
Babies Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Babies' preference for attractive faces matches pretty well adults' preferences for attractive faces."
"A human baby is the most dependent creature in existence."
"There's something to be said for protagonists like Joel from The Last of Us."
"The effect going forward in the future is that it's going to protect babies."
"Babies smell delicious. I don't know why anybody would want to wash that lovely delicious baby smell off."
"She's so cute, she either cries or spits. Let's see, let's see, let's see!"
"It's really hard to say which one of these babies has a better you've gotta be kidding me face."
"Innocent babies deserve to be protected with the same way that born babies deserve to be protected."
"Look how chubby she is! I love chubby babies!"
"I just love looking at baby glasses cuz they're so small and cute."
"I'm really happy that they included baby glasses."
"These little leggings look like just a t-shirt wrapped around her little chubby legs."
"Most babies have a better life than most adults."
"Babies are like super humans, they have more bones than the average human and are tuned to smells that the rest of us would never notice."
"Don't compare your babies to other babies."
"What does that mean? It means that she's having two babies."
"She's so fun to hold and stuff, I don't know, she's just... I love babies."
"We cherish mothers, we cherish babies' lives."
"Babies can see red and black, so he was able to see the sunset yesterday."
"Do you have a baby? Do you take care of any babies? Are there any babies in your life?"
"Oh my God, you're the cutest baby I ever seen in my life."
"Look at those chubby cheeks and tiny feet, babies are adorable!"
"If babies didn't have that appeal, there'd be no human race."
"Babies cannot be manipulative... they are solely doing whatever works to get their needs met."
"Babies heal the soul more than you could ever imagine."
"Many babies are quiet and alert after birth."
"The baby don't need to be on the plane no way."
"The rate of babies born to unwed parents spiked dramatically."
"Diva in diapers, divas in diapers."
"Babies aren't accessories. They are a huge responsibility."
"There are super cool babies out there, especially the ones that are famous. I don't want to be a baby hater anymore, and that's all thanks to Violet."
"Babies are so much more fun than dolls, don't you think so, Rosie?"
"There's a wide variety of flavors, the one key you need to consider is if you do have babies."
"Blue had a freaking baby. I love seeing baby Raptors in any form. They are so cute, also terrifying, but so cute."
"You know babies are like the best little time wasters in the world."
"Babies are most comfortable in their parents' arms."
"...talk about going all-out brutal not only deciding to kill off a bunch of newborn babies but to have their bodies skewered onto a thorn bush while their blood trickles down the branches..."
"A baby is a digestive apparatus with a loud noise at one end and no responsibility at the other."
"Babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months."
"Rhythm is a rhythm. Your baby would turn around in the crib, you straighten them up, right? We all supposed to sleep with our head, no, the babies know that, you know? We done messed them up so they [mess] before they get in grade school."
"Babies are like farts because you love your own, but if you had to sit in a car with somebody else's with the windows rolled up you'd be like I'mma [__] kill this [__] right now."
"All babies need is milk, diapers, and a lot of love to grow like a little plant."
"Most babies look like freaking aliens, and people are just like 'oh, it's a little blessing from heaven.' I'm like, that thing came from hell."
"Computer Engineering for babies, it's that cool."
"Are you ready to see the cutest baby you've ever seen?"
"Babies also prefer puppets that punish the bad figures over puppets who are nice to the bad guys."
"Babies have a rudimentary sense of justice and a desire to see bad behavior punished."
"There's nothing better than babies and dogs."
"We've been blessed with not one but two babies."
"Do you know what it is? It's gonna be a new mini nursery for the tiny babies."
"I don't think babies should have a monopoly. They don't get to corner the market for cute clothing."
"This is so cute. Oh, she knocked over one of the babies. I don't think she cares."
"Happy babies make the best people. Happy babies make happy mothers."
"The babies were able to hide which is cool because now we've got a good colony to start in the new tank."
"We need to do a better job of thinking through the right and the dignity of babies."
"Just sneeze in the chili pot. When the kid's old, they're all going to see them. Just, you know what I mean? When it's got its own little character as a baby, it could be any baby, you know what I mean? It's got nothing to offer me."
"I don't care whose baby it is, I don't care what color it is, I don't care who's holding the baby. Two dudes holding a baby, two male lovers holding a baby. I don't care who it is, you see a baby, you smile."
"Some babies I don't think are cute, yours is legitimately a beautiful face."
"Babies mean diapers, lots of them. Diapers mean trash, correct?"
"Babies... they all look alike and they all have kind of the same potential in so many ways."
"'Babies? I love babies. I'll make a deal with you.'"
"In a bunker in Kiev, 18 babies are sheltered from the war zone."
"Babies' clothes are so adorable and so tiny."
"Our job as parents is to protect our babies, especially we got another on the way for real."
"No amount of tough love is gonna make up for the babies Alex saves on a daily basis."
"Look at this a little pile of cuteness look at those sweet babies."
"Babies this young are extremely responsive to the emotions and the reactivity and the social interaction that they get from the world around them."
"I'm holding both of my babies so sweet."
"There's something about babies, baby animals of all sorts, they're just so precious."
"Babies don't save marriages, but good luck with at least your first six months."
"You start to realize babies are pretty straightforward even at one. Their life revolves around eating, sleeping, learning, playing."
"Babies have a connection to the spiritual world."
"I like babies, man. Babies are a good time if they're not fussy."
"All babies are different, and what works for one may not work for another."
"She used to knit bunny rabbits just mostly for babies."
"Making quilts for babies is definitely one of my favorite things to do."
"Babies, yes, why I can't get enough."
"Many people say that babies are very innocent, they're very light-hearted, they naturally are nice, they're born nice, they have a liking for people and for cuddles."
"They were the cutest little things; they didn't cry once."
"Babies are the best, they make everything better."
"Babies, lend me your ears; for too long you've been grabbed by the ankles of tyranny, but today, babies, we rise up!"
"Babies are truly precious little bundles of hope."
"Every baby is different; they're their own person."
"They seem like happy, healthy little babies."
"That means these babies want to eat, and that's exactly what time it is."
"I love the little babies; they're so cute."
"Babies always wake up in such a happy mood."
"Every single baby is so different; they all have different needs."
"Baby things are adorable, aren't they?"
"I know you think fat babies have a lot of charm."
"Black and Asian babies are some of the most beautiful babies."
"Babies are the most adorable part of the human race."
"We're programmed to think that babies are cute."
"You can learn something from a baby, dead ass."
"How cute were those babies, literally the prettiest colors ever."
"It's crazy how quickly babies pick up sign language."
"Babies are always like a blessing in my eyes."
"These babies are doing phenomenally."
"That's what it looks like trying to eat lunch with two babies."
"Babies are kind of super fun because they're so fat and roly-poly."
"It should always be cotton for premature babies."
"What would you say to baby blah blah blah? It's a baby, they don't know anything."
"Oh my gosh, why are babies in the bath so cute?"
"Mothers loved their babies, whatever you may think, Mr. Basil."
"I love these babies, they're like beautifully well behaved."
"There's nothing to compare with the joys of beautiful babies."
"Every baby like this is important to save."
"Chicks love to buy chicks baby stuff, ya notice that? Oh my god, wow, so cute."
"She's got those chunky cheeks, she's a sweet little chunky girl."
"Honestly, I love little babies, so I'm sitting there just like, 'Oh, little one'."
"Babies come into this world with all the confidence they need."
"Every baby is different, no matter what you do with them."
"Every baby is different and every baby will have their own different ways."
"These would be absolutely adorable gifts for newborn babies or for baby showers."
"She had a love for life and a real soft spot for babies."
"I do like babies because they're very honest."
"Enjoy the babies while we have them."
"Every baby's face is going to be different, but it's the placement of the features that is fairly uniform from one face to the other."
"Ideas like 'cute' are all relative. Most people find babies cute, and so these are proportions you would often find in a baby."
"Babies are way easier than plants."
"You just make some funny faces and they love it."
"Who wouldn't think that these babies are adorable?"
"You know they say the cutest thing is a baby just after a bath. I'd say they're right."
"All babies seek attachment from the moment we're born."
"The little baby is so cute, look at how adorable."
"She loves everyone equally, but has admitted that babies are her favorite."
"New babies are cute. I like them."
"All babies are cute when they're sleeping."
"Embroidering bath towels for new babies, it's just a super great idea."
"She loves babies, look at her, she loves babies."
"No one has taught these babies to swim underwater; what they're doing is totally instinctive."
"This is the moment we've been waiting for, for so many years: our family meeting our babies for the very first time."
"We have lots of babies, this is one of the wonderful times for you to come and see baby animals."
"Babies are my favorite, they're so sweet."
"Babies are kind of the worst too, oh yeah, like that's very romanticized. Babies are a big old pain."
"Healthy babies, all that matters, healthy."
"Every baby needs a matching hat with their baby blanket."
"That's crazy how much babies change like every single day."
"You guys know how babies always be eating Cheerios."
"Babies are influenced in mysterious ways by the world."
"I just hate when babies get sick, you guys. I feel like babies should be exempt; they have fresh new bodies, why are they getting sick? I hate that."
"Everybody gets excited over babies."
"Thank you so much for joining me. I hope you enjoyed this workout and your baby too."
"Babies smell very scrumptious, so innocent."
"Babies are magical, they're beautiful."
"Oh, you are the happiest baby ever, guys."
"Babies are cute, I think that's why nature made them that way because they pull some serious nonsense on you and they test your patience."
"It's common for babies to have mild side effects like a fever after vaccination."
"I just love babies; they're so adorable and cuddly."
"It's babies looking at babies. Does it get any cuter than that? No, no."
"Blessings on babies should come from the people that love them."
"Isn't that crazy, babies are just born knowing how to do this stuff."
"You've got a real knack with babies, Jason."
"It always amazes me how mammal babies are always cute to us regardless of what type of mammal you are."
"I love little babies when they're like a little earthworm they're just so freaking cute and I love them."
"Babies must be held, they have to have that."
"The babies are fast asleep now, absolutely fast asleep."
"Lots of people rave about white noise for babies; works great, works great."
"You bring babies. Now that's just plain old common sense, right?"
"This is all the squishy, wonderful little baby snuggles."
"They're adorable little tiny little babies, super cute guys."
"Hi little baby, you're probably the cutest baby I've ever seen."
"Babies in pram suits, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen."
"This Winnie the Pooh collection is beautiful and perfect for your babies or baby showers."
"Babies are literally the best thing in the entire world."
"Every baby is different, so you really don't know until she gets here."
"There's nothing better than babies."