
Concern Quotes

There are 9139 quotes

"I was terrified about what's going to happen to the children of the country and the planet at large."
"What climate change means to me is looking in the eyes of my grandchildren and wondering what kind of hell they're going to pay."
"Your life purpose involves you being very concerned about the well-being of how everything's looking on the planet right now."
"We're living in a world that's becoming less safe."
"Who called 911? The kids that were here. They're outside right now crying 'cause they thought you were dead."
"Why are you here for me when this whole place is infested with drugs?"
"Please don't do anything stupid, someone called the police, we love you."
"You're worried about the past. You need to start looking towards the future."
"She's been extremely unsettled ever since she disappeared, missing her and wanting only to find her."
"We ought to be on fire; we ought to be deeply concerned."
"Would you say that we're on a collision course towards catastrophe or are you still hopeful for the future?"
"I'm really glad you're okay. I don't want to lose any more friends to this place."
"The missing children's incident is definitely worse than a spring lock failure."
"It's incredible to look at in retrospect and a little scary too."
"The scariest thing about the world we live in today is that there are people out there who do not think other people should have opinions."
"I hope he's okay, hope all these people are okay."
"Monkeypox cases are rising sharply, and that is the absolute worst collection of words that you're going to hear this summer."
"If a man walks up to me and asks me for my number or asks me on a date, I'm thinking, I hope this interaction ends without this man getting angry, violent, or following me home."
"I'm not religious but I am spiritual. This is actually one of my... it's a serious concern."
"You saw what he did to her... I don't want her to be hurt anymore. It's not fair."
"The violence is non-stop. You can hear the gunshots."
"Gosh, it is hard to not worry about your health and the health of others, especially during this pandemic and when dramatic, health-focused news is everywhere."
"We're now concerned about the survival of our democracy if not the nation itself."
"The issues I can see clearly on the horizon are daunting."
"People can have concerns, and they should, but that concern and worry should be supplemented with action."
"The only red flag that I'm hearing... that sounds a little concerning."
"The concern is that there may have been construction workers on top of the bridge when the bridge was struck."
"It feels like nobody's looking for him like we're the only ones wondering where he's at, what happened."
"I care sincerely about people, about believers who I think are being led astray by some of the bad Bible study practices that I see."
"This raid is a troubling development for press freedom."
"Government censorship should concern everyone."
"Matt, it's my deepest prayer that you consider what I've said today because my motive isn't to win a debate, it's to win you because I love you and I care about you."
"Affordability is probably what your family, and my family, and many others are deeply concerned with."
"That's what worries me most: that we will develop technologies like this regardless of the dangers."
"I'm worried about the government getting it wrong, and they do all the time."
"Her cat had also been left unfed; Tara's pets were everything to her, and she would never have left without arranging care for them."
"Please find your inner peace; it tears me up to feel that you are hurting."
"I see where this is going. Like I said, it's going down that way. This is not gonna stop. It's sliding."
"When the government is seeking to expand its own liberties at the expense of the public's, that should be something that alarms all of us."
"We're in the grip of the worst heart care crisis in living memory."
"If it's a matter of great concern and I'm mindful of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who makes sure to say it every few months, if it's a matter of great concern to the highest levels of power and wealth in the country, and yet it gets worse, it means the system is out of control."
"The power of the saving Marina Joyce movement was that it wasn't driven by vitriol nor by anger, but actual care."
"Every time she goes out, she does get approached. So I do get bothered, and I have been followed."
"I'm not worried about you today or tomorrow or next week; I'm worried about you in a month, in two months, in six months."
"I'm worried about you, and it's my job to be worried about you."
"This great nation should not slip into obscurity and a new one rise in its place with nothing more than a whimper."
"It's all real alarm bell stuff going on right now."
"By the way, we need to talk. Oh, it's about the soulmate? I got black. I hope you got my message and money."
"I hope everyone's good, I hope everyone's okay."
"I hope I'm wrong. I fear I'm going to be right."
"When major institutions are falling apart, that is never a good thing."
"We are closer to World War III than we have ever been in any of our lifetimes."
"Human beings should never be treated that way and I'm deeply troubled about it."
"Seeing people show concern for me gives me superpowers."
"Chest pains are always serious. Hope everything works out for you."
"Global warming is real, it's a problem, it's man-made, it is something that we should be concerned about. But we need to get it right on the level of concern."
"His family stated it's uncharacteristic of him to leave without warning and they're afraid for his safety."
"It truly is genuinely concerning to hear that kids are moving through the education system without fully getting a grasp on what they're learning."
"He's harassing me, yeah no, he's not harassing you, he's concerned about the dog."
"I'm worried about all of those people. We should all be worried about all of those people."
"Can we at least not dismiss the concerns of people who are losing their entire livelihoods?"
"I really hope nothing bad happens to Kyle; he seems really nice."
"This craziness about the election, it's just really been quite fascinating and alarming."
"I think Donald Trump has taken my metaphor to a totally new dimension. I think he is a cancer on the body politic."
"It's very sad to see... our country, it's not just their city; this is happening to all of us."
"I always get worried about not even realizing how dumb I am."
"You seem pretty tough, but keep yourself safe, alright?"
"I think it's a bit of a scary time for the global economy."
"What we're talking about really is an epidemic."
"The idea that somebody can simply pay for a little subscription somewhere and then get all of my personal information is a little terrifying."
"The prospect of our blundering into a nuclear war, either by accident or political miscalculation, is probably the greatest risk we face."
"Our descendants will surely ask, 'What the hell were they thinking?'"
"He slowly placed his teacup on the ground, and a tear began to run down his face. Perplexed, I continued, 'What's the matter? I've been very gentle, she is alive.'"
"The spectacular level of dishonesty and its breadth and its reach does make me... I am concerned about the level of fiction and what it might imply about other things."
"I guess I'm more concerned with government snooping in our private bank accounts... so I think the scenario here."
"How terrifying is it that one mysterious affliction, with a cause that has yet to be determined, could be responsible for all of these people getting sick?"
"I really just don't like the idea of government getting involved...very concerned where that's going to lead."
"Why you want to ought to be concerned about it."
"This is not the future you would want your children to inherit."
"I think there's a real concern about Axel Tuanzebe in Manchester United Football Club."
"The levels of building of concern usually means that in the coming 12 months, let's say, things are likely to change dramatically."
"I just hope she's okay at the end of the day, like this is a pregnant lady who has a whole life to live and she doesn't need to be dealing with any like Universal glitches right now."
"So it's always concerned they're trying for the human spirit."
"This is an outrage... everyone should be concerned... demand answers about what is happening in that prison."
"Now sure I agree with Blizz but if that means that they don't understand the fundamental disappointment loop that that system created then I'm a little bit worried."
"Are you okay? What's wrong? Is everything going to change for good?"
"This is happening too often. I've been noticing it for a long time, this uptick in just missing persons cases ending with terrible press conferences like this."
"The minute I knew that she didn't have her purse, her phone, her car, or her child, we knew. We know."
"I remember she's just flutter around. I think a thought that was running through all of our heads was had she been taken by someone."
"The lack of critical thinking... disturbs me most of all... teaching kids that we're always likely to be wrong about something... is a great start."
"They want to make sure that you're doing okay, which is I think why they ask about you a lot and also why they constantly debate reaching out to you."
"People are always saying to me, 'Don't you care about your children's future?'"
"As a parent, this is horrific. It's difficult to resist the urge to think of the children."
"The control over arbitrating what's real and what's not is what we should really worry about."
"What's freaky is the implication of what the kid's talking about."
"Etika posted an apology for causing people to worry about him, but his behavior afterwards didn't ease the concerns of his audience and friends."
"My fear is that we're going to rage, rage, and we're going to lash out and we're going to create problems."
"We seem to be moving away from the principles of July 4th... and that's a disaster for the country."
"It's deeply troubling and also a disability rights issue."
"Conservatorships are a huge concern not just for celebrities but for everyone."
"Always in the back of their minds is the anguish families are feeling."
"I ran for office because I think we're destroying our country."
"That second I knew something was wrong." - Drew Cassie
"Jennifer was so reachable, so accessible, and so much in constant communication that all the people who were closest to her in her life immediately felt like a gut instinct something's wrong here." - Stephanie
"I keep a close eye on your social media; I can feel you pulling away, have you moved on?"
"We don't know enough. What we have found out is not that promising. It's very concerning."
"When they visited her boyfriend's place... nobody had seen either of them for about a week."
"If it's really true that we have a president of the United States who's taken money from foreign governments... that means we are occupied by a foreign source."
"To pretend that people have no real emotional reason to be suspicious or concerned, that's ridiculous."
"I dearly hope that he's playing a madman on television... if he's really serious, we're really screwed."
"When the school get open, I'm worried about my donors and our babies, that's it."
"Inanimate objects should remain that way you know inanimate if they start acting like they're sentient I get a little worried."
"Endocrine disrupting chemicals: a growing concern."
"I see you this is not right you're gonna be okay."
"The power of emotion is very disconcerting part of the human condition."
"The pyramids were the achievement not of a 100,000 slaves but of 20,000 ordinary men and women."
"He was genuinely concerned about his well-being."
"This is a layup for them as far as getting a chance to portray her differently."
"The future is going to be extremely worrying and terrifying for some."
"Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey through inner and outer space this week and of course for being subscribed. Couldn't do it without you."
"We are about to lose our country and I know most Americans don't think that we can that can happen but I believe we're on the precipice."
"He's instantly concerned for the woman who he's talking to safety and he just goes straight over and approaches it."
"It's concerning that we actually don't understand what these things are, we don't know anything really about them at all."
"I did not want to leave Molly with this man in the white car."
"That basic ignorance still today is something that worries me."
"Let's just pray that she's doing okay and that this won't affect her too much."
"It's really disturbing to see it unfolding so quickly."
"This story is getting worse every single day."
"This is incredibly damning and very very worrisome."
"Are we just going to tear ourselves apart from the inside? They could just fuel the fire...that's very...in the forefront of my mind."
"The Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly, he is grieved over the division in his church."
"These results are appalling and unacceptable."
"China is a problem and we've got to do a lot to counter it."
"Ma'am sorry not sorry why are you allowing these types of predators into our schools and then he's only making the female students turn around to do squats What freaking world do we live in."
"He's still a popular guy... that's what worries me."
"These are the people who care about your kids, and anybody who points this out is the real danger."
"We're losing a whole generation, we're losing our kids."
"This is really significant and Australians should be very, very concerned about this."
"It just seems to be getting crazier and crazier."
"If you don't want to annoy people or you are worried about not wanting to annoy people annoy people."
"I'm uncomfortable because this event is tearing at the fabric of this community that I care about."
"The great concern we have here at redacted of course is about the children and the reports as we've been covering here tonight about the 2000 parent missing children unaccounted for in the school system and missing."
"It's a very dark day for American democracy."
"The attempt intent behind these lies seemed clear and it is deeply troubling."
"What is this orange thing inside of my lungs?"
"The My Pillow guy really could destroy democracy."
"We're seeing delinquencies really start to spike now."
"If you're genuinely worried, take it to a trusted adult in your real lives."
"Intelligent people like Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk seem to be very very worried about the rapid advancement of AI."
"We cannot tell our children don't ask; they're worried, they're concerned, they're asking questions."
"If you're gonna sit here and tell me this isn't a snack worth sharing, I am concerned for your well-being."
"But the doomsayer mentality hasn't just been a theoretical worry."
"The potential as well as the possible peril of AI has captured the world's attention."
"I think this is as scary as it could possibly get. I mean, we are talking about the collapse of one of the most important institutions in this country."
"Emma, she's upstairs and she could be in trouble."
"She had all these horrible wounds on her head."
"What I'm worried about is what is currently breaking."
"I ain't gonna lie, man. I ain't gonna lie. Like, I mean, I can go on and on, but it's like, I experienced some things that made me so fearful for this generation."
"Hearing how worried he was about her kinda made her happy, the thought of him thinking about her made her that much happier."
"I'm genuinely concerned about free speech issues."
"It really is scary how easily something bad could have happened."
"He's almost reached the point that he's beyond hope."
"Oh, I hope you're doing okay. Seems that I keep getting home later and later."
"Ah, it looks like something very bad has happened."
"I'm more concerned about people in leadership having integrity."
"The more I find out about Bam's case, the more concerned I become."
"Are y'all feeling that little feeling in your gut about this yet? Like, oh, this is something maybe I didn't realize."
"What scares me the most, however, was the fact that they knew I had asked for water delivery."
"I'm sorry, this is child cruelty. This is cruelty to a child, that's what this is."
"Mass shootings have always been there, but today they're becoming alarmingly common."
"I was making sure that Hyperscape wasn't going to kill you. I was just making sure."
"The more I thought about it, the more it bothered me."
"If everything coffee break had said in his initial email is true, then he shouldn't have worried about his research being undone."
"Why do you not care that some kind of huge scam is happening? They're either tapping. How do they get that? How do they know that?"
"If even 20% of what is going on around the world is true, then we are in serious trouble."
"Honestly, like this is scary stuff, like any time I hear someone that's so unhinged, yeah, that's so not normal, that's just scary."
"Wow, that's kind of concerning to see an asteroid or meteorite coming to Earth."
"She wrote something... does it say 'help me'? It says 'help me'! It says 'help me'! Oh, so she wants help. Link, what... what... oh my goodness!"
"Is she writing? Yeah, I think she's writing something. Do you think she notices the camera? Dude, the girl's asking for help, dude. That doesn't make any sense."
"I can't sleep until I know that she's okay and I know that you know where she is or what happened to her."
"Are you concerned about what your children are being taught?"
"When they stop talking about you, that's when you need to worry."
"Most people are going to look at this and go, 'Okay, this is not good.'"
"He seemed very concerned for his little brother's safety and just his family's safety in general."
"It might be that this conduct is even worse than I think it is, more prevalent than I think it is, and I think it's widespread at many agencies across the country."
"The man himself seems deeply concerned about others when something happens to him."
"I just want to make sure that you know your health is okay."
"Doesn't this terrify anyone else? I can't be alone in looking at these numbers and just panic for my society, for my country, my daughter."
"Why it is becoming a breeding ground for anti-nationals."
"Son, if I ever hear that you're smoking marijuana, it'll just kill me." - Woody Harrelson
"Something was wrong, Billy was losing consciousness."
"It was the first clue that something was wrong."
"People can't just vanish... something has to have happened to them."
"It's so cold out here, come on Flynn, please be okay, we have to get out of here."
"Basically, it's going to be the end of our freedoms."
"Sylvia is literally crazy. She walked me out to my car, I parked right in front of the venue, and when I parked, this car parked right behind me."
"She seems like someone who you just wanna make sure is all right. I'll protect it at all cost of thing."
"We as a country cannot endure four more years of this insanity period."
"I hate to see is that people in the most vulnerable state get exploited."
"If my daughter living in this world and she doesn't feel safe, I'm dead anyway."