
Romantic Interest Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"It suggests that there's something about getting up and approaching that person, your body going here I come, that makes a person energized, feel more romantic, feel more chemistry is happening, and more likely to ask on a date."
"They see you as the ultimate prize but beneath that, they have very strong concerns over your single situation."
"Are you a pawn that just reached the other side? Because I think I want to make you my queen."
"Lots of people showing you interest in love."
"It's someone you're interested in, and then there might be potential here."
"Unbeknownst to her, Minhyuk was instantly captivated by her charm and couldn't take his eyes off her."
"They throw a Bond girl into the mix that actually makes her mark on him."
"When a man likes you, it's obvious. If you have to wonder whether or not he likes you, most likely he doesn't like you."
"This person wants to impress you, they're constantly thinking about new things to catch your eye."
"This person does really have feelings for you... They definitely want to be with you."
"Don't make me say it, it's just... Oh, I like you."
"Somebody from your past has got their eyes on you."
"This person will lose sleep over you, they want to secure this relationship with you."
"Don't wait too long, if you're interested, make a move."
"I am swooping in and tell you that another little vegan has a crush on you."
"I'm here to tell you that boy has a crush on you."
"She made it obvious that I should ask her out."
"They definitely see your value... They see that you are a catch... they do have these feelings for you."
"Their intentions with you are to take some sort of action towards you, they have a lot of passion towards you and they see your worth."
"You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me."
"Attraction okay, so yeah, this person knows you're attracted to them and it turns out, yes, you are very attractive."
"Somebody is feeling a lot for you. They want to touch you, they want to feel you in more than a physical way."
"Somebody definitely wants to get back together with you or get with you. They're very infatuated with you."
"This person is obsessed with you; they think you're the one."
"If she's clearly trying to talk to you, she's probably a little bit into you."
"I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be interested in me."
"I realized I really like her and I want to go out with her, but to be honest I don't have a lot of confidence."
"This person desires you, they feel like you're perfect but they just weren't ready."
"This is someone that's thinking about you a lot."
"They want to communicate their feelings, this could be a love letter."
"This is someone that wants it all with you, Aquarius."
"They just kind of see that you have a value... people just gravitate towards you and confess their love."
"Virgo, you got someone stuck on you, super stuck on you."
"They're coming forward towards you with an offer of love."
"They're patiently waiting for you to notice them because they have definitely noticed you, and that is why they are checking you out on social media."
"Their feelings for you are real, and they will come forward to express those emotions with you."
"He's still trying to impress madeleine because he actually likes her and he nailed it."
"They're still extremely in love with you, dude. Look, king and queen of cups."
"It's almost like they put a spell on you... but I feel like you are just enchanted by a person here."
"I'm not lying, she's here. The girl who's interested in you is here. It was me."
"Girls typically make it very clear when they like you."
"They want to come back around, they want to be with you. They want to pop up where you're at right now."
"I have feelings for you and I would love to get to know you more."
"This is someone that wants something serious with you Scorpio, this is good."
"Charlotte probably gushing about Prince Naveen, she kind of really definitely likes him a lot."
"She half grins and kind of looks maybe bashful a little bit, then that might be a sign that she's flirting with you or she wants you to flirt with her."
"If she's doing the triangle and then licking her lips or parting her lips, than when they were parting before that's a really, really good sign she's flirting with you and definitely thinking about kissing you and probably wants you to kiss her."
"They do have a lot of passion for you and they do like you."
"There's someone here coming back around wanting to offer you their love."
"I feel like the question we're all dying to ask here: what do you do when you meet a girl you fancy?"
"I get excited when I think of you, and addictions come in many forms. You are my addiction."
"Someone wants you, will be back despite their sign."
"There's love coming in, and I feel like whoever this is, they put a lot of thought into this message."
"The more she kind of puts him off and is like, 'Well, I'm not interested in you,' then the more he's like intrigued and then he realizes that she's not just being a jerk to him."
"Some of you are really kind of feeling crazy about somebody that makes your heart sing."
"What attracted Jason to you with them pretty ass blue eyes, you guys it real."
"I noticed Casey's beautiful face and blue-green eyes, like swimming pools."
"Teasing is the ultimate form of flirting and guarantees a woman feels you the way you want her to feel you."
"I think I'm falling for the new chef, Harland."
"It feels like you two want to spend more time with each other after this date."
"You have a secret admirer... somebody who has very sincere they like you a lot."
"He's about his age, yeah, only a couple years on, I think I'm in love."
"If a girl doesn't ask you any original questions and just deflects yours, chances are, she doesn't really care to get to know you."
"I'm so happy a lot of you guys are vibing our new love interest."
"There was a strong sexual attraction, I think so yes, definitely."
"This person's got a lot of love for you whoa."
"This person's been watching you, they're sorry, they want to be with you."
"I want to tell you about what happens when a boy really, really likes a girl."
"I want to know more about you. I want to solve the mysteries that surround you. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone more intoxicating than yourself."
"Your feelings for your crush are the real deal. It's not just because they're hot or they're on the soccer team or have that coolest senior thing going for them."
"Darcy is using the letter to clear his name... he apologizes because he knows he's gonna say some things that are going to hurt her feelings."
"If she tells you she wants you to meet her parents, then you will know she's really into you."
"You only get one chance to make a first impression so I definitely want that to go well when I hear after two interactions you are falling in love with something that's very hard to believe."
"I settled for second best, but you fascinate me."
"I met the perfect girl, her name is Natalie."
"I think out of all the people, you have caught my eye."
"Somebody's got some feelings for you—big feelings, actually."
"You should find some sort of value in just being friends with them if you're already interested in them romantically."
"You guys are gonna be really into one person that's gonna be a little bit off-limits."
"Oh, excuse me, I didn't mean to disturb y'all but I was walking by and I really thought that your friend was really beautiful. Are you single?"
"They want to let you know that they do have feelings for you."
"They fantasize a lot about you, they think about you a lot."
"This person's in love with you, okay? I don't know if I mentioned that already, but they are."
"You know that's like such a great Point actually like I want this to stay between us but like I really am like falling for you and like I haven't said that to anyone else."
"They actively remain emotionless, but secretly have a thing for you."
"They're thinking about passion with you a lot, they want to be intimate with you, they want that chemistry with you."
"Somebody wants to give you something, ask you out."
"She feeling you bro, she feeling you bro, dude you two for three and you actually kind of a go at this nah nah."
"The person you're attracting in April sees you as their dream girl or guy."
"You might just be kind of like waiting on this person to maybe give you a little bit more of a signal, especially since it looks like they could be, you know, sending a lot of um, like attraction, like vibes your way."
"I might be a little sus, I've got a little crush."
"If a guy is taking his time to talk to you, like writing nice messages to you, he likes you."
"They're physically very attracted towards you as well."
"Your person is really, really, really attracted to you. They think that you are smoking and they are, yeah if you're wondering if they can feel it too they can feel it too."
"If a girl likes a boy, she should just tell him."
"If they're copying you, that's a sign they like you."
"They do have these feelings for you. I do see love in this reading."
"They're moving into this energy where they're at this kind of stage where they want to commit to you."
"They may feel you're out of their league, but there are feelings brewing."
"They want more than friendship; feelings are growing."
"I feel like they want to make a move towards you."
"Someone's madly in love with you and they're making a strong declaration."
"Time isn't necessarily a factor, but if a man likes you, he'll make effort."
"They just have like this everlasting love for you underneath the surface."
"There's someone who is divine guided love that's coming in, very passionate about you."
"What if he likes me so much I just want to keep him forever?"
"I mean right off the bat, Chiaki asks Makato out in this super awkward scene. Oh my God, that's so cute!"
"You have a new love interest around you already, Pisces."
"This person really wants to hold on to you... they find you very sexy and attractive."
"She'd always been attractive to him, and he'd liked her from the moment they'd met but now he couldn't help but see her, quite literally, in a whole new light."
"There's a friend who is interested, someone close to you."
"This person is going to be very set on maybe wanting to claim you or just show up for you."
"They definitely want this connection with you. They don't want to miss out on your love."
"Somebody's in love with you and they want to get away from this."
"It's like this is someone that's coming towards you, okay this is someone that is obsessed with you."
"You may have a secret admirer, someone who fancies you but they're like too afraid to show themselves."
"Someone's fantasizing about you, they're thinking about you heavily."
"You didn't have to do much, you just had to be yourself and this person's obsessed."
"Someone's thinking about you as a lover, but they're very serious about it."
"Her smile, her eyes, I mean, I haven't stopped staring at them since I came in, so your whole appearance."
"Somebody wants to come towards you but they're protecting their own fire energy."
"Someone's made up in their heart that what they want is you."
"This person's actions will come out of nowhere, they want you."
"Someone is interested in this princess of pentacles, they've fallen in love with you."
"This person wants to take a leap of faith, they have not lost interest in you."
"Someone's ready to take the lead, they're chasing after you."
"It's like when she's staring at you you could say if I didn't know better I'd say you were a little sweet on me I think you've got a little bit of a crush on me."
"They cannot resist you, it's what I'm seeing."
"Somebody is outright putting it out there that they have a thing for you, they want to pursue you."
"We really want to create the future of VR esports."
"You're not the only one with a crush, they have feelings for you too."
"They wanted to have you there, they wanted you to chase them, they wanted you to be so into them."
"It was lust at first sight, so like I said, they are very attracted to you."
"This person is just coming to sweep you away this is someone I'm here y'all gonna be doing a lot of traveling."
"This person wants to manifest a relationship with you."
"As long as I have you, I have everything like a millionaire."
"You've awoken this person's feelings for you."
"They see you as the one, wanting to make a love offer, despite complexities."
"I like you so much that I can't help but follow you with my eyes."
"This person's feelings are starting to grow. This is someone who is developing feelings for you."
"This person's thinking about you a lot, they're in their head about you a lot."
"There's only one person that they want, which is you."
"They want to pursue a connection with you, a lot of excitement and passion."
"I said, 'Hey, Rachel, I'll be honest, I think you're really cute and I like you.'"
"This person has romantic feelings for you, they want to explore the way they feel."
"They are falling in love with you, especially with the Knight of Cups and the Page of Cups being here."
"I instantly started developing feelings for him."
People are talking about like, "Oh, can I shoot my shot?"
"People do definitely have crushes on you."
"They look like a bit of a heartbreaker."
"But now I've been thinking a lot about what you said, and I'd like to be your girlfriend."
"Maybe we should just skip the whole thing. Come on. I really, really wish I could just ask her. So, nice to have a friend who's on the same wavelength. Oh, she said friend. She's into him, she is."
"I was completely out of my depth. I had absolutely no idea. I never ever knew or picked up on the fact that someone was interested in me, attracted to me, trying to get me to ask them out."
"This person is romantically interested in you, attracted to you physically a lot."
"Yes, there is deep, deep attraction here. They're 100% into you."
"Shania, if you need a British boy, I'm the guy. Full stop."
"This is someone that knows that they're invested in you. It's more than just Crush energy."
"This person really wanted to like make you feel better they also want to take you out on a date, okay I'm getting like this person really wants to take you out and shower you and a lot of fun."
"If a guy acts awkward around you, it might mean he has feelings for you."
"All of the staring, blushing, and smiling went on like forever. Now I'm starting to wonder if Brandon actually likes me as more than just a friend."
"Jesse's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine."
"This is not how someone who's not romantically interested in someone acts."
"Your person wants to take you out for drinks. They want to bring you flowers. They want to come towards you. They want to bridge whatever gap is between you."
"They're going towards the person that they love, the person that they're interested in, the person that they have this attraction towards. Yeah, it's you pile number three."
"If she likes you, she is going to think about you all the time. That's it. That's the secret, that's the key."
"The truth is, if she likes you, it doesn't have to be complicated."
"If she really likes you for you she's gonna think about you all day long."
"I have a date with Cam again. You've like ensnared yourself, Chloe."
"But I've noticed when a girl is crushing and the guy isn't, he is more likely, but not always, to be more forward about telling her."
"You have agreed that you like each other. You kissed her, she kissed you back, and that changes everything."
"If you think there's enough sexual attention, you think the girl likes you, you're probably right."
"How's that? He knew I liked her. Oh no, he liked Tambry."
"Being asked out by the object of affection."
"Every time we leave a party, I get texts from my friends that say, 'Yeah, go for it. It's impossible that she's not queer. She wants you to kiss her.'"
"Is there maybe a little vibe here? Because there's been times where I'm kind of wanting to kiss you and I haven't. I don't want you to think I don't want to, but also, totally cool if you don't want to."
"They're really attracted to you at a deep level, at a soul level, not just physical."
"This person wants to show you affection."
"I think you're incredibly beautiful. I love your personality. Thank you. And I love just kind of giving it a shot. What do you think?"
"Only such a man deserved and was worthy of her one and only Ling Yao."
"He does exactly what you said a man will do when he's interested, and more."
"She felt embarrassed, especially when he confessed that he liked her."
"If I was serious about you, would you let me take you out just to get to know you?"
"Somebody definitely wants to come towards you and offer you some love."
"You're just amazing. I want to take you on a date."
"Jackson has that brooding, damaged hero sort of thing going on, which is definitely something that I personally adore."
"I like you, Kento. What do you think about me?"
"Trust your gut when it comes to figuring out if a guy really likes you or not."
"The idea that the man she's interested in is thinking about her and wants to be with her and will go out of his way to do something that isn't easy in order just to see her."
"Trust me, man, I've seen the way that kid looks at you; he's in pretty deep."
"The romance subplot in this... it's so good to me."
"When a man actually likes a woman and has some attachment and emotions with her, he's going to keep that woman."
"Are you asking my daughter out on a date?" "Kinda, yeah."
"They love something about your mysteriousness."
"Physical attraction is a good sign."
"Dana was the love interest of Terry McGinnis in the cartoon show as well as in the early days of the comics."
"Someone sees you as a spiritual connection, someone feels romantic about you, someone wants to marry you."
"They want to have a newfound romantic relationship with you."
"Of all the ladies in the Kingdom, he had fallen in love with the one lady who was completely unimpressed with everything he had ever held in high esteem."
"I got a real burn for you, kid, way down deep inside."
"When a man is really into a woman, when anyone is into anyone, thinking about that person comes naturally; we can't even help ourselves."