or the animal you trap; it's about the adventure."
"Traps are a very common way of bringing meat to the table in remote areas, especially in the jungle."
"I shoot most my bucks from 10:30 to 2:30 because they're moving all the time."
"We're not out there just trying to kill things, the outdoors is more or less our grocery store."
"The outdoors is more or less our grocery store, that's where we go and get good fresh meat."
"He didn't selfishly hunt the smash bore but encountered it accidentally and hunted it out of necessity."
"Learn archery skills and apply them to hunting."
"This is a great time of year to use some timber stand improvement techniques and release the habitat’s potential where you hunt."
"I wasn't exactly hunting; I had a nice '94 Camaro and I needed new tires due to being a stupid teenager with a powerful car."
"What really made this hunt was spending time laughing and telling stories with friends, learning about the ducks I love so much."
"Our combine has four legs and our product is venison in the freezer."
"If you put in the time and play your cards right, a northerly wind might bring some birds your way."
"There's something uniquely special about hunting a retriever that you've trained up since they were young."
"That's the beauty of jump shooting; when all else fails, you can end up with five birds in hand in a matter of minutes."
"The limits of birds aren't what keeps duck hunting alive."
"What you end up with is a very hard to hunt adult bird and hunters that are teetering on the line of passionate and crazy."
"It takes more and more every year to kill them as far as what the work goes into it required."