
Priority Quotes

There are 9900 quotes

"Social and emotional learning should be on our priority list at the top. We would have better learning throughout the whole entire education career of a human being in this country."
"Nutrition is the most important decision that we can make."
"I personally think that this is the most important topic that I have ever covered...the mother topic for me."
"Your number one priority in life is to be you."
"Protecting your peace as an individual should be your priority."
"The single most important project you could ever work on is yourself."
"If it's something you want to do, and you're passionate about it, then I think that's more important than being conscious about the audience."
"You are always my number one and always will be."
"I want the world to come back and put God where he belongs: first."
"The most important thing, really, is the truthful word."
"This is like the future, that this is the priority."
"The relationship with the Holy Spirit is more important than anything that you've ever manifested or made known."
"Praying should never be a last resort... it should be the start. Get on your knees, get on your face, pray wherever you're standing or seated."
"Return to self, come home to you, give to yourself, be your own first priority."
"This is one of those moves that has a surprising amount of priority."
"It's either 'hell yes' or 'no'. If it's not something that you're 100% all-in for, then it's not worth pursuing."
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33.
"No relationship is more important to me than the one with Canada's indigenous peoples."
"At the start of every day, you want to ask yourself, what is the most important task that I need to get done today?"
"Diet is hands down the most important thing when it comes to your goal."
"We can't afford to take health for granted anymore."
"Your job first and foremost is to take care of you... you are the only person who has always been there for you."
"Children's mental health and social development must be as much of a priority as physical health."
"As a parent, your top priority is always your child's well-being."
"Everyone will tell you the most important thing in life is balance."
"Our top priority will always remain safeguarding patients, the public, and providers."
"We love the community more than anything else."
"Our love for each other took precedence, and hopefully always will."
"No relationship is ever going to be more important than the relationship you have with yourself. You are your first best friend, your first inspiration, your first priority."
"The secretary stated very clearly his number one priority is to defend this nation against all threats and challenges."
"Your personal freedom is the thing you need to get right and sorted first."
"Health comes first. You can't defeat anybody, whether it's yourself you're trying to defeat or something outside of that. Health comes first."
"Make some time for yourself otherwise it's not going to happen."
"The number one thing that you can do, and this needs to be first, the first thing: express your unconditional love for them."
"The development of U.S. Hypersonic strike weapon systems is a department priority."
"Nuclear deterrence is the Department's highest priority Mission."
"If you put God first, and He is the greatest, everything else in your life gets blessed."
"The expected value of reducing existential risk is vastly greater than many actions we consider significantly beneficial today."
"I am committed to maintaining my health and fitness, recognizing it as a top priority in my life."
"Cleanliness matters the most. It doesn't have to be well decorated or well furnished, but cleanliness tops all of the factors."
"If you do not come to the place in the Lord where your obedience to God takes first precedent over anything and everything, then you never get anywhere in God."
"Your number one priority is to stay healthy so you can enjoy the fruits of our packing during the bear."
"Time is such a valuable commodity, especially time spent with people who need it the most."
"Patient health and safety is always, always, always going to be the overriding factor."
"If you have priority, you're the only one that can do stuff. That's what that means. You can cast spells or activate abilities."
"We want to make sure it's safe, safety number one."
"Nothing else matters, and nothing else is as strong as love."
"Remove yourself from the crowd and storm-tossed more than your years deserve, withdraw at last to a more peaceful haven."
"Prayer is our first response, not a last resort."
"The policy priority is total harm minimization."
"Authenticity should be their number one priority."
"Nothing is worth the price of your peace of mind."
"I'm gonna go ahead and just say that's gotta be a high priority."
"Our number-one priority is to protect the health and safety of all Canadians."
"We've been taking decisive action based on the advice of our chief medical officer...the health and safety of the people of Ontario is our top priority."
"Performance is probably the most important thing in your application."
"My family is number one priority. Blood is thicker than water."
"I think of that as the virtue of reverence, and I think reverence is to properly realize the relevance of something that should be given a priority even over yourself."
"Coziness is my main priority in life most of the time."
"Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war."
"The most important thing is to make sure that you're happy."
"Children and invalids are to be given first priority."
"People's privacy as an individual should pretty much be paramount to everything else."
"In a world of chaos and confusion... prayer just can't be an addendum... it's got to be put on the front end."
"If the mother's life is in danger, she's more important at that point."
"We want to make sure that you keep your health as a priority on your wish list."
"This promise is for those who seek God's glory and God's will above all other things."
"If you only read one more book this year, make it this one."
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
"The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many."
"The welfare of children needs to come first, and it's not coming first."
"First and foremost, I need to get home to my daughter. That's what's important."
"You are my audience, and you are the most precious things in my life, next to my family, of course."
"Put yourself first...Your health, your mental health, your happiness, and your well-being should always come first."
"Implied volatility is the number one thing that you have to focus on."
"Your mental health is the most important thing."
"The first order of business is to save lives. Period. Whatever it costs."
"Among the penitents acts, contrition occupies first place."
"Our priority is keeping Canadians alive and healthy."
"The earlier it is in your title... the better it is."
"There's nothing more important than educating our children."
"The main thing is sitting on number one now."
"That's what's great about this game. It's that the end product is always king."
"The only issue today should be to stop the war."
"Protecting my brand is definitely a priority."
"Safety is never an area where you should cheap out... in any case."
"Prioritize clarity over creativity. First impressions matter."
"The vaccine will be distributed to front-line workers, the elderly, and high-risk Americans immediately."
"Ensuring teachers are vaccinated, prioritizing teachers, is important to the president."
"The religion of Allah comes before anybody, anyone. Simple as that."
"Protect your mental health at all costs... it's number one priority."
"Family is the most valuable thing in the world."
"If you can't love yourself, how the hell's gonna love someone else? You gotta put yourself first in those situations."
"God is number one, I'm proud that He's first in my life."
"Safety is, in my opinion, the number one issue that is driving a lot of those things."
"Our health care problem is our deficit problem. Nothing else even comes close."
"Putting God first means seeking to know his plan."
"A healthcare system that puts you and your families first, and that every American can be proud of."
"I just met my soul mate. What could possibly be more important than that?"
"Health is the most important thing on the planet Earth."
"Fixing this has been our top priority... thank God they fixed that."
"Michigan's Elite... they're on the tarmac... first in line for takeoff."
"Safety, especially, I mean it is a paramount first. It's like the absolute primary thing to maximize the safety of the car."
"The number one reason you're doing this is for fun. Fun has to be the number one reason you're doing this."
"Storytelling is always king. That's all that matters to us."
"The result can never be more important than the player's health."
"Your mental health can sometimes be a lot more important than your physical health."
"Our first priority has to be protecting human lives and safety."
"This is way more important than any political fight that's happening right now."
"Taking care of yourself first in order to serve better."
"I am really big on building relationships with my students like that's number one to me that starts day one."
"One of the main things we're here for, perhaps the most fundamental thing we're here for, is to make sure that inflation of that unpleasant high nature doesn't get entrenched in the economy."
"Public safety is the number one issue in this city right now."
"At the end of the day, your content value is more important than your production value."
"However, there exists an issue that outstrips all the others combined."
"Spending time doing things you enjoy should be a priority."
"There may not be a more important issue at the Food and Drug Administration than the pandemic."
"There's nothing more important right now probably to the free world than the free flow of information."
"Safety is paramount, never take it for granted."
"Teaching character is the single most important thing."
"Quality and safety are our top concern and really matter."
"I really don't think it's as vital to your account as something like emblem or you know even the deep foot set for dendro team specifically."
"As parents, the safety and happiness of our children is our top priority."
"Fascinating in fact I feel like we should probably make this a priority."
"I'm going to be fully committed. That is going to be my number one priority."
"Your happiness is more important than anything."
"Wider access to healthy foods should be a top priority."
"I did put my family first and made sure everybody was safe secure and happy."
"American companies should see themselves as Americans first."
"We want action, we want to be at the center of the priorities again."
"Finish your book. You must. You must do this first."
"Before we talk about the one percent of cases, let's deal with the 99 percent of cases."
"She's so precious, she must be protected at all costs."
"Make your health a priority and in return, you'll be rewarded with an uncommon level of energy and focus."
"What you do now is more important than what you say."
"Your health and your well-being are perhaps your number one prep."
"If your mental health is messed up everything else has to stop."
"Don't allow anything to become more important than your God."
"Ideology matters more than putting food in the mouth of a child."
"Focus on you, secure your own oxygen mask before you secure the people around you."
"Your integrity is more important than anything."
"The revolution cannot be set aside for peace."
"Money management is always your number one job."
"I'm a good darn father as my first priority in my life."
"Removing child exploitation is my number one priority."
"Preservation of life became the primary function."
"It's all about execution. Execution is everything. It's not everything, it's the only thing."
"The faith must be more important to you than your daily food."
"Health Care is number one, everyone believes in it."
"The administration of justice is her number one and only priority."
"Seeking knowledge is what's most important to me."
"Artificial intelligence is at the top of the agenda."
"We should be treating those mental health difficulties first."
"Our number one priority is making sure that our community knows that we're working for them."
"Containment of COVID-19 is possible in all affected countries and should be number one."
"Your salvation should always be at the forefront of your mind."
"Nothing is more important than avoiding that nightmare."
"Letting my child know that he's my top priority even above my own legacy."
"Protection took an absolute priority in the design of the Illustrious class."
"Education is the number one most important thing..."
"Supporting and standing with Ukraine is rightly our most immediate priority."
"Your health is worth at least a billion dollars, and we should act like it."
"Being against racism trumps literally everything else."
"When you decide you need God more than you need the answer."
"Health care needs to be front and center in the conversation."
"This has to be our overriding singular focus and priority."
"Knowing Him is the priority. The more we Him, the more we become like Him."
"How important it is to take care of yourself before you can take care of others properly."
"Our ability to protect ourselves transcends everything else. I don't care why you're here, I want you to be safe."
"Government's first duty is the safety of the citizens."
"Resilience has to take precedence over efficiency."
"Sometimes I wonder how I can justify writing about anything other than climate change... it is the existential issue out there."
"Your relationship with yourself is the main, most important relationship you'll ever have."
"There has to be a prioritization for communities that have been left behind."
"If we seek you first, you will lead and guide us."
"Nothing is more important than this mission."
"Anything that can remind us to take care of ourselves and to put ourselves first as a general matter, I am definitely down for."
"A child's currency of wealth is love completely, and that comes before anything."
"Create safe places for the things that you feel are most important."
"Your number one goal in terms of love is your relationship with yourself."
"If it's important to you, you will do it without editing yourself too much."
"His philosophy and practices are very cohesive and consistently applied, even if it pains him to carry out such actions."
"Strengthening and empowering federal workforce is our priority."
"Having a comfortable place to work was a high priority."
"People are becoming more and more conscious that the first problem that must be solved is humanity."
"This royal union is a case of love comes first."
"Caligula's message is quite clear: my fancy window-glass is more important than the Jews of Alexandria."
"I enjoy being up first. I like it. It's partly to signal to myself, 'Rich, you're more important than all of this.'"
"Children should be at the front of the line when it comes to protection from the government."
"The number one issue above the economy, inflation, covered lockdowns, all of it, was climate."
"In relationships, take care of yourself first and foremost."
"Self-care is the most important thing a person can have."
"The relationship is really the most important thing."
"Whatever I can do to make this right is number one priority."
"Excitement is the top priority for fire signs in relationships."
"My mansion, my beautiful mansion. I love that bench more than my own children if I had any."
"Please do pay attention to your health more than anything else."
"If you make investing a priority it will enable you to become a millionaire faster."
"You're either gonna have a good hold on finances or it will master you."