
Technique Quotes

There are 16331 quotes

"Hitting the heavy bag consistently will build your stamina and improve your technique."
"Van Gogh wrote to his brother, Theo: 'Some artists have a nervous hand at drawing, which gives their technique something of the sound peculiar to a violin.'"
"This is actually one of the single most powerful personal development techniques that I've ever found."
"He's always in position to throw a hard punch. His foundation is set. You know, he's not off balance, even when he misses, he stays in control."
"This is a technique that's very, very simple but also incredibly powerful if you can apply it in your life."
"A key ingredient here in Waco is to have that nice sidearm; it really plays well on those tight wooded courses."
"Transcendental Meditation is a very simple technique. It's simple not because it's simplistic or a beginner's meditation, but because there is elegant simplicity to the practice."
"This next part is optional, but if you made the second D-ring situation, then we'll finish the end similarly."
"Early Dragon Ball had a concept of strength that was very heavily dependent on technique; characters in combat with each other would have different abilities that could counter each other in different ways."
"I think the best thing to warm up is actually doing the exercise you're going to do but with less weight and very good technique."
"Good use of the feet, got to the pitch of the delivery and went straight over the bowler's head."
"Even Bruce Lee, a man who became an icon in martial arts, emphasized practiced technique. He realized the importance of understanding and perfecting the fundamentals."
"Lazy composting or cold composting is very simple because you just continue adding layers."
"Visualization is a very powerful technique and tool that we can use as self-development junkies."
"I'm all about having perfect form, perfect technique, which is heavy weight as I possibly can to get the most out of the muscle."
"This one technique, if you apply it in your life, will transform your whole life."
"Skillful players have counters. Can you finish with the right and the left?"
"The key to technique based training is more about practice and technique rather than sheer strength."
"It's really like three or four steps, and if you follow those steps, you'll be doing this perfectly every time."
"Photography is not only art in composition; it is dealing with light, it has elements of chemistry involved, it has elements of physics involved."
"Photography is all about capturing the moment, the expression; it's about composition and lighting."
"It's amazing to me that you can be that out of the game and still trust your technique so much."
"Round one was a swift reminder that unorthodox technique and commitment to a game plan is exactly what makes KSI competitive in fights."
"If you're doing any kind of serious landscape shooting and you're trying to capture very bright highlights with very dark shadows, auto exposure bracketing can be very useful."
"Highlight tone priority is designed for wedding photographers to pull detail back into overexposed highlights."
"Flash on outside can add detail by filling in shadows, controlling the contrast."
"Simplification is just reducing your image or the components of your composition down to what is absolutely necessary."
"A lot of guys have a tendency to try to lift as much weight as they can and they end up using momentum to swing the weight around. You're getting a lot more muscle development if you move slowly."
"I'm really excited to bring back the razor because when we're seeing these really textured end result haircuts, if you start from the get-go with your cut creating that textured finish to your ends, you're going to get much more texture of an end result."
"This door-to-door salesman has the perfect technique for sliding paper under the doors. That's so satisfying."
"Everything is going sideways versus when you go upward, it's recruiting tissue back up and putting it over bone that highlights the curvatures and the natural nuances of the facial shape."
"Sets of 20 to 30 reps are great for hypertrophy training with isolations and machines where you can lock in your technique."
"Sometimes birds will be a little bit slower, so a big key is making sure the bird's done eating the treat before we try to work on something else."
"Instead of capturing this astro scene at ISO 3200, I'm capturing it to 1250. This is going to make a significant difference with the amount of noise that you're dealing with when you're working this astro image in post-production."
"In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a smaller, weaker individual can defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution."
"Split toning is another very big thing, and I would even say one of the top two things you have in Lightroom for sunset pictures."
"Dodging and burning is making individual parts of your photo darker or brighter, and that way you really create a lot of interest, you complexify the light even more."
"Stir on a low heat with a wooden spoon constantly, stirring you want to get that thing kind of a little fluffy and full of bubbles."
"The camera is shooting all of the images in the sequence, all pin-sharp."
"One of the most beautiful things about the art of portrait painting is that we don't always have to do everything the exact same way every single time."
"It's easy to make the colors of the portrait overly saturated, but it's not always so easy to relate the colors and maintain a harmonious neutral balance."
"Sun breathing is the first and strongest breathing technique."
"Sun breathing has no set pattern or ways; it is incredibly varied and thus is the best breathing technique for killing demons."
"Using contrast to really enhance your photos rather than distract in your photos gives you more leverage to create beautiful imagery."
"Light is light; it does not matter so much specifically where it comes from, but in your ability to hone and shape that light."
"Hard light gives us those very clearly defined, hard-edged, low defying shadows and specular highlights."
"Cooking it down for four hours, it eventually becomes super creamy, almost as if it's like a cream sauce for the pasta."
"I wanted to add a little bit more dimension to these pumpkins, so I took a little bit of the original color and added a little bit of white."
"Thank you for all you do, especially the starching method has changed my quilting forever."
"I use this technique for people with panic attacks, and if they can do it early enough, they can sort of stave off the panic attack."
"It's all about the wiggle and dangle, and I couldn't get the right angle."
"The challenge when cooking underground is finding the right balance between heat and time. In either case, you don't want to overdo it or underdo it."
"If you do the basics well, if you do really good techniques well, all that stuff will come."
"Mitchell's technique, dynamic edge, and style and versatility set the precedent for everyone moving forward."
"The better your technique is, the better chance you have of maximizing your genetic potential."
"Technique has got to be sort of a musical goal."
"After you've done your paint correction, after you've laid some type of sealant on it, if that's what you chose to do, you should always protect the paint after you cut it and polish it."
"If you're using full throttle to keep your wheel up, you're chasing the wheelie. Slow down and focus on getting the wheel as high as possible."
"Capablanca was a reflection of all his predecessors: aggressive, creative, and technically sound."
"Spraying is not a newbie way to fire the gun... there's a lot of skill that goes into memorizing and learning how to do those sprays." - The War Owl
"Vertical hold so my brush is pretty much straight up and down."
"The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to dial in this parallel compression." - David
"The Beatles were quite fond of the augmented chord and used it in at least 20 of their classic songs."
"So you can see this technique provides quite a bit of flexibility."
"It's better height from nelos, good angle as well."
"Heinberg awkward run up here keeps it Compact and that looks rocket ship down the right side."
"What's unique about this interrogator is how he immediately adopts a no-nonsense approach yet manages to build rapport and remain sympathetic at the same time."
"Snap, don't slap. Nobody wants to slap at the ball."
"Skill beats strength and skill beats power most times."
"He didn't always do this, but the fact that he used this technique at all is absurdly ahead of its time."
"The most important stage of painting? Form rendering and cast shadow decisions."
"Consistency is that new thing you're going to experience when you hit the ground in the same spot every time with your club head."
"I even dragged it up over my nose and just go up this way instead of it at such a harsh angle."
"Don't underestimate the power of color correcting."
"That was a very good head movement from Lopez right there and then fired back at the right time as well."
"Practicing is a waste of time if you're not practicing proper technique."
"Food photography begins with component parts if you don't have beautiful things to shoot it becomes harder to make beautiful pictures."
"We take school ISM classes to learn how that particular artist does what they do. That's how we fast forward our developing and evolving our art skills."
"Limit the motion where it goes over the imaginary line... that's economy of motion."
"Repetition with intellect behind it is the key."
"Shooting the Milky Way core, not just a wide angle landscape."
"You have to have technique and discipline to be consistent."
"The Fleischer Superman persevered, developing animation techniques that make it considered today to be one of the most high quality productions in the golden age of animation."
"You're gonna have better feel for your face in your path and you're gonna have a better feel for the flight of the ball."
"When he does them right, they could be some of the most memorable."
"It's funny seeing a Dune strategy game bringing things full circle for the genre"
"One solid pass with a comb like she was using."
"Understanding what you're painting helps you add to it in big ways."
"Do some sort of a mathematical trick like this. It sort of instantly calms."
"You can really exaggerate the spacing in animation, getting more contrast between the slow and fast parts of a movement, and this is a great way to make animation more appealing."
"In animation, we call this an anticipation. And now that you're aware of it, you'll see it everywhere. Every cartoon you have ever watched uses this technique extensively."
"This is a shooter that I constructed... the most likely way that that shot was made was from a low position like shooting low on the hip."
"Technique is one thing; you can learn technique. But the more important thing to learn is what you like."
"You can emphasize certain textural effects like your grass by moving in the direction the wind might be blowing the grass or how the grass is growing."
"Look at those layers of color. Look at all of that awareness. Look at that knowledge and skill in that paint."
"You get your technique right, then everything else will follow."
"Working larger areas with larger pads, you need to work smaller areas with smaller pads to achieve that same level of Correction."
"Chicken scratching really makes your art more expressive."
"My offensive game is kind of built around establishing my jab first."
"Blending is so important because it allows your eyeshadow to look nice and smooth and well transitioned."
"So much of the shot is all about the preparation and the mechanics."
"This kind of tie-dye is actually known as shibori."
"It's a tremendously powerful technique. If you do that, at some point, instead of just having to fix things up that are not good, you'll start to get a glimmer of the positive things that you could do."
"I started off by taking a section of hair at the top, a rectangular shape right at the crown overhead."
"Painting, especially small painting, is hard."
"Artistic mastery: transcending technicality."
"You want to integrate the flour very quickly, definitely sift that way you won't get little lumps in your sponge cake."
"Blend them long enough, one to two minutes, to ensure smooth consistency."
"She's got mean elbows and ground-and-pound...could rival Johanna." - Florian
"Every time this man steps forward on that lead leg, is he level changing to get underneath and onto the legs and hips or is he stepping on with a powerful jab cross?"
"Leave white balance on auto when shooting stills, you have more power to change it after the fact when shooting raw."
"So this is a fantastic trick that you can use to change the luminous values of your image."
"So you can remove those dark blemishes in these areas and not affect those tiny little hairs on his forehead because we're only targeting the darker pixels."
"If this happens, all you need to do is click on the gray point eye dropper and click anywhere on the image that should be a neutral gray."
"These are the basic steps to color matching images in Photoshop with this fantastic technique."
"Jones is gonna be much more effective in the clinch."
"Focus more on mastering the techniques rather than trying to be hella quick."
"If you try to take too much wood off at any given p with your chisel what you can actually do is compress the wood fibers and that's going to leave a gap and a pore fit and be kind of ugly when you inlay your bow tie."
"Look at these stunners, that fold method is what is key."
"Pulling sumo suddenly it became like this is how you deadlift right there."
"Mix it really well until everything is melted and well combined."
"I love the way they hit the fire steel right there to light the fire. It's so great."
"A very simple way: using the Pomodoro Technique."
"Mounted archers do is that they'll stand up in the saddle when they're shooting."
"You've got to have a little bit of edginess, a little bit of delicate brushwork."
"Definitely learn how to do that in the link below for the video. It is a great technique to keep under your crafty belt."
"That's what made us different, you know, there was a whole lot of amateur wrestling and or incorporated amateur wrestling that, you know, I tried in a lot of my suplexes."
"I like to think good technique is the equivalent of tapping - you want to tap only the buttons you need to and nothing more."
"If you like to keep your brakes set really, really loose, it's gonna require a lot of thumb control, a lot of training, but you can do it."
"Patrick Surtain is a really, really good corner, perfect feet, perfect technique for a press man corner."
"Janine was giving the personality, she had the technique, she had the flavor, she had everything."
"Just use more paint, paint really really thick, work in layers, and they dry really fast so really no complaints there."
"Q-taps is a technique where you can run to the monster and just before you hit it, you turn around."
"If you stick the needle in and you don't draw back, you're blind, you don't know whether you're in a muscle or a vessel, you simply don't know."
"They knew they were not in a vein, they drew back, didn't see blood, so then they could inject knowing it's going into the muscle."
"This could carry along a little bit to the right side of the skin here, and sometimes it's really nice to have a little bit of backlighting in the areas of the character that are quite dark. It really helps bring things out and pop a bit."
"Just subtly add a little bit of burning, and this is just going to slightly further accentuate some of the shadow tones and some of the transitions into the darker areas of the skin."
"He's got to cinch in too, look at pulling back now... great behind the legs."
"A pull off is not just releasing that finger—you've got to pinch that string."
"The technique that I was taught was that when you take a photo of makeup it always looks less than what you're actually wearing."
"He's quite the counter puncher and he has a nice straight right hand."
"Be able to get your feet right when the ball's in wide areas. Your body position like these basic fundamentals... I don't when I watch games now I don't think these fundamentals even trained no more with some of the players."
"It is incredible what you can do with eye shadow application and with just altering your brows ever so slightly."
"Street epistemology is a conversational technique that you can use with anybody when they make a claim."
"Retraction offers a thinness boost to voices."
"Chris does display extraordinary strength in this instance by throwing a standard roundhouse with plenty of follow through."
"It's basically a stripped-down form of fishing where you've got essentially a rod, a reel, and a weighted hook."
"They have mastery with the technique and they've practiced it enough so that they could use it on Zamasu and probably be able to defeat him easily."
"I much prefer attaching the collar to a garment when it can be laid flat."
"The secret to accomplishing this is in my opinion the color palette Blanche has decided to use."
"Snipping is the best and quickest way to go about it."
"Gently release your hands and squeeze the knees towards the ears."
"Art is about more than technicality, a good knowledge of shading and lighting is incredibly valuable."
"It really kind of locks in that foundation and concealer."
"Show don't tell is a great rule of thumb when it comes to making movies."
"Lighting creates an atmosphere for your scene and can even strip specific emotions from your audience for certain lighting techniques."
"The animation techniques that you use are vastly more important than your frame rate."
"Pause on the stretch... helps engage more muscle fibers."
"Get an angle that you can reproduce and don't sit there and worry about specific degrees."
"Taking a picture is really straightforward simply push the shutter button halfway until the camera focuses."
"Subtext is great because it's invisible right yes, that is undeniably a quality that subtext has."
"If your butterfly is not popping, you can remember this little blending thing we did here. You can darken it or lighten it around your butterfly to help them show."
"No dig really helps. It really helps soil health, plant health."
"Precise focusing is immensely useful in landscape and macro photography."
"Your mind must focus on the hip aspect of the squat to most effectively train for strength."
"Big key lesson: properly render all the fat out."
"Her technique is unparalleled, this one-on-one match-up should be real good."
"If your form is good, it takes all the pressure off."
"HDR is not a substitute for taking good pictures."
"From a different angle, they're reusing shots to make it seem like the exchange went on longer. It's cleverly done."
"Speed cranking: triggering a feed response in a bass."
"Unlearning bad technique is so incredibly difficult."
"Spinning elbow strike but Stan Lander with the abdominal rolls."
"A good visualization brings an emotion. That's how you do it."
"Feel the gesture, even though I'm working with the photograph I still approach it as if I wasn't."
"You sand one face and then put the new sanded face up against the registration of the miter gauge."
"Don't sweat the technique, in Rousey's case, the technique is domination."
"A mega basic but effective movement technique is to heal peak."
"Create awesome content with the Skyscraper Technique."
"Playing for the song is key—technique should serve the music."
"Camaro has developed an incredible jab that he times so well."
"Non-sleep deep rest: very effective at restoring cognitive and physical vigor."
"What elements make a good painting? Intent, composition, values, and color."
"Simple practices like gratitude can elevate levels of happiness."
"Small details matter: shifting gears down before transition saves energy."
"Always start by pushing them backwards before you pull."
"The short and long voicings are basically a technique which produces a really beautiful and easy way to get movement on a static chord."
"So now what we do with this is we move that pattern through the scale."
"This game is just about everything I can ask for in a video game."
"This use of tracing saves them much more time and also teaches them how to draw that pose or characters in similar poses off the top of their head."
"Conceal your under eyes in a triangle shape instead of just like a half circle... it makes a big difference."
"Learning to see in sequence: patience in painting."
"The art of karate is about the manipulation of negative space."
"The key to this one for Adesanya was patience and leg kicks."
"The value scale is your best friend as you learn about values."
"Once you learn how to layer your photos, there's no limit to your creativity."
"We want to examine everything... and I want to bring up the part where a leg kick is thrown by Connor and Poirier checks it."
"Proper technique is gonna make you stronger. When you become stronger, your reps are gonna become faster."
"You speak of Kakarot's Ultra Instinct? Don't you dare compare his pathetic technique to my own." - Vegeta