
Crime Quotes

There are 8169 quotes

"Most crime is accounted for by a very small percentage of the population."
"This horrible crime most definitely needs to be brought to justice."
"They thought this would be a routine domestic dispute. Little did they know that they were stepping into a twisted world of lies, unimaginable violence, and doomsday cults."
"Punishment is a stupid way of dealing with crime."
"The Gang Lifestyle is nothing to glamorize or glorify."
"The saddest part about all of this is that, regardless of who we think did it or who you think did it, HRJ is kind of a double victim in this."
"I'm going to tell you everything I can, even tell you when a murder gonna go down tonight."
"Cyber bullying is not just a violation of decency but also a serious crime."
"A woman was killed, five children were left alone. That's what motivated us to bring this to a hopefully quick closure."
"By the end of the week, one of these women would be dead, another would be an accomplice in her murder, and the other one will be left with a child that was not her own."
"Bad things happen everywhere, even in small tight-knit towns, but in April of 2016, something happened that no one had ever seen before, and it shook them to their core."
"Fearing the beginning of a life of crime over a $5 umbrella."
"Andrew's murder has to be investigated properly."
"The morbid crime left the whole country in shock. What happened that fateful night? Who and where was the sixth member of the List family?"
"Domestic partner violence is to blame for more than one in three murders where the victim is female."
"He is a manipulator, a pathological liar, a thief, a sociopath, and above all, a sadistic murderer."
"The crime is still a crime, regardless of whether it's a hateful one targeted at a specific group."
"They dragged those corpses down below where they'd never be found."
"LAPD recovers seven million dollars worth of stolen Nike sneakers in a warehouse."
"The tragic murder of 13-year-old Madeline Soto... she was found murdered days later."
"Gangsters don't hire family members for their qualifications, they hire them for their silence."
"This had resulted in an innocent man being murdered."
"Mary now lives with her parents and she has never spoken publicly about this case."
"Rachel was shot to death at the end of her parents' driveway; she was shot 10 to 12 times at close range and she was instantly killed."
"Despite the horrifying nature of this call, police could not have anticipated the twisted tale of violence they were about to embark on."
"Do I believe gangstalking is real? Honestly, yeah. But that's with the inclusion of cartel members, grassroots drama, and other criminal activities."
"The perfect crime is the one that no one ever knows has been committed."
"There is absolutely a correlation between poverty and crime."
"We have to hold police officers accountable because we have police officers in this country who literally engaged in serial killing."
"Drunk driving is a terrible, destructive crime."
"There should never be incentives to arrest people for specific crimes."
"One in five of the convicts here is serving time for murder, but there's a killer on the third floor of house block three who's not what you might expect."
"She stabbed her boyfriend 108 times, killed her dog, and then when the police got there, she started stabbing herself."
"We need more monogamy because as monogamy decreases and less men have a partner, you start to see a rise in crime."
"It's just absolutely mind-boggling that he is sitting on death row, convicted of murdering his wife and unborn son, and nobody has been asked more than three questions about that burglary."
"Car thefts in the UK have increased dramatically, which is affecting each and every one of us."
"There is a lot of evidence that people question, and many believe that the police department failed to properly investigate the crime."
"About two decades ago, authorities in Palm Beach, Florida, began receiving tips of a middle-aged enigmatic billionaire abusing underage girls in the community."
"This created a yearslong pyramid scheme of abuse, as some have called it."
"The amount of evidence that disappeared or was covered up in this case was mind-boggling."
"People are obsessed with crime. They really are."
"In 1968, the close-knit community of Scotswood in Newcastle was torn apart by the brutal murder of two young boys."
"The murder of Jamal Khashoggi was a horrific crime."
"The prison failed him. I feel like he needed help, he needed a lot of help before he even committed any murder."
"Unbeknownst to him, his every move was captured on camera."
"They greatly thirst for justice to be rendered against the evildoer for his or her crime because that is what is true and right."
"The cover-up is usually greater than the crime."
"The case of DB Cooper remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the annals of American crime."
"The serial killer laughing in the rain executes his punishments with a terrifying precision."
"This is known as one of South Korea's biggest investigations."
"The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime. Aside from the fact that the state itself is the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation."
"The horrendous, horrendous, horrific nature of this crime."
"All victims deserve justice; all criminals must be punished. But when a crime involves a child, the stakes become so much greater."
"Alec lied to them. Alec stole from them. Even now, as they try to put back the pieces of a once quiet and happy life, Alec Murdoch is literally the hand from the grave that will not allow them peace."
"It's not the crime of the century. It's just, it is what it is."
"This case was so impactful that author Stieg Larsson used it as inspiration for his best-selling 2005 novel, 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.'"
"Sex trafficking can never be done with the consent of a victim."
"Imagine you're on top of the world: you've got great friends, you just moved into your own place, you're enjoying parties and good times and having fun, dating, looking for your soul mate, except there's someone in the shadows with their eye on you, who ends up stealing all of those dreams in one night."
"Crime and social dysfunction come down to predictable social conditions."
"People are not crimes. People commit crimes, but we must understand the person behind the crime."
"Criminal violence anywhere, perpetrated against anyone, is a travesty."
"All the predators that I have pursued, however, Mr. Kelly is the worst."
"It's absolutely gut-wrenching to think about... this poor girl innocently got into this Monster's car hoping that he was taking her home safely."
"A horrible crime has just been committed on the Hermitcraft server."
"Beau Dukes was also arrested on charges of concealing of death, evidence tampering, and hindering the apprehension of a criminal."
"The bottom line is, you got suspects that steal, that loot, that rape, that kill, and you just can't say, well because of this, we're not going to pursue."
"Weeks later, police would discover a high amount of radiation contamination in the teapot, especially concentrated in the spout."
"The Russian government has gone to extreme lengths to try and explain away the trail of radioactive contamination that leads to Moscow."
"The inquiry established that the Polonium was first brought to London on a Transaero flight from Moscow."
"It is imperative in my opinion that we put people who commit crimes like this on trial to prove it, to show the world, to show the people of this country."
"It's a very disturbing perspective to me because you're seeing what's happening right now in Chicago, you're seeing what's happening right now in New York, where you have this massive uptick in violent crime because it's perceived that the police presence has been diminished greatly."
"Crime isn't always just bad people doing bad things. Sometimes it's just people trying to survive."
"Look, I know he wasn't just stumbling on bodies."
"Despite his clean record, the police had finally caught up to the killer and all evidence was pointing directly at William Earl Talbot II."
"Harold Shipman played God but in the years since his crimes were revealed, he is now considered the devil of Hyde."
"Social media is the perfect surveillance tool for thieves, and it's being used across the globe."
"The sheer volume and connection of any kind of sex trafficking ring that he allegedly may have been running is what is going to come probably as the most surprising to folks."
"Gary Leon Ridgeway was arrested and just like that, the Green River Killer was off the streets for good."
"Ridgeway claimed that he believed he'd murdered as many as 71 women but he had lost track over time."
"Jorge's death was initially deemed to be a tragic accident, but two years later, a tip from the other side of the world triggered a manhunt for a seriously sick and twisted individual."
"The more detectives tucked into this case, the more horrific it became."
"The roads are clogged, we don't have enough affordable housing, the crime is getting worse. Enough is enough."
"The most heinous crimes in the history of humanity have been conducted by people who blindly obey governments."
"The Lizzie Borden case is an old case that involved murders that occurred in 1892 but it's still hotly debated in terms of Lizzie Borden's guilt or innocence as well as her mental health and personality."
"When a 38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a holdup in Long Beach, California, would-be robber James Elliott did something that can only inspire wonder: he peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again."
"In 2006, a senior man began to gain the trust of a Belgian bank by bringing the employees chocolates, eventually they decided to give him VIP access to the bank's vault. The following year, he stole 28 million worth of diamonds and vanished."
"It's gonna be harder for them to find a job, they're already in poor communities... and then you're surprised there's more crime in these communities."
"I want to remind everyone that the people Alec Murdaugh hurt are not characters in some saga fair; they're real people who are dealing with very real effects of his crimes."
"Cultural diversity doesn't create crime, income inequality is the one that's the overwhelming factor."
"Human trafficking is believed to be one of the largest criminal activities in the world, with an estimated 24.9 million people trapped in forced labor, domestic servitude, or commercial sex trafficking."
"How do you sleep for two-plus days and not notice the dead bodies in your backyard, let alone your back porch?"
"I think the crime is as bad, I think the consciousness between child, adolescent, and adult is very different."
"Buckle up and maybe even grab a box of tissues because today we're talking about the horrific, horrific, heartbreaking case of Adrian Jones."
"If you're addressing the issue of crime and you're trying to fucking say that we need to cut off immigration, why don't we actually try to address crime rather than target the fucking population that is less likely to cause crime."
"I hope they catch the guy on the purple bicycle who fired an arrow at homeless people. That's nightmarish."
"People do not commit crimes because they are immoral; that action comes as a consequence of dire conditions."
"There's a direct relationship between that and crime. Barack Obama once said a kid raised without a father is five times more likely to be poor and commit crime."
"After 8 years of Trudeau, violent crime has exploded by 40% at least and growing quickly."
"Crime wave sweeping the country coinciding with the push to stop prosecuting criminals."
"In a world optimized for administration, everything that cannot be classified as permitted onscreen is a crime."
"A life of crime is just a life of misery and poverty, no matter how expensive the thing you stole is."
"It's a clear case of murder; there is no honor in killing."
"It's wrong for a person to commit murder. It doesn't matter what the reason is."
"Every bank robber who communicates with his fellow co-conspirator to rob the bank is communicating in some sort of speech. It's not protected by the First Amendment because there's a crime that is at its core."
"At the heart of every crime is some sort of speech, unless the crime is being perpetrated by people who are, you know, can't speak or communicate like a bunch of French mimes got together and like robbed a bank."
"Instead he’d been running the largest Ponzi scheme in history."
"Despite various efforts to increase security, Cabrini-Green became notorious for gangs, drugs, and sensational crimes."
"Immigrants are definitely a boon to the economy and they seem to commit less crime."
"Going to prison breeds crime. You've not got the tools now to operate as a model citizen."
"If you rape someone, you do something bad, you should be held accountable for those actions and for the suffering you have caused."
"Detectives found Susan Powell's blood on the tile adjacent to the carpeting couch and a small swipe mark of blood on the couch that had just been cleaned."
"The fascination with the identity of the mysterious killer never really ended."
"I cannot wrap my head around the fact that two ten-year-old boys didn't just kill a child, they systematically tortured, abused, murdered, and left him for dead to be run over by a train."
"In this day and age, it's getting harder and harder for criminals to escape justice."
"Valentine's Day is supposed to be a time for love and celebration, spending time with that special someone, but that's not what happened for Nicole Waller on Valentine's Day back in 2013."
"The root cause of crime, of course strictly speaking, is the decision to commit it."
"It's not the person's responsibility ever to be like, 'Well, why didn't you know?' It's always the responsibility of the person that committed the crime."
"She committed a victimless crime; she stole somebody's identity but she didn't steal money from anybody. She just wanted to start fresh."
"Public policy has a big impact... There are people that are opportunistic that will commit crime if they think there are no consequences."
"Japan is a very safe country to live in, but when murder occurs, the story does go hard."
"This was cool, this was me leaving my criminal footprint on this world in a meaningful way."
"The idea of swatting is to get you killed. It's attempted murder."
"Usually when we hear about a woman who commits murder, it's in the context of an abusive relationship."
"When there's no food, when there's no medicine, the nicest person in the world can commit crime."
"Crime happens when structural violence of poverty is impacting poor communities who then will steal from those who do have it."
"These were not pranks; these are crimes that could have resulted in someone getting seriously injured or even killed."
"It's entirely possible that black people commit more crime, per capita. I agree with that. But it's also possible that black people also experience a lot of unfairness in the criminal justice system. Those two things are not mutually exclusive."
"Murder comes out of passion and this guy doesn't care about anybody."
"You guys are so engaging, so interactive, so educated in crime that I'm learning things from you."
"There was far too much blood for the death of Kathleen Peterson to be attributed to a simple and accidental fall down the stairs."
"The 1st of March 2000 is etched on the minds of the people of Aberdeen, Australia, forever. Never before, and really never again, has there been a crime of this nature actually perpetrated by a woman in Australia."
"The despicable crime committed by Catherine Mary Knight stuns the whole nation and leaves everyone searching for a reason."
"Manager Yuri was the one responsible for Nara's death more than a year ago, yet he never felt any remorse or gave up on his evil ways."
"Despite years of false claims and copycat killers, thanks to improvements in DNA evidence, Lee Chun-jae, a man already serving a life sentence for his wife's murder, was identified as the real Hwaseong serial killer."
"This is attempted murder, that is what swatting is."
"Crime pays. Boris got away with it, no one cared."
"This is a particularly despicable crime because the people involved are vulnerable and because of their stage in life, they don't have the opportunity frequently to recover."
"The burning Sun scandal shocked the masses... the scandal involves spy cams, bribery, and drug distribution."
"Most people don't think about the consequences before committing a crime, no matter how heinous it is, but the law doesn't hold back when it's time to punish the ones who have wronged society."
"Drinking and driving is one of the most immoral and potentially hazardous crimes anyone can commit. It's never a good idea, not even in an emergency situation."
"The most violent crime in Satilla Shores was the murder of Ahmaud Arbery."
"Powerful people who commit crimes have only one enemy: those who reveal crimes."
"Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures, not excusing it; it's just very hard to wrap my mind around...you're murdering for money."
"Serial killers devastate everyone around them."
"The case of Moses Sithole serves as a painful reminder of the existence of evil in our society."
"The most unnerving killings are those that can't be explained."
"Vicki White, a former Alabama corrections officer who isn't who people thought she was, and Casey White, a murder suspect who is much more evil than anyone could have imagined."
"You have to hold people accountable for their actions. That is the practical reality, and if you tell people you're not going to hold them accountable for their actions, there's a consequence for that, and the consequence is increased crime."
"These are quality of life crimes, and people have the right to be safe and secure and happy and content."
"When you have a career criminal like myself bringing the alarm and saying, 'Hey, this is a problem.'"
"Pedophile [ __ ] is getting out of hand for you to even take a child and think you could trade a child for some Nikes is really getting out of [ __ ]."
"Somebody who answers the door quiet and calm after murdering five children is seriously unwell that's psychosis for you."
"Crime romance and melodrama are the main themes."
"It was obvious to us that Aristotle Moore was involved in a bigger criminal enterprise than just bank robberies."
"Coming in at number six we have the reincarnated murder victim."
"Credit card fraud is not necessarily a victimless crime."
"You can be deeply sympathetic to people who have been harmed in any sort of crime and still recognize that bad policy does not solve the problem."
"Anyone could be his next victim. He had no preference in terms of age or gender."
"I couldn't get killed because of that. Seriously, just shut up already."
"It's falsifying the murder sequence was the killer's plan from the very beginning."
"Many female offenders have a history of victimization and abuse which is taken into account and given more weight."
"His actions destroyed two families." - prosecutor argued
"It's my belief that there are more victims out there."
"Crime does cause poverty, just not the crime you think."
"Perhaps even beyond his wildest dreams, the Zodiac killer has become an American legend."
"The chief motivation for this type of crime is almost always greed."
"Initiating a war of aggression is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime."
"People don't want to admit the casuals keep the game alive whether sweats like it or not."
"Privacy is overrated criminals use as a cover to hide secrets."
"Platforms such as TikTok are glamorizing and glorifying brutal crimes, encouraging attacks on rival gangs and stoking up tensions."
"Because these are fruits of a crime. If there's a crime, this is important to prove that a crime was committed."
"The lead investigator in the Karen Reed murder case is under federal investigation."
"It's like saying a lull anyone can go and steal from other people right, although anyone can go shoot someone."
"The issue is not too many guns. The issue is too many thugs, hoodlums, and savage criminals on the street."
"Imagine how terrifying that must feel. This is almost 2 am, right and everybody in the house is asleep. They must have gotten a call saying we just arrested a man for attempted murder of you, a sitting supreme court justice."
"You're allowed just the one crime. Whoa, spicy! Like with the spicy hot takes on crime, as long as it's not a serious one."
"I will find the murderer," said Holmes, "Inspector Jones thinks he has solved the crime."
"There's some nasty guys that get let out and then there's some really rich guys who shouldn't get out because they got a lot of money."
"In America, crime has exploded. Police officers killed in the line of duty."
"Crime Scene Kitchen: where baking meets true crime."
"He would target young mothers accompanied by their children."
"It wasn't for his crimes of extortion, murder, robbery, or bootlegging that took him down."
"Parent killing their child is objectively the most horrific of crimes."
"She knew she had murdered her children and had the clarity, focus, and mental acumen to focus on protecting her own rights and interests."
"Legends of an MC who lost it all attempting to pull off the most daring heist ever."
"The big question that eludes us still is why did Brian kill Gabby?"
"Megan believes that the crippling economic effects of an oil crisis will increase crime exponentially."
"It's the worst crime because it means you've turned against your tribe."
"It's a stunning moment to see these criminal mug shots."
"This is the story of six boys from West Memphis, Arkansas, three were brutally murdered and stolen from this world far before their time."
"Every single assault that goes unfettered emboldens these horrible people who target Asian Americans."
"It is so egregious to think about the people that have burned, looted, destroyed being immediately released even killed, whereas here we're understanding they're not being shown the evidence against them, the specific charges."
"His crimes were so horrific and terrorizing that they had now given him an infamous name, the River Valley Killer."
"If you're wondering why our cities are plagued by crime, this is the reason why."
"It was bad for businesses, it was bad for the police. It's bad for the community. It's bad for everyone."
"Whatever Jamarcus Johnson reveals in court may prove crucial in putting people behind bars and ending the bloodshed in Memphis."
"I just keep thinking about CLA still being alive on that driveway and begging for her life and he could have saved her but instead he hit her again who does that?"
"The peaceful Norfolk Islanders are stunned by such a terrible crime."
"A burning vehicle, charred remains: the chilling discovery."
"Evidence tampering: someone's attempt to cover their tracks."