
Stamina Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Hitting the heavy bag consistently will build your stamina and improve your technique."
"It's all about building up endurance and stamina gradually."
"Greatness requires not just the strength to get there but the stamina to remain."
"They actually have incredible stamina if necessary; the sand cat activates a turbo mode and runs at a speed of 19 to 25 miles per hour."
"Pushing is extremely powerful in exchange for some of your stamina."
"I wanna show off what that stamina upgrade does besides the health boost."
"Liverpool have this amazing ability to press for 90 minutes and do it for 60 games."
"The shoot was fantastic but required some stamina."
"If you get tired from doing a modest number of campaign events like Joe Biden is doing, how on earth are you going to stand up to the pressures of being president?"
"When you consume food, your maximum stamina increases for a short time."
"Madonna sings and dances on stage for 1 hour and 45 minutes without stopping."
"Heavy gear will make your moves slow and sluggish and it will drain your stamina more quickly."
"I don't think we're moving toward a civil war. Who would have the stamina to fight the civil war?"
"Cardio is good because you can keep running, you can keep going and not tire out. And that's also really important for a fight."
"Stamina means a lot more than it has in previous years so it's great to have."
"Bravely, bravely, bravely trying to get my stamina back."
"You have this incredible stamina; you're a very resilient person."
"Quagsire could really outlast a lot of opponents here."
"We might actually be able to beat him on stamina. Let's see, can Slash do it? Yes, he can, my boys! Slash has just beaten Cursed Satan!"
"Beta alanine is gonna allow you to push that much further to get every ounce of power out of your body."
"Resistance training increases your strength and stamina."
"As the fight dragged on, Dooku's detracting stamina would start to get the better of him."
"I don't want my superstars to get gassed after a clothesline, they're not Scott Steiner. I want to be throwing out power bombs and top rope moves like they were nothing."
"Even though Lee Joon kyung used up most of his stamina during the fight, his level increased and with that, his strength grew more and more impressive."
"He's got plenty of gas left in the tank."
"The Basset Hound stands no higher than 14 inches at the shoulder but possesses big dog strength and stamina."
"He's getting so much stronger, and even though he doesn't have infinite stamina, his power is increasing as he fights."
"I've conditioned my stomach to be able to like just eat a burrito from Chipotle and then just go."
"Hockey's literal translation just comes out to ambition or fighting spirit will power things that are closely tied to your stamina."
"They've got the energy and the stamina to go again and again and again and again and again."
"Goku's stamina in Ultra Instinct isn't accurate. Even suppressed, he could barely last 48 minutes in the tournament of power."
"Some fights are not won in the first round. You need endurance. You need stamina to reach some goals."
"It requires a lot of stamina. We're on an adventure, we're on a journey, and when it gets hard, you can't focus on that. You have to focus on the greater good and what you're out there doing."
"Being able to dive, being able to to the kids and not feel winded, it's amazing."
"...the match was almost 20 minutes and it flew by, I didn't get tired of it."
"More than the bike, yeah, being able to do stuff without getting out of breath."
"I could go all day with this stuff."
"I've never had to stop filming to go pee ever in my life."
"The greatest strength of the mastered Super Saiyan form is no loss of stamina."
"Stamina can be rebuilt, but it's not something that comes back overnight—it's something that has to be gradually rebuilt."
"...if you think that omn man's stamina can be in any way skill to thr's own which allowed him to fight battle Beast for several days even while heavily injured..."
"What's really remarkable for me at the end of the race is that he looked as though he was just starting. There was no panting, there's no shortest elevator, there's no change in posture, it was just complete relaxation."
"To be a cartoonist, to be a comic book creator, you really need to have stamina somehow."
"Our stanima It's gotta go through the roof because we've got to do all the things."
"Cycling helps a ton with building stamina for riding a motorcycle."
"Getting tired doesn't happen down here."
"Cats are not adapted to long distance running, they actually tire out quite quickly."
"...you could basically jump off a cliff with no drawback only real downside is you can do it about twice before running out of stamina."
"He's got that pedigree that you need for long hauls, long events, marathons, not sprints."
"Stamina played a major part in his career, enabling him to extend his time on the pitch to 23 years."
"Adapting to rigorous stamina training will take time, but giving up is not an option."
"Starting to feel the burn just a little bit there Mike?"
"I needed a lot of stamina and kind of courage that I haven't had to call up before."
"Stamina is simple. Just focus on three things: posture, breathing, and stride."
"Because it healed anything that could have been caused due to old age, Papa G was able to still have the physical capabilities and the stamina of a much younger man."
"At 87 which is what I am now, I don't quite have the stamina for doing some of the things that went on in the 60s and 70s and 80s."
"It's nearly one o'clock in the morning, we're still going strong."
"Stamina alone, he just would have run out of gas."
"Very few people have the stamina not to go with you. There's something about your laughs that is just really infectious."
"In regards to the Zohan class, an Awakening results in a new gigantic form with significantly increased strength, stamina, and durability."
"This muscle can go on for a long period of time, carrying out activity for hours."
"As you start building up your stamina and hitting these achievements, you're gonna start falling in love with it and it's going to get addicting."
"Run at your pace, don't burn out too early."
"You could have kept that up all day."
"I'm worried about stamina and strategy at that point."
"Naruto's second five-hour all-out sprint of the day and the boy barely looked tired at all."
"I could honestly make it go for another hour if I wanted to."
"He played major minutes so he doesn't have the legs, if he had it in the first half, but that doesn't usually bother him at all."
"I always wanted a dorest stallion. Beasts can run day and night without tiring."
"The closer you get to that October time, the more the focus will be on stamina."
"Our goal for the end of the first week was just reading stamina."
"You deserve all of the Toil and labor you've been through. This is my stamina, my step and repeat, my iconic elevation, my breakthrough all day, every day."
"As you get more strength, you'll know because you'll feel like you can lift heavier sound with greater ease and with greater stamina."
"I mean if I had a watch this is the action has not stopped if this whole movie is action I'm tired and I'm just sitting down the stamina all of these people have it's just out of this world"
"That's called stamina, that's called maybe training for this."
"Aome, two fighters facing each other and they're equally skilled. The fighter with the most stamina is probably going to win the match."
"Geir second is the first major power up that luffy utilized in the one-piece story increasing his strength speed and stamina it's a whole new levels to fight against the stronger characters in the story such as CP 9."
"Feels like I'm riding for five months."
"The ability to not only withstand and bear on fatigue but also delay its onset."
"Yuri Prohaska's got great cardio. He went 10-minute rounds at RIZIN, which is a different beast."
"purely cardio wise holloway takes the biscuit ester"
"You know you're gonna need a lot of stamina with this, yeah because this is a five-round fight, this is a grinder."
"Tundra is taking the massive advantage in the stamina Department."
"What I think it is, is more of an emphasis of how long it could last if you were just standing still and not doing anything."
"Competitive stamina, being able to sustain your competitive spirit night to night, game to game, season to season."
"I'm a human stamina generator and you seem to like it fine. A few nights ago something about an orgasm induced coma."
"This is where your conditioning really comes into play."
"Biscuit proved she had insane stamina and endurance."
"He has more testosterone, therefore he doesn't tire out having sex."
"It's giving you a boost in terms of stamina, energy, you're kind of like go, go, go throughout this entire period."
"You have a lot of stamina and drive, and other women, or just if you're a man watching this, women in general notice this about you."
"If you improve your stamina, the better you can control and absorb mana."
"By having higher stamina, you can protect yourself in dire situations, to protect someone you care about in dire situations."
"When you're running at your fullest, swimming laps at your max, riding your bikes to the point your legs start burning, and you still keep pushing through, that's what's going to help you build that superhuman stamina."
"It's a true test of endurance, stamina, and will."
"Super Saiyan God... it's got perfect stamina, it can be used at its full power all the time."
"If Buu really does have like limitless stamina, almost limitless regeneration... I just imagine how OP he could be."
"Are you getting tired? Absolutely not."
"You're also going to get real-time stamina insights... that'll let you monitor and track your exertion levels in real time during a run or a bike ride."
"Brown-eyed people have a lot of stamina."
"He's got that desire and that competitive stamina about him."
"Thank God for music, but you need to grow in stamina."
"What determination, what stamina and resilience!"
"I try to move more every single day so I can build up my stamina."
"Melting calories, building stamina, building lean body mass."
"Endurance is going to be an important characteristic."
"Building our strength and stamina."
"Semblance works like a kind of muscle, it's a supernatural force that is powered by just the general user's stamina."
"Feel like you can maintain it for hours and you can have a good conversation."
"Superman also has limitless stamina as long as exposed to yellow sun radiation."
"Superman has limitless stamina so long as he's exposed to yellow sun radiation."
"It should be a picture of power, stamina, and balance."
"Maintaining energy all the way through is important."
"It's not just about building your endurance, it really is focusing on your stamina and your race pace."
"Feeling like you have lots of good stamina, capable."
"You give me red wine and good food, I'll go around the clock."
"He will outwork his opponents, he has a great gas tank, he's very gritty, he's tough."
"It's all about building the stamina."
"In a war of attrition, stamina really is the key."
"The Kaioken is a technique that feeds off the stamina of the user."
"Adequate planning and physical stamina are essential for overcoming the difficulties of this trip."
"Akaza's strength comes from his ability to predict his opponent's next move with Compass Needle and his limitless stamina."
"That's what makes the big three-week riders, the ability to come out there and repeat the performance every day."
"Maintaining control to build stamina, speed which ultimately helps increase power and boxing performance."
"Get low, feel your legs again, bring it up high, straight punches, we are building stamina and endurance."
"It's about endurance, just keeping it going."
"Many modern pieces nowadays... require a lot of stamina, a lot of athleticism, especially for the men in dance."
"If you can exercise at a high intensity and stay below your lactic threshold, you're going to be able to do that for a very long period of time."
"We have Scythe Kronos, so Scythe Kronos is a pretty sick Bay, it has great stamina, great defense."
"She doesn't even look tired as she comes across that line."
"I am way more focused, and my stamina has gone through the roof."
"Phantom Orion... not only does he have an insane amount of stamina, but surprisingly, he actually has an incredible amount of defense."
"Seriously, this horse is so quick and has so much stamina, it's insane."
"Their stamina seems excellent because that lift at the end... it had the energy right up till the end."
"Who has the best stamina and the strongest legs is really gonna shine through right now."
"A European rally is many things, but it all boils down to a test of durability and reliability of the car and the stamina of the drivers."
"It really teaches stamina and consistent accuracy in your picking hand, that's why I think it's such a great one."
"I've changed my mind on Drickus Dup's gas tank because I don't only think that it's good, I think that Drickus Dup has one of the most underrated gas tanks in all of MMA."
"That's a massive improvement of strength and stamina."
"Run happy, you know, he's 16-2, he's a beautiful horse. There's stamina on top and bottom, and he's stamping his horses with that."
"The more stamina you have, the better you can perform."
"A full eight hours helps reduce stress and increases stamina."
"Playing with kids... having the stamina and sort of the mental wherewithal to keep doing that has been a huge boost."
"Performer, great physical stamina, also flautist, that's kind of amazing."
"It takes work, it takes hard work to build your stamina."
"And he was able to do it, yeah, I mean how many guys 40 minutes in are able to do that?"
"Let's get it done, this is an awesome workout to build full body stamina."
"The ultimate test of an athlete's physical stamina and their mental grit."
"Your body's not tired, come on, squeeze that core, pump the arms, focus on your breath."
"You're too good to be tired, you're too good to slow down."
"This is the trouble with a proper Viking swimming race; it's a game of judgment as well as endurance."
"Stamina in the spirit is the capacity to focus on God and God only."
"This is very easy to customize, so you can change how quickly the character sprints and walks, and how quickly the stamina drains and regens."
"I think you have a stamina and a very good brain and a real sense of empathy."
"Vinyasa yoga hands down is the best way to build strength and stamina."
"That stamina and that ability to focus late in the night... there's so much value in the last two hours of the main event."
"This has been a perfect fight right now for Jose Augusto, very efficient, hasn't burned any energy."
"Stamina equals perseverance plus enthusiasm."
"In this game, you're not tired. You might pass out after the game, but in this moment, you're not tired."
"She's got an unbelievable engine."
"Goku catches his breath, now being completely out of stamina, and reunites with Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin once more."
"It's a show you could see back-to-back performances and not be tired of."
"It takes incredible stamina to travel 1,000 miles in less than 10 days on a trail as rugged as the Yukon Quest."
"This is how you build up stamina, and this is something that's going to be happening in matches as well."
"The bag will help you develop a lot of stamina in your shoulder muscles."
"They are built for endurance; their stamina is unbelievable, they can outrun anything."
"Sugar-free Red Bull, even though it's 3 A.M, we're gonna have a long night."
"The capacity to run was going to be good, we kept that up."
"It's all about stamina on this hike, determination to reach that airplane and make some money."
"Cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance translates into stamina, stamina is important not just for sports but also for daily activities."
"I felt really pretty good throughout it, I was actually pretty surprised at how much stamina I had."
"It's important to keep up your stamina on a day like today."
"They've got incredible stamina; they can run at sort of 50 kilometers an hour for minutes and minutes on end."
"Strength is really the last thing you want to focus on; endurance, stamina, technique, coordination, all those things are a lot more important than strength."
"Once again, Carlsen proved the kind of stamina he has and how good at practical decisions he is."
"The main benefits of hit are that it improves your stamina, increases strength, and can burn a lot of fat."
"His abilities include infinite super speed, superhuman agility and stamina."
"Your vitality will increase, you will feel more robust and you will also have increased stamina."
"I turbo boost my stamina and activate the power of commitment."