
Mind Quotes

There are 2271 quotes

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."
"As the more you understand the mind from a serious scientific point of view; the more you come to appreciate its complexity, its uniqueness and its beauty."
"The mind is something you can control. The mind is real. The mind is the source of everything."
"You can't believe everything you think. You can't believe everything you feel. The mind is a very dangerous organ."
"Your brain, which is the hardware, and your mind, which is the software, both affect one another."
"The mind thinks involuntarily just like the heart beats involuntarily."
"The mind is a good servant but a poor master."
"Mind is never yours. If you can do a little bit of this, 'I am not the mind, the mind is not mine,' instantaneously you'll be free with every problem of your life."
"I am not the body, the body is not mine. I am not the mind, the mind is not mine."
"The mind is only made up of tendencies, patterns, habits—that's all we are."
"The electromagnetic energy in our heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head."
"The mind is like a muscle analogy falls short...because when we strain to learn something with our mind, we don't actually get to feel what it is to perform much better."
"When we say the result of meditation, what happens is our mind becomes more calm, peaceful, and then also one of the most important is freedom. Then the happiness comes automatically."
"The human mind...is a very large exploit surface."
"Understanding how the mind works was probably the most important thing I could ever share with you."
"If this doesn't blow your mind, do you even have a soul?"
"So many minds, so many possibilities; I can see them all."
"The feeling of the body, the mapping and the regulation of the body, is a basic substrate, a kind of trampoline for the mind."
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."
"The mind is devoid of mind because the nature of mind is clear light."
"Suffering and pain is understood to be a function of an untamed and undisciplined mind, and happiness and joy is understood to be a function of a tamed and disciplined mind."
"The pollutants of the mind are advantageous and the pollutions of the mind contamination really result from more thought processes and conceptual processes which has the tendency to obscure and taint our essential nature of the mind. However, the mind, the essential nature of mind is luminosity and this mere experience and at that level, our mind is clear light, our mind is free of pollution."
"The essential nature of mind is pure and it's mere clear light and the pollutants that obscure mind really arise from these conceptualization and afflictions all of which are grounded rooted in this fundamental ignorance."
"Dreams are where the mind translates the divine."
"The mind is like this restless monkey... and then somebody has made it drink wine, and then a scorpion has stung it."
"Mind and speech, if used rightly, will make the user of them no different from the immortals."
"Speech is the image of mind, and mind is the image of God."
"Anybody that's ready, that's open, that wants to be hypnotized can be. It's not mind control; it's actually learning how you can gain more control over your own mind."
"Consciousness is the controller of the mind."
"The mind is the soul's primary vehicle for making contact with God, and it plays the foundational role in the process of maturation and spiritual formation."
"The most important space you have is your mind; how protective of it are you?"
"The world around you is an illusion created by your own mind."
"This mind is a complex machine; everything that we have created has come out of this mind."
"When you step into the unknown, that's where things can really begin to happen. Imagine we have this box, that prison I was showing you, and there's a certain way we think, feel, and act. If you step into what you don't know, this is where then the mind can't try to just jump to the easiest thing."
"The most important thing you can do is renew your mind."
"The brain is really just a wet lump of fat and protein, no firmer than a blob of tofu. But the mind is huge; it's an ever-expanding organ of tissue and wood and stone and steel and people because of communication."
"Minds are pretty classical. I don't think phenomena like entanglement are crucial to how the human mind works or about consciousness."
"The human machine, what your mind is capable of doing, it's amazing."
"What we think of as the conscious mind is a tiny little iceberg tip poking out from a massive supercomputer below the surface."
"Our knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of our mind and of our universe is expanding at an astounding rate."
"If it is true that there are these geometric patterns in the galaxy, I argue that the mind also operates geometrically."
"The mind is capable of extraordinary things."
"Right now, you have the most complex piece of biological machinery known to man tucked away inside of your head."
"We actually love freedom and liberty and we want our minds to be as free as our bodies are free."
"Your mind, your consciousness, is your greatest asset."
"The mind at times fashions for itself false shapes of evil when there are no signs that point to any evil."
"The mind is so invisible that if you've never gone through a body transformation, it's difficult for people to believe in the depth of change that's possible."
"Your mind is the healer and your mind can be the killer too."
"If the mind was simple enough for us to understand it, we would be too simple to understand the mind."
"Our minds have just become more and more extended... vast amounts of my mind are now existing in the cloud."
"Your body and your mind are gonna do whatever they can to heal."
"The natural quality of the mind is clear light."
"It is the mind that creates the world we live in and the actions that lead to that creation."
"The mind is very fickle. It's abstract, that's why social media feeds into the mind so easily."
"The mind is a self-deception engine... Reality must be dreamed into being."
"This entire topic I call epistemology... it's really part of a book that I'm working on which is gonna be all about the deceptive nature of the mind."
"Every day millions of thought cross your mind, but if you hold on to some thought, identify with that thought, that forms your karma."
"The mind loses its ability to make you unhappy, because then you realize a lot of your unhappiness did not come from the circumstances of your life, but from the way in which your mind told you about the circumstances of your life."
"The exciting possibility with a brain-computer interface is that we might be able to accelerate our understanding and treatment and control of the internal environment of the mind."
"The augmentation doesn't have to be just in regaining the physical function of the body, it could be augmentation to the mind."
"Life is truly crazy. Why is it that our minds are limitless and boundless, yet we are bound to the physical nature of the universe?"
"The mind is the primary controller of all reality, period."
"Remember, entanglement theory shows the human mind can alter space-time and the non-local field."
"When you free the data, your mind will follow."
"There might be no sinister spirits that can harm you while using a Ouija board, but rather the terrors of your own mind."
"Feed your mind with positivity... The mind is so strong, it can literally give you depression or anxiety."
"The rational mind can know that we are in a unified field, but it could not perceive it. The dream mind can perceive that everything is connected."
"Telepathy tells us that our consciousness is not simply confined to our brains."
"Men are not prisoners of fate, only prisoners of their own minds." - Henry Ford
"Inside your head is one of the greatest computers in the universe."
"It's been taught your worst enemy couldn't harm you as much as your own wicked thoughts."
"We usually underestimate the power or transformation of mind."
"Your mind must be open and unoccupied for ideas to come."
"The brain actually is the stuff of the mind."
"The most powerful force in the human world, by the way, has always been the mind."
"You can control a mad elephant, you can walk in water and live in fire. But control of the mind is better and more difficult."
"Your mind is just an antenna, not the source of intelligence. Intelligence is everywhere."
"My body and my mind should take instructions from me, only then it's a useful instrument. If it's start doing its own things, then it's a nuisance."
"Your mind is like a muscle. If you're not working it out, it's going to be a shriveled sad piece of meat."
"You can never truly know what exists in the mind of another person. All we can do is look at some evidence and speak to a probability that something exists."
"The final battlefield for this global war that we're in is the mind."
"The astral is not a place. It has nothing to do with space at all. It is a realm of the mind."
"Meditation to me is essentially a way of working actively on your mind."
"Your subconscious mind is like a garden and you must be very careful what you plant there."
"There are strong emergent properties in the human mind."
"Mantra goes through these layers and works on the mana, the mind."
"Your preferences are called samskaras, and they exist in the mind in the subtle body. That's what the Jeeva takes away after death. Yeah, so the Karma, the Samskara, the Vasanas."
"Hypnosis is how the mind naturally works to the point that what you believe what you focus on tends to be what you feel and what you experience."
"Your mind may be your worst enemy right now."
"The mind can adjust itself to a radical transition."
"The mind is like a wild stallion. Control it, steer it."
"The eyes are useless when the mind is blind."
"The mind goes into a 'safe mode' during stress."
"Your mind is always creating these ripples, these waves of disturbance."
"What if you could change your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, and your way of being outside the bounds of time and space?"
"Reprogram your mind with useful knowledge instead of garbage."
"No one is going to take over your mind. You're just going to be so free."
"Know that there is no cap on the human mind, there's no cap, we cap it ourselves."
"The mind is such a powerful tool... we still don't know what it's about, how it functions."
"Psychedelics are mind revealers. That's what they are. To give this idea that what they're doing is revealing something about the nature of the mind." - Aldous Huxley
"Your mind stays the same, even as your body changes."
"Ideas are best suggested when the objective mind is partly subjective."
"The most expensive real estate in the world is what's between your ears - your mind."
"The mind is completely physical. There's nothing immaterial, supernatural, mystical about it."
"Your mind is a very important part of your body."
"Subliminals are uniquely powerful at assisting you in manifesting because the affirmations contained within them are designed to bypass the conscious filter of your mind."
"Our minds are much more powerful than we think."
"Prayer is an act of our spirit, not of the mind."
"The unlimited mind does not view suffering the same way."
"Your head can be a beautiful servant or it could be a horrific master."
"Your mind is a private sanctuary; it's like a private room or a magical room."
"We have a limitless mind and infinite consciousness."
"Mind is not in the brain, it's the consciousness of the whole human being."
"The only thing you can be sure exists is your mind. Everything else is a construct of your mind based on the signals it receives from your senses."
"I myself would love to be able to just shut my mind down man just for 15 minutes a day that would be fantastic."
"They can play all God because they make your spirit think it's the mind and they could create the Mind whatever it is and call it the sun this all kind of this [] []."
"You are traveling through another dimension, not only of sight and sound but of mind."
"Develop your mind, develop your communication skills."
"In order to use your head, you have to go out of your mind."
"There is a key and that key is your mind it is when you decide to turn that key to unlock the power of your physical body such as the liver that you start to glow with energy and vitality and have an increase in feelings of joy."
"To understand the most important ideas in Psychology, you need to understand how the mind is divided into parts that sometimes conflict."
"The subconscious mind controls your reality creation."
"Deliver us from bad thinking, renew our minds."
"Subliminals are a way to access your subconscious and your unconscious mind to influence it in a more deeper state."
"You are not a victim of your own brain. You have the ability to rewrite your own neural circuitry with nothing but your own thoughts."
"My definition of intelligence is how elastic your mind is."
"Great ideas are constantly flowing into my mind."
"That the mind is a powerful thing, it's everything, it's the obstacle, it's what separates you from God or a cosmic consciousness or whatever you want to call it."
"Your mind is always doing what it thinks you want, what it truly believes is in your very best interest."
"Every year your mind should be evolving to new stages and levels of development."
"The real supercomputer is the unconscious mind."
"Think of the mind as a river; the faster it flows, the better it keeps up with the present and responds to change."
"For the first time, the windows of the mind had opened wide."
"All true freedom exists in the mind, and I think only in the mind."
"the body is a form of a prison and that your mind and yourself is trapped inside of it"
"Imagination is more powerful than knowledge when dealing with your own mind and the mind of others."
"What you present to your mind it will present back to you."
"Your mind works for you. You don't work, put it to work."
"If you understand the rules of the mind and put them into practice, you will be running the ship."
"The mind is not the master of life, although we have allowed it to become such. The mind is simply a very useful secretary, able to keep the ledgers balanced."
"Your mind couldn't care less what you tell it; it believes everything you say."
"The law of your mind is this: you will get a reaction or response from your subconscious mind according to the nature of the thought or idea you hold in your conscious mind."
"Your subconscious mind is conditioned by your thoughts."
"Mind and Consciousness are not the same thing."
"An open mind is pretty much useless without an open heart."
"My mind is like a garden, and that whatever I plant in the garden will come forth like seeds after their kind."
"The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive."
"The mind in its own place can create a hell out of heaven and a heaven out of hell."
"Nothing is scarier than what we conjure up in our own minds."
"How weak our mind is, how quickly it is terrified and unbalanced as soon as we are confronted with a small, incomprehensible fact."
"Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate."
"The body cannot live without the mind."
"We can all use a little assistance in decluttering our minds."
"The mind is a terrible thing to waste."
"The body fades, eventually the body disappears, but what survives is your mind."
"The mind is where the mystery is."
"There is no cap on the human mind; we cap it ourselves."
"The most powerful weapons are the human mind and brain."
"What if your mind is a supercomputer and all of the results you have in your life are a 3D printing?"
"We can learn to be happy by understanding the mind, the psychological part of our minds."
"Your mind is a powerful tool and when harnessed correctly, it can be the gateway to a life of abundance, happiness, and success."
"Your mind is not just a passive observer of reality but an active participant in its creation."
"By understanding and harnessing the law of mind, you open the door to limitless possibilities for your life."
"You're living rent-free in someone's head."
"We are connected to that rather than just containing all of that within the confines of our brain."
"The parent of every mind is universal consciousness that gives birth to them through the process of dissociation."
"We are all first generations of mind that share the same mental parent."
"The body is only as strong as the mind."
"The supernatural doesn't work when we're in our mind. The supernatural works in the spirit."
"That which is called Truth or the pure Self, has always been here, unchanged, undisturbed by the changeful waves of the mind."
"Having a clear space is also having a clear mind for me."
"The only limitation is right here, your brain."
"Feeling kind of pleasant till I try to dream, and then my mind's a weapon."
"If everything you have is a result of using just 10% of your mind, consider what it will mean if you can increase this percentage."
"Dreams are theaters for our mind to run wild."
"The nature of the mind is negative thinking; it's fear, it's worry, it's concern, it's anxiety."
"Healing comes through a change in perspective because all healing must stem from the mind."
"Your mind is a book; when you close it, you lose. Always keep it open."
"By its very nature, it lifts the mind and heart to God."
"The Universe is mental, held in the mind of The All."
"The magnificence of the Mind lies in the fact that it can think, that is to say, it can tap into thought and create whatever image you choose."
"Your mind is the genie, and your wish is its commander."
"The mind gets its credit everywhere but the heart gets invalidated constantly and repeatedly."
"You cannot see your mind, but you can see the results of the mind."
"The mind is also a body, it's called the subtle body... and spirituality is basically in the mind."
"Your mind stands as the mightiest force you have for free."
"All is mind, and you create the life that you live."
"Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body."
"I observe my mind and when I experience something unwanted in my 3D, I simply direct my mind to focus on what I rather have instead."
"The cause of suffering is because the mind clings to this and that with attractions or aversions."
"The mind is fickle, restless, turbulent, strong, and set in its ways."
"The chip would give you access to the internet in your mind."
"The key is to understand that you have a brain. You're not your brain."
"You have a lot more control over your mind and your life than what you recognize."
"Clearing the planet means getting rid of all those engrams, getting rid of your reactive mind, becoming like a free spirit."
"Through mind, then every living thing is immortal."
"Mind is the Forerunner of all actions."
"Our mind is the Forerunner of all actions, all deeds are led by mind, created by mind."
"Remember, you are body, mind, soul."