
Violence Quotes

There are 5160 quotes

"If you have lots of adverse childhood experiences, that's a potent predictor of later violence."
"Many people suffer from mental health issues every single day and never decide to callously take the life of another person."
"Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts."
"He was attacked in broad daylight, and his forehead and his hands were really badly injured."
"Can you imagine a greater act of barbarism than to reduce people to mass starvation, sickness and disease, and then when they finally have the possibility of flour to make themselves a piece of bread to eat, tanks, shells, and machine guns open fire upon them?"
"The combination of economic hardship and violence creates a perfect storm, pushing individuals and families to embark on the perilous journey to the United States."
"After years in silence and darkness, I am finally ready to tell my story and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships."
"A lot of the scoring content was based around one fan fiction by the name of Cupcakes. The seemingly innocent-sounding story featured one of the ponies by the name of Pinkie Pie brutally murdering her friend Rainbow Dash and turning her into cupcakes."
"Violence breeding violence...is a plea to King James not to become a violent king."
"There's no circumstance in which dropping bombs on children is okay."
"Gentrification as a form of slow racial violence."
"What makes politics dangerous is when you can't resolve conflict. That is where things become violent."
"Man is the only species that kills for pleasure."
"Humanity has made moral progress in a lot of areas; we live in one of the least violent times in world history."
"They killed everyone. Who, guilty, innocent, didn't matter. Who pulled the switch, all that death didn't fix anything."
"They killed everyone, the guilty, the innocent, didn't matter."
"It's only kill or be killed if it's something you can't talk about."
"The time spent arguing about election modalities and the use of armed violence is time and resources lost to protecting the lives and livelihoods of Somalis."
"If you want to stop a lot of these huge negative tendencies and violence, the best solution at this point is to reduce dramatically class inequality."
"We all need to be consistent and condemn the violence all the time."
"Rachel was shot to death at the end of her parents' driveway; she was shot 10 to 12 times at close range and she was instantly killed."
"We need to do something about cop-on-black violence."
"If you need violence to enforce your ideas, your ideas are worthless."
"These kids are committing acts of violence because they're in search of manhood."
"I don't think men should have to be that violent, you know, especially when they get to a certain age."
"Violence in video games does not cause violent behavior in real life. We are acting out fantasies in a safe environment."
"She stabbed her boyfriend 108 times, killed her dog, and then when the police got there, she started stabbing herself."
"The violence is non-stop. You can hear the gunshots."
"If a concentration camp or laboratory is burned, that is violence but if it is left standing, is that not more or worse violence?"
"You can't believe that you can beat a woman senseless and come home and kiss your child. I don't believe those two things exist."
"The story of someone so filled with bloodlust that after he's slain everyone, the only one left to destroy is himself."
"None of these men were biologically, primitively driven to murder each other and potentially harm a woman on the island."
"Trans people are being murdered at alarming rates. Why are y'all so hell-bent on believing for the sake of putting on a Dusty goddamn wig...that somebody chooses that?"
"Violence is justified when it prevents further violence."
"What is the point of freedom of expression if a Canadian family does not have the freedom to walk on a sidewalk in this country without getting murdered?"
"How many more lives have to be taken before we act? How many more Muslim brothers and sisters have to lose their lives before real change is put in place?"
"Our guest today is a world expert on violence who has taught at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Law School for 17 years."
"Human Rights Watch has accused Iran's security forces of using shotguns, assault rifles, and handguns against peaceful protesters."
"Justice and retribution should be the end result of one's good intentions to change the world for the better, not by one's efforts to sow more violence in an already violent world."
"Unprocessed fear gives rise to violence and to more separation."
"So I'm re-releasing this video because the YouTube Gods decided to age restrict the previous version due to graphic violence, which is ridiculous and absurd considering I edited all of the violence out."
"When you're doing a regular fist fight, that does not mean you have the right to smash somebody against the concrete, potentially killing that person."
"The absolute worst time for anything like that. And this is why I say violence doesn't work."
"All kinds of political movements that have worked against hierarchical constructs are always going to be considered violent because they're uprooting the pre-established norms."
"The last thing we need is more blush and more violence; this country is already as divided as we've been since the Civil War."
"Men are more likely to become violent due to the ways they are educated and socialized, not because of some inherent tendency towards violence."
"Seething with jealousy and anger, Cain unleashes his inner Hulk and clubs Abel to death."
"We believe in armed self-defense, not because we like violence. No one likes violence."
"Unfortunately, the violence became almost normal, especially towards the end. It's hard to even say that now, but the violence was almost normal."
"My ultimate end goal for feminism would be an end to gender and sex-based violence and discrimination and oppression."
"Violence is not a subjective feeling; violence is an objective fact."
"If we can't differentiate between speech and violence, we don't understand liberal education."
"Grim dark fantasy... focuses more on the violent nature of mankind or immoral actions being portrayed more accurately."
"You know who keeps killing people? Other people."
"Criminal violence anywhere, perpetrated against anyone, is a travesty."
"The difference between the violence involved in the wargaming I grew up with and some of the games today is significant."
"If we can't reason with one another, there is no path forward other than violence. Conversation or violence."
"Just a few moments ago, the White House issued the following statement: 'We are appalled by the senseless killing of Ambassador Seaton and three members of the embassy staff.'"
"We need to address the violence at its source; until systemic racism is recognized, the indigenous women of Canada will never be safe."
"Americans are not desensitized to violence. We live in one of the safest eras of human history."
"There's no subject or grievance in modern-day America that justifies taking innocent people's lives and livelihood from them."
"What is a fight scene? At its best, it’s an explosion of violence that communicates something words cannot."
"Losing the lives of people who were murdered in a way to promote an art is absolutely disgusting."
"The definition of terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
"If you isolate almost any species you look at, if you isolate them, they will be more violent when you introduce them back with another member of their species."
"Just because what you listen to sounds like violence or death or whatever, that doesn't mean that that translates into the physical world."
"Our pain finally gained more attention after a spate of violent attacks against elderly Asian Americans was caught on camera, igniting a new generation to speak up and to speak out."
"My own concern is primarily the terror and violence carried out by my own state, for two reasons. For one thing, because it happens to be the larger component of international violence. But also, for a much more important reason than that, namely, I can do something about it."
"I want to offer my heartfelt apology to all victims of this kind of violence."
"It might be true that men are more often the perpetrators of acts of physical violence, it's also true that most boys and men are not physically violent. In fact, most of us are trying to get through life as good, decent human beings."
"We ignore mental health issues, and mental health issues are what drive people to do mass violent acts."
"Somebody comes up to me with a knife and they're about to stab me, and then I pull out a gun and I shoot them. We wouldn't say, 'Well, both of you engaged in the same behavior. You're going to be violent.'"
"The remarkable spread of the idea that speech is violence."
"Statistics collected in recent years show that the campaign to whip up fears of violence on the subways has no basis in fact."
"The opportunity for an audience member to simultaneously enjoy the very violence on a carnal level while condemning it from an intellectual point of view might be the greatest metaphor for being an American."
"He liked the contact. He enjoyed the hitting. He enjoyed the violence."
"Violence is power, and in his world, power is safety, power is respect."
"The tragic story of the Zhao family depicts the devastating consequences of using violence to discipline a child."
"Violence is a sign of weakness and insecurity."
"Violence in Islam does not resolve any matter, never."
"No man has the right to lay a hand on a woman for any other reason than self-defense."
"Violence never truly solves anything, except in video games where it's old everything, except in the handful of special occasions that call for non-violent lateral thinking."
"Human experience and human ingenuity have gradually chipped away at the problem of violence."
"Believe it or not, and I know most people do not, violence has been in decline for long stretches of time, and today we may be living in the most peaceful era in our species' existence."
"Violence is certainly much more socially destructive and it creates many more social problems than it solves."
"No matter his motives, killing cannot be condoned."
"Violence within the legion's ranks was very common, and at a level that led to frequent deaths."
"We condemn the disproportionate use of force against unarmed civilians."
"The military's violence against peaceful protesters is becoming increasingly systematic, lethal, and widespread."
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
"Class inequality and low socioeconomic status trump every other form of violence and public threat, hands down."
"Violence should never be the first solution when approaching any situation."
"This violence and oppression of Asian Americans is not a new occurrence by any means."
"Treachery and violence are spears pointed at both ends; they wound those who resort to them worse than their enemies."
"We already know based on uncountable studies that video games do not cause violent behavior."
"Completely disregarding his own safety, Garcia stayed with officer Verbeck and radioed for help while the violence died down."
"You could be empathetic towards the innocent killing of any people without rejecting your identity."
"Violence is never kind. It is not kind to spank a child; it is not kind to destroy the world."
"Revolutions are always bloody, but it doesn't take away from why this is happening or the fact that it should have been."
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood as one of the more unique portrayals of violence—it highlights an ignorance when fiction meets reality."
"Perhaps a conclusion could have been reached at the ballot box instead of at the tip of a bayonet."
"The place was destroyed; there's blood on the tent."
"It was a straight-up insurrection, armed insurrection that resulted in people dying."
"An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. Never forget that violence begets violence, hate begets hate, chicken nuggets chicken."
"Every political ideology is violent towards someone, shuts someone down, but the devil is in who and why."
"Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice. It just becomes revenge."
"Bloody Mary is as violent and sadistic as they come, killing children simply because it helps her to relax."
"Violence is never the answer; however, if somebody punches you in the back of the head while you're just trying to peacefully walk away from a situation and then tries to keep hitting you, by all means, you have every single right to defend yourself."
"The state exists to monopolize control and violence. It is functioning as intended."
"It's wrong to bring violence into the political system."
"It's fine to argue about principles, but what if violence is the best way to prevent more violence?"
"Sometimes, the most violent thing is to do nothing."
"Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring, and kidnapping of civilians."
"Horror isn't just about violence. Violence is a stylistic way to get across ideas."
"Life in a hive is astonishingly comparable to the industrial period of old earth: polluted, simple, often violent."
"Until the ruling elites look and grapple with the actual root causes of what it is that propels this kind of violence, it's only going to get worse."
"Words are literally violence when there is literal violence that is happening."
"Compromising freedom of speech may seem dangerous until we weigh that compromise against the men and women massacred in Buffalo for instance, or the many other places where radicalized violent extremists found their motivation to kill on social media."
"It's death, it's destruction, it's horrible."
"Violence is never appropriate. Peaceful protest is."
"If you advocate for violence, instruct people to commit violence, you should be censored."
"Violence, on average, is much lower than it used to be."
"Violence is using force to exert your will upon another human being without their consent."
"There is a huge outcry by society. The gender-based violence which engulfs our society needs to be stopped."
"On the fateful morning of October 1st, 2015, Umpqua Community College was thrust into a state of profound chaos as an assailant unleashed a relentless storm of bullets."
"When I try to draw my opinions about which side is more violent, I don't look at footage of a rally. I try to look at numbers and data."
"Violence against women is not something that any civilized society should tolerate."
"Words are violence and so is silence; in that case, we're all extremely violent individuals."
"We are literally a country in which our children, our elderly, our church-goers are gunned down and our system says this is the way, this is the price of freedom."
"The murder of our children and our elderly and our church-goers illustrates that we are in fact experiencing a tyranny of the minority."
"The targeting of civilians, of residential buildings, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, is inexcusable and intolerable."
"Why would you kill him? Doesn't make no sense. You mob ties, right? Roll up on the dude that you got the beef with. Don't take out an innocent man that ain't bothering nobody. That's a coward move."
"We need one central body that liability falls on... a monopoly on violence is really important because we need one central body that's going to have liability for dealing with these types of issues."
"How do ordinary people become cold-blooded killers?"
"It's really easy to know you've been assaulted when somebody punches you in the face, throws a glass at you, shoots you, stabs you."
"It's like a cycle where violence begets violence and nothing ever really changes."
"Mob justice is not justice. Hours later, after this comment was made on CNN, two police officers were shot. This is not justice. This has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with the value of human life."
"Trust and Betrayal also addresses juxtaposition on a grander scale. The beautiful background art is offset by the horrible bloodshed that occurs in the same setting."
"At no point in the last 100 years has any form of entertainment actually made people more violent."
"Underneath his charming charisma and talent, however, was a sad, tragic, and horrifically violent life behind closed doors that would continue to haunt him up to his dying days."
"A young man was protesting the dictatorship when he was shot down by government troops."
"We are better than this as a country. We are better than this. These types of crimes, when you see children killed, go to the very core of all of us who have children or grandchildren."
"It's the oppression of other human beings; there's a slaughter of other human beings."
"Violence against women is the cause and consequence of women's inequality."
"It's not just dangerous because we have blood on the sidewalks; it's also dangerous because it goes to the roots of the democratic system."
"Stephen Pinker shows, I think definitively, that human society over the past 10,000 years has become incredibly less violent... We are the safest we've ever been as a species in our entire history."
"Regardless of your position on abortion rights, it is important that we condemn all acts of violence regardless of who is the ultimate target."
"We condemn all violence every time it happens."
"Our nation is a law as a nation of law and order, and violence is never the path we should pursue to create effective change."
"Violence is not at all funny, but what is pretty funny has been the incredulity of conservative commentators in the wake of this violence."
"Violence has no place in our societies, and extremists will not succeed in overruling the will of the people."
"When people don't have jobs, they don't have purpose and meaning...they're going to resort to violence."
"Major American cities burned for weeks, for months on end. Police cars were firebombed, police officers were murdered, stores were looted, people were assaulted."
"These people are killing people, let's not beat around the bush. They are killing people."
"Once you've been to Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands."
"We're only killing each other, and it's at an alarming rate right now. We really have to work on conflict resolution skills, gun control, self-esteem, and having respect for one another."
"An attack on a federal building because there is actually antipathy for the United States."
"Silence, I believe that we've all said many times, stops as complicity. We're not going to remain silent, so we have to act against this hate-fueled violence."
"The name of their game is 'brutality'. They viciously slaughter their enemies."
"The Black and Tans earned a special reputation for rage, rape, murder, torture, and the burning of entire villages."
"Any violence here in this country against the Jewish people should be condemned."
"When you bring it into reality, and you have other real live creatures swallowing other real live creatures for no reason and senseless violence, that's where I draw the line."
"You're almost certainly more likely to be a victim of knife crime if you carry a knife."
"Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement."
"The alien is a perfectly organized organism. Superbly structured, cunning, quintessentially violent."
"There is a fundamental connection between American racism and the way that we respond to the challenge of violence."
"Video games don't cause violence. We've known this for a long-ass time, you idiots."
"School shootings have been associated with bullying, so many violent outbursts of aggression have been associated with the balloon getting too full without any kind of defusing opportunity."
"These threats of violence are unacceptable; they threaten the fabric of our democracy."
"The answer - aren't you condoning violence? Is no, but I don't know what is a proportional response to mass murder." - Spike Lee
"It's not okay for these teachers to be harmed like this, and then nothing happens."
"For the first time in human history, violence kills fewer people than accidents. You have a much higher chance of dying because you ate too much junk food than because somebody shot you or blew you up."
"This was no tranquil land with shepherds standing their flock and wise men following stars. This was a land riddled by political unrest and violence."
"The violent clashes defining Germany's interwar period especially early on didn’t just involve fists or milkshakes. It involved machine guns, it involved artillery and mass executions."
"The oldest job for men in the world is being a killer."
"The problem of a dangerous divisive ideology that is causing even normal people to support violence or even engage in violence... that's its own problem that we have to figure out how to solve."
"The killing of women, of children, the mutilating of bodies, and so on and so forth, all of those things are unacceptable."
"Having the capacity for violence is definitely a good thing, but of course, knowing how to wield that is also the true power."
"Chuck Bednarik nearly killing Frank Gifford...I thought he was dead."
"In Japan, one of the most peaceful countries in the world, times are changing. A succession of brutal, horrific murders have shocked the nation."
"The Japanese now have a term for random, motiveless, and explosive violence committed by teens: 'Kareera,' which means to snap or explode."
"It must stop. Whether you are on the right or on the left, a Democrat or Republican, there is never a justification for violence."
"God of War was the real deal; a mature, self-reflecting Kratos meta-textually analyzing the role of violence in video game history."
"Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed with no regard to who pays the price."
"We must stop the glorification of violence in our society."
"This president... has not shied away from it. He has called out the hatred that we have seen, the violence that we have seen when it comes to racially motivated attacks."
"People have been shot in the head and lived since the invention of the gun. This isn't a video game; a headshot is not necessarily an instant kill."
"All domestic abuse is bad, and nobody should be hitting anybody in a relationship."
"We become desensitized. We see so much violence, so much death, we almost accept it as normal. And then it takes something extreme to shock our conscience."
"To lose someone so young and so vital is a tragedy in and of itself, but to have it happen in this way with the senseless act of violence is unimaginable."
"Alaska Native women face unacceptably high levels of violence in very remote areas."
"By the action of policing drugs, I was part of the mechanism that was constantly making society more violent. Drug being banned means ever increasing violence to control the trade. It's as simple as that."
"The only utility for a gun is to end a life."
"Violence isn't it. Kindness is always the answer."
"Civilization unraveling, unrestrained violence and destruction."
"A man seeking out Buddhism as a way to atone for violence."
"Fear and suspicion have caused more bloodshed than anything else."
"How's political violence not the sole issue of the election? Trump should be hammering the Dems every day because they accept political violence."
"Americans are literally being slaughtered in the streets."
"The boy said that he was killed by getting an axe to his head."