
Normalcy Quotes

There are 4716 quotes

"The most normal thing that a person who has experienced trauma does is to get up and try to be normal."
"Your extraordinary health is really normal. The human body shouldn't just fall apart."
"The biggest thing with the mind and managing mind is to accept that depression, anxiety, anger, etc., are all completely normal responses."
"In the face of really hard stuff, illness, loss, the only thing we're begging for is a normal moment."
"It was just quality time with family during normal family activities."
"The world changes, we change, and because normalcy is entirely relative we don't always realize how much things have changed until we catch a glimpse of what's become invisible to us."
"I would love for everyone to know that he is a normal 10-year-old kid. He may not look the way you would envision a 10-year-old kid, but he is that normal 10-year-old kid."
"I wanted to be normal. Not having to second-guess eating, drinking, my environment, addiction-proofing everything."
"You can't force people to be normal because whatever people are doing outside of that coercion is what normal is."
"Even Simone Biles, one of the top gymnasts in the world, still gets nervous, and it's perfectly normal. It doesn't make you a failure."
"It's easy, if not normal, to have highs and lows in our self-esteem."
"Being a human, you are 100% mentally fit if you have sadness and joy and doubt and insecurity. That's what it is to be human."
"It's normal to have anxiety and it's okay to not be happy all the time."
"It's been great to see all the various organizations really kind of getting involved and trying to keep some semblance of people's everyday normal life running."
"Hearing God's voice is normal for the believer."
"The greatest sign that the day is actually now is when people forget, when life goes back to normal."
"She is a very successful woman who is showing up to support her boyfriend at work, which is a pretty normal ass thing to do."
"Highly questionable there are such a thing as normal human development to begin with. Have you ever seen a normal human? I haven't."
"I love my country because I was born there... It's Perfectly Normal to love your country but not like your government."
"Most mammals on this Earth, not just us, are milk intolerant when they become adults."
"You're not crazy at all; this is actually a totally normal process and a really beautiful process."
"People with disabilities just want to be seen as normal people; their dogs do the things that they need to help them navigate the world as normally as possible."
"Self-doubt is normal, it's healthy, you just don't have to let it batter you into self-defeat."
"Illness in this society, given the conditions, is a normal response to an abnormal circumstance."
"It's perfectly normal and acceptable to feel that way about yourselves. Everyone faces some level of regret for their actions, consequences as well."
"There is also a significant number of people who hear voices pretty regularly, and they do not meet the criteria for mental illness because they're not mentally ill."
"Failure is useful, failure is necessary, and failure is normal."
"Sometimes a healthy relationship can feel odd because it's lacking in drama."
"The pandemic actually revealed to us how toxic our idea of normal has been."
"The Mediocrity Principle tells us that when we only have one example of something, we should assume that example is fairly normal."
"Human energy is not spooky, it's not scary, it's a normal thing that has been proven to exist by science and by medicine."
"We did it. We got all the hearts, and look, I got my hearts back. Everything is back to normal."
"Nobody elected Biden to be FDR, they elect him to be normal and stop the chaos."
"Evil, real evil, is something that is so scaringly normal that it becomes really nasty."
"It's totally normal to derive comfort from food; this is healthy, normal behavior."
"The stories in your family... What are the stories that you carry? What have been the sources of strength and resilience that you have learned?"
"Behind the scenes, they go through the same prosaic work that everybody else does and live the same kinds of lives in some ways."
"Vaccinations are helping to keep our schools and our businesses open; they're the way out of this pandemic and back to normalcy in every aspect of our lives."
"Normalcy is nice; it's reassuring, it's comforting."
"What we saw the other night was a return to normalcy where people could get together, disagree with each other, tell jokes about each other, and still celebrate how great this country is."
"The point of queer theory could be summarized in a single sentence, which is to abolish the concept of normalcy at all."
"It's my goal to widen everybody's range of normalcy."
"Think about it: weird, weird, weird, weird. What's that word mean? It implies there's a sense of normalcy."
"All the American people want is some semblance of normalcy."
"Own your desires. It's 100% okay, normal, and natural that you have a tremendous desire for women."
"We're just normal people like them... We all have our little things that we like to do."
"Don't let other people make it seem like that's not normal because I think in the end everyone's definition of happiness is different."
"The only time he feels strange is when people look at him funny in the street; otherwise, his modified body is normal to him, comforting even."
"Life is back to normal here in Long Beach. We can go to a restaurant if we want. If you've been vaccinated, you don't need to wear a mask in public anymore."
"I'm sure I've mentioned this at this point too, oh Vegas on his rant again."
"Everything is based off of health. We have to look at what's normal for the body; the body wants to reproduce, the body wants to survive."
"Serious and for all of you asking when things will get back to normal, here is the truth: The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track, is to beat the virus."
"We get this group of people around us that have similar interests and somewhat similar lives, and it feels normal to us."
"We can get through this together until we're ready to go back to our regular lives."
"You don't know any different; your reality is this is all you know. So, this is normal."
"Normalcy, after all, is not a solid state but a fluid definition applied to whatever happens to be the current bell curve of personal attitudes within a society."
"To me, the cure for normal is your weirdness."
"Just be normal, don't be racist, be anti-racist, and move on."
"Without the mundane, you can't have the exciting; without the mundane, you can't have the innovative."
"But taking our masks off, hugging our friends, going back to concerts, yes."
"The vast majority of Americans...just want normalcy and predictability and to be left alone."
"Thankfully, the vaccine has brought normalcy back to the lives of many Americans in record time."
"First things first, I have a very ordinary family: mom, dad, older sister, and me."
"We need people to have a return to like normalcy and understanding of the world."
"It's all about like, 'Hey, anyone can get a vaccine now, go get them, go get it back to normal.'"
"She was normal...she was happy and sweet. Every moment we were with her was like magic."
"Our normal, peaceful, boring lives. We'll be able to go home to those normal lives."
"People need other people. You just can't say, 'I'm going to be alone,' you know? That's not normal."
"We want to get that wrapped up, get comfortable and live in a more normal situation once again."
"Life has been weird... returning to normalcy and watching the normal come back."
"I realized like you can be a Christian and not live like this; like these are normal people."
"What matters here is that one of my friends is being put up on a pedestal that is so much higher than any person should be put up, especially streamers. We're very, very normal human beings."
"It's normal to have arguments; we get over it, we say sorry."
"People think that we have some chaotic life at home and like things are just running wild, swinging from ropes, and I'm like, it's a very, very normal household."
"We're oppressed... It's really important for me to wear it and show people that we are normal people, just like regular girls."
"It's really important for me to wear it and show people that we are normal people. We're just like regular girls. We just happen to wear it for our religion."
"We were never a celebrity couple; we were a couple who just happened to be celebrities."
"First of all, it's normal to be upset or hurt by it or affected by it. I'm affected by it too, very much so."
"Has anything been normal since 2011? It's what I thought. Lottery exists too."
"If one of the motivations for a president is re-election if it is not the only motivation but if one of the motivations is re-election then that's just called politics because that's what politicians do."
"I'm just trying to be a normal person and reintegrate myself back into society."
"And here we go, off. Propulsion continues to be normal."
"I just want to be a normal 18-year-old college student trying to better my future and get into a career in nursing."
"I think I'm becoming a regular guy, man. This is great."
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with not feeling like the other girls, and in fact, that's totally normal."
"Sometimes you feel like the world can sure and then you're in moments like this and you just realize that you would do anything to be back on the road watching football and doing normal things. It's unbelievable."
"You just have to recognize this is not normal."
"We want to go back to where it was... I want to see the NFL with a packed house... that's what we're going to be look... this thing will pass."
"Self-driving cars will just be a normal thing, like self-driving elevators."
"You made some mistakes, big deal. Everybody makes mistakes."
"Everything that we enjoy in the West that we think is normal is actually absolutely not the norm around the world."
"Failure is so rare, it's a part of the learning process."
"She deserves to live a normal, safe, private life."
"You know, everybody disagrees, everybody argues, and that's true. Arguments are natural and normal."
"It's a speaking test about how you would speak to a normal person in a normal situation."
"Anxiety is normal, but don't let it hold you back."
"Get well soon. Oh, it's fine, I just get headaches now and again."
"Sustainable cities, sustainable buildings can be more enjoyable, not just good for the environment but also great for the people living there."
"I'm a f*cking human, I make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes."
"Let your faces be seen, voices be heard, and show the world that you are normal, free, and happy living against the narrative."
"He was around his family all the time, this was no wonder."
"The vast majority of people... just come back to normal."
"Jennifer wakes up on the morning of January 24th to get ready for work as she usually did."
"That's why don't you just put favorite in them, that's completely normal."
"I'm just very glad to be able to report that things are going along very normally just can't be thankful enough for the fact that this has been going so smoothly."
"He's not the psychopath next door. He didn't kill little small animals."
"It is more biblically normal to interact with an angel than it is to lay out a fleece or speak in tongues."
"You just want the war to stop, you just want some normalcy."
"The closer to normal you can keep life in a disastrous situation, the better for everybody."
"Doesn't it seem insane to punish your kid for wanting to have sex? It's the most normal human thing on earth."
"It's completely normal to be emotionally overwhelmed."
"It's nice showing a healthy, positive way to be gay. We're just normal people who happen to also like people that are the same as us."
"The code built around the principles of a free society is the only thing standing in the way of dystopia."
"I just want [ __ ] to go back to normal, I just want to travel, you know what I'm saying?"
"I just hope that she's just able to live a regular childhood."
"Normal sucks, you deserve a chance at some extra breathing room."
"Normalcy is either back or almost back and it's time to embrace it."
"Everyone takes a break every now and then. It happens."
"You know what, Snoop and Izzy added to it? Regularness."
"I think it's completely normal to be nervous."
"We're getting our life back, we're getting our world back in order."
"Do we now say with confidence that life should be returning to normal by spring? Yes, yes, yes."
"Monaco: the most normal Grand Prix we've had in a while."
"I try to approach everybody as normal human beings."
"Normal theory: 90% of issues come from our inability to be normal."
"People want their places open. They want to get back to their lives."
"People want their schools open. They want to get back to their lives."
"You're normal, and there are things you can do to change the trauma-driven patterns that have taken shape in your life."
"Trump would move away from that immediately. Here he is trying to say, 'This is for normalcy.' No one wants that."
"The sooner that we can do that the sooner things can return to normal."
"Their effort to be normal creates opposition."
"I didn't feel the people were either good or bad, it just felt like a room of normal people, all unique to themselves."
"I don't call it PTSD it's not a disorder to feel like this after going through that it's just normal."
"Nintendo Directs are back, the world's returning to normal, and yeah, I can't wait. Nature is healing, exactly."
"He didn't go from being a normal, healthy, functioning individual one minute into a murderer the next."
"Reshoots are a normal part of the filmmaking process."
"The communities of southern Ohio had been terrorized for three years. The people feared going outside but tried to live normal lives." - Narrator
"Removing the fear so that we can go back to our lives."
"That one day where things are just going as usual, and then all of a sudden, bang, it pops off."
"The best strategy to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is to assure the public that vaccines will lead to normalizing our lives."
"I do think that she represents a much-needed glimpse at what normal eating can be and is."
"Ron Weasley is like a regular guy amongst these wizards... I can relate."
"See you tomorrow, things will be back to normal."
"It is not shocking, or it should not be shocking, when someone is gay."
"Every people we can enjoy things even when things aren't uh crazy all over the place."
"That's amazing this is just par for the course at this point."
"Avril Lavigne wanted to have a normal life." - Delving into the complexities of fame and identity.
"Even though he's one of the best in the world at what he does... at the end of the day, he's just like all the rest of us."
"We're still just the arms family we're still Daniel and DJ in Houston and Emily and Weston we're still the same people."
"I physically wasn't craving it for the uplifting effects, I was just craving any way I could to feel normal again."
"I just think that it's okay. It doesn't make you abnormal."
"Feels amazing now my house is back to normal."
"America just wants normal people, compassion, and intelligence."
"Things are only 'weird' because we don't talk about them."
"The most persuasive pitch of the Biden campaign is return to normalcy."
"People try their best to get back towards normal... that in itself is a big achievement."
"Sexuality is a healthy and normal part of everybody's life."
"I'm not a pervert, that's perfectly natural for a guy my age to be curious about certain things."
"This spreads like the flu, most people will have it and they get on with their lives."
"We're having this conversation as if this is just a normal thing to disclose. This is perfectly fine. Like hello, no it's [__] not."
"Every father wants to take his son to a football game. We should have a world where that's okay."
"Diversity is normal, necessary, and a cause for celebration."
"Depends on the circle of powerful people you're talking about. This kind of depravity is kind of normal in some of these circles."
"Even if we're not, we eventually are going to have to go back to our daily lives."
"You are normal, and if you think you're not, then it's just all in your head."
"We use the term 'controversy,' but it's becoming more common."
"Let's normalize having a life while being a YouTuber."
"People are behaving as if this pandemic's gone away, which is probably the right thing to do."
"I loved the beginning there like I like the very beginning where they're all happy the dog's jumping in bed with them bread's hot hot that was just Sam and Dean you know yeah."
"Normal people don't assume their partner will cheat. Dysfunction isn't normal."
"Failure is frequent and it's like as normal as wetting yourself really."
"Being a consumer and expecting a good product is normal behavior."
"Just some normal everyday existential questioning."
"Home sweet home, I guess. Considering everything that happened, it's impressive how ordinary it turned out."
"Everything plays out as normal, but in line with everyone else, this guy goes by Robo."
"Pauses are normal in conversation, take them."
"This is a universe where superheroes are just commonplace."
"Moli was exhausted, he wanted nothing more than to take a break and go to school like a normal kid."
"It is not heroic to defend yourself; it is expected and ordinary."
"I don't think any the current sort of landscape... would make a shy away from that. I think it's just more that it's like almost expected at this point."
"Holy Spirit is the most normal person you will ever meet."
"I wanted to give you guys something normal, I wanted to give us something normal."
"Greatness is in you, activated. But what you're activating is the norm."
"It's totally normal to experience conflict and times of disconnection in relationships."
"School is strange, but who said it's supposed to be normal?"
"Diana wanted the boys to have as close to a normal upbringing as possible," they said. "She encouraged them to do commonplace activities."
"You can ask any couple who's been together 20 plus years, they all hit rough patches after having kids. It's normal."
"You want them to have a chance in life, just have a normal life."
"Actual socializing, actual freedom, actual normal human interactions."
"It's normal to feel that, especially in your first relationship."
"I've learned how to also have a good time and just be a normal person."
"I feel really, really strongly that there's nothing deviant about two lovers sharing sexual intimacy. That is normal."
"It's normal to feel fear. Like, there'd have to be definitely something mentally wrong if you didn't feel fear."
"Sex is a normal part of life. Thank you, sex is a very normal part of life."
"It is our job to usher in an era of normalcy."
"I wanted to have a normal enjoyable school life with my friends."
"Well first impression is this bright, beautiful, colorful, and busy. Like it just feels like normal times."
"It's inspiring because a lot of the time fan girls can look at them and be like, 'oh, these are normal people, yeah, these are not like aliens, like, yeah, I could do that too if I wanted it, exactly.'"
"The point that I'm trying to get at here is that everyone forms parasocial bonds to someone and that's normal, that's reasonable in an era of mass media."
"You're experiencing a little bit of a loss. So you being upset is normal."