
Physical Fitness Quotes

There are 713 quotes

"Hitting the heavy bag consistently will build your stamina and improve your technique."
"It is only within the context of having properly developed your mind that you will be able to truly enjoy the achievement of your material values, including that of a more muscular body."
"My biggest green flag is probably my body. It's one of the things that I'm just proud of. It's my temple."
"The only way you're really going to find out is if you really dial in your nutrition, really dial in your training... and just see if you get pretty jacked."
"The stronger your muscles, the less your heart has to work."
"You can only get so physically fit for a challenge, and at that point in time, your mind and your body have to come into alignment, and then the mind takes over."
"You look in fine physical shape. You put the work in, haven't you?"
"Being more physically fit and dressing nicer will make you more hirable, it will get more people to listen to you, and it will help you attract higher quality people in your life."
"The women that were high fit gained nine more years of good cognition later in life."
"Link your physical fitness to worshiping Allah and achieving the goals that you want to achieve in life."
"Good thing that arrow deflected off me cuz I got my abs of steel."
"Flexibility is going to be the difference between you getting a handstand press and you needing stupidly strong joints to worm your way up into a handstand press."
"Flexibility is so important for the press. It's going to make your life ten times easier."
"A well-balanced athleticism requires flexibility in the hamstrings, back, core, quads, and calves."
"The power of the mind is far more important than the size of your quads."
"Cal aesthetics is a journey towards a physique using body weight training."
"If you're physically fit, your clothes will fit differently, and you'll have this different type of confidence."
"Muscle mass and aerobic capacity are crucial for older individuals."
"Marines are in great shape...it's very rare to see an out-of-shape Marine."
"The one thing you probably all have to do, almost every good trader I know is in pretty good shape."
"Building an aesthetic muscular physique is one of the most masculine things a man can do."
"This triathlon is strenuous. To be able to compete, athletes must be in excellent physical condition. By starting the race, the athlete declares that they are in good health and have completed the appropriate amount of conditioning to complete the race."
"One of the pastimes that can help you become a better fighter is martial arts training. Training them will improve your life in numerous ways such as in self-control, physical fitness, or humility."
"Your delts, your traps, your bicoids, your latimuses—peak condition."
"I have more energy when I go to the gym; I sleep better, I feel better."
"The discomfort you feel when running, pumping iron, or doing some other physical activity is what brings results."
"Training to failure doesn't mean you train like an idiot and do cheat reps; it means you train hard to failure."
"If you can do more than 10 pull-ups, you're officially doing really well for yourself vertical pulling strength-wise."
"If you lose 10 pounds of pure body fat... that's how much easier the pull-ups get."
"By physical fitness, your mental health and emotional health improves."
"Make sure your weight training is integrated into your sport training such that they don't interfere as much as they supplement each other."
"I want to have the best physique that I possibly can...I feel like I've earned it."
"That has to be one of the nicest physiques I've seen, 100, ever. Period."
"Flexibility is passive static, and mobility is active dynamic."
"Strength training until your performance falls below the strength intensity threshold."
"Working out has just been such a huge part of my life, it's been my therapy, my escape."
"Ronaldo brilliant, now I've always been team Messi but you can't argue with Ronaldo's athletic physique."
"Ronaldo is known for his explosiveness, apparently his highest jump was measured at a ridiculous 2.93 M."
"Everyone has their own individual preference...but in general, being lean and athletic is attractive."
"Your hormones are never going to be balanced if you don't get your metabolic health in order, and your metabolic health is never going to get in order if you don't build some muscle."
"Exercise is short-term stress, but it helps us adapt, repair, and grow stronger."
"One of the great lessons that comes from watching mixed martial arts is the realization that being big and as muscled up as possible doesn't always mean you're the baddest guy in the room."
"People don't talk about this enough but body fat is a huge part of proportion. If you looked at two pictures of me when I was training the same way, same muscle development, one at 13 percent body fat, one at 7, the proportions are crazy different."
"The pull-up is the best exercise that you can do to build a big and powerful back."
"Ronnie took weight training strength to a whole another level."
"Football is just an RPG, it's a strategy game played by people who have leveled themselves up physically in real life. Let's go!"
"I felt my body, I felt in better condition than I've ever been in, and less banged up during this shoot."
"Rock climbing produces some of the strongest fingers and grip strength on the planet."
"If it really positively changes both mentally and physically maybe this can kind of motivate us to put the workout as part of our lifestyle."
"John Idola needs a new jacket, who's those 24-inch pythons about to burst out of his sleeves."
"If you're physically able, get into some kind of self-defense class."
"If you're physically weak, you're just gonna fall victim."
"He definitely has more that Jason Kelsey build. He can move around very well, very fluid athlete."
"Flies engineered to overproduce sestrins not only had stronger muscles and more endurance, they got buff without doing their workouts."
"Invest your best ROI that you can possibly make and get the best return on is investing in your most important physical asset which is your body."
"This will give you one of the nastiest pumps you've ever had."
"When you go to the gym and you start lifting weights well your body's going to transform but it's not going to do that if you just sit around you have to face your being with the necessity of transformation."
"Declan Rice, good at protein and tackles, strong player in that DM position as well."
"Civilize the mind, make savage the body, build the bank account."
"You can be fit and fat, but being an ideal weight and fit is better."
"Focus on improvements to energy levels, digestion, strength, and endurance."
"I would recommend everyone take some sort of combat sport class."
"The body's a sculpture that's living and breathing and bleeding. Think about it."
"Girl, you gotta keep yourself busy, and the way I kept myself busy obviously was going to the gym."
"If you can get outside that position and strengthen your body, it's gonna help you."
"I realized that if I would be like that guy, because he was also a skinny guy... I could defend myself."
"It's resistance training, it's weight training for your breathing muscles."
"Activate the core. Think about pulling the hip bones together."
"You must consume increasing amounts of protein and you must do strength training to ward off sarcopenia as you age."
"Focus on your physical fitness. It's crucial for mental well-being and preparedness."
"Muscle mass is the largest site for beta oxidation, imagine the more muscle tissue you have, the larger the capacity to burn fat."
"Isometric side plank: working tremendously hard, firing core muscles."
"Just because you're lean outside doesn't mean it's... the internal stuff."
"There's not a single muscle on my body that isn't for a purpose."
"Pick up heavy shit, put it down, strengthen your body, strengthen your mind."
"Bodybuilding is such a beautiful journey because if you've been bullshitting yourself, it will show."
"Costa is the most jacked guy in the entire UFC."
"Can we just talk about the bruises on my shoulders from squats? Like, that's crazy!"
"If you are a fan of variety, you're going to love this workout. We've got 25 exercises to rock through."
"If the stairs are whipping your ass right now, imagine what's going to happen in 30 years."
"Most people that don't have the physique... is out of lack of willpower."
"Your abs show, veins start popping up, and your body is at peak physical attractiveness."
"I really enjoy doing weight training exercises."
"Visualize yourself pulling up towards the sky."
"Stay on the path... maintaining our physical capability and competence."
"Anyone who's really buff tends to be good in other areas too."
"I'm in a good mood. Oh, I can catch up! It's all that cardio."
"Strength training is about increasing the ability to produce more force over time."
"We squat, we press, we deadlift, we bench press."
"We actively pursue them because we're trying to strengthen all of the muscle mass involved in maintaining that position."
"The joy I get from that is so superior to the best workouts."
"Proper exercise and fat loss... are the two biggest things that are going to help you see a more defined six-pack."
"MOBA players are in peak physical form with heightened reflexes and clicking and typing speeds."
"I work out to get fitter and stronger, and mentally it just makes me feel so so so good."
"You should cherish what you have. Like man, my legs are strong, I got strong legs, and I did nothing to deserve them."
"Foot injuries are a great opportunity to get super strong in your core and your upper body."
"Physical fitness is the most paramount thing to fighting... stronger people are harder to kill."
"Boldly speak the truth, even if it's critical."
"Your chance of survival is substantially increased if you're in shape."
"He obviously like knows how to suffer he knows how to get in shape and he looks good."
"March 2024 holds great promise for Taurus; embrace the transformative energy and seize the opportunities."
"Being fit is being mentally fit and physically fit. There's no separation of our mind and our body. It's all one."
"The intelligent, healthier approach ended up with more fat loss and a better physique."
"He's shredded, oh my God, that guy's physique is insane."
"I like that morning routine where you work out, hit the cold plunge for five or 10 minutes."
"This would be like several years ago, this would be the photo in a health book of a person that needed to really like work out."
"The stairs are probably the easiest way to get your heart rate up."
"It's actually kind of crazy to think of how in shape people in marching bands have to be."
"There's a study that was published in the applied physiology nutrition metabolism Journal took a look at 42 men and it found that those that train in the evening time had a 50% increase in their overall muscle growth."
"Discipline is doing 100 perfect good burpees with good pace. Your last rep should look like your first rep."
"This is gonna test your balance it's gonna test your limits who do you think you can be if you can do that pop in the whole movement flow through it nice and steady exhale down."
"This is why I say to people I said the working out is not just to get a bigger bicep or bigger delts and bigger Petro muscles and abs notice it's just what it does also psychologically and mentally for you it just gives you such a boost."
"If you're in shape you can work harder, you can work more effectively, you think clearer, you know, you don't eat as much garbage and stuff like that, and you know you're more fun to procreate with."
"There's something about physical fitness that makes you more capable in an area that I desire to be capable in."
"Get your body in better shape, get out, do some training, get to the range, work on your security, work on your preparations, work on your finances and work on your body."
"Having your body being able to defend yourself or somebody else... I think it's so important."
"When you have a strong core, you have strong confidence."
"Because we're hitting the gym, we are pumping some iron, that's working on our strength stat."
"Armstrong: His physique, Jax...you gotta love his character."
"Cardio is good because you can keep running, you can keep going and not tire out. And that's also really important for a fight."
"Elasticity is key not only for General Health and Longevity but also in the realm of sports performance."
"The Beast... has by the arm load and ab load."
"I'm trying to defy aging, defy gravity if you will, and just trying to get better."
"So being having more muscle dense muscle and Contracting at the right time is all protective."
"Sometimes it's just modifying training to fix what we can while we train what we can."
"Muscular bodies might just be the very best, not just for aesthetic value but the strength that comes with it."
"How in God's name are they going to stop them? You need some younger, vibrant, strong, healthy individuals... who can put you on your ass if they have to."
"Seeing changes in my body already, changes in my speed, the small details they really get out to you about it."
"That physique, can you guys out there achieve that? And I believe the answer is yes."
"This is like the epitome of a total body transformation."
"A lean body was the one thing money couldn't buy you."
"I want to look like I'm a superhero, that's all I want, like the broad shoulders, the ripped abs."
"As I teach them how to lift weights, as they gain that confidence, that translates so easily into everything else."
"Howdy partner, might I say you're looking fit as a fiddle."
"Healthy is something that's really good for your body and your muscles."
"The lighter you get the faster you'll be, the more pizza I eat the faster I run."
"I did six months of rigorous training. It was a lot of weight and strength training as well as special martial arts training." - Amber Heard
"How the hell was the workout? You guys are like, 'I can't even breathe right now.' Good job! High five, good job."
"Look at this sweep, man. Ronnie's got the best back of all time."
"It's absolutely mind-blowing to think about if this guy added another like 15 pounds like you're still not that heavy."
"It's all about the kinetic chain of the body."
"Is my butt gonna be sore tomorrow? When I first tried Soul Cycle and then later when I first got the Peloton, there's definitely an adjustment period..."
"I want to be whacked, I don't want any big brothers, good physique, good physique, so we can have even better summer holidays."
"If you're feeling sensation, if you're getting a good stretch, if you're feeling the strength building up in your arms, you're doing it perfectly."
"Exercise is truly a celebration of all your body can do."
"They're just not as aesthetically appealing as a normal six-pack."
"No one's doubting your physique is insane, dude."
"Your muscles don't grow unless you break them down. And the harder you break them down, the better and more reliable they're going to grow."
"Challenge your bodies in every single way possible, push to the very end."
"It's strength, but not like, you know, don't be Arnold Schwarzenegger and start juicing yourself up your butt with a big bunch of steroids." - David Palmer
"Underrated, the old, you know the obliques, you know when a guy's got those little muscles right on the rib that's underrated."
"Run like Forrest Gump. Not only will you lose weight, but you'll gain clarity. That's a win-win for you."
"It's natural to experience guilt, but more is not always better. Embrace the rest day and realize that it's an opportunity for your body to rebuild stronger."
"David is in the best physical shape of his career, he's more experienced, and he's in the best peak of his career." - Adam Booth
"Man, we're not messing around... Arms day is always a good day."
"Your brain is going to work better if your body is in shape."
"Focus on physical fitness; in times of war or societal collapse, physical fitness can be a matter of life and death, maintain a regular exercise routine and focus on functional fitness."
"We finished that workout, I couldn't do half the moves, so flexible, cool, good."
"Does your muscles ache after working hard at the gym?"
"Simply keep your body in the best chick possible and everything else will get better when you use it the way you should."
"Build the mental strength and endurance through physical strength and endurance so that you can make yourself a Survivor."
"The gym definitely saved me with mental health."
"Building a stronger grip will make you stronger in nearly everything you do."
"You're in control of you, your physique will do what you make it do."
"Improving your body will make you harder to kill, be stronger in melee, and shoot more accurately."
"Your body is stronger, it's fitter, it reacts quicker and that's where it all makes running feel easier."
"There's no such thing as being like a lean guy who's also dragging 700 pounds around."
"I have not felt this much weight for a moment in a narrative since I have read Malazan Book of the Fallen."
"Keep a neutral spine and full pelvic tilt for optimal core engagement in exercises like the whole body hold."
"He looks perfect. He has an amazing physique, dominant arms, massive limbs, good core, shredded but not too lean. To me, perfect physique."
"Holy crap dude, look at this guy, he's ripped."
"I find it very difficult to maintain a good physique whilst doing anything close to a hard intermittent fast."
"Strength before size - a time-tested method."
"Incorporate a range of different movements into your training to keep your fascia limber and adaptable."
"If you were having a geriatric Olympics, I'd put my money on Joe Biden winning the decathlon, not Donald Trump."
"If you're shredded already, as in you're too lean, single digit body fat."
"Everyone likes to look at themselves. It's how you check your form."
"That's the reason he told me they called him that, apparently he's built really well."
"Vin Diesel's got the dad bod; I could whoop his butt on this family-friendly Christian Minecraft stream."
"Facing off against a vampire and its bosses getting more and more difficult is a test of ability depending on the level of difficulty you chose."
"Prime real estate the size of those calf muscles."
"Your physical condition doesn't need to hold you back."
"Healthy heart, healthy circulation, good mind, and I love boxing for those reasons."
"He is shredded just, I mean like like Stallone and Rocky 4 level shredded."
"The intensity, the cardio you put yourself through just from working out on a bag, it's unlike anything else."
"Your physical fitness above all else is probably one of the most important factors that will dictate whether or not you're able to navigate a tough situation."
"He's got a little bit of a long waist, but with a little bit more added lat size and quad thickness, this could be [ __ ] really dangerous."
"Just get the fitness better, and that's happening."
"I know y'all seen these abs man. This is hard work man!"
"Anakin Skywalker was at the pinnacle of his physical prime, shaped with an athletic build, strong, fast, and agile."
"Weak upper back: the struggle with thickness."
"The gym has been more transformative mentally than it has been physically."
"Experimenting with different movements is a really great place to start."
"This man's lung capacity is through the roof!"
"When you have imbalances, I like to train things unilaterally. So for example, a Bulgarian split squat. You can't make up if your left leg is weaker and you're doing your left leg, your right leg can't help you, it's on its own."
"If you get your body feeling good and looking good, chances are it's operating well on the inside too."
"Yoga is so good for your body and for your mind and your spirit and it really helped tone me up and strengthen my abs."
"We should all be crazy optimistic because of proven strength training."
"I think most naturals can get yoked and look really good if they actually train their neck and traps."
"Bodybuilders love to push themselves, committing to extreme diets and exercise regimes to push their bodies as they sculpt their physique to perfection."