
Distribution Quotes

There are 946 quotes

"Most crime is accounted for by a very small percentage of the population."
"The future is actually here; it's just unevenly distributed."
"The economy is socially constructed. Yes, but ultimately you're going to have to think about how are things produced, how are they distributed."
"The distribution of entrepreneurial outcomes is such that the average doesn't actually tell you anything because all the gains from or not all the gains but most of the gains are concentrated in a very few super winners right and lots of people who are just getting zero."
"The three fundamental questions of microeconomics will be: What goods and services should be produced? How to produce those goods and services? And who gets the goods and services?"
"By the end of this week, another four million tests will be distributed."
"Intelligence is evenly distributed, but mindset is not."
"If there are people like shareholders who get a lot of goods and services they didn't help produce, then there must be elsewhere in that system people who produce what they do not get."
"Communism...says well why don't we go that step further and just say let's distribute things equally."
"It is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism of the world to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population."
"Knowledge increases with distribution, while wealth decreases by that act. Therefore, knowledge is better."
"We could be at 10 million people a [] week and we could [] own the distribution of our ideas to millions and millions of people."
"The vaccine will be distributed to front-line workers, the elderly, and high-risk Americans immediately."
"When capable, the web's distribution model really wins."
"The hardest problem with software is distribution."
"So, I want my project to be in all the stores across the board. I also want it to be in all the schools and to be on a school supplies list, to be normalized."
"I feel like an [ __ ] everyone deserves five thousand dollars here."
"Socialism is characterized by the principle of 'from each according to their ability, to each according to their work.'" - Caption
"We paid to get this, we paid for the R&D for this thing, we paid to distribute it."
"I can just release my mod, tell one, it exists, one will put it on the distribution wires, just click on the button to download it, gets installed correctly for them."
"You can just send stuff through the mail, and the medication simply can't be stopped."
"Money's just going in a straight line... whereas if it went to the people, it would actually create a circle."
"From each according to their means and ability to each according to need."
"Let's take a look at all the regionals in the world... where are they located and where can you get certain ones."
"Netflix offers that, I just want as many people as possible to f*cking see it."
"So sometime around June 7th-ish. June 7th is the release. Is it going to be available on Amazon and everywhere? Amazon and non-woke places as well."
"Channel Fireball has done irreputable, massive damage to distribution."
"What if Marvel made a deal with Amazon to deliver direct to the customer and are burning the comic shops to justify the move?"
"They just came through and just started selling copies all over the place."
"Brady spreading it around five different receivers."
"We're in a transitional world right now... the models by which creators got their work out into the world... they're all changing."
"Anime would not be where it is today if it wasn't for four kids being the first to distribute shows to audiences across the world."
"Look at how many numbers, having a really good stat distribution."
"Efficiency, even though we're being sold this as the way to become efficient is to go through a very narrow distribution chain."
"The future is here, but it's not evenly distributed."
"Content is king, but we also believe distribution matters."
"The future is already here, it's just not very evenly distributed."
"Life in the universe should be pretty widespread."
"Each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. That's exactly right, that's Marxism."
"As Bitcoin reaches high value, it'll become more widely distributed, used even by nation-states."
"It's surprising that this movie never got a wide theatrical release only due to a cult following did it get my attention."
"Equality suggests that everyone should get the same amount."
"We need to have both numbers and breadth and geographic distribution in order to get a real good view of what's happening genomic in genomic sequencing."
"Let me figure out a clever way to get those shirts to people."
"Why not control their own direct distribution and cut out the middleman entirely?"
"We want to make sure that you know how you can get copies of these incredible works."
"Wow, 10 grade, we've got to spread this out."
"No one man should have all that power. Everyone should have it."
"The maxwell-boltzmann distribution is an astonishing, wonderful fact about statistical mechanics."
"They did put it on the Switch, the Xbox, PlayStation, pretty much everywhere."
"This is epic and again I have to commend the person who made this because there's honestly a pretty decent distribution of the wood and the berries and everything to the point where it seems kind of like an actual game."
"In a way, the necessity for Bitcoin is a way to distribute it all around the world."
"It really is an endless opportunity for distribution."
"Production is just the creation of whatever you're going to make. Distribution is getting it in front of people. Monetization is how do you turn fame into fortune."
"We have over 10,000 copies of the album in the mail already heading to your guys's houses."
"We're a label that owns its own distribution platform. It cuts down on a lot of the bottlenecking that maybe other companies might experience."
"We have to find ways to get it out to the masses."
"Eliminating the dealer, eliminating the middleman."
"I'm only gonna do two rounds and talk about the distribution again."
"Spotify uploads JRE across all platforms now."
"Hansen's had everything he needed to build a successful smoothie brand: a solid distribution network."
"The t-distribution is used for small sample sizes or unknown population variance."
"Marvel has figured out a way to basically kind of get the deal... don't have to cut in distributors."
"There are some legitimate brands on there where the actual sellers do distribute their products through wish."
"I want to facilitate content creators and I want to facilitate distribution for content creators and that's ultimately where the power of the blockchain is really going to come into effect in this company."
"Get it to your friends and family as many as you can."
"CloudFront is a content distribution network that creates a cached copy of your website and copies that content to servers located near people trying to download your website."
"The Inca used to use the holes to measure food and other commodities and then distribute the goods evenly."
"Zone redundant means it is distributed for you, it's resilient."
"Artists don't want record deals; it simply stems from the fact that artists can record themselves, distribute their music, and promote themselves to an audience."
"Load balancers are responsible for helping distribute user traffic across multiple instances."
"Cloud Shell is globally distributed across multiple regions, optimizing it to migrate to a closer region whenever it can."
"Leadership can be like a lot of responsibility and then that doesn't fall to one person."
"Azure load balancer is used for evenly distributing incoming network traffic across a group of back-end resources or servers."
"Linux Mint is as far as I can tell the best desktop Linux distribution."
"If you want people to use your product, you have to get it to them first."
"This video took a lot of time and effort to produce and while free for download for personal or educational use, please link and give credit."
"Wealth is like muck, it's no use unless it's spread around."
"Economic inequality... AI are not equally distributed."
"The future's already here; it's just not evenly distributed yet."
"I'm happy for that show to be on Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Amazon, wherever whoever will have it."
"Calories can be scarce and calories are politically distributed."
"He sold all his properties to Netflix and they've released a bunch of them."
"I've been bugging every major Boutique horror Blu-ray label to finally bring this one state side."
"It's like they are neatly distributed among the surrounding townships throughout the county, like they've been spread out just enough so no one could piece it all together on first glance."
"Farmers play a vital role in keeping blueberries fresh on the grocery store shelves throughout the year."
"Publishing allows you to publish the bot to different channels."
"It's easier to get the product where you want it to go."
"Assertive goes to Christy. Responsible goes to Sam. Okay."
"Lyme disease is much more common in New England and lime plus everything else is actually pretty homogenously distributed not just around the country but probably around the world."
"It's evenly distributed like the percentage of the pork, the fat, and the skin. It works together, equity."
"Lulu offers wide distribution to their authors."
"I'm kind of happy with them, I'd like to see it in some more homes."
"...the difference between what other companies were doing and us is that other companies thought about it like okay cool, we'll just buy it from them and keep selling it and I was like no, I want to become a distributor."
"...releasing a movie straight to streaming via Netflix is a great way to get so many eyes on to the point that all sorts of companies continued looking at the streaming service route."
"I thought, 'Whoa, that's the idea.' So, getting the money into the hands of the people directly into the hands of the people."
"The film gained traction a year later through DVD sales and through UK Cinemas."
"Money is like [ __ ]: if you leave it in a pile, it stinks, and if you spread it around, things grow."
"...money of course is like manure if you pile it all up in one place it stinks if you spread it around things grow..."
"Most of us are going to be releasing our music on Spotify now."
"They're making money regardless although the sales happen at Best Buy or Amazon."
"I feel as if it's good to spread out the things that we need so Leslie has the most money, sauno has the most power, and I have inventory space."
"Money is like manure; you gotta spread it around."
"The red fox is the largest of all 22 species and also has the largest natural distribution of any non-human land mammal."
"The probability density functions also have to sum to 1 but instead of having a sum in the case of a discrete probability distribution we have an integral."
"The first broad trend is the redistribution of wealth."
"I've got 20 for him and 20 for him and 40 for him."
"Infinite extraction turns waste Treasures after consumption reaches the upper limit he will distribute them to the villagers according to their strength and contribution to the development of the village."
"They paid 2.1 billion dollars for a company and now it has no ability to have profitable distribution."
"It's always going to be those, but in the fairness everybody gonna get what they supposed to get."
"Socialism is the common utilization of all instruments of production and the distribution of all products according to common agreement."
"The Channel frederator network distributes channels located in over 77 different countries and on six different continents."
"Immutable distros will never replace normal regular Linux distributions they will grow and occupy your space next to them but I think the limitations make them unsuitable for a lot of people."
"That's my warning about discretizing your distribution."
"So what would you say like the ratio is of Turning Point content to external distribution?"
"Even if you want to distribute money like a socialist, you gotta first collect it like a capitalist."
"There shall be no inequality in society in distribution. No difference in wealth is to be tolerated unless that difference works for the benefit of the worst off group in the society."
"...we have a distribution spot the southern part of the country where my business partner is from so he has a lot of friends and family."
"If we really care about distribution, shouldn't we be caring about the stuff which is cost-benefit justified as well as the stuff which isn't cost-benefit justified?"
"Every hitherto existing human society has been unable to produce enough... resulting in attempts to enclose a disproportionate share of goods."
"Amazon is one of the few places you can self-distribute your film."
"Smith insisted that the wealth of a nation consisted not of gold but of real goods and services for the use not of the few but of the whole of the people."
"It's not just the Hand who has it. There's already a shipment sent out to Magor for sale."
"People in this group don't need access to all the things that I mentioned earlier. They're making movies in their hometowns and they're casting their friends. They're showing them in a local theater or putting them on YouTube."
"There is an entire cottage industry of predatory Distributors that are exactly like this. They sign your film, they dump all the expenses on your shoulders, put it on some streaming services, and then do literally nothing to promote it."
"But the profits shouldn't go to just shareholders."
"The profits shouldn't go to just shareholders."
"We're going to make it available for the world. Is that ever going to piss off those controlling, well wannabe controlling, douchebags? Too bad, so sad."
"Quality is the answer here. It's about creating value and then Distribution on volume."
"The distribution of the gifts: they're distributed by the Holy Spirit of God."
"Your money's not here, it's in people's houses... and in your house and a hundred others."
"We're gonna have a look at the basic principles of what the main switch is doing, the overcurrent protection, and the earth fault protection is doing within the distribution board itself."
"Basically, a place where a copy of this executable, or in this case, this .MSI package is going to be held."
"...most people their second time starting a company they realize that marketing and distribution is equally or more important as the product itself..."
"Dogecoin is an example of a good meme coin...Fair distribution."
"Half of the honey is distributed evenly to every single villager."
"So in this video I have gathered a huge list of places that you can self-publish your book if you are looking for other places other than Amazon KDP to publish and sell books."
"You can distribute your book through them to all the major channels like Amazon, Apple Books, Ingram, and Barnes & Noble."
"This is a very unique time in the history of selling stuff because of the distribution."
"And the concentration of wealth shall not be in the hands of a few to the detriment of the many."
"We all do them, otherwise we're just going to get one of us get two and the others get one."
"We're now able to sell the Ivano from the UK, pre-built or flat-packed, and ship them everywhere in Europe."
"Most concerns about capitalism today are less about capitalism versus some other ISM and more about distribution."
"I'm open to all creative ideas to get it to cool folks that want one."
"But now you can have a hundred copies shipped to your house and next thing you know, you'll have your book in hand."
"I'd much rather people rip my music and actually play it than not buy it and not play it as an artist."
"They exploit this fact that all of these parameters fall into essentially like a normal distribution."
"Aon left the previous label and signed a contract with upfront records and secured a distribution deal with SRC Universal."
"The biggest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind happening."
"I'm surprised they managed to find homes for as many as they did of these."
"McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of toys."
"Once the internet burst onto the mainstream and became a fast and efficient way for not just information but entertainment and the like to be shared and distributed, this led to a whole wealth of different media being hosted on all different manner of platforms mostly for free."
"I want them to have kind of a single end point they can go to, and then that end point will distribute the traffic to whichever of those back end."
"They were stocked globally within just 10 days of their official launch party."
"So he's gonna take three and I'm gonna take three."
"As I roll out services to multiple regions, I need a way to have the traffic distributed and split across them."
"This agreement will also ensure that we receive an additional five hundred million doses shortly thereafter. This is another crucial step in our effort to develop, manufacture, and distribute a vaccine in record-breaking time."
"It's such a shame that the movie had such a limited release."
"...this was made in earnest and then greenlit and then completed and is now being distributed."
"The more broadly distributed Bitcoin is, the better."
"Our tribe gives us money every like three to four months, it's like 400 bucks, 500 bucks."
"Remember, money is kind of like manure. You ought to spread it around."
"Most distributors will carry a wide variety of products from a number of different manufacturers. And as a result, if you can land a big distributor, you can almost always gain access to a large catalog of items to carry in your shop."
"There's 500, you guys can split it up however you want."
"We were getting the music away for free, and it was just a promotional tool for us to go on the road."
"Being willing to fail in the pursuit of finding new distribution channels is also really important."
"There's quite a distribution, and there are quite a few roles that are going to fall in that non-technical space."
"For all would have somewhat and none would have too much."
"Independent Distribution Company is usually the smartest money because they're not going to take as much from you, they have the same financial backing, and they have the expertise."
"...once these things get filled, they pump it. It's just getting the fuel to them."
"Nine different receivers have caught a pass tonight from Joey agalar which is incredible in terms of how he's spreading the football around."
"We're going to put this lightsaber in the hands of as many doctors, nurses, moms, and dads as we possibly can."
"Now all of a sudden we got a platform we can give parts of it away for free."
"The Nordic model of egalitarian distributive practices... results in greater equality."
"That's what you got through the post, so that's what this would have been sent to 1, 333,000 families, and that's what they got."
"A blockchain-based system would enable automatic distribution of royalties to all participants."
"Bo Burnham released a special for free on YouTube a long time ago."
"When a person dies testate with a valid will, the real property is distributed to the beneficiaries as specified in the will according to the person's wishes."
"The distribution networks at that time were localized and had no centralized management."
"Talent is everywhere right and an opportunity really isn't opportunity is not evenly distributed."
"We should have more control of the music that goes in our community. The music that's coming out, we should have more distribution is easier than it's ever been. There's less Gatekeepers."
"For a rolling release distribution it is incredibly stable if you're somebody who must absolutely have a rolling release distribution I honestly would recommend an open Souza over something like Arch Linux just because of that added stability Factor."
"It's so important to make sure that the product is evenly distributed, you know, the truth now."
"Even if everything were taken and distributed equally among a billion inhabitants, it would still be a drop in the ocean."
"...by using District box you can get access to everything that Arch has to offer, everything that Gen 2 has to offer, everything that OpenSUSE and Fedora, whatever distro you want, has to offer."
"...accumulation must occur by the large informed interests... they will accumulate shares for the big markup... after the markup occurs... there will be a conclusion to the markup phase which will result in distribution."
"Releasing an album... you can sell physical CDs... you also can go on the biggest music listening platforms like Spotify Apple music Amazon whatever."
"There are enough resources, they're just not enough for greed."
"Brilliant model for sustainability, fresh food that would otherwise have gone to waste is distributed for free."
"Philip wants most of it to go to Rachel."
"So far they've sold over 45 million dollars worth of artwork and distributed the net proceeds to investors."
"The more I realized that this really is the distribution that would be great for developers."
"Every single dollar that comes in is split at Source by DistroKid. It is a huge, huge, huge feature."
"I feel like the jam, for instance, with Megan, maybe should have been going to homeless people rather than celebrities and influencers."
"Every request that comes in from that ELB is going to hit our Kubernetes load balancer which then gets distributed to one of the pods."
"You're getting the stuff to people that can use it or need it or want it."
"There's no such thing as a best distro, but there is such a thing as a best distro for you, I think."
"The top one percent in this country pay 42.3 percent."
"It's not actually equality if you're splitting at 80/20, but 50/50 would be equality."
"Power is harder to give away than it is to get."