
Childhood Experiences Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"If you have lots of adverse childhood experiences, that's a potent predictor of later violence."
"46% of people in the U.S. are exposed to adverse childhood experiences, so there is a lot of room for early intervention."
"I think I first got interested working with tools when I started going on job sites with my dad when I was really young."
"Life is so much more interesting and freeing and liberating when you look at things that have happened to you when you're a child and say, 'What beautiful lesson did I get out of that?'"
"Being able to relate to experiences that a child has already had so they can be more confident that this is something that we'll get through as well I think can be very helpful."
"I come home from the playground one day my mom says honey good news you're going to get arms."
"I'm gonna leave, I want my kids to have what those white kids had."
"None of us are perfect and things happen when we're children."
"No child should have to fight off... white centeredness their whole life."
"Imagine being four years old and having all of these older people telling you all of this kind of stuff."
"It's like my job is not to teach the world the lessons that my behavior is rooted in when my parents did [ __ ] up things to me."
"I'm very fond of that, and I hope for that for our son, and I can't wait for him to experience like a genuine Halloween."
"One of the biggest lies we were told growing up was this: 'Hey Dad, can we stop by McDonald's?' 'No, we got food at home.'"
"It was without a doubt the single most pant-wettingly scary thing that ever happened to me during my entire childhood."
"I think I'm healthier because I was, you know, playing in the dirt as well."
"My mom actually had a history with eating... she had introduced me to it because she thought it would help me play younger roles for acting."
"We crave to feel seen, we want to feel seen, we have not felt seen as children."
"We didn't want to go to school but we had to every February was scary in the classroom."
"The world sure has changed even since my childhood in the 70s and 80s when we were kids we could play and be outside having fun."
"I guess rich kids are no different than actual kids from poor families. Nobody bullied me, nobody hated me. They just kind of ignored me altogether."
"Empire actor Jesse Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career."
"It feels like anything could happen when you're at that age, but this haunted house aspect, especially from the point of view of a child, is where we can really start making connections to other pieces of media."
"You're like the kid at kindergarten that nobody wants to play with."
"Money was actually not a topic in the household at all. If my parents were to talk about money or speak about money, it would say, 'Hey, we're having a grownup conversation, you need to leave the room.'"
"I think my childhood of having to earn these legs is a big part of this."
"Those are the desperate lies of a lonely child."
"The enemy cashes in on your vulnerability and your weakness, and children certainly are susceptible to that, just like I was."
"Kids don't get to experience the excitement of running into Toys R Us anymore."
"The revelation made Aang feel his childhood was taken away from him."
"It's definitely not a pleasant memory and nobody should do that to their kids."
"It brought out that sense of bewilderment, that curiosity to learn more and to explore the unknown, feelings not that different from what we experienced in our childhoods."
"One of the feelings that comes up with me always is the helplessness, being too young, being a guy but too young to be able to help a woman in this case your mother, and that happened every single day."
"You're able to name your rival which of course if you play this game as a kid is the most powerful thing you've ever been able to do..."
"I can't believe you've never done this man. We're restoring your childhood."
"Crashbox creeped me out... it was very creepy."
"That was the most intense kindergarten story."
"Listen to the children and listen to the adults right who said I used to be that child."
"That's my long-ass story of the haunted house I lived in as a child."
"So, if PlayStation Plus Premium was out when I was a kid, I wouldn't have had to wait, and that's pretty cool."
"It's never easy to ask a parent to buy a new expensive thing. Lucy hopes that they'll accept without being yelled at."
"My mom's like, 'Yeah, and obviously my dad didn't really care much so I was able to do a lot.'"
"Kids suck, that's like the time I was on the school bus... Power is arbitrary."
"My name is Lisa Marie and this is my fiancée Derek. As a child, I was teased because of acne breakouts."
"I did not have a happy childhood. It was quite rough."
"We were discovering stuff. I mean, there I was, I was 13 years old, I was actually doing what I hoped to do someday."
"First day at kindergarten section is heart-wrenchingly poignant."
"I love science and math as a kid but I didn't love how they were taught in school."
"Above all, the mother of two wants to give her kids a happy childhood. 'So, and I don't want to, you know, I already have abandonment issues. I don't want to pass those down.'"
"I make sure that no kid ever will feel exactly the way I did, and that's my mission today."
"I always was pretty business-minded as a kid... I was hustling... different ways to make money."
"Innocence is rare these days with like the internet blind wired took my innocence when I was 9 years old."
"What we've gone through growing up in high control environments is hard and isn't something that's widely talked about."
"Every single thing we say and do creates a memory for our young."
"Life with you guys is never boring. Some people say a best friend is the most important friend a kid can have, but I say why pick one? I'm the luckiest kid in the world, I don't have a best friend, I have five."
"Help them to see that that burden of childhood there may have been carrying all those decades wasn't just jolly bad luck it was actually planned fuel or fertilizer."
"We didn't realize it was bullying back then."
"Over 50 percent of adolescents have been exposed to ACEs."
"As a kid growing up I was very isolated and very lonely and very starved for attention."
"Bullying is obviously wrong... but when we were kids... it was 'who gives a [__] what they say.'"
"Our lifetimes are so interesting because people before us grew up their entire childhood with zero phones."
"I always felt more comfortable with adults at an early age."
"OP, you have disgusting parents, and while it is a huge relief that your other relatives had your back at the end, I really wish they had stuck up for you 10 years ago."
"The childhoods that most of us have grown up in were keeping us disconnected from ourselves, from our life, and from our relationships."
"Real life bullying can do some pretty bad things to kids."
"My favorite thing has been she just started laughing recently. She gets on these little giggle fits and it's just the funniest I've ever seen in my life."
"Being a little girl is a whole epic book. You know you can't have that just because you want to be a woman."
"Children don't see color. I'm pretty sure millions of children who were bullied from a young age over their race know all too well that kids see color."
"If the bully loses, I can walk across the playground every day happy and don't have to worry about getting beat up and getting my lunch money taken."
"I felt loved, I felt secure, the only thing I was afraid of were dogs barking and drunken people."
"Yesterday I asked my 12-year-old son what other kids at school think about him having two dads. His response: They don't care."
"Until I had kids of my own, I was rationalizing it to some degree or another simply because that was just the childhood that I knew."
"It sounds so dumb but when I was like a kid like people made fun of my hair all the time."
"Anybody who might have grown up with parents like this knows what a toll it took to watch the one parent extol the virtues of the narcissistic parent for remembering one thing after forgetting a thousand."
"Violence has always been a part of comics because violence has always been a part of childhood."
"These are actually some of the first experiences we have of separation."
"I feel like World of Warcraft to most kids was a tough sale because it was $15 a month which to a child in 2004 was like the cost of a house for an adult in 2024 borderline impossible."
"Nothing scares me more than these crawl spaces growing up I didn't have anything like this in my house so whenever I see them at anybody else's house when I was a kid I was in immediately just terrified of them."
"It was real, as real as our memories of it, and so will always constitute a significant piece of our extraordinary juvenile run-ins with the unexplainable."
"The love you didn't receive as a child will often be the love that you chase in adulthood."
"I ain't hardly have friends growing up like that so I grew up with like 40, 50 cousins. Yeah, so anything I ever went through, it was always with my family."
"All the things that brought me here today were all the things I was punished for my entire childhood."
"Some of the things that happened to you as a kid actually help make you who you are today, they are superpowers."
"Alien experiences... went far beyond childhood."
"My mom put me in dancing and actually when I first started dance I hated it and I would not stop crying for the first half of the year."
"If you want to throw your kid in the deep end, Poltergeist is a good choice."
"I grew up in Alabama, and tornado drills were part of the routine." - Reflects on personal experiences while also acknowledging a common aspect of life in certain regions.
"Why you gotta talk about 'oh we went paddle boarding and that's my partner and I love him' as little kids? That's called grooming."
"Your kid's gonna spill juice on a couch or they're gonna get their chocolate sticky fingers on something. You can't deprive them of things that give them joy because you don't want a messy house."
"It's [ __ ] heartbreaking to know I might never be fully rabid because my parent might have vaccinated me as a child."
"The more adverse childhood experiences you have, the more likely you are to be depressed later in life."
"Doncic would sweep the floors during his dad's games so close to the action he could feel it smell it taste it."
"The first time you play hide and seek and it's incredible like the feeling of the first time."
"It wasn't just a sinister rational reason he spent so much time in those places as an adult."
"So I think when I reflect on my life about the prism in which I've made my decisions, there's been this ongoing battle with insecurity which was also present in my childhood."
"I've always felt somewhat uneasy on the second floor but I just attributed it to my past paranormal experiences growing up and being a little paranoid."
"Raising children on the farm was a very happy time in my life."
"We have the power to profoundly change the way our society responds to adverse childhood experiences."
"From the time Chris was a child, he could see how his father's size made him a target for rude comments and judgmental glances from others."
"You just do not know how affected they're going to be by their adoption and by their early life experiences when you adopt them as a toddler there's gonna be stuff that can come up later"
"It's amazing what going through as a kid, like no matter how young you are, can affect your life."
"It's actually a comic about my relationship with Asian or Chinese food growing up as a kid and just how people bullied you over that when you're younger but now that you're older everyone thinks it's so cool and hip and trendy."
"...he then confided in me that even though he doesn't believe in that stuff, as he put it, he had had many weird experiences as a kid there, and he still couldn't find any explanation for most of them."
"I was just three years old when I started seeing and hearing the spirit worlds."
"Right, too much pressure. Well, that's an interesting thing because like my boys are nine and five now like we filmed some stuff this year with them they each killed their first year this year."
"That was sadistic if you thought you had it bad, at least your mother didn't draw out your punishments just to watch you suffer."
"You gotta pick your battles when you're a kid on the street. You gotta pick your battles. So in those days in the early '70s, I'm gonna try on, got there was a bunch of tough kids in this neighborhood."
"Kennywood and amusement parks in general are places where I think you do some of the first wandering away from your parents and hanging out with your friends."
"Ever since Liz was a little girl, she had already explored the catacombs in Italy."
"Relationships are among the most important experiences that young children can have."
"The show depicted scenarios familiar to children everywhere, resonating with audiences regardless of cultural background."
"When we fall in love, we look for the person with whom we can have that experience that we had in childhood."
"Horror movies, especially even as a kid, never scared me; it was never like this traumatic experience."
"Everything I experienced as a child opened up seeds in me, made me learn, made me progress."
"I think it's made me a better parent because of all the stuff that I went through as a kid."
"Getting letters in the mail was such an experience."
"People who were shy or felt rejected as children often end up really successful in later life."
"All these experiences that she had as a child made her flexible, determined, stubborn, and open to new things."
"Media literacy is so low... if you grew up on the internet, you had that moment where you were like 10 and you won a free iPhone from a pop-up ad and then you clicked on it and realized immediately like people on the internet will lie to you."
"Preventing disease then goes beyond exercising, eating right, and getting good medical care; it means reducing adverse childhood experiences."
"The amount of fear and anxiety that builds from this action is something so special and it's something that a lot of kids actually ended up experiencing."
"I learned a lot of good lessons growing up."
"That's a memory your kids will remember forever."