
Interest Quotes

There are 10149 quotes

"Psychology is the most interesting of all scientific fields because it's about us."
"A character who is growing less and less likeable through the course of the story can be a really interesting story."
"Everything is interesting; it's just the more you learn about something, the more interesting it becomes."
"Eye contact is a symptom of being interested in the other person and specifically... it's being interested in the other person's soul."
"It's more important to be interested in others than to be interesting."
"When you can accurately predict the outcome of your actions, things get very interesting."
"If something is interesting to you, the research says that's enough to begin the skill acquisition phase."
"I hated history before. All the characters and all the people involved are just like super fascinating."
"To study history, all you need is an interest in history."
"I really like computer ethics, so I'm going to take it again."
"But I feel like as humans, we're just mad curious about others, so it's like if there's layers in layers, you're going to keep peeling all those layers until it gets boring, and then you're like, ah, never mind."
"If you show me the truth of who you are, I will be fascinated by you no matter what that truth is."
"The future is a good place to get interested in because you're going to be spending the rest of your life there."
"If you want to be interested in someone, get them talking about what they're interested in. You'll probably learn something and be more interested."
"I've always been interested in helping people."
"The basis of any good relationship, whether it's romantic or platonic, is showing genuine interest in that person."
"The laws that dictate how things work in the universe are the ultimate arbiters of what is or isn't in our best interest, whether we know it or not."
"Really is a very useful word because you can use it to show you're interested in a conversation with upward intonation, 'Really, tell me more,' or to show that you're not so interested in the conversation with downward intonation, 'Really.'"
"If you do have a chance to come along, it should be interesting."
"Bitcoin is a phenomenon that I'm very interested in but know very little about."
"You can't just spend all your time not doing something; you have to do something. There has to be an attraction to something."
"You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. That is why you are here."
"Expectation management ends up being really interesting."
"Since the release of 'The Conjuring' back in 2013, the house has become a magnet for paranormal enthusiasts and skeptics seeking glimpses of the otherworldly."
"The truth with a capital 'T'. If you value truth, which you should, this should deeply interest you."
"A better title will attract readers' attention and provoke their interests."
"I think building out a marble race like that is honestly pretty interesting and it takes a lot of effort."
"Almost everything of interest that you know about science is about the unobserved."
"Anna actually liked me back. No, in your first story, you said you sent a note and the other girl sent one back then it says 'I like you back'."
"If they don't miss you, they don't like you."
"There seems to be an appetite for difficult things, which is really something."
"Rational points on elliptic curves, as well as having intrinsic properties of mathematical interest, are also useful for cryptography."
"If they like you, you'll know. If they don't, you'll be confused."
"I think people want to know what's going on in their city."
"It's super interesting and I just got a very wholesome energy overall."
"Ultimately, it's absolutely interesting. I don't deny that, but I don't think there's a whole lot I can do with it."
"Obviously right now, we're in some turbulent times in the markets, and so people are interested in investing."
"If you see a bear on a unicycle, that's really interesting. So, when you combine things you're not supposed to combine, people get interested."
"I'm really interested in Chinese culture, Chinese food, people, customs."
"You're literally saying to someone, tell me more, I want to listen, I want to hear you."
"I tremendously enjoy conversations like these. I find them a lot more fun and interesting."
"We know you loved the philosophy experiments thought experiments last time."
"I don't want to pay interest on anything ever again. No, you want to be collecting that interest."
"This person enjoys truly getting to know you, and you really do excite them; you're always on their mind."
"Oh my goodness, we do. This run just got interesting."
"Regardless, if you heard me describe all of that and the game still sounds interesting, you should definitely go and play it."
"I like the idea of someone being passionate about something, right?"
"We just want to see what would have happened because let's face it, who doesn't want to see that?"
"Young people have a natural affinity for the questions of justice."
"This book sounds super interesting to me because in a way it's very much a mix of like fangirl and just like fan culture."
"If a guy is not pursuing you, he does not like you."
"Interesting conversations are contagious. I am interested in people that are engaged in interesting conversations."
"The truth is never boring, it is undoubtedly highly compelling."
"Humans are almost inherently fascinated by death."
"Her best interest is the governing principle here."
"Eyes are the doors to our soul...when we're hiding something or we're not interested we tend to look away."
"The hype died down because the series is going on for way too long; it should have ended while people were still interested."
"The public should be involved, and the public is very interested."
"I just want to do interesting things... I look for opportunities to improve either our understanding of something or our control of something."
"I'd love to go somewhere and just like conjure up spirits and talk magic."
"Watch every part because this tutorial is going to be so interesting."
"You have to be kind and you have to be interesting. That's it."
"Don't forget, we're going to be covering some other very interesting cases."
"For me, the gut microbiome is an area that I am heavily interested in but frankly don't really understand."
"The uncensorability of Bitcoin is why I got into it."
"We're going to end on a strong and interesting note."
"You want to see the difference not only in the difference of monthly payment but focus on the overall life of the loan, how much interest you're paying towards one over 30 years."
"Being genuinely interested in the material you are learning from can dramatically improve your comprehension and retention."
"I saw Lee Pace, and that's why I clicked. You're only human."
"When you have debt, that's money that is not your money. You always owe someone else money, and worst of all, you're almost always paying interest on that."
"In life, there are times that you do things with expected outcomes, but the truth is, when you do them and you get unexpected outcomes, that's what makes it really interesting."
"Private banks create money out of nothing, then they loan it to us and ask for interest on top."
"I wasn't keeping them interested... That's on me."
"I'll definitely be interested to check out more from this director too because I think this piece was executed really well."
"They need another major character to bring the interest back."
"Daisy is a much more interesting character than you probably thought."
"If the discussion of nerves makes you a bit nervous, rest assured that this is interesting."
"The game has become a lot more tactical, and I think that it makes it a lot more interesting."
"You are much more likely to stick to a task long term if you are leaving it when you're not finding it interesting and jumping to another aspect of it."
"Space exploration is evolving and becoming more interesting by the day."
"Villains are always more interesting characters. It’s very hard to make good people interesting."
"If a character doesn't have any flaws it's kind of boring, right?"
"People want to know more about it. And also I think we have some interesting context or perspective on this."
"It's definitely characterful and unusual and interesting."
"Chaotix is a game I am much more interested in picking apart."
"Pisces are fascinated with creativity and the artistic process."
"Make a plan, look at what you're interested in, get disciplined about something."
"I found his philosophy extremely interesting."
"That means we are ephemeral; we're not going to last forever. But it also means we are interesting."
"Every part of the process can be something that somebody's interested in, you know, like for a while people just thought it was just the images."
"Unpredictability is also what keeps life interesting."
"When you start to lose interest in them, that's when they'll want you more."
"There's a lot of interest in going back to the moon."
"As soon as the risk of damaging your reputation is gone, so is all your interest in justice."
"The ancient Greece thing really caught my interest."
"This presentation is actually not bad at all... the games shown so far are very interesting."
"Somebody from your past has got their eyes on you."
"Sure, they may not make sense but if they did make sense, you'd find it really boring."
"Prince Frederick has an interest in scientific research, climate change, and sustainability."
"Michael cared about his kids being smart and interested in learning."
"This person still keeps an eye on you, Gemini."
"Don't drag the past around. Find the next thing that interests you."
"This might be more interesting than I thought."
"That's fucking interesting, man. That's fucking interesting."
"When you can go to a place where you can immediately jump into something you are very, very into."
"The nuances of that language I thought was really interesting..."
"There's so much out there about food and everyone eats food."
"This is gonna be really, really interesting."
"The routing for this game is really interesting."
"I love that connection. How could that not be interesting?"
"Fascinating in fact I feel like we should probably make this a priority."
"This documentary was super interesting and very informational."
"It's pretty interesting and it's hard to explain any other way."
"I'm so much more interested than I ever have been with this side of the game."
"Take interest in what your kids are up to even if you don't understand it."
"Communication is coming in, someone is very interested in you."
"Sometimes the discussion is interesting enough that I think it's worth it."
"Write what you are interested in rather than what you know."
"It's kind of a cool name, the book of Boba Fett."
"It's damn interesting actually really interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing how this game develops."
"The concept seems pretty unique and interesting."
"An interesting person is an interested person."
"Manchester United are very interested in him straight away."
"If he's pursuing you, he's probably not dumping you."
"I think that's a really unique and interesting system."
"You can make anything interesting if you put the work in."
"Now on the consumer market today... very interesting firearm."
"If you actually care about something, if you actually love a product or game, people will be interested in you."
"You need to discern if this person is as interested in you as you think you're interested in them."
"Senpai replied he would have liked to know her first name."
"Sometimes what almost happens in history is really as interesting as what did happen, or maybe what didn't."
"The characters themselves are very interesting along with their development."
"Some of this is extremely interesting, like low latency mode."
"I thought this was a really interesting Iceberg and I'm glad I covered it."
"Obsession is a healthy obsession, you have to find that spark of interest."
"It's more interesting than I thought. That's how I look at it."
"Every cutaway from them is way more interesting."
"I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be interested in me."
"This game is going to have a lot of interest even after release with some of the plans that they have."
"If you represent us then you have to figure out what is in our best interest."
"You've got no idea what's coming, and that to me is more interesting."
"It's a fascinating situation, it's a cautionary tale."
"You kind of feel it out but I would say if a girl is like looking at you you know make that subtle eye contact yeah she's interested."
"People are never going to stop being interested in this kind of stuff."
"Love it, people become less interested as he gets closer to them."
"Everything we report is obtained using remote viewing. Remote viewing is really interesting."
"The Problem Solvers Caucus proposal seems to be the most interesting and the most desirable."
"Vampires are starting to feel, if not scary, then at the very least interesting once more."
"This game actually seems pretty cool though."
"Every area of the map... has a lot of interesting [stuff] going on in it."
"I felt like I learned so much... it really sparked a massive interest I have in Istanbul."
"I like it. I mean, there's something at stake."
"Don't be because they will be interested in you."
"Perfect mix of having a lot of neat stuff to look at."
"I mean, not only for language but anything in general that you want to try learning for the first time, the biggest thing I think is, you have to have interest in it, some type of for sure, exactly for sure."
"This person finds you intriguing... There's something they're drawn to about you."
"Love isn't entering the conversation, isn't about care, it isn't about genuine interest in the other person."
"Interesting pieces of technology in this game."
"This group is by far the most interesting group to me..."
"I think she's a fascinating case within forensic psychology."
"I'm intrigued and I'd love to see that version."
"Death Stranding's world is interesting and varied."
"So what happens is... trying to figure out what I was interested in... just the ability to be creative."
"Nonetheless, it would still be cool to see in Pokémon."
"Lack of interest in your life and feelings is a red flag."
"Silhouette test: see if it's still interesting."
"You have my curiosity, but now you have my attention."
"The fact that a novel a character doesn't have to be likable... that you want to follow the story."
"To be interesting, you have to be interested in other people."
"I hope this was interesting in some way to you."
"Interest from Newcastle Bayern and Barcelona."
"It's quite literally a game of two halves... the spirit world is just so much more interesting than the rest of the game."
"It's pretty impactful story of the Fall the tribunal was interesting to watch unfold..."
"This is a really interesting problem to solve."
"The best way to get someone into something is to combine it with another thing that already interests them."
"I'm really interested in like the Peter Parker and like what happens with him."
"I find all this cult stuff super interesting."
"Their level of effort indicates their level of interest."
"That’s what really like, sparked my interest into it."
"The paranormal both interests and terrifies me."
"So if that interests you, maybe go give that a look."
"What I focus on is what I think makes mapping interesting."
"His talents and his skills with what he can do makes it that much more interesting."
"You're probably right. The way this story is unraveling is pretty cool."
"Intuition isn't proof, but it is interesting."
"Definitely one you should keep on your radar."
"We like characters that we dislike...likely because they help create the conflict that makes said narrative interesting."
"I just care about the topic, so I dove into it."
"It was actually a really interesting record."
"It's the kind of stuff that I think people would love to read about from an actual source."
"The most interest that I ever got in astronomy was when I found out what neutron stars were."
"It went fast to me, this went fast and it means it's interesting."
"I actually think it's one of the coolest bard features that I've read yet."
"Renata would be the more interesting villain."
"I love just letting that man talk because it's always fascinating."
"Jesus reaches out his hand as to a drowning child."
"Life is much more interesting actually as well as much more complicated than that."
"If a membership sounds interesting to you... Something we're thinking about."
"I didn't have an interest in these games until we started hanging out."
"I really hope that my review has sparked your interest in Nordic Germanic paganism."