
Average Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"An average face gets rid of all the things that are unusual, and people tend to find it quite attractive."
"The breakthrough for me was to accept that I was hopelessly average, and that that was still going to allow me to be successful."
"Being average, or right in the middle, is all about perspective."
"The film wasn't bad, just disappointing, a painfully average film that got a painfully average response."
"The average user rating of movies in this table is 4.6."
"You are just an average gal with a not so average love life."
"This is just average butter, not even that cultured butter that you can even get from a nice Supermarket."
"Remember to find an average, you add up all the values and divide by their number."
"Steel was none of these things. He was an average guy who had a little more of a motivation than some people have."
"It was just an average movie for me."
"...the average level of stress for the average person is about six to seven out of ten."
"I just think the average person would have given up."
"Over the last week on average we're earning about 278 a day on this mining algorithm"
"You are the average of the five closest people to you."
"What is the average show? 10 to 20. Pop musicians tend to play more like 20."
"The most average rated one actually has the best food."
"In terms of on average quality, it's very high."
"The average is 6.4. Not counting No Way Home."
"You are the average of the five friends you spend the most time with."
"You can't just be the average guy anymore. The idea from the 1950s that you can just be the normal average law-abiding hard-working citizen and you'll have a good life is gone."
"Let's just be an average couple and live like one."
"You're an average of The Five People You surround yourself with the most on a financial level, on a mental level, you're an average of all them."
"So that is it that is all of the stats that we have... I feel like 12 and 1/2 hours over 5 days is pretty average for me."
"QS boom boom boom, a beautiful average in there."
"You are the average of the five people that you hang around with."
"If you're average and you want to get in the club in the VIP section, you get your pretty friend, she's with me, let's go in."
"It’s time now for our second tier; The Average."
"This is how average healthy people can live their life."
"If you look average, you'll get average results. The best people want to work for the best people."
"When did it become an insult to be average?"
"This is just a technique of an average person."
"You don't have to outshine anybody. Being average is wonderful. You don't always have to submit perfect work. You can sometimes be a mess, and that's completely fine."
"Dave had always been a kind of average guy."
"Average is hard, and I feel like I've been given a motor that burns above average."
"It's better to be consistently average."
"...if you're basing your life off of the average person's life you're probably not going to be happy because the average person especially in the United States especially in the developed world the average person is not happy the average person is not living a meaningful life."
"Trust the median, not the average, especially in asymmetric distributions."
"...if you're going to commit a crime like this where there will be Witnesses perhaps just I don't know be more average it just yeah seems like a stupid idea."
"George Carlin once said, 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are stupider than that.'"
"An average reduction of 50% of pain."
"You're the average of the five people you hang around with the most."
"...you are the average of five people around you."
"Wow, yeah, that's not bad. I'm hopeful. I mean, I will be really impressed if it's better after it's running, that's for sure. But as it is, that is slightly above average, maybe. Maybe average."
"Mean is synonymous with the word average. How do we take an average? We take that entire group of data, all those numbers, we add them together and we divide by 13."
"For meds, dental, and insurance, the average for that is about fifty dollars."
"This is just the most pleasing for the general average model."
"On average people in tech make over $100,000 a year."
"This is about average probably maybe."
"Looking at this, I would place this as a solid five. Right? Which is exactly where it needed to be because it's the average burger."
"At the end of the day, it's probably something like around a six out of ten."
"This is not a bad film, it is just as average and bland and mediocre as you can possibly get."
"...it's pretty average or at least certainly not one of Pixar's best."
"The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes."
"The average is starting to look around 180 something I concentrated a little bit more on on after the strike."
"Your average student struggle, ceiling in the kitchen collapsed, your average student struggle."
"...if ever he had seen an average car, this was it."
"The point is that on average, that's what tends to happen."
"Well, no. I mean, the goal is not to make you average. The goal is to reduce suffering."
"This one's not good but it's not bad either. It's like a good middle ground for the Fall anyway."
"Fear to date what would be considered average and seeing that as settling."
"The average death rate is about one percent."
"The average woman is not in the limelight."
"An average is the total of all of the values divided by the number of values."
"I'd say sort of mid middle of the road."
"I was totally average, like literally pictured the average of an average."
"Understand that you are the average of the five people you spend time around."
"The average man today is utterly boring."
"The average FPU graduate is debt-free in 2 years or less."
"It's all right to be average. It's cool to be normal."
"You are the average. You are the person. The average person is out of debt in two years or less."
"Your needs aren't special, perfectly average."
"He's just a nice middle of the-pack guy."
"Somebody needs to go here and I think it's just because Jay is I guess the most average of all the ninja."
"To find the mean, you simply sum all of the data points and divide by how many data points there are."
"The level of radiation here in Sydney is about 0.5 microsieverts per hour, and that's about average globally."
"A great drive. Tendulkar over 10,000 test runs, averaging almost 58."
"The mean of this distribution is 20, meaning 20 minutes is the average time between visits."
"I'm just an average woman who knows how to get the most out of life."
"The most common discount rate used is the weighted average cost of capital, which is the average cost of financing a company's debt and equity."
"You are the average of the people you surround yourself with."
"To find the average, I want to add up all the numbers in the number set and then I'm going to count up how many numbers there are in the number set total and I'm going to divide by that number."
"You become the average of your five best friends."
"Now those are my intersections, I need the average value of L on that interval."
"We're average, and the Lord loves you. Lord doesn't need you to be a superhero; He's got you."
"His combat capabilities are average but he is quick and good at adapting to changing circumstances."
"Utilities we tend to be below the national average."
"I think it's just like an average romance read but not a personal favorite of mine."
"On an average, we have nearly more than 70 percent of precision and the recall is also coming under the 70 percent of recall."
"The average people come to me and say, 'What do I do? I'm just the average guy,' and my only answer is, 'Stop being the average guy.'"
"Don't settle for the average; average is the grave in which excellence is buried."
"Taylor Pleasants with so much power, ability to hit for average."
"These figures are average people, they are very humble in the way that they are dressed."
"This tier list is sort of a meta-study, or really just an average of the most reputable financial publications."
"The last thing the average person wants is the average car."
"The expected value is going to be the long-term expected average."
"To find the mean or average of a data set, you take the sum of all the data points and divide it by how many numbers there are in the data set."
"That monthly average grew to twenty-four thousand dollars a month in 2020."
"The reason we call this a normal distribution is because the data is normally distributed with the average being the highest and all the other data points having a lower likelihood."
"There is merit to mediocrity; it is nice to be normal, and average is awesome."
"To find classic average, you add up all the values and then divide by the number of values."
"What matters is how well does your strategy on average perform relative to the break-even point."
"They make two to three birdies around on average."
"On average, every star in the galaxy has at least one planet."
"On average, I sell about three bouquets per day."
"I'm just an average dude, you know, but I'm a hard worker."
"The mean is the mathematical average, the median is the number that appears in the middle, and the mode is the one that appears most often."
"The truth is that on average your friends are going to be average as well."
"The mean is the mathematical average, the median is the middle value, and the mode is the most common."
"If you're above average, people expect stuff; if you're below average, they make fun of you."
"Are you average? That's a decision, it's literally a choice."
"Two numbers have a sum of 14 exactly when their average is seven."
"The average is the sum of all the scores divided by the total number of students."
"On average, the middle value there is eight."
"Mean is like an average, you add up the number of things and then divide by the number of things you just added."
"We know our policy \( V_{\pi}(s) \) is equal to some averaging over the actions with the probability of next state and then we have reward for the transition plus future value."
"The average of the five numbers in the list is 54."
"There's something about an average; it works like a balance."
"McDonald's to me overall as a breakfast establishment is probably a six and a half out of ten. Like, it's still good, it's just average."
"We have salaries that are nine percent higher than the national average."
"The mean is nothing more than the average."
"The relative atomic mass is the weighted mean average of an atom of an element compared to 1/12 of the mass of carbon-12."
"The mean of a set of numbers is the average."
"Remember, you become the average of the people you spend time with."
"We're going to compute the average face."
"If you want to average four numbers, add all of them and divide by the number of numbers."
"Peter is supposed to be an average guy, someone who would go unnoticed at school."
"The mean of a set of numbers is quite simply the sum of values divided by the total number of data points."
"If everyone had a 12 in this group and I took the average, the average number would be 12."
"The mean is always the total of values divided by the number of values."
"It's the average men that actually make the world go round."
"Strive to improve your situation but don't look down on the word average."
"Front camera wise for photos, fairly average, only 2 megapixels."
"The entropy is the average of the information content."
"Statistically speaking, the average life is approximately 28,900 days."
"My life was pretty average at high school; I wasn't super popular, but I wasn't a dork either."
"The average adult male is roughly 5 foot 10 inches while the average adult female is approximately 5 foot 4 inches."
"The MNI 152 is an average of MRI images from 152 young healthy individuals which have been registered together in order to make a template which represents what's common across that population."
"Our system of medicine is designed to look at the average benefit for the average person."
"The mean average is the sum of all values divided by the number of values."
"It's going to converge to basically the average of the limits."
"Our score was 20,286, which is bang on what the average score is for this system."
"The sum of numbers divided by a number is greater than or equal to the nth root of the product of the numbers."
"The mean of a random variable is the value we would expect out of a random variable if the random event were to be repeated many times."
"If I were to play this game many times, what do I expect my average to be? What is my mean, the expected value in the long run?"
"There are two types of random variables: discrete and continuous, and no matter the type, you always want to think about what do I expect the average to be."
"28,000 is the average number of days a person lives."
"If you translate all the points by G and you sum them up, you take their average."
"Very typically 75 is pretty average for them and up to a hundred is possible."
"Stabilizing selection... the average form of the phenotype is favored over the extremes."
"The mean is when we add all the numbers together and then divide them by how many there are."
"Capital F of X at any value of x in the interval from minus PI to PI is little f of X plus plus little f of X minus over 2."
"The mean function is used to calculate the average of a numerical vector X."
"Seasonal index is equal to the yearly average over the monthly average."
"Parabolas are symmetrical, so to find the x coordinate of the vertex... all I have to do is average those two x values that I've found together."
"It's actually pretty cool to be average."
"I had to work harder than the average person."
"The mean of all goals were 2.325 scored."
"The mean says all the numbers added up over the total number of numbers will give you your mean."
"The average of a bunch of numbers is just add all the numbers together and then divide by the total number of numbers."
"Average Joe man, Average Joe the underdog, the little guy."
"The arithmetic mean is the simplest measure of central tendency."
"On average, you will spend 92 days of your life sitting on the toilet."
"It's essentially a weighted average."
"To find the average or the midpoint between two points, we just average the x and y coordinates."
"The average of 20 observations from the same distribution is going to have less variation than just a single observation."
"The average of many points is going to be closer to the true value over repeated observations than a single value."
"To calculate the average of something, you add up all the totals and divide by how many there were."
"The normal distribution... represents a lot of people around that average."
"Average is going to give you an average of a list of different values."
"The line of best fit must pass through the average of the x and y values."
"The mean is if you add them all up and divide them by the amount of numbers."
"Mean value actually means average value."
"Everyone thinks that on most dimensions, they're better than average."
"Hens are broody and make good mothers, though they are fair layers themselves."
"You want to watch an average person overcome an obstacle."
"It's a perfect vehicle for the typical driver who's doing the nationwide average of 33 miles a day."
"You have the freedom to be average."